Government & Politics

Age care packages

Government & Politics

Posted by: pammam

24th May 2024 03:21pm

I had not realized what a rort the NDIS and Age care packages can be,

I an 88 years of age and living independently in a retirement Village.
It takes ages to qualify for a package and is quite involved and confusing,
You choose a provider to manage the package and supply you with workers,
On level 2 you receive $18,000 a year which can be rolled

over if you do not use it all,
Immediately the provider takes out $6,000 each year to manage it

BUT a home help cleaner is paid $30-$40 an hour but you pay $72 plus transport fees,

The podiatrist will come to your house and you pay $145
Your windows are cleaned in a small two bedroom unit and that cost $600
My worst experience was using a physio which is not controlled by the provider who only pays their fees if you visit them at their premises,
On March 7 I used the local physio and one month later they deducted the fee from my monthly account,
Many people do not check their monthly bills so this can happen a lot as you do not directly pay out any money,

However they did not pay the physio. and it is nearly June and the physio and I are trying to get them to pay up,
An accountant said this is an illegal act,

Providers are getting richer and richer at the expense of the poor taxpayers who are paying this scheme.

I informed my local Federal MP and was told that NDIS carers are taking their charges to a Men's, Shed and just leaving them there for three hours
and distraught organizers are coming to him for help.

Were you aware of this and what can be done,?

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