Australian Vaccine Rollout - how do you think we are going?
Posted by: Andrew32090936
12th May 2021 06:12pm
Hi all I think the govt has failed us all with an inept strategy to get the vaccine delivered we are the slowest in the developed world.
How do you think we are going?
How do you think we are going?
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Comments 70
It DOES NOT MATTER. The vaccine does NOT stop you getting it. It does not stop you getting it multiple times. And it does NOT stop you carrying it and spreading it to those who CANNOT be vaccinated. It absolutely does NOT protect people who cannot get it in any way. Herd immunity is absolute bullshit - there is NO SUCH THING with covid! The whole system has failed. Covid is here to stay, and high-risk/immunocompromised people like me - who CANNOT be vaccinated due to anaphylaxis to vaccine components - will end up being 100% housebound - or dead. Apparently we are the "acceptable losses" associated with opening borders and letting covid/delta to run rampant through our population.
I so agree! They stuffed it up from the start. there should have been more than 3 options for vaccines. They have stuffed up the way it has been delivered and people, such as Aged care homes are still waiting! They need to be removed (bring on an election Governor General) due to incompetency as well as NOT taking the BLAME for this issue and MANY other issues (like ROBODEBT) where they still won't accept responsibility!
Too slowly
COVID cases are zero in most parts of Australia, so people are reluctant to get the vaccine. In Victoria people are waiting in lines for hours to get the jab. More outbreaks will increase the number of people getting vaccinated
Matthew Jackman
It could definitely be better than it is (the issues with where it was being shipped and local shortages were not great), but overall it has been quite effective. This is especially true with getting the other sets of vaccines (Pfizer).
I do believe that the government has failed in getting Australia vaccinated and the eventual out break has occurred. I understand that the problems with the A-Z vaccine have caused the government to rethink their strategy but telling everyone that they can wait for the Pfizer jab has undermined our country's chances of being prepared for the inevitable.
My husband and I had our first A-Z jab in March, we are both O.K. although we both have medical issues. Perhaps being in our 70s has made us more willing to have the A-Z jab but it concerns me that there are so many people who should have been vaccinated by now and aren't
Are you joking? We are one of the safest countries & one of the quickest to regain our feet. Only the greed of NSW & VIC, stop us from having no cov 19. Think about it
Embarrassingly badly. It is so poorly co-ordinated and inefficiently run. We turned up at a bespoke facility to have our first jab. They utilised a huge marquee in a car park. People to check you in outside. A place to register inside. Another place to check paperwork, all manned by multiple staff. Then you go through to any one of a number of nurses to have the jab. All good right? Well, if it wasn't for the fact we were the only 2 people in there, and by the time we left about half an hour later, we were still the only 2. A huge facility like that has the capability to process large numbers through it. It's clearly being poorly managed, and is quite obviously an inefficient, uneconomic use of public resources. Thank you to the nurses, but the whole process would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.
Definately too slow, other countries are vaccinating many more people each day. It is hard to say where the hold-up is but our government is ultimately responsible.
well, well. see what is happening right now in Victoria, especially Melbourne. what excuses do we hear now ? this whole thing has been mishandled from the beginning. slow start to order the vaccine to the distribution of it !
i had the astrazenica (first shot) and am due to have the second in a few weeks time, together with my wife. we are still alive and well !!! we want to travel internationally as soon as possible, however we feel the governments, both national and state, will find some reason to stop us from doing so. so what is the point ?
for every mistake that was made, an excuse or explanation is being made. if the government was as good in handling the virus as it is to make excuses we would be in a much better position now.
wake up, we do not want excuses we want action !
Slow but I'm not sure I want astrazenica anyway I guess I will if things look like they are getting out of hand
great effort
They can take all the time in the world as far as I'm concerned. I don't plan on getting the vaccine and most of my friends and family feel the same. The slower the rollout the longer we have until we are forced into getting it.
Reality check - a vaccine would not normally be out in the general public for another 4 years. The issues arising with Astra Zeneca shows what those other years may have uncovered as to blood clotting and the other vaccines have yet to be as widely dispensed to check what issues may arise with them over time. The World is doing live testing. If the Government had allowed the Astra Zeneca to go ahead blindly instead of delaying for medical expert assessment of new facts, how many people would have gone turn coat and blamed the Government for hastily putting them at risk just to meet an academic target.
Get real - vaccines help but personal hygiene and limiting "at risk crowding" remains the number one defense against a virus that has no brain and relies totally on stupidity of the so called intelligent human race to spread.
So are we really behind or maybe 4 years ahead of where we should be for a proven vaccine.
I think we are going extremely well.
When you look at the state of the rest the world and the widespread devastation on the population and the fact we are relatively safe so far I think it would be fair to say we have a bit of time till the next roll out .
Plus I am happy to wait to for the next batch as It will be more refined. We have been praised for our efforts so far , we are not that far off.
Maybe we have gone along with the "She'll be right " attitude for so many years but as this is a new experimental drug more people are apprehensive
I can't imagine how the Federal Government thought it would possibly work having vaccinations done through GPs. They were diving into the unknown with this, thinking they could issue vaccine supplies based on an unknown number of take-ups at each place, with no quick fix for adjusting supplies where some doctors could use much more than they were given and others didn't use up their allocation. Some GPS wisely decided they couldn't operate under this system because they had limited space and couldn't cater for people waiting and people who had received the shot and had to wait the 15 mins afterwards while still operating for patients seeking general practice appointments. The government had the example of how well the large testing clinics worked (tents in the parklands etc) and should have had the nous to open vaccination hubs much much earlier. They didn't handle the Astra Zeneka blood clot relationship at all well, scaring off people with the late night announcement. The risks are not unlike other medical procedures/vaccinations etc but many people now feel too scared to have that particular vaccine. The government was too keen to make announcements without doing adequate analysis and preparing all stakeholders beforehand. One minute we are all going to be able to be vaccinated by October or whenever and withing the next minute we couldn't get appointments because our GP wasn't part of the scheme and harrassed other GPs were not taking people who were not their patient. I could go on but it was a disaster operation. They don't think before they talk!
Our Government is way behind the times regarding rolling out the vaccine. Here in SA our doctors are only getting 50 injections a week per clinic. That is going to take forever to vaccinate everyone in SA. We now have 3 new hubs to vaccinate more people but our state is the slowest in Australia to roll out the vaccine. You can't blame the journalists for writing about the side effects of the vaccine, but you have to realise that the side effects are very few and far between considering the amount of people who have been vaccinated. I am so glad I have received my first jab and I have my second jab on the 1st July. I do not want to catch Covid 19 because I have a compromised immune system and if I get it, I could die and I don't want that. The Government has so much vaccine stock-piled, they need to release it so it can be used and not go to waste. This softly, softly rollout is bullshit. They are behind the times and it has proven overseas that if you vaccinate all the population then you can slow down the spread of the virus.
I couldn't understand why it took our Government so long to begin the immunization process for Covid! I received my first dose of AstraZeneca after talking about it with my doctor, who gave me all the information she had about it's safety etc. I talked with my doctor because I have a history of violent reactions to previous immunizations such as the flu. Yes, the AstraZeneca holds a very rare risk of causing blood clots to develop in some people, but my doctor pointed out that the way it was developed is far different from the way many other immunizations are made. As I've mentioned I received my first vaccination on 10th May and had NO bad reactions afterwards, so it's a case of so far so good. But I sitll can't understand why the Government took so long to begin offering the vaccinations when other countries began far earlier. Yes, I know we're only just entering winter here in Australia, but surely to have everyone who wished to receive the vaccination having been fully vaccinated BEFORE the winter months began would have been preferable!
It's great until they make it compulsory.
I'm sure they will for kids "no jab no pay" or something... It's called medical coercion!
That is a good one!
Ok, I’m very concerned about the way in which the Qld government is rolling out the vaccines in this state. When the premier and her health minister will not lead by example, then of course there will be plenty of others who will follow suit and not get vaccinated. My partner has a chronic health condition and is yet to receive the first jab despite being listed in the group 1B.
I too am waiting for my first jab... and I’m nearly 70! The updates say those who are over 50 can now be vaccinated, but when will there be enough vaccine to do all those people who should already have been seen and processed through the clinics. My Dr tells me not to even make a booking as their practice doesn’t receive enough vials to vaccinate all the patients who have bookings for the COVID clinic the practice is trying to run. Yes, the federal government is partly to blame for the slow roll out, the media causes lots of uncertainty with negative and sensationalist headlines, but some of the states and very tardy and unhelpful too!
We are both in our 70's and got our first jab about 2 weeks ago, we had read so many bad reports about this jab and were a little on the scared side but when we had it we had no results at all, not even a sore arm or even a spot where the needle went into our arm. I would have preferred to have had it a little earlier ,but as we live in WA and we don't have any of the virus in the community we feel so much better. I would urge everyone who can get the jab,to go ahead and don't believe everything you read.It is noway as bad as they would have you think.
Just because you didn't have a reaction doesn't mean others won't. I'm really happy that you didn't have any reaction though.
I do not think that it is the Government that has failed BUT the media that is always telling us about the clotting problem that has occured in so few people, which has made us frightened.
Personally I was one of the very first people at my doctors 2 months ago to get the jab, I had absolutely NO problems, in fact I forgot that I had had it until the next day when asked by a neighb0our how I went.
I am so glad I have had it now with a new out- break of Covif. Do not be frightened as we are told what the symtons are of clotting and it can be fixed.
Not sure the Government strategy has failed or is it simply unwilling people that have become complacent with an attitude of 'there's no covid here where I live"
Being over 50 I'm waiting until there is a better alternative than AZ. I'm not prepared to take the risk and it's stupid to only give Pfizer to under - 50's and leave us out. We should have a choice.
I like that they're being careful about this deadly vaccine. It has killed quite a few people and many more suffer side effects from it too. I'm sure if you really want to be a guinea pig and try it you can find it. Some people actually value their lives and don't want to trade their health in for being able to say, I've had the jab.
I think as a nation we to blame. I think the government is trying their best in a situation that the world was really not prepared for. I think some of us are just too complacent whilst so many are just fearful of being that small percent that may have a reaction. Let's face it, most of us have loved ones that we are fearful of either them having a fateful complication or ourselves. Other countries are ramping up their vaccinations as they are in dire need of them, with death tolls in the 100s of thousands or more. It is a large portion of our population who choose not to get the vaccinations (Im not judging though). Short of forcing everyone to do so what else can the government do? Blaming the government is the easy thing to do, not necessarily the right.
Honestly, i don't care too much as i wont have the vaccine anyway.
Aside from the risks, no way am i willing to be that 1 in 100,000 and the no long term side effects data, i have a needle phobia where i need sedation or full restraining, it's not worth the trauma it would cause.
Blaming the government is the thing to do isn’t it?? Seriously? We have to wake up and do something that will benefit the WHOLE country! Everyone.
Australians have to wake up and throw off the mantle of complacency that has gripped us. The vaccines are there. Nobody can force us to have the jab. But I believe it is our absolute responsibility to get it and as soon as possible. Four new cases in Melbourne reported in the news tonight! Here we go again. GET THE VACCINE!!!! Stop allowing a sensationalist media influence what you think! They have done the entire country a huge disservice by sprooking every sensational piece of clap trap they can get their hands on. It verges on the criminal! GET THE VACCINE!!!
Blaming the government is the thing to do isn’t it?? Seriously? We have to wake up and do something that will benefit the WHOLE country! Everyone.
Australians have to wake up and throw off the mantle of complacency that has gripped us. The vaccines are there. Nobody can force us to have the jab. But I believe it is our absolute responsibility to get it and as soon as possible. Four new cases in Melbourne reported in the news tonight! Here we go again. GET THE VACCINE!!!!
The main concern I have with the Vaccine rollout is that we are buying every variation of the vaccine and don't truly know the side effects. I haven't kept up with which vaccine is which, but the one we were rolling out quickly caused blood clots. Then we stopped that vaccine and went onto another. Now we are buying even another one from America.
In my eyes, we need to do our research on the vaccines and buy one that has the least side effects and works the best. Also, we need to be funding whichever vaccine is the best. As for right now, I think we are going poorly. This is because we are giving people one variant of the Vaccine whilst buying new variants. This, if I was to already of had the first variant of the vaccine, would scare me because we shouldn't be buying new variants if the first variant worked.
Hence, if I was to get vaccinated today with whichever variation is being given out... Would I need to get the new variation in a couple of months as this one is outdated and doesn't fully prevent Covid? I also worry that if the whole world isn't vaccinated and borders open up, couldn't Covid mutate into a different strand that my vaccine didn't cover and we'd be back to square one again?
I think personally, that the Government is acting too fast and not thinking. They are just trying to get as many people vaccinated with whatever they can get their hands on and worry about issues later. This is the worst way to think of it as people's lives are at risk. Hence, why, until the government can assure me that the vaccine is safe, will stop 95% of Covid including mutations etc, I won't be getting jabbed anytime soon.
Lastly, I know many people are dieing which is why we are rushing the vaccine... but in Australia we have had one of the fewest death rates from Covid. Therefore, we should have the time to get the vaccine right, make sure it will be effective and have minimal side effects. We don't need to counteract Covid with a dodgy Vaccine that could lead to more unknown complications in the future.
Personally I think it has been way too slow and I hope it starts to speeed up soon. Some countries who were relatively Covid free and thought they too could sit and wait, things changed very quickly when the virus spread through community transmission in a short time and they were all scrambling to be vaccinated then. I was vaccinated on the weekend with AZ after discussions with my GP who feels the benefits far outweigh the small chance of any side effects.
I think we have gone too quickly, there is no guarantee that Vaccine would be successful, research on vaccine was done very quickly.
I have no problem I got my first astra cenika shot weeks ago and will get my second in 9 weeks
dicky a
...In answer to Glen and anor . I apologise remarks concerning a lazy , inept and useless Government were directed at this mob controlled by our currently out of sight Premier.
I think that we should have the right to choose which vaccine we have, for me I am very hesitant to have the one for over 50s as I am on a blood thinner and have had a mechanical valve in my heart so would feel a bit more comfortable with the Phizer vaccine. So until further studies have been carried out on the other one I will be hesitent so am actually slowing down the governments rollout.
I think the government is being cautious,
With no covid in this country why are they so intense on having people injected with a vaccine that there has been not a lot of research on . And does Covid nit have a 99.9 % recovery rate
dicky a
I am ( for all my sins ) a Victorian. Hence , I have been totally let down by an inept, buck passing, useless, lazy and foolish Government. No-one else in this country has been as badly mismanaged and poorly "lead" by this crowd. Yes, I also agree the rollout has been painfully slow. But, it has not been helped by social media and sections of the press clearly undermining the entire progess. I actually had my first jab an hour ago, and was advized by the Doctor that all types of the jab have had exactly the same blood clotting experience as AZ. Where has been any information about this ?
Exactly , I for one am in the so called high risk categorie but will not get this vaccine , as they keep changing the ages of which vaccine suits which age group .
As a person who has had two painful blood clots in recent years I will be one of the last to join the que and only then if pfizer is available!
The LNP gov are useless in everything they do except rorts!, they're very good at that.
I don't live in Victoria and definitely not a plant :) . I thought the question was more a federal question than state as the roll out starts from the top.
So you think that the Labor Government in Victoria is doing a great job of managing the COVID-19 situation in that state?
Give us a break. Let us know when you’re ready to reveal yourself as a Labor Party plant. I don’t think that any of my Labor voting friends and family have the gall to say that they’re happy with the way that COVID-19 has been (mis)managed by Daniel Andrews and co.
Firstly, I am vaccinated.
Secondly, I am a nurse.
That’s for transparency as I’m sure my opinion is skewed towards vaccination...
I feel the government could do a much better job countering the misinformation in the community, news and social media to gain trust and buy in from the public. We don’t have community transmission so our chances of getting Covid currently are low. However, our borders cannot stay closed forever and Australians can’t be locked within or out of their own country and the Covid virus is here to stay (and possibly mutate further). Vaccination is the way people can reduce their risk of getting the virus, or if caught; reduce the risk of being hospitalised or dying from the virus and reduce the risk of passing the virus on to others who may then be more susceptible to hospitalisation or death from the virus.
I personally can’t see that a herd effect will occur from vaccination for a virus and I feel that there is a high possibility that this may become an annual vaccine like the flu shot.
Regardless, vaccination is our way out and at some point people will either get vaccinated or get the Covid virus. I hope that it will be staggered and not overwhelm our hospital system so that health care teams can provide the best care to sick patients rather than just doing what they can while overstretched. If we have an outbreak people won’t be able to get vaccinated in time to respond to the vaccine and develop antibodies to help them fight the virus. I hope that the delay will not cost them dearly.
So to the OP, I think we could do better! 😊
Firstly, I am vaccinated.
Secondly, I am a nurse.
That’s for transparency as I’m sure my opinion is skewed towards vaccination...
I feel the government could do a much better job countering the misinformation in the community, news and social media to gain trust and buy in from the public. We don’t have community transmission so our chances of getting Covid currently are low. However, our borders cannot stay closed forever and Australians can’t be locked within or out of their own country and the Covid virus is here to stay (and possibly mutate further). Vaccination is the way people can reduce their risk of getting the virus, or if caught; reduce the risk of being hospitalised or dying from the virus and reduce the risk of passing the virus on to others who may then be more susceptible to hospitalisation or death from the virus.
I personally can’t see that a herd effect will occur from vaccination for a virus and I feel that there is a high possibility that this may become an annual vaccine like the flu shot.
Regardless, vaccination is our way out and at some point people will either get vaccinated or get the Covid virus. I hope that it will be staggered and not overwhelm our hospital system so that health care teams can provide the best care to sick patients rather than just doing what they can while overstretched. If we have an outbreak people won’t be able to get vaccinated in time to respond to the vaccine and develop antibodies to help them fight the virus. I hope that the delay will not cost them dearly.
So to the OP, I think we could do better! 😊
Firstly, I am vaccinated.
Secondly, I am a nurse.
That’s for transparency as I’m sure my opinion is skewed towards vaccination...
I feel the government could do a much better job countering the misinformation in the community, news and social media to gain trust and buy in from the public. We don’t have community transmission so our chances of getting Covid currently are low. However, our borders cannot stay closed forever and Australians can’t be locked within or out of their own country and the Covid virus is here to stay (and possibly mutate further). Vaccination is the way people can reduce their risk of getting the virus, or if caught; reduce the risk of being hospitalised or dying from the virus and reduce the risk of passing the virus on to others who may then be more susceptible to hospitalisation or death from the virus.
I personally can’t see that a herd effect will occur from vaccination for a virus and I feel that there is a high possibility that this may become an annual vaccine like the flu shot.
Regardless, vaccination is our way out and at some point people will either get vaccinated or get the Covid virus. I hope that it will be staggered and not overwhelm our hospital system so that health care teams can provide the best care to sick patients rather than just doing what they can while overstretched. If we have an outbreak people won’t be able to get vaccinated in time to respond to the vaccine and develop antibodies to help them fight the virus. I hope that the delay will not cost them dearly.
So to the OP, I think we could do better! 😊
Its go to stop as more people will die when they take this virus!
Harshanie 30779333
Australian vaccinated program is slow
While the roll out is a lot slower than most would wish, we are the enviable position that the virus is not rampant. I am in my 70's and am still waiting to be advised of the availability of vaccines locally.
We don't have the same issues with the virus that other countries do so there isn't the same urgency to get something done about it
We are in a better position than other countrys with the virus spreading.
In saying that bringing people back into the country will cause more cases has the Govt not learned from Cruise ship saga
Strangely, we're either world-leading or pathetic laggers depending on the political orientation of the commentator.
Personally, I believe in a cautious approach. We need to find out what is causing the AZ clotting issue and we simply have no idea of what the long-term effects are of either the disease or the vaccines.
So far, isolation has proved to be the only effective stratagem. Opposed to that, we have commercial interests and political opportunism. I feel we need to be safe rather than sorry - and yes, that will negatively affect many in the tourist/transport industry. Up to those who are not affected and are now working from home to support those whose incomes will be temporarily affected.
And we need a world-wide inquiry into the issue. It will occur again. Last time, the Spanish flu, we simply didn't have the transport links to spread the disease as fast as we now do. Australia was criticised by the Chinese for closing the border to Wuhan in the early days. This has proved to be a wise move. Do we wait until WHO or whoever declares a pandemic before acting? We don't want to be jumping at shadows and closing down commerce each time Ebola, SARS, Chicken-flu or ZIKA appears. We need a strategy in place to develop, manufacture and distribute the next vaccine, locked in world-wide and free of political and commercial interference.
Elizabeth 31231703
Feel betrayed that the gov imposed Astra Zenaca for people above 50 instead of giving a choice to opt for Pfizer. AZ also caused blood clot on people above 50.
Wow. What planet are you living on! No, I have never taken the flu shot. I look after my immune system. There’s a good you tube video by a vaccine scientist who tells us why we should never vaccinate anybody in a pandemic. You should watch it.
Bollocks! AZ cause no more blood clots than the flu vaccine. And you take that don't you? If people keep saying no to the vaccine, then we'll never reach herd immunity and COVID-19 will come back with a vengeance. And yes, I've had my AZ Vaccine!
Bollocks! AZ cause no more blood clots than the flu vaccine. And you take that don't you? If people keep saying no to the vaccine, then we'll never reach herd immunity and COVID-19 will come back with a vengance. And yes, I've had my AZ Vaccine!
Bollocks! AZ cause no more blood clots than the flu vaccine. And you take that don't you? And yes, I've had my AZ Vaccine!
Elizabeth 31231703
Me too
You have every right to be scared. More and more people are saying no to the jab. We don’t know what issues it will cause with our immune system in years to come.
I feel scared I don't want astrazenica im 57 its not fair
The roll out is fine. We are not in a desperate position, and so far our cases appear to be under control
I believe it’s being rolled out slower as we have our cases under control unlike other places such as the USA, who are in desperate need to roll out their vaccines as the have an incredibly high amount of cases
We are all going to be going through a third wave of COVID-19. The Australian government has no idea about the origin of this virus and no realization that the vaccines that are currently available will become ill effective against the deadlier strains of Covid-19.
By world standards USA. UK we are pathetic
I don’t think the government have rolled it out as quick as the rest because we don’t have as much of a vivid problem as others. That being said it shouldn’t be that hard to give everyone a jab.