2025 Australia Predictions
Posted by: kidwithsmurf
1st Jan 2025 05:08pm
As 2024 has come to a close and 2025 is kicking off, what are some of your predictions for Australia in 2025?
Will we be in recession, will the economy bounce back, will we have nuclear energy, will the government stop taxing things to the point of being unaffordable?
Drop your predictions below and in 2026 we can look back and see which predictions were right, for better or worse.
Will we be in recession, will the economy bounce back, will we have nuclear energy, will the government stop taxing things to the point of being unaffordable?
Drop your predictions below and in 2026 we can look back and see which predictions were right, for better or worse.
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Comments 2
This depends how you define "recession"... we're already in a per-capita recession. It'll get worse and the data will hide it. The economy won't recover so fast, no matter who wins the election. My guess is both major parties will get fewer votes than ever before, a Minority Government will be formed and the cross-benches will swell with independents and minor parties. Finally, no more collusion on ramming harmful, evil legislation through in secret and with no/minimal consultation. Everything that gets passed will be thoroughly and fairly debated. There's no way on earth we will have nuclear energy in 2025 outside that already at Lucas Heights. Two pieces of Commonwealth Legislation need to be overturned by both parties in both houses as with legislation in every single state. Then it takes time to build which will be hamstrung by government red tape, protestors, etc. Forget nuclear. It's an incredibly expensive pipe dream that would have worked had it been done decades ago, but not now and will push power bills up even higher than they are now. You must be new... governments don't stop taxing things... it's a bad habit they've perfected over a very long time! The best we can hope for is that they tax the things we need to buy in ways we don't notice much. They will try to force CBDC's on us, but they will fail. They will try to force us off cash, but that too will fail as they have nothing better to replace it with. They will try stopping immigration, but that will tank the economy more and replacing the workforce with AI will also fail. They will likely try making NZ an Aussie state, but that will fail. They will try and shove another plandemic on us, but that won't go down as easily as the last... the lawsuits alone will stop them in their tracks. Perhaps the banks will become so evil that we will finally have a public bank, even if it's AustPost. Property prices will increase and rents will rise. Precious metals prices will increase significantly. If the government keeps spending like it has been, then inflation will rise, as will interest rates, even though they cut the cash rate today.
I predict for 2025 that Labor will be soundly defeated at the next election, Peter Dutton will get the green light for nuclear power although the states will fight it but the majority of the population will want it. It could even result in a referrendum. Trump will be kicked out of office after a legal chaallenge under the 14th ammendment of their constitution. King Charles might abdicate due to cancer returning.