Government & Politics

End to Monarchy?

Government & Politics

Posted by: r23

6th Jul 2024 08:56pm

Should Australia transition to a republic nation and remove the British monarch as its head of state?

Comments 4

  • 9th Sep 2024 09:37pm

The Monarch is like the Pope to Catholics. To most people they are ceremonial Heads a long way away that can provide a level of comfort to followers but do not rule on everyday life, unlike a dictatorship, communist etc style leadership model. People are free to accept that ceremonial role they represent or not - the freedom of choice.

  • 3rd Sep 2024 07:53pm

why a Republic ? opens the door to dictatorial leadership. if we must break from Britain, why not a democracy ?
personally, i prefer things as they are. Australia Governs in its own right and Authority over its own policies with little or no "interference" from Britain.

  • 7th Aug 2024 03:57pm

Yes, we most certainly do need to remove the British monarchy from our country, our indigenous peoples were never asked for their lands to be taken away from them.

  • 12th Jul 2024 01:16pm

I doubt we will. People seem to like Prince William and Kate. I think the Royals post Queen Elizabeth II are more engaged and connected. The reason most people want to do away with them is because of tall poppy syndrome and not wanting to provide them with funds in their cushy life (privileged) of service and turning up to events as patrons etc. I'm not bothered either way. If we did become a republic, I would want the people to vote on who becomes head honcho and not the parliament. I think the proposal last time was terrible.

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