Health & Fitness

Vaping in Australia

Health & Fitness

Posted by: jules4758

25th Jun 2024 11:44am

What are everyones opinions on the laws and regulations surrounding vaping in Australia? I think you may have needed a doctors prescription to buy a nicotine vape here, but that hasn't seemed to stop the younger generations especially exploiting a few loop holes. Does the government need to be stricter on individuals? or the suppliers?

Comments 172

  • 9th Aug 2024 08:21pm

I think they just need to concentrate more on education about the long term effects of vaping, the way they did with smoking. Young people need to be aware that there are potential consequences to their health and if they choose to ignore them then it is their own fault.

  • 31st Jul 2024 10:44am

No. All those regulations are influenced by big tobacco companies to secure their revenues and profits.

  • 30th Jul 2024 10:24pm

I think it should be banned, which l know won't happen, but making it harder every time the smokes go up do the same with vqping and make them get a scipt

  • 30th Jul 2024 06:12pm

Our health Authorities have judged them unsafe and therefore individual users, suppliers and manufacturers should all be strictly controlled.
(Good luck with that)

  • 30th Jul 2024 03:10pm

I think no

  • 30th Jul 2024 03:08pm

It is ones own choice and allowed that choice

  • 30th Jul 2024 02:28pm

Yes drs script with review once a year by another Dr at different surgery

  • 30th Jul 2024 12:16pm

Ban them.

  • 30th Jul 2024 08:20am

Vaping is unhealthy, except for Medicinal Cannabis (THC, preferably)

  • 30th Jul 2024 12:53am

Should be banned

  • 29th Jul 2024 09:52pm

It’s the companies making the vapes that should be penalised. They target children by making vapes flavoured to make it seem cool and that they aren’t harmful. These companies should be disgusted with themselves as they obviously don’t care about what they are doing and the effects on children and young peoples health, all they care about are their profits. They should be hit by huge fines to be made accountable for the damage they are doing, and maybe the fines can go back into the health system to educate and treat the people addicted and suffering the harmful effects of these products.

  • 29th Jul 2024 06:47pm

Just leave the vapers alone. They are going to continue regardless.

  • 29th Jul 2024 01:44pm

Ban them.
Prescription only to help smokers quit, which I believe was the original use.

  • 28th Jul 2024 10:01am

I think the more stricter the government is, the more loopholes people will find. They are trying to implement this ban on vapes and needinf prescriptions, but are still selling alcohol and cigarettes without prescriptions. People are always going to be addicted to something and there will always be risks that come with it. People under the age of 18 will still find ways to get cigarettes, alchohol and vapes. And if they make it harder for people to vape, they are just wanting people to buy cigarettes because the government have added tax onto them, which means more revenue raising for them.

  • 30th Jul 2024 03:15pm
I think the more stricter the government is, the more loopholes people will find. They are trying to implement this ban on vapes and needinf prescriptions, but are still selling alcohol and...

I fully agree on this. I gave up cigarettes and prefer to vape for the last two years

  • 27th Jul 2024 07:03pm

Ban them and confiscate any around - they are bad for your health, which means a burden for the health system.

  • 27th Jul 2024 11:42am

Both I think..

  • 26th Jul 2024 01:27pm

My biggest problem with vapes is that there seems to be an absence of legislation to prevent product going to the market without adequate testing of their safety. Once again big tobacco tries to reinvent itself and legislation has to play catch up.
As for prescription vapes, silly idea, ban them totally but no penalty to the consumer. As for weaning off nicotine addiction, the tobacco companies can provide the products free of charge as they have been the beneficiaries of the addiction.,

  • 25th Jul 2024 08:40pm

We don't have enough medical personnel, so clogging the system with patients wanting a script for a vap, is going to clogging the system and create a black market for vaps. The horse has bolted.

  • 25th Jul 2024 05:37pm

If people want to cape, let them vape. The new regulations will just provide another lucrative crime business

  • 25th Jul 2024 05:25pm

Ok i agree some what, I am not aware of the harm

  • 25th Jul 2024 05:23pm

To much regulation we don't need the government to control everything

  • 30th Jul 2024 03:17pm
To much regulation we don't need the government to control everything

I agree

  • 25th Jul 2024 04:34pm

Should be banned and that's the end of it, it's worse than tobacco and it's hurting our children

  • 25th Jul 2024 02:25am

Honestly it should be banned

  • 24th Jul 2024 12:59pm

I think there needs to be stricter rules on both, vaping has gotten out of hand especially in schools.

  • 24th Jul 2024 11:50am

Strict rules for vapes like every other substance use issue, does not make a difference to the problem. Minimising harm has evidence for at least beginning to make somewhat of a start to advice being marginally heard.

  • 23rd Jul 2024 10:42pm

I think vaping is as bad as smoking cigarettes and both should be banned but at the same time, it's better to be legal because I'm sure people will get it off the black marker either way.

Shirley Fowell
  • 23rd Jul 2024 02:23pm

I think the government needs to be stricter on both individuals and the suppliers

  • 22nd Jul 2024 08:44pm

Just make them available to adults

  • 22nd Jul 2024 11:29am

It's crazy just how bad the problem is with students. My close friends have personally run into people trying to vape in bathrooms multiple times. We need much stricter controls on who has access to vapes so we can put an end to this issue.

  • 22nd Jul 2024 10:42am

Slap on a Vape tax like cigarettes?

  • 20th Jul 2024 01:52pm

Should leave people alone to do their own thing, we don't want or need a society where we are told what we can and can't do!

  • 19th Jul 2024 11:30pm

On suppliers

  • 19th Jul 2024 11:30pm


  • 19th Jul 2024 07:55pm

I think it's ridiculous when cigarettes are still readily available!

  • 19th Jul 2024 05:48pm

It's an individual's choice if they choose to vape over the age of 18 but there should be healthy warnings freely available about it.Here in NZ there is no prescription to purchase vapes or juice however the flavour range is limited now.I was able to give up smoking with the help of a vape which I no longer use either, it's all about how much nicotine goes into these things.The lower the nicotine the easier it is to kick the habit.

  • 19th Jul 2024 04:34pm

i thin if your old enough to now what its doing to your body well good luc but children that dont understand and thin its tuff ..BAN

  • 19th Jul 2024 10:19am

If people want to vape, let them. The powers that be need to use that time on drug dealing people. Drugs frazzle the brain, vaping doesn't.

Jade Simpson
  • 19th Jul 2024 07:54am

yes it needs to be stricter

  • 17th Jul 2024 11:21pm


  • 15th Jul 2024 12:35pm

Needs to stop. So many health risks. I suffer asthma from smoke and this morning had to walk through clouds of smoke by inconsiderate vapers standing at the doorway. More action should be taken against those who flout the laws selling and being problematic in public.

  • 14th Jul 2024 09:25am

Need to do more as well to tell everyone that vaping is not allowed as some people do vape should be advised around every where so everyone knows. Signage should be around advertised . Should be no prescription at all it’s just helping them to help them vaping .

  • 12th Jul 2024 09:22pm

You should be only to get Vapes by a script only, it is criminal that they are so easy to get, you should not be able to get them in the first place.

  • 12th Jul 2024 11:24am

It was obvious to some of us that vapes, like cigarettes were harmful. Five years ago, people were still seeing them as harmless. They should never have been allowed to be sold in Australia where businesses have been set up around the product. Of course, minors should not be able to buy vapes. Yes, loopholes are being exploited, the clampdown on people selling vapes is not being enforced. Many are cheap imports from overseas and criminal gangs are involved in the vaping and cigarette markets in Australia.

We've gone from Doctors going to prescribe for adult for a short time to pharmacies then going to assess and dispense vapes without a prescription in the near future.

I think it is a big shambles and not thought through or well executed. What will end up happening is that illegal vapes will be sold like illegal drugs to adults and minors. For businesses or individuals found importing, selling vapes there need to be harsher penalties of the rot continues.

  • 11th Jul 2024 07:24pm

it is somewhat ironic that vapes were allowed in country to curb the use of cigarettes, but it has now become more of a problem that cigarettes.

old boy
  • 11th Jul 2024 10:03am

They should put a total ban Australia wide it is not good for your health

  • 10th Jul 2024 08:00pm

Yes. But I have noticed less people vaping lately. Because they have changed the laws. Which means to be less time holding my breath as I walk past them. Or stand away from them in the street.
I had a person once on a replacement bus vape just moved to the back of the bus then.

  • 10th Jul 2024 12:06pm

The supply and sale of vapes need to be regulated through official channels and information provided.

  • 10th Jul 2024 10:43am

Its unjust to take away an adults freedom to choose.
Regulate vapes the same as alcohol and tobacco

  • 8th Jul 2024 04:30pm

I see no good use for vapes heaven knows what they contain. If the government really wanted to stop vapes they should start with marketplace on face book, its full of them marketed as fruit, pastries and others.

  • 8th Jul 2024 03:16pm

because of the damage it does to anyone i am totally against vaping

  • 7th Jul 2024 05:48pm

All Vapes should be available on prescription and only given to people to help them get off cigarettes and vapes should only be given to them for a certain amount of time. They are full of chemicals and are very harmful to your body.

  • 6th Jul 2024 09:03pm

The vaping laws in Australia require nicotine vaping products to be accessed only with a prescription, while non-nicotine products are regulated but more accessible.

### Perspectives:

Too Strict:
- Harm Reduction: Vaping is less harmful than smoking; strict laws may discourage switching.
- Accessibility: Prescription requirements hinder access to a smoking cessation tool.
- Black Market: Overly strict laws could fuel unregulated sales.
- Freedom: Adults should choose their own health practices.

Not Strict Enough:
- Youth Protection: Vaping is popular among youth; stricter laws could prevent addiction.
- Health Risks: Long-term effects are unknown; strict laws can minimize risks.
- Gateway: Vaping could lead to smoking, especially among non-smokers.

Just Right:
- Balanced Approach: The laws provide access while protecting public health.
- Medical Supervision: Prescriptions ensure safe, supervised use.
- Regulated Market: Ensures product safety and quality.

In my opinion:
The current regulations strike a balance by allowing access for harm reduction while protecting public health, especially for youth. Continuous assessment is necessary to adapt to new evidence and outcomes.

  • 6th Jul 2024 07:17pm

I was a smoker for 20 years, had a horrible smokers cough and was easily spending hundreds on cigarettes a week.
Vaping helped me stop cigarettes, slowly over time I came down the nicotine strength to now being nicotine free and just trying to break the habit.
Vaping is a useful tool for current smokers to help quit or those that use dry herb vapouriser for medical cannabis. It is an adult product and regulations should be there for use. The current laws in Australia are f*king ridiculous.
Maybe parents should actually take responsibility for their children if these laws are for the 'children'.

  • 10th Jul 2024 10:45am
I was a smoker for 20 years, had a horrible smokers cough and was easily spending hundreds on cigarettes a week.
Vaping helped me stop cigarettes, slowly over time I came down the nicotine...

I totally agree

  • 6th Jul 2024 02:45pm

Do not put anything artificial into your body or u answer the consequences so vaping is out

  • 6th Jul 2024 10:51am

I hate to think what all the chemicals in these items are doing to users lungs. Problems wont show up for many years, and by then it is often too late to fix things.
They should have been banned in Aus at least.

  • 6th Jul 2024 07:33am

I'm happy about new vaping laws coming into effect. I really don't understand how the situation was allowed to get this far. In my opinion, its basically a synthetic alternative to smokes, so why the heck hasn't it been dealt with properly and treated like normal smokes from the beginning. Any synthetic drugs are dealt with and deemed illegal, so what happened with vapes. How has we as a society allowed the situation to get this far, because a big majority of adults buy them and the overuse by children was massively underestimated. There is no experiments on the long term side effects of using a vape. I think it's great that they are banned and you need a prescription to get one. Yet, people I know are still buying them, but at higher prices. That might weed out some juniors from buying them. The new laws will open up to more raids on tobacco shops, but it wont stop the selling of vapes. One of my friends just imports them from overseas. There are always ways around anything illegal.

Harshanie 30779333
  • 5th Jul 2024 09:00pm

Recent Laws about the vaping is a good move. It is a must thing to do.

  • 5th Jul 2024 04:18pm

It’s worse than smoking

  • 5th Jul 2024 03:45pm

If vapes were marketed as being used to stop smoking then the government should legislate to take out all of the sweet flavours that make them so enticing for kids to buy them. Just male them a plain flavour such as a mild menthol

the rack
  • 5th Jul 2024 03:11pm

I think the government needed to be stricter on the suppliers who marketed the vapes to young people in the first place. I feel for the pharmacists now in that they have to play a role in educating, supplying or refusing a vape to those looking to purchase one to fix this mess. Apart from stricter supplier regulation, I don’t know what the answer is except taxing the vape to make them unaffordable in the same way cigarettes and alcohol have been. I worry pharmacies will be targeted by theft as things stand now.

  • 4th Jul 2024 10:23pm

The pharmacists will have access to prescription information which can assist the individual to break the addiction. Vaping should be seen as an intermediary step between illicit drugs and overuse of prescription medications such as codeine. There is a therapeutic benefit, as long as the substance being inhaled is not causing unknown health risks.

  • 4th Jul 2024 09:31pm

Adults vape, so you must expect children will follow their lead. Also if it's illegal to sell them, why can you buy them at most tobacconists? Some questions need to be answered

  • 4th Jul 2024 10:04pm
Adults vape, so you must expect children will follow their lead. Also if it's illegal to sell them, why can you buy them at most tobacconists? Some questions need to be answered

The new law only started on the 1/07/2024. Anyone selling after that runs the risk of being fined. Some shops obviously have not heard the news or are just intent on making a buck until they get caught

no name
  • 4th Jul 2024 08:20pm

Just read an article outlining the damage done to teenagers from vaping. People should be offered assistance to stop vaping within a certain period, schools should crack down more on students and the sale of vapes made illegal throughout Australia. Vape smugglers should be dealt with more harshly. The health consequences of vaping need to be more apparent.

  • 4th Jul 2024 07:40pm

I do not smoke and never had. I think they need to ban smoking cigarettes and vaping, but hang on, look at how much the government makes out of it in taxes!

  • 4th Jul 2024 07:22pm

I’m a non smoker/vaper. I especially don’t like when people smoke near me. BUT I do understand we all need something to do in life whether it’s vape, smoke, drinking etc.

  • 4th Jul 2024 06:00pm

I was a smoker but have not for about 40 years. I think the Fed Government's reverse decision to allow vape buying through Chemists is a bad step forward. They decry cigarette smoking for health reasons so what is the difference with vaping. It should be banned full stop.

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:57pm

Im also not a smoker or vaper but for a long time I have noticed how many young kids have been getting into the vaping. Much more open than smoking ever was. Yes maybe for those who are already addicted to cigarettes and if it may help them quit - as long as one addiction does not lead to another. I support banning or at least restricting vapes to others - certainly for their health and to the rest of us who also dont want to be enveloped in vape clouds.

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:54pm

Not being a smoker or a Vaper I cannot understand how people can afford them, the new rules will simply drive the use of vapes underground and make it more exciting for younger users. The suppliers should be the focus of government attention with greater fines and more scrutiny… programs for smokers and vapers may help.

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:36pm

I'm neither a smoker or a vaper but I feel this should have been handled in a much better way. Vapes should be regulated the same as cigarettes are. I feel for the employees of the vape shops who have lost their jobs, the employers with nothing to sell and have to close down impacting on the shop owners who will no longer be collecting rent and placing them perhaps into financial distress.

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:30pm

The govt should never have allowing vaping products into Australia in the first place!
Slow to regulate anything.

dicky a
  • 4th Jul 2024 04:25pm

Why have the Federal Government handballed the concept of purchasing vapes to pharmacies?
This is a move smelling of " I have no idea what to do, but let's fool the population by handing the problem to some other organization"

Yes Minister's Sir Humphrey would approve !!!

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:05pm

Given the recent illegal tobacco smuggling ring bust, making things like smoking/vaping illegal will simply push it underground to the black market (it already is). Those who are using vaping to genuinely try to stop smoking need to be supported, but their prescriptions need to be tapered over time to slowly reduce the strength, and therefore wean them off entirely. Those using it for recreational purposes who have no intention of stopping need to have the prices sent sky-high and have it taxed into oblivion, and have their supplies cut off and then not receive any Medicare-funded medical care for any disease directly caused by smoking or vaping (and not qualify for health or life insurance as well), unless they can prove they are doing their utmost to quit. We also need thousands more Border Control personnel to help stem the flow of illegal tobacco and vaping supplies to prevent underground sales, especially to minors, and a massive increase in penalties - including jail time - for anyone (and obscenely massive for businesses) caught supplying any smoking or vaping supplies to a minor (even accidentally by leaving their own in a place accessible to a minor).

Self- governance is obviously not working, so we as a society really have no choice but to invoke the Nanny State and police this for those people too weak to say no.

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:03pm

Vaping is an alternative way to inhale a concoction of chemicals into your delicate lungs that will cause irreparable damage.
Advertised as fun and cool, and having it far to easily accessible, it has directly caused multiple young individuals to hospital, needing ventilation, and in severe cases a transplant.
Australia is recognised as having made good strides to limit cigarettes, more needs to be done, against individuals (eg age limits for starters) and suppliers. And to prevent blackmarket supply too!

  • 4th Jul 2024 03:14pm

The suppliers, then also the individuals. VAPING is a subtle way for tobacconists to make more money
TO LURE THE VULNERABLE, in the end the users shall get addicted to it and the side effects are just as bad as tobacco.

  • 4th Jul 2024 03:05pm

I think it's only an other way for the tabaco to make money and addict people.

  • 4th Jul 2024 02:43pm

Terrible, dirty habit. You will notice people vaping have an underlying anxiety issue that needs to be dealt with - they aren't good socially. This needs to be worked on, this is the solution - not blowing smoke into your poor lungs where smoke is not meant to go. Lungs are an extremely sensitive part of our body where vape/smoke is not meant to go whatsoever. The health consequences will be dire for these people. The coughing is already starting, this is just the beginning of it. People are just mindless - it's very worrying.

  • 4th Jul 2024 11:51am

I am following this closely as I have 2 young adults in my house that vape. Neither of them smoke cigarettes. They have even been to the doctor for a prescription nicotine patch to try and stop. It seems to have slowed them down somewhat but maybe in their case it will be the price - I understand they getting dearer by the week.
Unfortunately there are so many small shops that stock the illegal vapes (which contain nicotine) - they are all under the counter. So many young people vaping which is surprising because they are the generation that have been educated about the dangers of smoking.
I don't have an answer....yes the government is coming down on imported vapes but I understand they are difficult to dispose of.

  • 4th Jul 2024 10:48am

Not strict enough. Authorities are aware of future health risks, so stop it! No vaping!

  • 4th Jul 2024 10:13am

Your Not Smoking But You Are Sticking A Plastic Pipe In Your Mouth And Inhaling, Oh Please, Come On, How Can This Be Healthy ?
The Whole Thing Is Just Plain Stupid, Wake Up People Don't Kid Yourself !

  • 4th Jul 2024 09:00am

Sadly, we live in an age where politicians are creating a torrent of laws to satisfy tiny vocal minorities, to the delight of petty bureaucrats. The object is to acquire the votes of said minorities.

Fact is that "bans" rarely work. We have bans on Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Marijuana and others - and measure the degree of NON-compliance by analysing sewer water.

It's taken more than 70 years to go from doctors prescribing tobacco-smoking (as a weight-loss aid or nerve-tonic) to our current situation. Why? Because there's a larger minority and hence more votes at stake. It's "profitable" in political terms to oppose changes. Nothing to do with what will best suit the population.

So vapes - originally promoted as "the safe alternative" to tobacco. Same arguments in favour of tobacco are recycled.

Personally, I'd favour a ban - but I doubt that a ban would be successful. Society has to voice its disapproval instead of allowing such practices to be regarded as "individualism", "sophisticated" or "harmlessly rebellious".

At the end of the day, you just can't fix stupid.

  • 4th Jul 2024 05:10am

Both I think. I guess those who want to vape will still get it somehow.

  • 4th Jul 2024 04:31am

Vaping should be made illegal immediatly.It is a huge problem in our schools.

  • 4th Jul 2024 01:09am

It was always illegal for under 18s to vape. Don’t punish adults because parents can’t control their children. I’m sick of these nanny state Karens

Sil sil
  • 3rd Jul 2024 09:26pm

Can we just ban them all together? Young kids are vaping in school toilets, teachers can't monitor and physically take it off them now costs to install vape smoke detectors. Parents can't control it so why have it on the market? It's bad for your health full stop, government thinks amount taxes and dollars only

  • 3rd Jul 2024 08:00pm

I gave up smoking after 40 years and started vaping for the last 7 years and in that time I have become healthier, I started walking more then jogging which I couldn't do with out coughing my lungs out, I have stopped snoring due to having less congestion, I don't cough every 5 minutes like a use to as it got to the stage I stopped going to the cinema and/or couldn't go to a meeting because of my coughing that must have been annoying everyone plus myself. So vaping has helped me heaps plus vaping is as different to cigarettes as drinking a beer compared to a glass of Whisky but they are both ALCHOL but completely different in taste and strength also their is no smoke and the vapor disappears. I do totally agree with banning BLACKMARKET vapes as no one knows what is in them where as the juice from a respected vape shop is regulated and also about the nicotine which seems to be the big issue. I use a vape device and DO NOT USE NICOTINE and I get the result I want. Nicotine is NOT in the regulated vape device and juices, They DO NOT CONTAIN NICOTINE, to get that you need a prescription AND YOU ADD WHAT PERCENTAGE OF NICOTINE YOU WANT FOR FLAVOR AND STRENGTH. Plus I was smoking 40 cigarettes a day at a weekly cost of $350.00 times that by 52 = $18,200.00 per year compared to buying 2 x vape devices =130.00 + 6 x 130ml bottles of flavored juice = $114.00 + 6 boxes of heat coil = $120, TOTAL $354.00 and that will last me one year. The devices 5 years on their own and just rebuy juice and coils as I need them.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 07:32pm

make it legal for 18+ and tax the hell out of it.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 07:22pm

No doubt about it Vaping should be banned and all imports of Vaping products prohibited with heavy eye watering penalties for anyone who illegallyt imports or sells vaping product.

Once again the Government has succeeded in doing too little too late, waiting until an addictive harmful product has an established and highly profitable market before partially banning the product, thus creating a demand that will be profitably exploited by criminals illegally importing and selling vaping products.
Well done political classes, screwed this one up and now creating a situation that will lead to a black market.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 07:16pm

Vaping has been too heavily associated with “being cool” and fitting in amongst teenagers. There’s no laws or regulations that are forceful enough to discourage this rebellious behaviour. More education in understanding what vaping can do inside as well as reminding children to avoid peer pressure. Parenting, schooling and the law is being way too soft on children & real action needs to emerge to keep our children fighting to be our next generation. The government needs to step in & be tough, once and for all.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 05:57pm

The laws are weird, and keep changing too often. Obviously, people under the age of 18 should not be able to access vapes. However, it should be up to an adult whether they make the choice to vape. Adults can legally smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, both of which are very similar in how carcinogenic they are.
The entire industry needs to be regulated to ensure all vape products are the safest they can be.
It is important that any laws are informed by rigorous scientific research that is not funded by any of the companies that profit from vape or cigarette sales.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 04:40pm

They should be band and no import or export of this product and there should be heavy penalties for people that do

  • 3rd Jul 2024 04:27pm

The Government has to be more consistent, not sure why they keep changing the goal posts, I think young people under18 must have a Dr.s prescription but I don’t believe in any nicotine vaping is any good for anybody. The stores selling vapes should’ve been fined more and shut down properly.I agre the Government must control and be stricter than they are.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 04:01pm

i think they should only be used with a prescription to help people stop smoking cigarettes as they were intended, and reduce the number of people who would have never started taking in nicotine if they didn't think it was safe from being so available.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 03:55pm

i think the laws should have stayed at only people with a prescription should be able to access them. Why should we ignore children destroying their lungs with this product. You have to be 18 yrs old to drink alcohol and buy cigarettes and the same should be for these products that contain nicotine. Cigarette companies have targeted children by adding flavours the same as they added menthol to take away the hashness of tobacco smoke for adults..

  • 3rd Jul 2024 11:30am

Vaping should be banned as they contain nicotine and are not an approved device under the theraputic goods act to help regulate/ stop people smoking, ( so there goes that argument). New Zealnad introduced legislation to stop people born after 2008 accessing tobacco products as they wanted to cut down the number of people accessing cancer treatment and clogging up the hospitals. This was seen as worl beating legislation in the fight against cancer and other countries were watching to see if they could do the same.( Britain was also planning to follow suit). This unfortunately was watered down as the next government realised the amount of revenue they were going to lose from taxes and to fund tax cuts as inflation kicked in. Politics should not come before the health of the population.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 11:08am

i think the laws should have stayed at only people with a prescription should be able to access them. Why should we ignore children destroying their lungs with this product. You have to be 18 yrs old to drink alcohol and buy cigarettes and the same should be for these products that contain nicotine. Cigarette companies have targeted children by adding flavours the same as they added menthol to take away the hashness of tobacco smoke for adults.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 09:52am

I think kids are always going to try to find a way to rebel. The more attention we place on vaping, the more attractive it's going to seem to teenagers.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 08:11am

Make something illegal and it tempts people to try it. I don't know the answer, but I don't think pharmacists should be responsible for dispensing vapes.

  • 3rd Jul 2024 07:37am

It’s good

Sanju k
  • 2nd Jul 2024 05:43pm

In my opinion good health is important, so yes I think vaping should be banned.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 04:57pm

People dont want a lecture at the point of sale from the pharmacy, nor do they want the price increase they will impose

Watch the black market get even stronger and smoking rates to go back up

  • 2nd Jul 2024 04:22pm

In my experience, the government is going about it the wrong way. The vaping laws in Australia are too strict, and amount to a defacto prohibition for adults wanting to vape, yet this same prohibition has created a black market which easily sells to kids under 18. If we look at other countries like New Zealand and the UK where they have a legal, 18+ only regulated vaping market, there is little or no black market for vapes. So this prohibition in Australia has created exactly the opposite of what the government wants: a thriving black market that happily sells to kids and youth. If Australia were to regulate vapes strictly for adults over the age of 18, there wouldn't be the demand for the black market products and so the black market would diminish or go away almost completely, which means that youth would not be able to easily access vapes.

For me, I was a heavy smoker for nearly 30 years and I tried everything to quit smoking without success until I found vaping. I know there are possibly millions of adult Australians like me who were finally able to quit smoking using vaping, and for us vaping has been a life-saving miracle. The government, health departments and media is Australia are at odds with the world-wide evidence as to the relative safety of vaping. The evidence pretty much everywhere in the world (except what you read in Australia) is that vaping is much, much safer than smoking. Is vaping harmless? Well, probably not, but in context, for a smoker, switching to vaping is markedly much better than smoking.

Is vaping a gateway to smoking? Again, the evidence worldwide suggests that vaping displaces smoking. The countries that have a legal, regulated market for vaping have seen smoking rates decline significantly. In fact, in Sweden, the smoking rates are set to be less than 5% shortly. Sweden has allowed vaping to be legal, and as well they have a smokeless product called snus. In New Zealand, where vaping is also legal and regulated, the smoking rates are lower now than in Australia. If vaping was a gateway, we should be observing smoking rates increasing in NZ, but this is not the case.

I could go on and on about the evidence and facts of the matter around vaping, but for now I will leave it at that. The simple evidence is that the very thing the government is trying to achieve by this defacto vaping prohibition is the exact opposite of what is happening. They have created a thriving black market for vaping that is easily accessed by kids. If they are serious about reducing youth vaping, then regulate the market and restrict vaping to 18+. This would significantly diminsh the black market which means that youth would no longer have easy access. The current defacto vaping prohibition only serves to hurt adults using vaping to quit and who do the right thing. Now, vaping devices and e-liquids are hard to find if at all, the pharmacy guild has gone public and said that they don't want to be selling vaping products, as they are not TGA approved.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 03:06pm

I worry about children getting addicted to vaping , so yes i think it should be banned

  • 2nd Jul 2024 03:03pm

My husband uses them to avoid smoking cigarettes, I think it should be encouraged rather than banished for nicotine addicts. At least it is "cleaner" and doesn't smell

  • 2nd Jul 2024 02:15pm

I do not think Chemists should be a supply point.
Ban vaps totally

  • 2nd Jul 2024 01:46pm

Make it completely illegal before it becomes a "cigarette sunami" and put a minimum jail sentence of 25 years for anyone selling and using. Go strong, nip it in the but before it gets a grip. If anybody wants to give up smoking, just do it. Vaping is just another way to smoke!

  • 2nd Jul 2024 01:44pm

I think that vapes have been developed by tobacco companies to hook in younger consumers, especially as cigarette smoking ahs been falling. History has shown the ruthlessness of tobacco companies - especially in the post world war 2 era of global capital and the lies that they have fed the public and the many legal and legislative battles that the tobacco industry have waged to protect their business and the huge funds that the industry directs to promoting their products and keeping regulation to a minimum.

it is an absolute crisis how vapes have infiltrated youth culture and become part of the image and social life of young people as a sign of coolness and resistance to the supposedly boring and bourgeois to the extent that there is a massive vaping crisis in schools. This will have impacts on the health, physical and mental, of addicted young people as well as impacting on their income and their engagement with a broader set of social options including work place and recreation connections and push them further to the margins and out of engagement with a range of different people, so many people pathetically thinking they are gangsta rappers from the US when they are common or garden whyte secondary school kids in Australia

I think we need to have full labelling and details of the contents so that people will know what the poisons are. We also need intense advertising campaigns that show how these chemicals are produced and the damage that they do to people. The same for hard drugs too, given that people are going to use them or think that they are going to give them a great experience.

At the same time we need to have better support for people in the community, better health systems including mental health and counselling systems, so that people can find the support to develop resilience and also healthy and positive thinking rather than being alienated - alienation and being opposed to others or being cooler than others is a sort of culture and attitudes that vaping feeds into. We need better resources for leisure and social activity for especially the young but for everyone in the community - not everyone wants to be in an AFL team. We also need better employment opportunities. We need to have a community that offers meaning and a place to all citizens and be well resourced to allow that to happen. I think we as a community and also at an official governmental level need to invest a lot more in and for the community, both money and physical resources because kids smoking sickly over sweet candy flavoured vapes (the same sickly sweet smell/taste of energy drinks too) are also partly a sign of broader problems that are not being adequately addressed.

and to all those bogan libertarians saying it is their body and their choice, I suppose you would also say that about someone jumping off a cliff or a building, or self harming with a gun, or seeking to harm others with knives and guns "it's their choice". Or are you getting this information from right wing libertarian social media that comes from the US and is funded by industries such as the tobacco lobby?

  • 2nd Jul 2024 12:58pm

In my opinion, the restrictions the government is putting on vaping is the same as what they did with cigarettes...hasn't cut down on the number of smokers but has increased the government's pockets! They are not interested in our health at all!!! It is going to cost so much more from the Chemist!

  • 2nd Jul 2024 12:57pm

I have read the earlier comments " just leave them alone " this is very good but young people these days want adventure so they take risks. Taking vapes are a risk to your health ! A young friend of mind has been using them and is really hooked on them so much he is hardly without one at any time. Most of the time she acts like a zombie does or can not think correctly. It is so sad she had a lot going for her it is clearly a drug.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 12:50pm

Short answer
Since March 1, 2024, it has been illegal to import non-therapeutic vapes. Additionally, selling vapes containing nicotine without a prescription is prohibited.

Some retailers claim they have had limited time to sell down their stocks of disposable and non-therapeutic vapes. Maybe these retailers should be given an amnesty period to hand in their stock with bill of sale to have the cost price reimbursed, but after that, the ‘gloves come off.’

To answer your question, I don’t know if it needs to be stricter… the law seems straight forward. All the govt needs to do is, if individuals/suppliers break the law, Impose the fine, toss them in prison…whatever is appropriate, isn’t that how the legal system works? If you do the crime, you do the time.

Long answer
When I think of vapes, I’m reminded of a movie I saw many years ago… The Insider which covered the struggles of a person who tried to lift the lid on the cigarette industry … in the movie the insider referred to cigarettes in the context that the industry saw cigarettes ‘as a nicotine delivery system.’ That’s what vapes are – a nicotine delivery system, and if I’m to believe the studies, in concentrations far greater than in a cigarette.
If you research the effects of nicotine on your body you discover that they include:
1. Cardiovascular Effects:
o Increases blood pressure and heart rate.
o Narrows the arteries, potentially leading to heart attacks.
2. Neurological Effects:
o Rapidly absorbed into the blood when inhaling cigarette smoke.
o Triggers chemical reactions, including the release of adrenaline (the 'fight or flight' hormone).
o Creates temporary feelings of pleasure and concentration.
o Short-lived sensations, that subside within minutes.
3. Other Effects:
o Decreased appetite.
o Heightened mood.
o Increased alertness.
o Better memory.
o Nausea and vomiting (especially with initial use).
o Weight loss (complex relationship with appetite suppression).

Nicotine is highly addictive, and its impact extends beyond physical effects.

In my opinion the effects of vapes are as harmful as the cigarettes they seem to be marketed to replace. And gusts of vapour coming from your nose and mouth is oh so cool. 😂

  • 2nd Jul 2024 12:01pm

I agree with Ruskie, leave people alone, their body, their choice.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 11:52am

Just leave people alone, if they want to let them. Don't we have choices? Why do we have to be controlled?

  • 2nd Jul 2024 11:28am

If people want something they’ll find a way to get it. Unfortunately they made vapes attractive with different flavours and got people addicted, once they got people hooked they’ve taken them away. It’s stupid

Ellie 30656027
  • 2nd Jul 2024 10:45am

I think it is stupid if people want to vape they are just going to get it illegally or just resort to cigarettes. I think the government should allow them as the non nicotine vapes would stop people from smoking more which does contain nicotine. If it's all about the young people that doesn't stop them from getting cigarettes. So why ban those because they don't have a tax on them like cigarettes and get no revenue. Why haven't they banned cigarettes? It's all about revenue.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 10:36am

They are as addictive as ordinary tobacco is. I don't think the Doctors are strict enough if they are giving prescriptions for it. People can easily go to more than one Doctor and more than one Pharmacy. Medicare will pick up on it if they do it too close together in time though. A Doctor was contacted by Medicare and was alerted to it. His receptionist told us but didn't name the patient. It was a first time visit. Some people are smoking them more as they like the taste of them.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 10:21am

they want to stop young people from smoking, so they decide to give them lolly flavoured vapes which is more dangerous than smoking normal cigarettes

  • 2nd Jul 2024 09:53am

It's sad, but the reality is that the people vaping or smoking are the last ones to be concerned with the health risks. I say ban them in every form, but will that stop anyone? Illicit drugs and banned substances might be harder to get, but the people who want them still find them. Living a good, healthy life isn't a fantasy so make some healthy and realistic choices to get there!

  • 1st Jul 2024 06:58pm

I think vapes and cigarettes should be banned. They have serious negative effects in health which also costs more to taxpayers in medical costs

  • 1st Jul 2024 06:03pm

Vaping is a dangerous habit and leads to epithelial damage to the user's airways as well as to various forms of cancer and other diseases. In some senses it may be more harmful than cigarettes. The government should do all in its power to discourage people from taking up vaping. The cost to the public health system will be at least as big as that associated with smoking cigarettes. If the campaign to get people off cigarettes was quite successful, why can't there be a similar campaign to discourage people from vaping?

mrs woodbox
  • 1st Jul 2024 05:54pm

My son and his partner vape. Both in their early 30’s. Since they are making it so hard to buy vapes now she will more that likely take up smoking again. It’s so wrong. I agree vaping is not that good either but it’s much better than smoking. I work in a place that sells cigarettes and I have seen a rise in 18 year olds buying them….because they can.

  • 1st Jul 2024 04:20pm

Why on earth would you want to inhale something into your lungs when you have little or no idea what's in the product? That includes cigarettes along with vapes.
There is nothing cool about coughing your guts up!

  • 2nd Jul 2024 01:01pm
Why on earth would you want to inhale something into your lungs when you have little or no idea what's in the product? That includes cigarettes along with vapes.
There is nothing cool about...

absolutely ! And also these unknown chemicals have now wormed their way into youth culture, especially male youth culture often in the context of young males who are not engaged with school or have other trajectories/activities to engage with and so a extra vulnerable and think it makes them cool

  • 1st Jul 2024 03:32pm

 think it should be banned as it is more dangerous than smoking, so all vape shops should be closed permanently suppliers should not import them at all, the government should be banning all these discussing shops that sell them
Chemist SHOULDN'T be selling them

  • 1st Jul 2024 03:21pm

It's a pity products like vapes do not have to go through a stringent risk assessment before they hit the market.
Sneaky tobacco companies have managed to reinvent their noxious products and sneak in through the back door. Not only are vapes are health hazed but also their method of delivery adding to the ever growing mass of ewaste.

  • 1st Jul 2024 02:11pm

I think it should be banned as it is more dangerous than smoking, so the suppliers should not import them at all, the government should be more stricter on shops that sell it to the public.

  • 1st Jul 2024 11:48am

I remember when all these 'vapes/e cigarettes' first became popular and I thought surely they mustn't be as bad as cigarettes for your health and supported anybody's strive to quit cigarettes, if they believed vaping was their key to quitting for good then best of luck to them I thought.
But nowadays I'm concerned about the safety profile of vaping after seeing the spurious contents of these e vapes and their source origin so I think that government must address concerns around these e-cigarettes and vaping.
Unfortunately there are so few studies being done and there is need for more research before a firm decision can be made re laws and regulations.
If it remains unregulated you can never be sure of what you're getting or its safety.
I'm sure every vaper has their trustworthy source but until there is some actual regulation going on I think it may be a risky business, it's not something I believe is suitable for the general public.
So all in all . . . the government must develop a strategy and implememnt measures to restrict both the marketing, availability and the consumption and environmental impact of these vape/e-cigarettes I say.

  • 1st Jul 2024 11:31am

They’re not strict enough.
I recently got into an Uber where the driver had just vaped. It wasn’t done in front of me, but it was obvious that he had. I got into the backseat and my mouth immediately became dry and I had a metallic taste in my mouth from the chemicals. It was disgusting. If I could cancel the Uber I would have. I gave the driver the lowest possible rating I could give him, as I was so uncomfortable and altered because of the vaping that had taken place in the Uber before I got in.

  • 1st Jul 2024 11:02am

I am really confused about vaping, if it is so bad for one's health how does a prescription make it safe?

  • 2nd Jul 2024 05:01pm
I am really confused about vaping, if it is so bad for one's health how does a prescription make it safe?

It doesnt
What it does do, is most likely get people smoking again, which equals tax dollars for the government (if they buy legal tobacco that is)
The uptake of vaping, not taxed like smokes has been a huge hit to their tax collection
Its got ZERO to do with health

  • 1st Jul 2024 10:45am

Yes on young people but how is another question, The Vapes seem to enter exactly the same way cigarettes entered the Market ,Now some rules have been put in place to buy them from a pharmacy which is also very odd compared to cigarettes been sold over the counter at tobacco stores and Supermarkets

  • 1st Jul 2024 10:06am

I honestly think that we really need the laws. I can see that some people use it as an alternative to worse options, such as smoking cigarettes or other unhealthy behaviors (I have a friend with ADHD who uses it as a way to curb impulsive spending), which is why I have no issue with needing a prescription to access vapes, but so many young people seem to still be able to access them. Children using vapes should be seen as exactly the same as children smoking cigarettes.
We also need better education. Vapes are terrible for peoples health, and I still see people seeing constantly sucking on a vape as being a better option than a cigarette. An occasional one to help quit, sure, but it's not like they don't harm people at all. We need the same kind of anti vaping ads that we have for cigarettes.

  • 1st Jul 2024 09:45am

The laws are adequate but the enforcement is abysmal. We need far better customs and border force staffing to stop the illegal vapes getting in in the first place, and better policing of what's already here. Users should not be criminalised, but helped into programs to quit the habit.

  • 1st Jul 2024 09:43am

They should be baned it is no good for you and there are to many kids doing this the goverment needs to have much striter action on the suppliers and the individuals

  • 30th Jun 2024 08:36pm

Vaping has been proven to be worse than cigarettes and many people are ditching vapes and going back to cigarettes. A Drs script should be mandatory. to obtain vapes. Relying on a chemist is rubbish they don't have the expertise about the product they only want to sell them to you to make a profit and don't care about the obvious consequences. It may come to people will sue the chemist for wrong advice and selling them a deadly product.

  • 1st Jul 2024 09:44am
Vaping has been proven to be worse than cigarettes and many people are ditching vapes and going back to cigarettes. A Drs script should be mandatory. to obtain vapes. Relying on a chemist is...

I agree with everything you have said

  • 30th Jun 2024 05:52pm

Yes stricker laws needed when you see children as young as 11/12 vaping quite regularly either out and about, at shopping malls and schools

  • 29th Jun 2024 11:08am

Much stricter- the health information that is coming out is appalling and it's going to be yet another health crisis that tax payers are responsible for

  • 2nd Jul 2024 01:12pm
Much stricter- the health information that is coming out is appalling and it's going to be yet another health crisis that tax payers are responsible for

I would say that it is the industry that has triggered this health crisis, even though the tax payers are responsible for funding the ways that we deal with it. We need to go to the source and regulate the industries and also regulate the black market behind the production of vapes. We need to have very clear and detailed labelling that ID's the chemicals that is in vapes

  • 29th Jun 2024 10:01am

I think its way worse than smoking ever was , they have so much poison in them we are going to have another generation of people who are going to have so many health problems in the future. The laws and regulations are not strict enough, the government needs to do more to stop younger people vaping. But in the end if they want to vape they will, look at all the messages over the years about how bad smoking was for your health and look how much it cost the Health care system treating these people. Look at how much a packet of cigarettes cost now, I am not sure how much a vape is , the horrible ads they show, if people want to smoke and vape they will and nothing will stop them until they decide they want to.
Its all very sad to think there is another young generation who will die from this .

  • 29th Jun 2024 06:16am

I am amazed at the powerful hold vaping has over children. Several of my young friends tell me they cannot enter the school toilets at breaks because of the huge number of children in their vaping. Teachers are no longer able to enter and stop these children. We must have a full-on campaign as we did about smoking and ban vapes from being sold at all.

  • 30th Jun 2024 07:31pm
I am amazed at the powerful hold vaping has over children. Several of my young friends tell me they cannot enter the school toilets at breaks because of the huge number of children in their vaping....

This is happening at my son’s high school. Toilets are now shut during class time, but that only intensifies the vaping during the breaks. Teachers not allowed into the kids’ toilets to police it, so it continues unabated. Schools need greater empowerment to discipline offending students.

  • 28th Jun 2024 11:17pm

I don't know what's in vapes but I would imagine it's toxic and addictive. I'm in favour of banning it but I guess the government is making money from it. They won't miss out on the $$ even if the substances cause harm. (I'm not just referring to vaping).

  • 28th Jun 2024 07:54pm

If the Government was serious it, it would have banned them completely. The chemicals produced are worse than those when smoking tobacco, and let's face the facts, despite the huge cost of cigarettes in terms of health, the Government makes more from the taxes on them. So why do vapes appear to be directed to appeal to the youth with "flavoured" options available, so they can hook them, and create an addiction to them. Plain corporate greed. Ban them NOW!

  • 28th Jun 2024 07:36pm

If we can stop people from starting using the new regulations that has to be a positive. We have enough evidence how dangerous they are. It may force them on to the black market but hopefully there is still improvement. It seems worth trying

  • 28th Jun 2024 05:21pm

Why do chemists stock vapes ? why can they be supplied with a script ? Why can they be legally imported into Australia?If these 3 points were not available perhaps there would be less vapes used .My thoughts anyway.

  • 28th Jun 2024 04:09pm

Just leave it alone. If you can't get it legally it will be got illegally? The government have attacked smokers for yeeeeears but still happy to inflate prices and take their greedy share. If people want to vape/smoke, leave them be, as long as they are considerate to others and dispose of safely, WHAT IS THE ISSUE? I smoke, casually, have done for nearly 50 years and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

  • 28th Jun 2024 03:00pm

I'm afraid the cat has been let out of the bag. Ban it or not ban it, people will find a way. Criminal gangs will be laughing all the way to bank at the expense of someone's poor addiction.

  • 28th Jun 2024 02:49pm

Should be banned completely, it’s going to end up worse than cigarettes

  • 28th Jun 2024 02:23pm

The new vaping laws are not going to stop underground vaping outlets. I think the vaping laws in Australia are too lax and need to be strengthened (particularly for teenagers). Vaping is becoming more prevalent than smoking, especially in teens and it is being proven that it is just as addictive or more so.

  • 28th Jun 2024 02:08pm

Tax it. Banning it gets into the debate over who decides what is harmful or not. As some have said should we ban sugar or all junk food. So let's have a tax on junk foods as well.

  • 2nd Jul 2024 01:07pm
Tax it. Banning it gets into the debate over who decides what is harmful or not. As some have said should we ban sugar or all junk food. So let's have a tax on junk foods as well.

well in some ways a tax on junk food may be a good idea, but then it would increase food insecurity as many low income people often turn to junk food rather than the more expensive organic options. Also with vapes a tax would impact those who could less afford it

Alicia 31243783
  • 28th Jun 2024 01:56pm

it is terrible for people especially teens. If it is not banned, there should be a vape tax.

  • 28th Jun 2024 01:49pm

Should be banned

  • 28th Jun 2024 12:29pm

It should definitely remain legal and open. So many people are using it nowadays. It is a very good replacement of traditional cigarettes.

  • 5th Jul 2024 03:49pm
It should definitely remain legal and open. So many people are using it nowadays. It is a very good replacement of traditional cigarettes.

except it causes popcorn lungs. Vapes were initially sold as a way to help people stop smoking; not as a form of being cool and fitting in with your friends. Take the sweet flavours out of them and then lets see how many young people want to use them

Ralph Malph
  • 28th Jun 2024 11:15am

Ban vapes? Why not ban cigarettes, ban alcohol, ban sugar, ban ultra processed food, just ban anything that could be harmful to humans, because humans are too stupid to make decisions themselves! No? Unfortunately government health orders like this have very little to do with the welfare of the population. So it's up to us to do the research, learn and make informed choices. But this also poses a problem, as we are only allowed to learn what governments want us to know about. Well how about banning the censorship of information so humans CAN make educated decisions

  • 28th Jun 2024 10:54am

I think the vaping laws in Australia are too lax and need to be strengthened (particularly for teenagers). The health effects of long term vaping are unknown and need to be researched further.

roy richard
  • 28th Jun 2024 06:53am

vaping should be banned

  • 27th Jun 2024 07:02pm

They need to be completely banned, there are so many stores with “vapes” written on the outside loud and clear for all to notice. Suppliers need to initiate and stop selling them and harsher laws should be enforced surrounding the use of vapes. Also not to mention how damaging they are to bodies, it’s 2024 and we should’ve learnt from past experiences that our lungs should only be inhaling oxygen.

  • 27th Jun 2024 06:19pm

Vaping is cheaper than smoking cigarettes so there is less tax on cigarettes - that's why there is an uproar ... nothing else.

  • 26th Jun 2024 05:13pm

The chemicals in the vapes are causing irreversible damage to the body, making the damage to the body worse than smoking cigarettes over a shorter period.

  • 26th Jun 2024 04:37pm

Vapes should be banned until they are properly tested

  • 25th Jun 2024 09:32pm

the crackdown on vaping is due to the goverments tobacco tax revenue declining by a large amount since vaping has become a cheaper alternative to smoking

  • 25th Jun 2024 07:53pm

I wish they were banned in Australia I have done focus groups on vaping and they contain dangerous chemicals I was told they are worse then smoking they cause severe irraversable damage why would anyone want to put this in their bodies

  • 25th Jun 2024 04:13pm

News just in, don't need a prescription, just have to have a "converstation" with a pharmacist. Not going to stop the black market which will get worse. We don't need another toxic product on the market but it seems some people don't care about their health. They need to ban the use in public even if for so called "medical" reasons. What a joke, the pharmacists are their to help people get well, not sell toxic products.

  • 25th Jun 2024 04:09pm

Just ban vapes all together, to avoid all the dramas.

  • 25th Jun 2024 03:55pm

The government needs to get more strict with the suppliers and there needs to be more regulation on the sale of vapes to young people. There should also be more talk in schools and universities about the harmful effects of vaping because the people that I know who Vale think it is less harmful than cigarettes

  • 25th Jun 2024 04:14pm
The government needs to get more strict with the suppliers and there needs to be more regulation on the sale of vapes to young people. There should also be more talk in schools and universities...

I think it is more harmful because people suck harder and it goes in further, plus who knows what chemicals are in them.

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