Health & Fitness

Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace”

Health & Fitness

Posted by: r23

16th Jun 2024 04:21pm

How can employers support employees’ mental health? What are the signs of burnout and how can they be prevented? What role does workplace culture play in mental health?

Comments 1

  • 12th Jul 2024 01:21pm

They don't really do they. They pay them little and overwork them. They have everyone sit down for a session each year so they can tick the box of supporting staff. It is an absolute joke where nothing changes. The best thing to do in this situation is find another job and leave. Burnout is prevented by staffing a department properly, having efficient policies and procedures and not giving a worker too much work or expecting them to manage, which happened during COVID and now post COVID. Businesses are being cheap and not employing people as they don't want to pay the wages. It all comes back to the head of the business. It is their decision if they treat people fairly or screw them over and cause them mental health issues.

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