Physic Liz Mccaskill in SA

Posted by: 3lions

27th Nov 2010 05:54am

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone listens to radio station 5aa in Adelaide, and has heard, Liz Mc caskill, the lady who takes calls from listerners, and communicates with their loved ones who have passed over?

It's quite amazing to listen to, as she says somethings to the people that as they say, only they could know.

Liz Mc caskill also is involved with cafe 101, at Port Adelaide SA, with Dave Waterman, who she used to be on the air with at lot more than now when he worked there.

I know she is booked up until January 2011!

I would be interested to hear if anyone has been and seen her, or spoke to her on air?

Thanks for reading.

Lisa :)

Comments 1

  • 18th Feb 2012 10:35pm

Hi Lisa

Yes I have, so has my husband ( a non believer before), my sister, niece and her friend. My husband and I have had a radio one done as well.

Liz is so accurate. The things she has passed on to us all from the other side, no one could ever know, People and events that have happened in our lives as much as 50 years ago and current, were talked about accurately. We taped our readings and then wrote it all out. I recomend anyone that has lost a dear one and is or has been finding it hard to move on, to make a booking with her. Yes, it is hard to get through to her, but keep perservering, as it's worth it. Bless this dear woman, who has helped us through grieving for our beloved ones that have passed over and allowing us to move on, knowing they are present.