Posted by: stewart bookworm
27th Apr 2010 12:13pm
I am such an avid book reader that sometime i would walk to the library reading a book. If a person was drinking going to the pub they could be an alchohlic. Am I a bookaohlic? Does anyone else do this
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Comments 154
I understand what you mean, but I don’t think you are a bookaholic. It just means you have a great interest in reading. Also, I think it would only be labelled as that word if reading was bad. Reading has a lot of benefits.
If I am in my town I go to the library everytime I am walk close to it, but if I am visiting a town I definetely ake plans to go to that town's library. So keen to found out what books they have that I ahve not read of browsed. If I find an interesting book, I browse it and take note of it to find out more about it. If it is an interesting book I buy it. The Library sometimes have good titles. The problem with my local library is that they do not have good title and they do not get new titles often enough. To be honest, most of the titles books and title in my library are junk. I am interested in socialscience topics.
Everytime I go to the library (twice a week at least), I look more new titles and if there are no new titles I seat down and read some magazines or the newspaper. I find it quite relaxing
Hi Stewart...while I'm not a 'read as you walk along' type of person I am definitely a book lover...most genres from Westerns to Crime and everything in between. I go to the local library at least once a month and come away with enough books to keep me going until my next visit. I usually get very involved in the story and find this a sense of escapism as well as very relaxing.
yes, especially if in crucial bit
Burnt Out Digger
Have you seen a doctor about this problem? I think that it is a good one to have.
You are not a bookaholic! Nothing else is better to keep your mind sharp and have a break from our day to day stress than a book! Now... I read Ebooks because they are easier to get but I also use Audio Books from Audible, this way I can do work around the house or garden and even drive without stopping listening to the book. It is great!
I save yes. Not just me. Alot of people I know do it.
well not quite the same way but yes my husband and I are both heavy readers... he reads an average of 7 a week, me I read very thick heavy ones, and only manage 3. I read all sorts and do enjoy reading, none of this tv for me thanks, it never shows good news, always seem to be bad.
Burnt Out Digger
Reading is a very interesting past time and can serve as informal manner of increasing one's knowledge.
Yes I am a alcoholic too
Love reading and also writing go to my blog:
I think if being a bookaohlic created some sort of problem, then it will be considered something like an alcholic.
I am the same! I would define this as a "bookworm" rather than a bookaholic. Because the 'aholic' part of it, suggests that you are encountering symptoms that are causing negative affect to your body.
Books for the win, it's like a movie inside your brain.
I used to Love reading and was a bit of a bookaoholic but now days i find myself more reading because i have to things like uni text books instead of the gripping books i used to love reading
Yes you are, and completely crazy to boot. That is how I like people. Normal people are so very dull. I am an author (wanabee) and I will rely on people with book addictions to finance me in my old age. Don't stop reading, your brain cells will die and you will become boring and start discussing relative house prices.
I always like to have a book with me, At one medical appointment my doctor remarked that it was odd I always had a book with me! Books keep me calm.
i am always reading, and sometimes it get dangerous, like walking down the street reading, i just love the way books can make you feel, like they can take you to different worlds and places that you have never seen, but it is so vivid, it was as if you had just been there in real time. trust me, being a bookahollic is not a bad thing, in fact i think people should read me, people these days are too caught up in the latest app to even think about picking up a book. dont be worried, be proud.
I think that being a bookaholic is a great thing! The library is such a great place to go! I like your analogy too and I believe that you are a bookaholic or you don't have enough time to read so you have to cram read all your books to the travels between borrowing them.
Personally, I brought a book to the local NYE fireworks and even though most other people were celebrating, I was too- just in my own way :)
I am an avid book reader as well, but I am responsible of doing a lot of chores at home as well. So some how i have to manage my time between reading and doing the chores at home.
Hi once upon a time I was also bookholick but now I have a kid and I couldn't able to read more books. Defnatly reading is a good habit and good books will give us good views. We should built an interest of reading in our kids is really essential in today's world which is more attractive with computer games and cartoon chanels.
I have done this on several occasions. You can get some books that you get so engrossed in that if you are nearly finished you have to have the next one in the series straight away. I even struggle if I have read some books of a series and I can't get the next one.
Most def a bookaholic :) I read the shampoo bottles in the shower. Dont get to read as much since the kiddies have come along - but still manage 1 or 2 week - at the cost of my sleeping hours :) Spend lots of time reading with the kiddies to hopefully instill a love of reading for them.
I am also a bookaholic. I love reading and wish I had more time to do so. I buy most books and like to keep them in 4 book cases in our house. I sometimes use secondhand bookshops to complete some series. Trish
Hi I love reading books or magazines as I find it a good way to relax and unwind after a hard stressful day.There are some really good books around to read and I think I got the reading bug of my mum who loves reading herself.
Reading is great, its a pity more people do not read
Yes, Stewart, I think you might classify as a bookaholic. Maybe it depends on what you do the rest of the time :)
Glad you read the real thing and not ebooks. I love books and believe they are meant to be shared. Problem I have is when reading a library book, if it's a good one, I want to have it in my personal library.
I buy many second hand books and use goodreads to let others know about books I read. I read mainly non-fiction although have been reading some great fiction over that last few days.
Enjoy your reading, it is a pleasure to read...and being a bookaholic is not bad.
Yes you are, i am, and anybody else who does that! but its not a bad thing!! its a fantastic thing and more people should be able to say yes just as we just did.
yes i love books and go to the library all the time i also collet books i have over 1000 little golden book,and iam just about up to date with the dean koontz one just need a couple more,i also have all of james herbet as well i love books.
Ive been called a bookaholic before due to the fact that my library is massive and I read constantly so yes i think you are a bookaholic
Wonderful to find so many other avid readers. Reading is my lifeline for everything. I read every spare minute I get. I used to read everything I could get my hands on in my younger days but in the last few years have slowly graduated to mainly science fiction and fantasy books. Favourite authors at the moment are Robert Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Peter Hamilton, Jim Butcher, Brent Weeks, Lois McMaster Bujold and oh so many others....
My local library is not that big and has only a limited choice for sci fi/ fantasy books but the staff are wonderful and helpful and always try to order in any new titles I find on the internet or in bookshops. I browse every second hand bookshop I come across as well. My family are 'patiently' used to me by now!
Yes i read on the train to work and then walking to work i am still reading (looking out for traffic of course). But i too love to read, if it is something very gripping it is so hard to put it down.
My daughter loves reading and reads fast and she takes in and remembers. She's adult now and complains when she reads all the books she's got from the library too quickly. One place we lived at she'd read walking down the stair. It's a wonder she didn't trip. At school she'd be reading in class but would still know what the teacher was talking about. She finds cheap books in 2nd hand shops. I use to read a lot when I was young. Now my husband a nd I have moved out from home and it's just the 2 of us & the dog I have more time to read but I'm a much slower reader now.
Yes you are a bookaholic and it is definitely be something to be proud of! Books take us away from our lives and let us escape to a world where the impossible can happen, where every princess has her prince charming come rescue her. In books you can escape to a reality that is better than your own, which is always welcome (even if you do have a nice life).
As well as that you can learn from books, not just by expanding your vocabulary, but they can also help you realise important life lessons. I am always surprised by how much I learn from fiction books. I take pride in loving books and you should too!
Try not to stop, a love of reading is wonderful.
I read all the time, although i do a lot of it electronically these days, so that i don't have to lug big books everywhere.
I used to walk places reading a book, but only if someone else was beside me to warn me about any hazard - otherwise i get so engrossed in the book that i forget where i'm going.
I try to have a read at leased 2 times a week its hard when you have children. I think its gret i have a 12 year old child that does this i wish i could.
yes i would read a book on my way somewhere, but it wasn't just any book, it was or had to be that one book that i lost sleep over and needed to know what happened next.. maybe not a bookaholic, but i'd say you could possibly be a true to form 'book worm'
Hi I love reading novels and romantic novels as well as reading magazines Take 5 and thats Life to get real life stories.I also love doing puzzles
ive done it on several occasions my friends all call me a bookaohlic but once i get a good book i just cant put it down.
I too was once like you. A book would go with me everywhere. Now I tke medication which affects my concentration so I don't read so much anymore. Now it takes me 4 or 5 weeks to get through a book but I still love them. I'm more into scifi/fantasy and have being reading Tad Williams and Kate Elliott of late.
I love books so much that I have a library in a downstairs room of our house, which we purchased special shelves for. I will read anything and everything, mostly at night - I find it far more relaxing than sitting in front of the tv and the benefit of this is that my 9 year old daughter is an avid reader. She has the reading level and comphrension of a 13-14 year old. If her head is in a book, as it always is, even at breakfast you can't get a conversation from her - she often has to be told to put a book down at dinner time and get on with eating her tea. She has recently taken to reading to my partner at night and sits in our bed reading from authors such as Roald Dahl, they generally read a couple of chapters each night and she uses the most hilarious voices for the various characters. (Mum isn't allowed in on these sessions and listens from the lounge to the hysterics coming from the bedroom) it is a great way that her and her step dad can spend quality time together.
I think it's great having a library. We haven't been here that long and I am still getting the place sorted out. I'm going to put a bookcase and a comfortable chair and a little coffee table in the spare bedroom. The time your daughter spends with her step dad sounds very special. She might be interested in Drama. Reminds me when I was a child at school I loved it when we read plays and we all had a part to read.
There was a time where you couldn't find me without a book in my hand. I've sadly let my avid readership slide these last couple of years. I should remedy that.
I love reading, I sometimes read a whole day and don't even stop for meals.(mine that is) but I do stop to feed my 2 dogs. I find it so relaxing and reading just wipes my mind clear so as to concentrate on what ever book I'm reading at the time. It's great to forget about everything else in your life, even if its just for a while. Does this make me a reader holic ---- so does
I think it is a good thing to read lots, I love buying books even if I dont have much time to read them, when I do find a good book its pretty hard to get me away from it.
Hi booklovers and avid readers! Have you read the series No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency (6 books)? The Author is Alexander McCall Smith. Recently the series was on ABC and the actors taking the parts of the book characters were exactly how I imagined them to look. If you like to read something that is a bit out of the ordinary and yet very entertaining you may like to read this series. If anyone out there has read the books please let me know what you thought of them.
Nope xD
Totally addicted to reading books. I have done the same as you walked into a library with a book .
I used to
No I dont - but I take a book in the car in case Im in a long queue at the supermarket and definately take it to the doctors (the waiting time can be lengthy)
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! yes.....i read about 5-7 books a week.....i ended up buying an ereader as its cheaper to buy ebooks than paperbacks even.....but i still have 2 boxes of paperbacks in my wardrobe i need to read.....i will read just about anything , but my fav authors are Nora Roberts, Lee Childs, Camilla Lackberg (wish they would hurry and convert the rest of her books to English), Cody McFadyen, Diane Chamberlain etc etc etc......
I too love reading books. I can't wait for the next Diana Gabaldon book. I too like Wilber Smith, Alaister Maclean, Ken Follett, Dick Francis, Dan Brown, Dorothy Gillman, Tara Moss, Stieg Larrson, John Marsden, Michael Crihcton, Bryce Courtenay, and many many more writers.
I don't think I would walk in to the library reading a book as I would probably walk into something or someone. Yes, Stewart you are probably a bookaohlic but then so am I.
Yes, I do that. Although, most of the time it's text books rather than my favourites. Personally, I'm into the classics, such as Fitzgerald and the Bronte sisters, but I'm also a fantasy/sci-fi fan too. Check out Robert Jordan's "Wheel of TIme" series if you haven't already. It's the next fantasy epic.
It's being finished by Brandon Sanderson. Next one comes out in March next year. Book 14 I think.
Robert Jordan died in 2007(?) I believe leaving the WoT series unfinished...
Hi...I love reading and would be lost without my monthly trip to the local library for more reading material ...As my husband and I read virtually the same kind of book (although he loves biographies..I don't) we generally have quite an armful of books when we leave. Crime, western, historical, science fiction, ancient Egyptian...they are just some of the ones I enjoy and some favourite authors are Michael Connelly, James Patterson, Christian Jacq, Louis L'Amour, Sandra Brown, Stephen J Cannell, Clive Cussler, J A Jance, Wilbur Smith, Alistair MacLean, Paul Doherty, S.M.Dougan, Tess Gerritsen, Dick Francis...they are just a few of my favourite authors
Great to hear how much you all enjoy reading. I love books greatest complitment I have received while doing volunteer work at school was - "You love books don't you?" - hopefully that little one has learnt something from me - even it is only that some people do love books. I will read anything - now that retired my guilty pleasure is to read the morning paper at breakfast - if not much on for the day that can take a couple of hours! Then of course is always a book on the go and various magazines to read - but I do get out in the garden, go swimming and walking as well as cooking and a little housework (as little as possible with out having a dirty house) and volunteer work. But you will notice reading comes first.
Keep Reading - its good for you!!
I too love my books and would be lost without them, you will never catch me using an E-Reader though
I had forgotten how much I loved to read books until reading everyones comments! Must visit a library soon I think : )
I live across the road from a library, and I go there almost every day. But I've never crossed the road while crossing the road; while I value books very much I'm afraid I value my life much more!
yes i agree, I love reading. It's one of my passions in life.
Iam a prolific reader also. If I run out of reading matter, I read every inch of the newspaper right down to the advertisements, births, death and marriages. kez
Iam a prolific reader also. If I run out of reading matter, I read every inch of the newspaper right down to the advertisements
yes i am the same as u good match too bad u are not female
No but I do get "almost panic attacks" when I only have 20 unread books on my desk.
i wouldnt say i am a bookaholic but i love reading and when my hands get hold of a good book to read i would the whole day reading and enjoying it.
I can relate I read many books per week. I took a heavy hardback with me on the train on Friday (from Wangaratta to Melb). I read while waiting to be in the audience for The Circle at ch10, then at police HQ in the lift and while waiting. Then at Crown (pokies too boring) and then in the passenger lounge at Spencer St station. I finished the book before the train left at 6.13pm so had nothing to read on the way home. At 10.05 pm I arrived home and began the next book by the same author. I am addicted to reading.
Yes. I am guilty of this also.
I have a great fondness of the written word and tend to always need to "wash my hands" in public bathrooms. I usually only go in there to read the graffiti.
I also read any kinds of paper (whether it has anything to do with me or not ) just because there are words on them.
While I am reading one novel I think about the next one I will read too.
You are not alone and besides there are worse things that one could be addicted to!
I am a total book worm but have never walked reading a book though i have seen others do it. Unfortunately due to financial constraints I am no longer able to afford to buy books. Thank God for libraries. My library is great and fortunately doesn't charge for reserving books. I usually have about forty books on reserve at any one time.
I've signed up to all the publishers newsletters so I get up to date information about new and forthcoming books that I can then request from the library. Some of the newsletters have competitions too and I have been fortunate enough to win over $400 worth of books from them.
Love to get your opinions about kindles. I don't think I would ever want to read a book on an electronic device. I spend too much time looking at computer screens. Plus I love the tactile nature of books. they are kinder on the eyes than screens.
I am a total book worm but have never walked reading a book though i have seen others do it. Unfortunately due to financial constraints I am no longer able to afford to buy books. Thank God for libraries. My library is great and fortunately doesn't charge for reserving books. I usually have about forty books on reserve at any one time.
I've signed up to all the publishers newsletters so I get up to date information about new and forthcoming books that I can then request from the library. Some of the newsletters have competitions too and I have been fortunate enough to win over $400 worth of books from them.
Love to get your opinions about kindles. I don't think I would ever want to read a book on an electronic device. I spend too much time looking at computer screens. Plus I love the tactile nature of books. they are kinder on the eyes than screens.
Hi Stewart, wow that takes some skills i definitely cant do that but ive embarrasssed myself when i went to the library in aunts once a week go to the library to read the newspapers and I startd reading a mark chadbourne book so engrossed was I i was reading walking and then alarms went off.I jumped back and yelled Im not stealing it haha my aunty got it out for me
In my younger years I established a love for books. However, it was seen as being a nerdy type. But I stayed with it, and read a lot still today. I rarely respond to chat discussions, but your post made me laugh.
Oh, reading is my great indulgence as well. I do agree there is such a thing as a bookaholic. My mum, sister and I swap books with each other all the time. I swoop like an eagle on the charity book stalls and really love to find well worn gems. My personal claim to book mania was reading Gone with The Wind in one session. Started in the morning and finished the following a.m. Best read ever and far better than the movie. My only sadness is that I can't write as well as I can read. Never mind, you can't have everything.
Gosh, where would I be without books? I've usually got more than one on the go, and there's always an opportunity to read, I've even done it waiting in line at the supermarket! And I'm very lucky that our local library has a tremendous range, and I am often the grateful recepient of "hand-me-downs" from an (equally) avid reader friend. Nothing to be ashamed of in my book (pun intended!).
I read avidly too. I am lucky I have my books delivered every 3 weeks as I am disabled. The lady in charge was amazed that a woman of my age and "long ago EnglishLOL) does not read romances.
I love physiological thrillers. Especially the ones that twist and turn.Must admit though because I no longer choose my own books I am pleasantly surprised at times by the books she sends and I enjoy.
Love my computer would be lost without it. It has filled holes in my life made by becoming disabled and an invalid but if I find a good book I have my nose in it until it is finished.
My two youngest grandchildren read. I aided and abetted late night reading by giving them torches so they could read under the covers. Mother said it did not keep them up too late and she was so glad they read. I always tried to have a book Angus & Robertson advised was the next Author in vogue
I used to be the same and read every night when I went to bed until around 2 in the morning, because I just couldn't put the book down. Now as soon as I pick up a book, I don't think I get to even read one chapter and I fall asleep, which is really annoying as there are a lot of books I would love to read. I hope this doesn't get worse as I get older?????
I love reading. I will stay up to all hours reading, especially when its a book thats really got me hooked.
my family tells me off for 'zoning out' whilst reading. I get so into my books that I don't hear a thing around me.
I suffer that to, its called the suspension of disbelief and it shows that you are reding a good book
As a teenager I would walk home from the library reading! So I can totally understand your addiction!
I also am a avid book reader. I have just purchased the Roahl Dahl books for adult readers. I love the way they have such a twist in the tale almost on the last page.
I also love the Poldark series by Winston Graham.
I'm at the library about once a fortnight and have a huge bag of books to take home.
They keep me very happy.
All the time, I re-read lots too, atm want Tad Williams Otherland again and a book called God Game but can't remember the author....
My second daughter has had her ownlibrary card since she was one. Her elder sister is also an avid reader, and when my son is one I'll take him to get his card. Reading is a wonderful skill to have, it can relax, inform, amuse, excite. Enjoy it . I am book crazy and although I dont have time to read my types of books at the moment, I read my kids books especially my eldest. I just finished reading "Came back to show you I could fly" - Robin Klein which I haven't read since I was in year five.. Still love the book though and made me remember how important I felt it was to read then.. I actually couldn't read much at all in year 3 and after a volunteer took the patience and time to help I became a confident reader in six months.. I'm proud to read but understand why many can't..
hahahaha. At least your addiction is a good one ^_^
I find it difficult to read a book when I know, physically, how long it is. I read a lot but it's all on the net. I find that easiest.
yeh I love reading too, anywhere anytime..I have so many books at home they don't fit into my bookshelf anymore. I put some under the bed and even on my balcony and kitchen or bathroom. I gave so many away but still got lots around! :)
I am also a bookaholic :) I read every spare minute i get. At the moment I'm loving fantasy, such as The Black Magician Series, House of Night and of course Harry Potter and The Twlight saga. When I dont feel like any of that I read Di Morrissey and Jodi Piccolt :) Also a big fan of true stories
Definitely Stewart!
One can also have book-gasms. I did when I read all of Stieg Larsson's (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo etc...) books in one week.
I have two categories of reading as I am a book reviewer. I have occupational reading and recreational reading. I gain immense pleasure from both.
My mother introduced me to Enid Blyton at an early age to keep me quiet and still!
I have always enjoyed reading ,althouth the tastes have changed as age creeps up, but I do insist on sitting down!
Hi pommy, my love of books started in ernest with Famous Five and the Secret Seven! I could not put them down once I started one. I never had to be told to pick up a book and read it, I was more likely to be to asked to put it down and eat! I am in my 60s now and have recently reread the Anne of Green Gables series - wonderful and I loved the TV series too. I think I enjoyed the stories more as an adult than I did as a teen.
The Bear
I read perhaps three books a fortnight, more with time permitting. It is my escape, and also relevent in allowing me to see different perspectives, learning new behaviours, immersing into dreams.
sorry but no if you can find any books on satanisem that has not been banned by the australian government give me a call
I get so into books that when a new one comes out, I buy it and wont put it down until finished. Currently been re-reading the Robert Jordan "Dragon Reborn" series, Just finished book 13 for the 2nd time. I re read the whole series everytime a new book comes out.
I'm not one for the library but I have a wall of over 450 books, sci fi and adventure. I love to read and re read them and cannot sleep without at lease an hour reading a night. Definitely a bookaholic!!
once I get my head into a book I forget all that is happening about me. I love a wide range, well the only books I do not like are stupid love ones.
I came back to add, I have an addiction for buying books. Not just for me, but for my kids too. I am so grateful they have picked up this wondrous thing
Unfortunatly the real book is becoming an endangered specis which is bad news for my collection of first editions
Sometimes, reading book regularly gives the blessing of knowledge, and the common saying "knowledge is power" is truly a true factor which books give you insight into in-depth knowledge. For example, an US Black Afro-American used to be hater of books when he was small but has excelled in neurological surgery and became top professor in John's Hopkins Medical Hospital. This is something what I did read on the book titled "Think Big" which tells story of that person experiencing dramatic change in his life from being poor and unskilled child to a respectable, affable and professional brain neurological surgery specialist.
Yes, you are definitely a bookaholic and I can't think of a more wonderous thing to be. I love books and reading. Our small unit is bursting at the seems, with over 3000 books (I know this, as I catalogued them all). When I read a book - I call it devouring a book, as they don't last long. Give me a few hours and I will have most books polished off. I am not a speed reader - just an avid reader who doesn't like to put down a good book. Looking forward to new books by my favourite authors, is one of the joys in my life. Enjoy your books!!
Yes you are, but so am I when I'm in my book reading phase lol. I cannot put down a James Patterson book when I start and have often been called a nerd by my husband who doesn't have an interest in books. I read a variety of topics too though :)
Yes you are a bookaholic but that's fantastic because it doesn't really do you any harm. I also walk while readung and I've never banged into anything. I'm getting older so I've decided to get an e book because they're lighter to carry and I can't afford to buy anymore. YES I do go to the library...
Keep reading Cathryn
years ago i would have certainly been a bookaholic, unfortunately my public transport days are over and I'm walking to work (there are benefits there) I only get to read occassionally, but when I do, i usually devour a book within 2-3 days. Stewart, enjoy your books, reading is one of life's joys
Definitely a bookaholic :) I would probably trip or run into something if I walked to the library reading a book. I read a lot of books and magazines on the train to/from work.
i am interested in reading books but i am not bookholic.
I do it all the time, in fact I often walk into thinks because I'm not looking where I'm going, my eyes fixed on the book. Drunks also walk into things because of their habits, perhaps I am a bookoholic too
I can't read and do anything else at the same time because I leave the everyyday world until I have finished the book
I want to read Hilary Duff's new book Elixir.
Looks like we are all bookaholics. That's good news. I learn't to read before I went to school, as did all my family. Now 60 odd years later, I still read lot's of books, papers, magazines, in fact I will read anything. If I have a few minutes to wait for someone/thing I will read what ever is available. The telephone book. (Great cast, but lousy plot.)
My kids all grew up reading and still do while teaching there kids to do the same.
I used to read alot.... now a read a little bit at a time, in my spare time - which is sparse - why am I talking to you guys?? I could be reading!!
I read books every night after dinner. A real alcohol for me~~
I'm a sit down put my feet up reader or if I want to really live dangerously I'll float on an airbed & hope for calm waters but walking while reading is not one of my hopes thats where audiobooks come into their own don't you think as llong as it's being spoken with feeling it can be just as enthralling too...
I'm definately a bookaholic, sometimes I stay up all night just to finish a book :D. I try to read as often as I can, some books are just amazing.
Wow wish I could read that quick, love to read, read at least 30 mins a day or more depends on children and what we are doing and where ect ect wish I could read faster but I am a detail take in and like to know more info like what are the details on the buttons, my husband he reads a book every few days and can only tell me the overall story line but who cares really everyone should read - I tell my children books are food for the brain and they both love reading and are 5 and 10 - I also read to kids at school but notice that many dont read to parents and parents dont read enough to children - shame shame
Yehk, I take my own book to the doctor's too....all those sick people in there, touching things with their germy hands!! lol
Do you exhibit three or more of the following symptoms:
# Neglect of other Activities: Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of book use;
# Excessive Use: books are consumed in larger amounts over a longer period than intended;
# Impaired control: Ongoing, unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control book consumption;
# Persistence of Use: book consumption is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely caused or exacerbated by reading;
# Large Amounts of Time Spent in Book Related Activities: A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain, use or recover from the effects of reading;
# Withdrawal: Withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, and anxiety when book use is stopped after a period of heavy reading;
# Tolerance: The need for increasing amounts of reading in order to feel its effects.
Three or more of the these over a year would make you a bookaholic according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Well almost...
Bookaholics unite and read read read! Patronise your local libary and borrow borrow borrow. We booklovers and readaholics have to show the rest of the world that books are good and reading is great. I have tried to imagine myself with an ebook, but oh I would miss the feel of a book in my hands and turning the pages. No ebooks for me - give me the real macoy any day!! I confess I have the reading bug bad.
I display all of them
Ha ha ha! There probably isn't anything that couldn't be listed at the "Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders". Pretty happy to put my hand and up and say I'm a booklover, bookworm, and so forth. You're never short of company when you have a book at hand!
Yes, I do - have nearly been run down by cyclists on the footpath because I am walking along reading and not looking. But it's worth it - I LOVE reading. Yes I am a bookaholic and happy to admit to it
Yes, I do - have nearly been run down by cyclists on the footpath because I am walking along reading and not looking. But it's worth it - I LOVE reading. Yes I am a bookaholic and happy to admit to it
trust me i was like you but i think its natural for anyone to read so many books, that means yourreally into stories and excitements, so what if people take an advantage of u and no your not a bookahlic your just plain mysterious!
YES, i have this exact same problem... i read books like everyday and i love it and enjoy it so so much. books are like my passion and i can get a little over dramatic reading books i must admit. So Stewart don't think you are the only one who feels that they are a bookaholic. By the way there is a book called "Bookoholic" i have read it and it is quite interesting and i good book but i cant rememver who the author is, i read it a long long time ago, ike a couple of years. I read alot but... sometimes i have to realise that there are other things in life besides for being addicted to books and the library. At least i am not adicted to Smoking, so think of it as a good addiction.
Hi Stewart - Another bookworm is just so relaxing reading and a great way to escape sometimes when its needed. :-)
Hi budga - It makes me happy to know that there are still many of us bookworms about and that the internet as well as e-readers like kindle haven't killed us all off just yet! I hope you find the book you are searching for - what is it?...Maybe someone here can help you find it? Maybe one of us may even have it? It's worth a try?
I enjoy reading but find once you find a good author that rights books that you can't put down I find you cannot get the author to write enough books. The author is Anna Jacobs has anyone else read her books also?
Hi Blondie72 yes another bookworm here. I go through a book a day and have about three on the go. I have spent the last 10 years looking for a particular book in a series and can't get it I so hate that.
I love reading. I read every chance i get. I even read at work n my break. I like a wide variety of fiction books including romance and vampire. I also like the medical mystery books by Robin Cook.
If you like reading go to there are 13 books written by me and read all over the world in the last year I have had 3600 people read them, it's free to read them.
If you people like to read books I have written 13 books so-far an have them on a Blog:
My daughter in October 2013 told me to put my books up on a blog, she made the blog for me and at present I have over 3,600 people all over the world reading my books, I can see that most of them stay for more than a week on my blog.
Most are from the USA and Russia, many from France, the Ukraine,China,Mexico and dozens of other countries, they are free to read and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I like writing them.
sounds like my house. both my daughter 16 & I love reading. most of the time we manage to not want to read the same book at the same time. Got ALL vampire books, Anne Mccaffrey, Dan Brown. Then there is any thing and everything we can find on the way. Also like fan fict's online. Very funny.
I too love the medical mystery books by Robin Cook and cannot put one down once I start. I think I must be a conspiracy theorist. I am not really a fan of romance and have never read a vampire book. I do like mysteries and those which concern themselves with court procedures.
There are many many bookaholics :) I love reading so much! I will pretty much read anything, I quite often walk out of a library with a large teetering pile of books! Hahaha.
well i walk out of the library reading a book most of the time. though i do go in with a huge heavy bag of books to return
Hi Stewart , If you are a bookaholic I really dont think thats a bad thing!! I must confess to being one as well. I went op-shopping last week and came home wiht 28 books!!!
Love Martina Cole
sounds so like me... i cant go out without hitting op shops for books...
have you read any books by MARTINA COLE she is my latest
Hi Stewart, I too am an avid book reader but think that if I tried to read while walking to the library I would run into a pole or something!!! I catch lots of public transport and having a good book to read while waiting makes it go so much faster. What types of books do you like to read. I love crime novels. I find with our local library though that they do not have a big enough selection of some of my favourite authors. Do you find this a problem also? I wish my children would read more but they don't seem to be bothered these days. More into computers and games.
Hello Traceyann, We do not have a car so we rely on public transport and when using the train I usually have a book with me. (I have a diploma in Library).
To solve the problem of not enough selection:-
1. Place a request at the library (on a library purchase request slip) for a book you would like the library to purchase.
2. Sometimes you can request books from the library's branches. As some library branches stock different genres to other library branches.
3. Also the library may be in a group of libraries from different councils if so the library can request books from a range of libraries and branches.
I think if you can get the children interested in one book which is part of a series they may want to read the whole series!!!
An example of this is the Harry Potter series (latest)
Hardy boys,
The lion the witch and the wardrobe series,
Vampire series for older children.
Goosebumps series,
Bites books (they look like someone has taken a bite out of them.)
Have a look in the library, look through the catalogue (kids) or ask the children's librarian or one of the head librarians.
If they are young enough read to them and change your voices to the characters in the book (20 years later my children remembered this).
Also get them to pick out animals or characters pictures in the books.
I hope this helps.
I thank you too starsista, the book Disgracefully Yours sounds like my cup to tea. Will certainly seek it out at my Library. Are you fond of Australian authors? Have you read any of Judy Nunn's? Give her a read, she is very much worth reading. Usually has an Australian historical theme but with wonderful strong characters. Happy reading!
Starsista, I like the sound of both books you suggested. Disgracefully Yours is something I also could relate to being in my seventies. I'll see if my local library has them. If you can walk, you can dance has me intrigued. I must suggest this to my friend who is from South Africa.
Another book I read which I thought really good was The Help also a great movie. The Secret LIfe of Bees another good book and film.
June, sounds great. I've just finished reading 'If You can Walk, You can Dance' by Marion Molteno. The title comes from a Zimbabwean proverb, 'If you can walk you can dance. If you can talk you can sing'. A bit slow to begin and once you get into it the book takes you on a magical musical dance.
My current book is called 'Disgracefully Yours', written by six women known as the Hen Co-op. The whole idea of aging disgracefully appeals to me in my early sixties and the writers are all in their sixties and seventies when they wrote the book 'Growing Old Disgracefully'. 'Disgracefully Yours' is a reply to many who wrote them after their first book came out.
Enjoy your reading.
Hi Libby, I don't know what kind of books you like but I just read a terrific book called The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society, an odd name but it's explained in the book. It is mainly in the form of letters in the early stages and then the characters meet face to face. It is querky, funny, sad and a little bit of a history lesson too about the island of Guernsey and war time occupation. Quite an eye opener. If you like something more gentle than crime stories or erotic type romances you might like this.
Hi Traceyann
I too find that the local library is full of junk reading- all crime or romance, and nothing worth reading. Believe me I have read some stuff that is so juvenile I couldn't finish it and wonder how they ever got published.
Perhaps i am too picky. I asked one day about classics and was directed to a shelf containing about 20 books!
Back to the University library I think...
I too read anything and everything, local papers, mystery and crime novels, books on spirituality and theology. However as of a week ago I will have to class myself as a Kindleholic. This is very successful as I have chronic pain and managing a book, especially in bed where I do most of my reading is much easier to say nothing of having no more shelf room for books. I tried to sell some of my books online but only sold two. My first book read on my new toy was a Linda La Plante novel, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
would you even class mills & boons & xrated-as books??!! i wouldnt! good for you for loving books! its the best & quickest escape from reality when you want it & you can go anywhere in the world or out of it from you comfy chair! i like the aussie fiction books -there are a few good ones around! & did you know with new books you can request your library to buy them in!
stewart bookworm
I read qite a lot about human follies,blunders and jokes. Also westerns Marshal Grover larry and stretch series. Clive cussler types. Historical fact and fiction. Especially likes the "sharpes' series by bernard cornwell. Faction books Australian and other word history,science and space exploration. In other words nearly every subject but not mills and booms and x rated
I used to read a book every 3 days and sometimes, read one during the day. Unfortunately, when the kids came, that went out the window, no time. It's only now, kids grown up, have their own lives that I am now able to get back into reading.
It's a shame more people don't read books. Step back from the computer games and read a book.
Yes, you are a bookaholic Stewart.....but that deserves a gold star. :-)
That's a shame Anton. If we lived nearby I would read to you & share some of the great books which I've read in recent months. After reading some great novels by Australian writers I've re-read some of my favourites like East of Eden. Guess what ? Our writers are as good or better!
When I was diagnosed with CFS, my brain was affected and the tiredness made it impossible for me to read anything, let alone a book. However, a friend introduced me to audio-books - they enriched my life.
after becoming disabled my reading habbits have slowed, I used to spend everyday reading and now due to head injuries I have to be in the right frame of mind to read