Media, Entertainment & Music

Is television and radio becoming less relevant to you ?

Media, Entertainment & Music

Posted by: Shemp

22nd Apr 2024 09:20pm

Is television and radio, as we know it, becoming less relevant as the preferred choice for your entertainment with so many other forms of entertainment competing against them like Netflix, Fox,etc and podcasts etc ?

Comments 5

  • 10th Sep 2024 05:59pm

Depends on the individual. All platforms are still being used.

  • 12th Jul 2024 03:01pm

No, they aren't. I watch television every night. We don't have subscriptions. My news is from the television. I listen to the radio in the car when I travel to do the shopping. My habits around these forms of media haven't changed as I don't connect to the internet and scroll on a phone. Generally, also I don't look up news on my computer, only weather occasionally. I have never listened to a podcast, audiobooks or streaming music etc. as they don't interest me.

  • 18th Jul 2024 11:30pm
I know of other people and families who lack self-control and regulation around social media, streaming. What a shame they require constant stimulation, fear missing out, are anxious and dislike...

The point I'm trying to make is not about fear of missing out, etc, but whether there is a long term purpose for TV and radio when the offerings on TV is no longer as stumilating for the majority of people because of the many lesser quality shows offered. We all have slightly different tastes which is a good thing but I'm becoming more and more aware of the subtle changes taking place with TV stations having to fill in once lucrative ( advertising ) space with mainly their current and furture offerings and unwanted news updates.
Streaming services like Netflix offer reasonable movies which people will watch whenever they want. These movies are shown from beginning to end uninterrupted. Whenever TV plays any worthwhile movies it's usually cut up to make room for a few adverts and news updates weather reports.
This is the point I'm trying to make :- is there any long term future for TV ( and to a lesser extent radio ) when advertisers reduce the number of ads they're willing to give the TV stations ?

  • 15th Jul 2024 09:44pm
It seems as though your some of the very few who hasn't been distracted by the overwhelming number of available media.
TV is struggling to provide any worth while content to stimulate our...

I know of other people and families who lack self-control and regulation around social media, streaming. What a shame they require constant stimulation, fear missing out, are anxious and dislike their own company and simply relaxing, chilling and silence.
As my daughter who does regulate her social media and general online media use, that's a, them problem.

  • 15th Jul 2024 09:27pm
No, they aren't. I watch television every night. We don't have subscriptions. My news is from the television. I listen to the radio in the car when I travel to do the shopping. My habits around...

It seems as though your some of the very few who hasn't been distracted by the overwhelming number of available media.
TV is struggling to provide any worth while content to stimulate our interest with far too many old, tired, past series of especially reruns of English shows.
There are just far too many TV and radio stations which aren't watched - how many TV cooking shows do we need ?
There is fierce competition between TV stations to try to get our eyeballs watching. Too many of both AM and FM radio stations trying to get our ears to listen.
The number of social media formats is amazing, and what real beneficial value can they have except to cleverly" trap " you to keep scrolling and scrolling endlessly in case you missed something which you would forget about anyway in a short time afterwards.
The many alternative forms of media, be it TV, radio or social media can't be used all at once. As a result of the growing uptake of social media our attention to the traditional forms of media - TV,radio and even newspapers - is diminishing to the detriment of TV and radio. The TV and radio stations heavily rely upon the revenues they receive from advertisiers for their existance. The advertisers are aware of this and have been limiting the volume of advertising revenue going to TV and radio stations ( and newspapers ) because they know fewer and fewer people are watching TV or listening to radio so the advertisers aren't/can't get any real return for the money they pay to the TV and radio stations resulting in ,especially, the TV station having to reduce the quality of the shows they can afford to show. Viewers begin to stop watching the many tired old rerun shows offered by the TV stations and then the spiral gradually goes downwards further and the TV stations struggle more because fewer eyeballs are watching and less advertising revenue is received.
This is a world wide problem. Social media is taking over from watching the traditional TV and, to a lesser extent, listening to radio. Progess is a constant : welcome to the future.

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