Society & Culture

Australian Nightlife

Society & Culture

Posted by: Phoenix3259

8th Jan 2024 12:04pm

Do you often go out of an evening and experience some type of live performance, art or music?

Whether it be going to the club, to a theatre or simply out for a couple drinks, what is it that attracts you the most and what deters you from going in the first place? What do you think could be improved?

Let us know below and you'll be in with a chance to win one of four $50 WISH eGift cards. The winners will be the four most comprehensive answers as judged by our staff. Closing date is Thursday 29th, February 2024, at 5pm (AEST).

Comments 112

  • 28th Apr 2024 06:32pm

Since covid I enjoy taking time out on a Friday night or weekend lunch and sit somewhere and listen to live music. Our local area has occasional local live music artists at restaurant venues.

  • 24th Apr 2024 01:53pm

I definitely don't as much since having kids. I feel like I have definitely gotten more afraid of being in public /public anxiety after COVID & so many unpredictable people nowadays.

  • 23rd Apr 2024 10:21pm

I like to volleyball

Jade Simpson
  • 23rd Apr 2024 06:32pm

I like going to volleyball on a Friday night or to a concert of an artist I like. Sometimes I go out to dinner or drinks at a really nice place. I wish more decent artists came up to Darwin.

  • 22nd Apr 2024 05:52pm

I took my son to an outdoor band and it's been a positive cost free time

  • 22nd Apr 2024 04:10pm

In Melbourne CBD, there are numerous venues for live performances, art, and music (The Toff In Town, JazzLab, Butterfly Club etc). The city's vibrant nightlife includes theaters, jazz bars, and live music venues that offer a variety of experiences! People are drawn to these places for the high-quality performances, the vibrant atmosphere, and the opportunity to socialize and discover new artists~ However, what deters many from going out include high ticket/entry prices, crowded venues, or transportation issues (myki officers everywhere!). Improving accessibility, providing more affordable ticket options, and offering a wider variety of entertainment choices could enhance the experience and encourage more people to enjoy Melbourne's rich cultural scene.

  • 22nd Apr 2024 11:20am

No. There isn't really anywhere to go in my area, and a lot of the people you see around are far older than me. There's also the issue of late night transport or a lack thereof so I can't really go into the city when I'm unable to get home.

  • 18th Apr 2024 01:00am

There are plenty of places to go out too! We will go out at least twice a week with family and friends.

  • 11th Apr 2024 05:38pm

I go to my local pub alot they need to start having age bracket time slots fir live music etc so I don't spend hours waiting for the music advertised then by the time the m7sic I want to listen comes on I'm ready to go hone as I've been bored out of my brains.

  • 9th Apr 2024 09:02am

I used to go out frequently when I was younger but now I tend to stick to going to see live theatre, stand up comedy, musicals, conventions and exhibitions, and the occasional concert.

I prefer to spend quality time doing these things with family and close friends. I also enjoy going to a cafe or restaurant, but regarding all of the above, the cost of living has massively impacted my abilty to afford going out very often - its hard enough just to pay rent, bills and groceries!

I havent been to a nightclub for about 17 years and i dont miss it ONE BIT.

  • 8th Apr 2024 09:56pm

Since covid we have not been in in an indoor venue. Not movies, not music, not food, nothing. I will only attend something - even a family gathering - if it is outside, well ventilated and I am safe, and I will NOT remove my N95 mask in ANY inside venue whatsoever - not even to drink. I have horrible long covid (2 years and counting), and simply CANNOT risk getting it again - next time it will most likely kill me. Socialising comes at a very low priority when a virus leaves you disabled.

  • 27th Mar 2024 10:50pm

Deter if it's far away or very expensive

  • 27th Mar 2024 10:49pm

Occasionally. Like the buzz.

  • 27th Mar 2024 10:49pm

The music that I like

  • 27th Mar 2024 10:48pm

I go out rarely but enjoy it when I do

  • 26th Mar 2024 02:52pm

Easy parking. Fun bright venue. Band or dj

  • 25th Mar 2024 10:51pm

I enjoyed going out 20 years ago to all the advents but our country is not safe anymore and l fill for my children, as they will never have what l was able to enjoy :-(

  • 25th Mar 2024 05:12pm

At night, rare. maybe once a year. twice if I'm feeling brave. I don't like being on trains at night. Lunch is my preferred outing.

  • 24th Mar 2024 02:06pm

I find Australian nightlife vibrant and diverse. The allure for me is in the live performances; there’s something electric about experiencing music and art in its raw, unedited form. What usually deters me is the crowd - sometimes it’s too packed to enjoy the event fully. An improvement? More intimate venues where the performances feel personal and the audience can connect more with the artists.

  • 22nd Mar 2024 06:09pm

I don't do night clubbing I am too old I prefere to spend it with my family

  • 14th Mar 2024 10:22pm


  • 12th Mar 2024 11:38pm

Lock out laws, over priced entry fees, overpriced tickets, overpriced drinks and other nanny state restrictions have killed nightlife in Australia. Much better nightlife culture and vibe in Asia and other places.

  • 12th Mar 2024 01:03pm

I go for a drink every day after work. There are plenty of good happy hour options to enjoy plus it's a great way to unwind. I often attend a live performance. Normally a local act. They don't cost a fortune and you can normally still get tickets at the door which allows for a lot flexibility. We have so many fantastic local artists in this country. Totally underrated.

  • 25th Feb 2024 09:45am

Spending time with friends and family whilst watching great entertainment such as favourite singer or a theatre show.
Deterrents are if price is outside my budget and also if venue is large then too many people and getting home from venue via public transport

  • 25th Feb 2024 03:11am

Oh! That would be such a treat to see, hear and be part of a huge crowd all just as excited as you are. It's been many years since I hace experienced it. After a divorce of a marriage that was 27 years worth you become a recluse. Now with health issues attending a live effort would be the best ever experience and maybe not so far off I will be at one before I am left unable to attend.

  • 21st Feb 2024 06:29pm


  • 21st Feb 2024 06:29pm


  • 21st Feb 2024 04:47pm

I don't do this

  • 21st Feb 2024 04:46pm

No I don't

  • 21st Feb 2024 04:46pm

Now an then when there is a good concert

  • 21st Feb 2024 04:45pm

I don't do this.

  • 21st Feb 2024 04:44pm

No I don't

  • 20th Feb 2024 06:49pm

I rarely go out at night as I have to catch public transport. I don’t like loud music either. I prefer a meditation group
or an interesting lecture.

  • 20th Feb 2024 09:53am

I occassionally go to karaoke with friends. I enjoy the music and some dancing and the comaraderie. The only thing that puts me off is that it finishes late at night and if no one is going that can drive me home then I don't go.

  • 20th Feb 2024 02:51am

Large crowds are a deterrent as effects enjoyment of concerts/ live music and also difficult to leave venue and get home by public transport/ taxi.
I’m attracted to go out to experience something new with family or friends

  • 19th Feb 2024 06:01pm

I haven't been to a 'concert' for a good ten years now, but yes, I do enjoy music and going out and listening to local pub gigs and visiting town hall venue performances in my Town.
If its something I really like and no-one else does, I am perfectly fine with going solo.
I am there for the music, having a good time and not necessarily for the social intercourse aspect . . . . you can't talk once the music starts and band is playing anyway.
I've heard of people being hesitant of going to venues alone , but personally I've noticed more people going to concerts, clubs, pub gigs and live performances alone than I had suspected.
I like the idea of not having to worry about anyone else and just doing my own thing.
I must admit I prefer a seated show as I'm not a fan of standing around for extended periods of time in crowded spaces so I usually try and contact the venue beforehand to find out the time of my fave headliners set.
Also about going solo to music venues etc, there is nothing to be apprehensive about going by yourself. Have a few brews to calm the nerves if necessary, don't feel like you have to talk to anyone else if you don't want to.
Social skills are not a prerequisite for listening and enjoying live music.
Once you get past the stigma of going alone, it's really not a big deal.
So the way I see it, why should you miss out on seeing your favourite artists just because you've got no-one to go with. Rock on !!

  • 19th Feb 2024 02:40pm

I do but would love to more. Our town is full of up coming musicians artists so we need to support them and local businesses. Health issues have stopped me lately but would love a night out soon.

  • 16th Feb 2024 02:19pm

Since I had my son (11 years ago today!!), I don't really go out in the evenings anymore. I didn't go out all that much before I had him either, but I think it's made a little more difficult now that he is school-age and there are lots of conflicting priorities! I would love to go out to more theatre shows, or concerts and movies, but as of right now, I don't tend to go out very much! If I do go out, it's with the whole family during the day at the weekend. I think if public transport was improved of a night time (trains are few and far between for me to get home and this is a big deterrent as well), I would be encouraged to plan more nights out after work when I'm in the city.

  • 12th Feb 2024 03:02pm

I don't like spending my nights at home, would much rather be "out and about". I regularly see comedy and theatre shows, attend museums and art galleries and the occasional band. I would see more bands if they weren't so loud!

I also enjoy going out for a couple of beverages with my mates at different pubs and taverns. We often do this after a long day hiking or mountain biking, and we enjoy and return to those that have live music (or super friendly staff!)

  • 1st Feb 2024 11:47pm

I was never big on the “night life” scene. If I went out at night I’d spend the whole time wishing I was back at home. The only exception to that was live music events. I loved going to see bands performing and getting to hear some of my favourite songs. Now it’s just too expensive to go and do these things. I also bought a house further away so it takes me longer to get into Brisbane CBD where most events are held. Ubers and taxis are just too expensive to go the distance required and there’s not enough venues in the suburban areas.

  • 1st Feb 2024 12:36pm

I used to love going out, drinking and dancing, watching live bands or simply DJ music at the club or pub. Now I'm retired and rarely step outside my door. But, I still love my music.

  • 31st Jan 2024 08:34pm

No I dont

  • 31st Jan 2024 10:12am

We don't venture out much these days with the constant rising costs of absolutely everything. We went to a pub for a birthday dinner a few months ago and my eldest son ordered a bourbon and cola and I was horrified by the cost of one drink. I am 46 years of age and 25 years ago, we could happily take $50 on a big night out and be pretty happy. I don't understand how people are even going out with the extreme high cost of each drink then the rising cost of a meal if you're in a pub environment. I'd hate to know how much 20-year-olds need for a big night out these days. My nephew, who is 24, says that he needs at least $150 for the cost of drinks and entry fees into the city these days. I was horrified.

The biggest deterrent for me is price and value for money. I splurge once every few years for a special concert, like Jessica Malbou in April, can't wait to see her. Last concert was Elton John. I think it's a great privilege to get to see your idols, I come from Alice Springs and never got to see many concerts growing up. So I see the value in that most of the time. Sometimes the ticket prices are just ridiculous prices and don't go.

I tend to way up value for money, what you get and how much it's costing my family these days. The economic situation is terrible and we struggle like the majority of families these days.

  • 30th Jan 2024 09:25pm

I prefer going out in the daytime. I catch public transportation and it’s easier and safer to travel by day. I dislike loud venues and prefer quiet places where I can have a nice conversation.

  • 30th Jan 2024 09:24pm

I prefer going out in the daytime. I catch public transportation and it’s easier and safer to travel by day. I dislike loud venues and prefer quiet places where I can have a nice conversation.

  • 30th Jan 2024 08:11pm

I love the music scene in Melbourne and I’m lucky to have friends who perform and DJ, but the biggest deterrent in going to events in the city at night is safety. Within the last few months it feels like there’s always another assault or car crash in high traffic areas, with many of the perpetrators being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. It’s just starting to feel less safe in the CBD at night, even along major streets like Elizabeth and Collins, which has been making me more hesitant to go out at night lately. Ultimately I think the decriminalisation of all drugs and reduced stigma surrounding rehabilitation would help address the drug use problem, and improved quality of life (such as better employment opportunities and affordable housing) for all Victorians would help prevent this issue in the first place.

  • 29th Jan 2024 05:46pm

Up here in Darwin, nothing beats a night out at the open air deck chair cinema, with some great food and drinks. Followed by a stroll into the city either to Browns Mart for a play or one of the boutique bars for a few quiet drinks!

  • 28th Jan 2024 09:53am

I enjoy going to see Australian independent artists mostly singer songwriters. Angie Hart is my favourite artist.

  • 23rd Jan 2024 10:38am

The reason I love Australian nightlife (especially Melbourne) is the music is always good. Whether you are after techno, house or good ol singalong there’s always a place to go.
I am deterred from places when the entry fee is expensive, tbh I would prefer not to pay to walk into a bar and when the people at the door are rude.

I think the nightlife could be improved by having my options for a rooftop bar for those warmer nights.

  • 23rd Jan 2024 09:26am

Yes, all people crave social interaction and it is worth spending time with friends because it has great effects on your overall mood. Going out can help you meet new people or explore things outside of your comfort zone.
But… I personally love curling up on the couch for some much-needed “me” time, watching a nice movie and switching off for a while from this busy world. I also prefer spending my nights and weekends with my family, rather than in a bar drinking. Bars and drinks are for young people who are still dreaming, love dancing and loud music and dont give a damn about anything in life at that moment.

  • 22nd Jan 2024 03:13pm

We used to go out a lot but since covid we tend to only go out for dinner or the movies.

  • 21st Jan 2024 03:03pm

I love going out in Richmond, VIC however, it’s becoming harder to do with how expensive everything is. I no longer have the funds to spend on a night out, which is such a shame because I love doing it.
My favourite things to do when/if I can go out would be to live sport (footy, basketball, tennis, netball) or to a pub for a few things and live music/dj.

I would love to be able to go out somewhere where the meals are $20 or less or you can have a few drinks and get home for under $50.
I know this is more of a fantasy now with inflation but it would be nice!!

  • 30th Jan 2024 08:13pm
I love going out in Richmond, VIC however, it’s becoming harder to do with how expensive everything is. I no longer have the funds to spend on a night out, which is such a shame because I love...

This is sooo true, feel like eating out regularly isn’t a possibility anymore, and too many bars and clubs are charging high entry fees on top of ridiculous drinks prices which takes so much fun out of clubbing and pub crawls 😢

  • 21st Jan 2024 10:07am

Living in s small country town there is minimal night entertainment available apart from 3 pubs, a Golf Club and Bowls Club. The bands are ok - but avoiding the pub if you aren't into having drinks spilled on you by other pub goers or the availability of drugs where the staff look the other way is an absolute must. It is also expensive if you want to have a night out by the time you pay for a meal and alcohol. The prices are disgusting for a small country town - a lot of out of town city dwellers who have visited the above mentioned venues have been surprised and disgusted about the pricing.

  • 20th Jan 2024 04:55pm

it sounds good and have gone out plenty in the past but at 82 I tend to stay home more and watch television in the night time getting older is not so nice except for the knowledge

  • 19th Jan 2024 01:09pm

I'm a real home bod now. I'm 72, retired and live in the country. But, when I do get the chance to go to town and I enjoy a beer or 3 at the pub, playing the Pokies, etc always a bit of fun for a good night out from this Country Bumpkin.

the rack
  • 19th Jan 2024 01:20am

I love going out, especially since retirement. It’s a good way to stay social. As we’ve aged, however, I’m not enjoying it as much as I often feel out of place by attending theatre, music concerts, and the like. However, I feel very comfortable attending comedy shows these days. Everyone seems to already be in a good mood and non judgmental.

  • 18th Jan 2024 05:58pm

No, I don’t go out at night because too many holiday people and I don’t feel safe ,during the day no problem and it’s lovely place where I live.

the rack
  • 18th Jan 2024 05:50pm

I love going out, especially since retirement. It’s a good way to stay social. As we’ve aged, however, I’m not enjoying it as much as I often feel out of place by attending theatre, music concerts, and the like. However, I feel very comfortable attending comedy shows these days. Everyone seems to already be in a good mood and non judgmental.

  • 17th Jan 2024 12:35am

Hello everyone
I’m an artist. Painter, draw, jewellery making etc.
I get invited to events at the Southern Highlands in NSW. Which is a little over an hour drive. Meeting fabulous people. Being inspired with there beautiful art. Chatting about life. I love meeting wonderful like minded people. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Feeling like a family. I truly feel it’s a fantastic experience. You may want to try this yourself. No improvement necessary.

  • 16th Jan 2024 04:50pm

attracts us cause we love musicals, but costs can be a deterrent and travelling to the city with all the train works can put us off too. (having to catch a bus instead of a train for part of the journey)_. don't like driving to the city and having to pay for parking. perhaps improved/reduced parking prices would help.

  • 16th Jan 2024 01:53pm

I’m very selective where I go at evenings these days. I love going to a band, the ballet, dinner and cocktails but only tend to go to the pub for a meal on a regular basis. Most of our socialising is done at home or at friends’. That could be an age thing.

Going to restaurants and cocktail bars since Covid has become a bit of a pain since most places introduced time limits or sittings back then and have kept to that ever since. I understand that it increases turnover but it makes for a far less relaxing time for us.

I like going out for special events at night but it isn’t a weekly occasion like it used to be. Also, one of us tends to drive as neither of us enjoys being driven by taxis or ride share.

  • 16th Jan 2024 12:01pm

We used to go out and night for dinner but as we age, we find it harder to go out at night and tend to go for lunchtime meals. Half the time, we can't be bothered getting dressed to head out at night. The traffic at night is horrible so just stay home. Feel safer these days.

  • 15th Jan 2024 11:06pm

I love attending both rock concerts and the symphony, but it's been quite a while since I've done the latter. Rock groups I've seen live include:

Styx & Foreigner -- kick-ass!!
Steve Miller -- if anything, even better
Van Halen (with D.L.Roth, who forgot half the words, but still had it going on)
Journey (recently, with the new singer) -- OK, but not fabulous

In my teens, I saw:

Queen (w/Freddy Mercury on their "Hot Space" tour) -- OK, but not as good as their live albums; Hot Space was almost disco, as Queen albums go
Huey Lewis & the News (opened for one of the others, I think)

...and the first artist I ever saw perform?

Cyndi Lauper, believe it or not (I was like eight)

So you can see what I like from these lists. But as I said at the outset, I also enjoy classical music. My tastes range over quite a lot of territory. Basically, if it's good, I like it; and if I like it, I want to see it live. Musicals like Phantom of the Opera and Cats (yes, both D.L. Weber) are always fun, and even the opera can be OK every once in a while.

I'll finish with this thought. We should all support live performance. There is a time to enjoy note-perfect studio work, and a time to revel in even the "mistakes" the artists make on stage. When a group is better live than they are on record you're in for a real treat, which is why (of everyone I've just mentioned) my vote for best live artist goes to Steve Miller. You really haven't heard him 'til you've experienced him onstage, where he just GOES OFF. Feeding off the enthusiasm of their audiences, jamming for the pure fun and creativity of it all (listen to AC/DC doing "Jailbreak" on the "Live" album it shows up on -- the extended "Collector's" edition -- and you'll understand what I'm saying.


  • 15th Jan 2024 10:20pm

Go out all the time, absolutely love live music and dancing. The atmosphere and energy of a place where people connect is truly electric, moving and existing with people around you who are having the same/ similar experiences as you and building a connection with them is the true meaning of the human experience. Honestly the only things that deter me from going out and experiencing music or the arts is not always having people to go with me, whether that be friends that are busy or the event being too expensive for someone to go. It would be awesome to have a way that the audience can make sure the music djs play is good to dance to, I know for myself and most people I know the best music for these environments is nostalgic and upbeat, rather than the doofy music that gets played often, as it is hard to continue dancing and having fun when you can’t scream the lyrics to a song you used to sing in your childhood bedroom.

  • 15th Jan 2024 08:00pm

I rarely go out, in Melbourne. Would love too more..

  • 15th Jan 2024 11:52am

I rarely go out to see live music or performances in the evenings. I have my kids one week on, one week off and not a huge "village" to support me. Also one of my kids is ASD/ADHD/Anxiety diagnosed, so can be difficult to accommodate him. At the moment cost of living is high enough for me to cut expenses like this, even though I would love to go. I didn't buy a Foo Fighters ticket in December, as I didn't think I could justify the expense.

  • 15th Jan 2024 10:21am

Do you often go out of an evening and experience some type of live performance, art, or music?

Yes, I do, but not as often as I used to. My nights out are usually to see a theatre performance or enjoy some standup comedy. Pre-Covid, I used to also go to the cinema almost religiously (once a week). But since our return to ‘normality,’ I haven’t been able to return the cinema…initially they were screening B grade rubbish, but even though the movies screenings have improved, I’ve only been to the cinema, four times.

When I was younger and dating, nights out would include the above and casinos, clubs, pubs, rock concerts, anything, and everything. At 65 yrs., I couldn’t get a date if my life depended on it, so concerts, pubs and clubs are gone and the last time I went to a casino was about six years ago with some friends after a birthday dinner celebration.

What deters or attracts me to a gig?
It’s the interplay of three factors - cost, convenience, and the value of the experience.
Bear with me as I give some examples.
I haven’t gone to see a New Year’s Eve fireworks display in about 15 years. Cost - very little, Convenience – terrible, if I’m going to have to rely on public transport, Value – I’ve seen enough.
Don’t misunderstand, I’ve experienced impromptu fireworks relatively recently that may have cost under $1K, sans the allegedly coordinated music of news year’s eve, and it’s always magical to see, in person. But do I want to see fireworks with a million other people standing in each other’s pocket? No. Do I want to go and stake out a space days before? No. It’s an experience for lovers, young families, and tourists.
Taylor Swift – Cost $400 - $1200 😂, Convenience – tolerable, Value – her music, holds no value to me.
Would I go? No. I’d rather give the money to charity and stay home and listen to my playlists.
A theatre production – Cost - $90, Convenience – parking available, Value – always enjoyable regardless of whether it’s an amateur or professional production. Yes, I’d go.
I’ve gone to curated art showings that are so popular you would think going would be useless because the crowds would detract from the value of experience but you try to compensate by going on a week day instead of the weekend. It makes it do-able. See what I mean?
I love the notion of Vivid, but I have yet to see one presentation. Every time someone says ‘we recommend using public transport,’ I hear ‘don’t bother, stay home.’ Yes, I get it, it’s better for the environment, the roads are closed, blah blah blah. That said, what would I prefer, standing on train platform with a half a million people struggling to squeeze on a train or sitting in my car listening to my favourite tunes while taking 40 minutes to get out of the carpark after a play? The latter, no hesitation.
What do you think could be improved?
I wish I had an answer. If I was stinking rich, I’d buy apartments all around Sydney near venues I frequent, so I’d have somewhere within walking distance to sleep in overnight.

  • 14th Jan 2024 11:35pm

Nightlife nearly doesn't exist because of the inflated price at restaurants, clubs and pubs. We haven't been to a pub at night in almost 30 years. Club entertainment used to be affordable about 15 to 20 years ago before the lib govt started price rising on nearly everything and not giving tax refunds, UNLESS YOU HAD A PRIVATE HEALTH FUND LIKE THE YANKS !! Oh, & by the way, with private health you STILL HAVE TO PAY a stupid amount for every Dr, Dentist, Physio, Hospital visit. I know this because a member of my family has private and costs him/them every visit.
The disability insurance scheme is another RIP OFF. A disabled friend had to go to physio a few times. Claiming thru his scheme they charged $185 per visit and thru normal payment it was $85. Being disabled his Dad or Mum had to attend to the paperwork and this is what they were told, so they just went thru the normal visit fee.

  • 14th Jan 2024 08:22pm

i really think that working is a means to an end . Surely going out , indulging in new experiences, enjoying the fact that you are alive, is the end . I love going to the theatre, concerts, or even if its down the local for a couple of drinks and talking to friends. Its a way to celebrate being able to move and talk

  • 14th Jan 2024 02:45pm

These days I'm too unwell to venture out of my home more than once a fortnight, and usually at night (no need for sunscreen then) on my mobility scooter. Only the lack of disability access deters me from going anywhere and more could be done to realize that even those of us with disabilities enjoy spending time at cafes, theatres etc etc etc....

aunty gran
  • 14th Jan 2024 02:42pm

My reticence in going our especially at night is l am an older person and l no longer feel safe to do so. There are so many incidences of violence with people being incredibly abusive in their drug fuelled rampages. These l have witnessed and thought hey this is not how l wish to spend my night being fearful that l may be harmed either purposefully or incidentally or observe violent assaults. I no longer go to the supermarket late at night for similar reasons. In my previous employment it was not uncommon for me to witness and or manage aggression but now the behaviours are so extreme with the poor RSA or whoever is working in the venues are ill equipped to deal with it, like the patrons they are probably fearful for their own safety.
Another reason is most things that l can make for us at home for at a 1/4 of the cost. I am very happy to entertain my friends here in my home, l do not expect anyone to bring anything except their choice of drinks. Personally l hate having to take a food when friends returns the invitation as to me an enjoyable part of going out is not having to prepare and clean up but that is the way it is.
I was a keen theatre goer, and love music, late nights (still a night owl) and having fun with friends - thank god for Spotify.

  • 14th Jan 2024 02:31pm

Better air quality! Outdoors under shelter, protected for the elements and advise what to wear! Honestly people need to know they’re safe from COVID etc etc and guidance what to wear!

  • 14th Jan 2024 02:21pm

We go out to dinner with friends once every few months and probably to a dinner and show once a year. Would love it to be more but honestly it's a luxury for us these days. Even our meals out are turning into just going to each others houses so it's cheaper to make from scratch at home and everyone bring a plate. We used to go to shows about 4 times a year but those days are long gone thanks to inflation and the cost of living. But it's rather nice to be more casual and have a fun time at each others houses. I think people have lost the art of having fun with friends when you don't have someone to entertain you with music or theatre. We are all having a great time. Apart from that what stops us from going out sometimes is general fatigue aches and pains, I have psoriatic arthritis and hubby has osteo arthritis and going to a show and be mighty uncomfortable to sit in those seats for a couple hours. So for improvement I would like to see a section for people that have health issues/pain having a choice of better more comfortable seats.

  • 14th Jan 2024 01:16pm

Being on a low income I really have to pick and choose where & when I go out.
Usually my go to is karaoke. To support the venue I'll usually have a meal and only a couple of alcoholic beverages as I have probably driven there. If I have come with someone else then I'd probably drink more depending on the cost of drinks.

Being an Adelaidian, we have Fringe almost upon us. A lot of the performances are way out of my budget, and drinks at the venues horrendously priced. So I rarely indulge in Fringe. :(

  • 14th Jan 2024 12:56pm

Years ago I used to go out a lot, live music, lots of friends who played and the local pub used to have blues. But now I am a full time carer so cannot go anywhere, plus gave up drinking and found it hard to hang around others that drink, got sick of the drunken conversations while trying to listen to music and got sick of clapping and cheering. Strange how I used to be so into it and now really can't be bothered. I would still go to outdoor festivals if I could and could afford it, hard to pay when we used to see so much music for free. What could be improved is non-alcohol places, like a coffee/tea/juice options, there never seems to be much for non-drinkers. And no drunks, can't stand the blabbering and behaviour of drunks. I am still a night owl, don't get to bed before midnight ever.

  • 14th Jan 2024 12:18pm

Yes, I used to be a Night Owl. I'd love going out with the boys (and girls), drinking until dawn, not much of a dancer though, but enjoyed the mateship that went with going out in a group. Now I'm retired and I won't see much past 11pm these days.

  • 14th Jan 2024 12:15pm

I'd like to say YES, I am a Night Owl, but you'd have to take me back 20 years, then I could say YES difinitely. I would love going to clubs mainly to dance and let my hair down, after a messy divorce. It was one way I could enjoy myself and truly be me and free again. Now I've remarried and retired, I'm taking it very slowly these days,no more Night Clubs, boozy nights out until early mornings. In bed by 10:30pm.

  • 14th Jan 2024 10:06am

I love to go out with my significant other every now & then for a meal in a venue not very far from home...It is the companionship that we both enjoy most, a chance for us to review strengths/weaknesses in our relationship, learn from them to make our lives have real meaning. We
try to be down to earth in our spending and do not drink much as he has to drive our way around to conclude the evening relaxation. This a
a very powerful way of bonding, showing care, love for each other away from deom any distructions ,

  • 13th Jan 2024 06:02pm

When I was younger, I certainly used to go out at night quite a lot - to nightclubs or live concerts, that was really something I enjoyed doing with friends.

What attracts me is fun nights out, friendly people, a good vibe and all coupled with good, reasonably priced food and beverages.

What deters me is a few things - being a bit older these days, I can't stay awake and pull all nighters like I used to as I don't have the youthful energy to do that, and also I am worried about late night violence and altercations at venues from people who are overly inebriated or whatever, under the influence of something.

I do feel there's enough security at pretty much all venues in Australia, so adding more security isn't really the answer. Solutions are probably to better train up the employees of these venues with their RSA certificate training and the like to better recognise when someone is a bit well refreshed and it not really providing a positive vibe for a venue and either alerting security and/or ceasing to serve this person. I understand that does jeopardise the safety of the employee or employees of the venue, but if there is adequate security, which there generally is these days, then crises should be averted.

  • 12th Jan 2024 12:05pm

I really like going out at night to go to the theater or some shows with my family and friends, but with the coronavirus we have lost the habit of going out a little, in addition to the prices being very expensive, we prefer to go out more on holidays and commemorative dates, but we have preferences for live musicals in clubs or bars and theaters.
What could be improved is the prices and more promotions for events, making it more accessible to more frequently.

  • 12th Jan 2024 10:45am

I really like going out at night to go to the theater or some shows with my family and friends, but with the coronavirus we have lost the habit of going out a little, in addition to the prices being very expensive, we prefer to go out more on holidays and commemorative dates, but we have preferences for live musicals in clubs or bars and theaters.
What could be improved is the prices and more promotions for events, making it more accessible to more frequently.

  • 11th Jan 2024 10:17am

As a family of 5 we tend to go out for free events/festivals that take place in the city that are family friendly. We tend to park on the outskirts of Melbourne and walk in as the cost of parking can make it an expensive event. We would tend to eat from home and bring our own snacks to make it cheaper. We try to use apps like Eat Club or Entertainment Book discounts to get a discount for when we do eat out locally or in the city. On the odd occasion I do go out in the city for work purposes I am thankful that I don't have to pay for the $65 uber fare home. I am not sure how young people can dine, drink and catch taxi/uber home weekly as I did in my early twenties - with the cost of living it is just too expensive. I love the theatre and attend quarterly by purchasing cheaper last minute tickets - once again I park further out for free parking and use Eat Club to find a discounted restaurant.

  • 10th Jan 2024 10:06pm

Nightlife in Australia is not what it used to be. From the lockout laws, to Covid, to market share from the big players, to price gauging, to the economy... It's just not as fun as it used to be and a night out really hurts the hip pocket. This is why I don't personally go out as much as I used to. I would rather stay at home with friends and make our own entertainment as it's cheaper and more fun in most cases. However, that said going to a pub and having a few drinks and a pub meal with friends and chatting to other people in the pub is fun on occasion.

Firstly, lockout laws killed a lot of places and introduced regulations to when and what clubs/bars could serve. Back in the day I could order what I wanted, when I wanted. Now clubs/pubs can only serve certain drinks at certain times and some drinks they can't even serve anymore. Then, where I live and like a lot of places, COVID killed the vibe of going out. This is because where I live a lot of bars/clubs/live performance venue owners couldn't afford to stay open and the excessive rent/insurance payments with no income meant they had to close and nothing ever replaced them. Similarly, some of the live performers/smaller musicians I would listen to couldn't make ends meet and decided to go elsewhere to try to make a living.

Furthermore, now that there is less competition since COVID, I find the bigger bars/clubs/live performance places outlived the smaller ones. This means less competition and more price gauging. This said, my favourite clubs, bars, live performance venues etc have now started charging entry fees which they never used to. Thus, the idea of having to pay money to enter just to see if the vibe is good, is a rort. Plus, with the way the economy is heading, alcohol prices at pubs/clubs are a killer. Hence, why I enjoy just chilling at home with friends as it is cheaper, I know the vibe will always be good and I'm guaranteed to be able to listen/watch whatever I enjoy.

Overall, going out occasionally to clubs/pubs/live performance venues is always a good time with friends, to meet people and have fun. However, it is not the same as it used to be and will never be as fun as it used to be due to the points mentioned. If there were still more smaller pubs/clubs/venues, with less price gauging that could close when they wanted and serve what they wanted like the good 'ol days... Nightlife would be far more enjoyable.

  • 10th Jan 2024 07:41pm

I mainly go to bars for drinks with a couple of close friends.

Who doesn't enjoy alcohol with company? 😀

Being able to enjoy life outside work is a great thing, supporting your local business and the economy helps too 👍

  • 24th Jan 2024 02:34pm
I don't enjoy alcohol, but enjoy the company as long as they are not drunk.


  • 14th Jan 2024 12:58pm
I mainly go to bars for drinks with a couple of close friends.

Who doesn't enjoy alcohol with company? 😀

Being able to enjoy life outside work is a great thing, supporting your...

I don't enjoy alcohol, but enjoy the company as long as they are not drunk.

  • 10th Jan 2024 07:08pm

I used to go out to Ballroom & Latin American dance venues multiple times per week every week for about six years back in 2000 to about 2006. Those were the days! Great people, lots of safe and respectable fun and it keeps you fit. We all did it as part of our dance classes, so the attraction was all about experiencing different venues, learning more at each one and supporting each other.

These days, it's not so easy to do this with a four year old in tow, but we still get out to enough cheap or free, live performances in the CBD where we live. The Salvation Army put on a great live performance for Christmas, for example. Travel times for us are short, we don't drink and we don't have a car, so it's cheap and safety has never been an issue here in Adelaide. We use our networks and Weekend Notes as sources of good, cheap, local, live artsy events to regularly attend.

  • 14th Jan 2024 01:00pm
I used to go out to Ballroom & Latin American dance venues multiple times per week every week for about six years back in 2000 to about 2006. Those were the days! Great people, lots of safe and...

Years ago when my son was small, I used to take him out all the time, he often would be the only kid, but it is amazing how many venues allowed kids back then as long as they were behaved, only to see music, the local he would play with other kids until they went home, Sunday sessions are the best. Now we don't go out, not the same anymore, all my friends stopped going too.

  • 10th Jan 2024 06:29pm

I love going to comedy, theatre, art or music in the evening. I enjoy a casual night out but I don't want to spend too much on a ticket unless it is a favourite of mine, so affordable tickets and meal options are more attractive. it's a big turn off when you go to an event and the drinks are double the cost of bar prices or the ticket booking fees are OTT.

  • 10th Jan 2024 06:29pm

I love going to comedy, theatre, art or music in the evening. I enjoy a casual night out but I don't want to spend too much on a ticket unless it is a favourite of mine, so affordable tickets and meal options are more attractive. it's a big turn off when you go to an event and the drinks are double the cost of bar prices or the ticket booking fees are OTT.

Elizabeth 31231703
  • 10th Jan 2024 06:00pm

I love to go out for nice dinner at the pub as I enjoy eating chicken schnitzel with a glass of sparkling wine. However, recently the price of meal has gone up a lot and hope it will not continue going up.

  • 10th Jan 2024 04:53pm

I rarely go out these days, due to the increased cost. If I am going to head out for a couple of drinks I tend to pick venues with a beach or water view, as I find it relaxing. One of my favourite places in my city is the Seaview Hotel, as it overlooks the beach and you can watch the people and dogs go by.

  • 10th Jan 2024 04:50pm

I love heading out at night for an event, maybe once a month or so. My favourite time of the year is the Comedy Festival in Melbourne when I tend to go out more to see some fun, live comedy. It's my cultural event of the year and I meet friends for dinner and drinks (or just drinks) before or after.

I also like catching up with friends for dinners in different restaurants.

My other favourite night out is to see a rock concert in the city or surrounding suburbs. I love live music from my favourite artists and singing along with hundreds or thousands of like-minded music fans. We live in a great city that is relatively safe and offers so much in terms of art and culture so sometimes we are spoilt for choice.

As my daughters grow up and hit their teen years, we are exploring more cultural activities like live theatre shows as my eldest loves a musical. We've seen Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Lion King and other great shows. The only think that deters me is budget so we look for cheaper tickets, competitions, coupons and other ways to enjoy the social scene.

  • 10th Jan 2024 04:14pm

I don't tend to go out as much at night to be honest. The cost of a night out has become incredibly expensive in recent years, with the price of food and drinks in particular. About the only thing that has dropped in relative terms is travel to and from a night out - with the introduction of rideshare. I understand the cost of everything has skyrocketed - electricity, rents etc.

When I do go out its for experiences you cant get at home, like great views at a great bar, a high-end dinner at a special restaurant, or a live soccer game. I tend not to enjoy the music I hear out locally - which is usually not my genre and often too loud!

  • 10th Jan 2024 03:05pm

I enjoy nightlife for various reasons, including social interaction, relaxation, and entertainment. It offers an escape from daily routines, allowing individuals to unwind and connect with others in vibrant settings. The ambiance of clubs, bars, or events provides a sense of energy and excitement, stimulating the senses with music, lights, and diverse cultures. Nightlife often symbolizes freedom, where people express themselves through dance, music, or conversation without constraints. Additionally, it fosters networking opportunities in professional or social contexts. Overall, the allure of nightlife lies in its ability to create memorable experiences, foster connections, and offer a break from the ordinary, enriching one's social and emotional well-being.

  • 10th Jan 2024 03:03pm

Somewtimes I just need to get out of the house without it costing the earth. During Summer I often take my family into Newcastle and we can walk along the harbour foreshore. We usually get an ice cream and or a hotdog from Harry's cafe De_Wheels while enjoying a cooling sea breeze. Results in a cheap night and exercise and sometimes see a large cargo boat entering or leaving the port.

  • 10th Jan 2024 02:47pm

I love going to see live music and comedy. These are both things I’ve been extremely passionate about for many years. I find my city can be a bit hit and miss for these kinds of events. In Sydney, sometimes there are a bunch of great events on the same weekend. Other times, it’s really hard to find anything that’s actually good quality and worth going out for. On the flipside, when I visit Melbourne, I can go to any random music or comedy gig and it could be really great. I find this isn’t really the case in Sydney and you have to know exactly where to go and when to go - you can’t just stumble upon it. The venues in Sydney are much more spread out and some of them can be really inaccessible (in a number of ways, but in this case, to actually get to without a car). Public transport connections are very important, especially when getting to the venue - I usually end up getting an Uber home as a woman travelling solo, it’s the safest way. Since COVID and since my chronic illness has flared up, I’ve needed more accommodations when I visit a venue. One important thing is to be able to have a space to sit. This is not the norm for most music gigs unless it’s a really famous performer in something like a stadium. Unfortunately this also makes live music really inaccessible for many people. Luckily at comedy events I find them a bit more accessible because there are seats.

One thing Sydney really lacks are good quality jazz venues, and good acoustics. The main jazz venues over the past two decades have closed down and regular jazz nights constantly shift between different places. I miss being able to go to a single venue on any night of the week and see good quality jazz, whether it be a gig or a jam session.

Regarding the acoustics, you really notice the difference between most venues in Sydney and anywhere else in the world, even Melbourne. The acoustics are awful. This really affects a show. I don’t think it’s a great sign that the Opera House has notoriously had some of the worst acoustics of all venues, so if that’s what our supposed world-class venue has, then what hope do other venues have?

I think one thing that would help a lot with the live music culture and for me personally is to have one good quality comprehensive gig guide of all the music and comedy shows each night of the week. There isn’t one that I know of that lists them all anymore, and it’s something that’s sorely missing. It would make finding these shows much easier.

  • 10th Jan 2024 02:30pm

So I go to my local surf life club, not only because it's close, but I'm a member there.
It's good as the food is superb and the drinks are 'cheaper' for members.
I won't head out to the city and other major attractions, as I consider the prices are too steep.
My kid went out over the last week and the amount of money spent is exorbitant! His money, so nothing to do with me, but I would NEVER!
Also, getting to and from isn't cheap or practical. Especially where I live, it's a long way out of the CBD and therefore a long commute and/or a costly travel fare.

  • 10th Jan 2024 02:30pm

Not anymore. I have been the victim of 2 coward attacks, now don't consume alcohol and also now live in a semi rural area where evening entertainment is contained to a bowling club and I can't stand being around the drunks, so no, I stay at home.

aunty gran
  • 14th Jan 2024 02:46pm
Not anymore. I have been the victim of 2 coward attacks, now don't consume alcohol and also now live in a semi rural area where evening entertainment is contained to a bowling club and I can't...

How horrible for to be hurt like that. I am from a country town a bit bigger than yours but understand why you would not want to go out where you are exposed to such bad behaviours. Like you l hate being around drunks that are no longer funny just obnoxious.

  • 14th Jan 2024 01:05pm
Not anymore. I have been the victim of 2 coward attacks, now don't consume alcohol and also now live in a semi rural area where evening entertainment is contained to a bowling club and I can't...

Sorry to hear about your attack, so sad when that happens. I don't drink and can't be around drinkers anymore either. At least you are healthier for not drinking and better for your liver.

  • 10th Jan 2024 02:21pm

We love to go out especially with our children as a family, it's a fantastic time getting out of the house and away from tv and devices, we get to sit and have a proper family conversation and talk about how everyone had been and what they have been up to ect with our having a device between us, the only hassle way have is the price these days to be able to go out alone let alone as a family. We have not been able to go out for a family meal in as long as I can remember now because to justify the cost compared to just eating at home and having a nice meal, sure when out we get the quality time together that we do not get at home but other bills play a big factor first and for most which generally leaves us with bearly enough to get by as it is so no going out for us for a long while.

  • 10th Jan 2024 01:14pm

I love going in sydney’s best restaurants especially at night. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, Sydney is very much populous city compared to other cities of Australia which makes its nightlife amazing and enjoyable. Secondly, there are calm and peaceful sights all across Sydney where you can indulge yourself and forget all your daily worries.

  • 10th Jan 2024 12:47pm

On weekends and during festive times we go out for musical live performances in open theatre and concerts which give me some refreshing moments and enjoy the music.

Firstly I would like to spend some time with friends and relax and have some fun and enjoy food and drinks. Music gives us relaxing mind and give fresh thoughts and also good sleep. It’s kind of mental pressure relieving therapy without going to any meditation and etc.

  • 10th Jan 2024 11:54am

Do not go out into the city now due to prefering to go to local clubs.Like to go out for a nice dinner or chinese meal or having a take away meal at home with the family

  • 10th Jan 2024 11:07am

There are not many places I would go. Socialising is impossible because the music is too loud. Pub food is overpriced for what it is, and I drink like a fish so it makes more sense for me to dine at home. I am in agreement with the comment about door bouncers. I feel like I am lining up to go into a prison cell, I just need my head shaved at the entrance. Also I am single, which is a big factor for Women. Who wants to sit around by yourself in a dirty, noisy room filled with drunks watching sport?

  • 10th Jan 2024 10:30am

I think the bouncers who tend to block the door send a signal that nobody is welcome. I know they do an important job but they could be a bit more upbeat friendly and fun instead of being serious confrontational and obstructive.

  • 10th Jan 2024 10:01am

Hardly go out anymore. Lucky if i go out once a month. Cost of living crisis, overpriced events, overpriced drinks, overpriced parking. I'd rather save and go to Asian countries where there is a much better nightlife, much cheaper, no "nanny state" lock out laws that have decimated night life in Australia and much better value for money entertainment. The amount you pay for one night entertainment in Australia is equilavelent for one week entertainment in Asia.

  • 10th Jan 2024 09:53am

We love to go to the local pub for some live music, a pub meal and a beer, we also enjoy the theaters.
We love the live atmosphere of the pub, great meals, casual setting, great lovely entertaining music, specials on pub meals and drinks.
What deters us is rowdy loud drunk people and crowds

  • 9th Jan 2024 06:22am

Being old and on my own, it is nice to mingle and socialise with people once in a while. Night trips without a car can be and is scary!

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