Beauty, Fashion & Style

Cosmetics - High End v “Drugstore”

Beauty, Fashion & Style

Posted by: Ramsay123

23rd Nov 2023 02:21pm

Do you really think it is worth paying premium prices for high-end skincare and makeup products or are you happy enough to purchase from pharmacies/supermarkets or dedicated shops (Lush, Body Shop etc)?

Comments 9

  • 14th Jul 2024 08:14pm

I think premium quality and price is better

  • 1st Jul 2024 07:07pm

I prefer to buy cruelty free, vegan and chemical free beauty products which are not usually available in drug stores.

  • 27th Jun 2024 07:07pm

So many drugstore brands provide the same if not higher quality skincare products for a much cheaper price (think cetaphil, the ordinary etc) and many drugstore makeup brands are formulated in the same factories and look just as good for once again a cheaper price. It’s really about doing the research on quality and knowing what to buy to get your desired results. High end brands provide a luxury experience with fancy packaging and names when they often contain more irritant fragrances and bad ingredients.

  • 20th May 2024 07:50pm

I think supermarket/pharmacy skin care can be fine! There are plenty of decent brands out there!
Make-up wise, I believe high end is better. The products are often more pigmented and long lasting. In saying that, there have been a new brands (such as MCO Beauty, ELF, and revolution) who are making amazing dupes for high end brands!!

  • 20th Feb 2024 06:56pm

I buy cruelty free beauty products with and natural ingredients. I prefer brands like Bare Minerals but am looking for chemical free products

  • 15th Jan 2024 10:40pm

I'm happy enough to buy store brands from supermarkets and chemists. I feel they all do the exact same thing. You buy what you can afford i guess.

  • 16th Jan 2024 01:43pm
I'm happy enough to buy store brands from supermarkets and chemists. I feel they all do the exact same thing. You buy what you can afford i guess.

I feel they do too and I can’t help wondering how luxe products are finding their way into the makeup bags of teens. So expensive!!!

  • 26th Nov 2023 06:49pm

I buy what is available at the supermarket and would never buy from a high-end brand. I also only use cleanser, toner and moisturiser and never makeup. I also don't buy age specific products. Sorbolene works well enough on you face as it only about replacing moisture, so why would you buy expensive brands, other than to waste money.

  • 26th Nov 2023 08:28pm
I buy what is available at the supermarket and would never buy from a high-end brand. I also only use cleanser, toner and moisturiser and never makeup. I also don't buy age specific products....

I agree in principal but as much as I know that the best anti-wrinkle device is to shade your face, and that straightforward sorbolene works as well as anything on the market, I sometimes can’t resist the lure of great packaging (Trinny London for example) and if I use a French product I somehow feel it is luxurious and therefore more beneficial to my skin. Logic goes straight out of the window along with my dollars lol…

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