Should we kill garden bugs or not
Posted by: GK31610191
12th Sep 2023 11:59pm
I have so many garden bugs like snails, caterpillar and other that I don't know their names. They are destroying my backyard garden. I never killed them as some people says they are good for environment. Please give your reviews.
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Comments 1
It doesn't sound as if you are able to enjoy your garden, so really you may need some pest control. Aphids suck the sap out of plants and any other creatures like crusader bugs do the same to trees and then of course you have the snails and slugs eating whole plants. Ladybird larvae are good for the garden as they eat aphid. It may have a lot to do with what plants are actually in your garden or how overgrown it is. You could try companion planting to deter some pests. I generally don't have such pests in my garden as the plants are spaced enough (as aphid, mites etc can move easily between plants of an overcrowded garden where plants are touching each other) and healthy and I am not growing fruits or vegetables that also attract them. There are natural products available to use.