How do you eat wisely?
Posted by: Aditya32380595
15th Apr 2023 05:13pm
Given the rising costs all over the country, what are some ways that you stay full during a day out, without spending too much?
Personally, I've been bringing more of my own lunches and thinking twice about whether I really need that mocha or not.
Personally, I've been bringing more of my own lunches and thinking twice about whether I really need that mocha or not.
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Comments 1
If I need to go out and it doesn't involve a planned meal then I eat and drink before I leave and then do the same when I get back home. I'm not one to go out shopping and then grab something to eat and drink as I am more organised than that.
To stay full ensure you are having a high protein breakfast in the morning. If your day out is for work, then yes take your sandwiches made at home and have a refillable bottle of water for work.