Posted by: Vanessa 32284508
28th Mar 2023 10:00pm
What are some ways you save money on your grocery bill?
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Comments 2
Check my cupboards, fridge, freezer, fruit bowl to use things going out of date and incorporate them into meals. I used up leftover turkey mince, spinach, opened 4 bean mix, opened tin tomatoes, opened salsa and mushroom by making turkey tortillas last night. I never have to throw food out which saves me money. I only buy the fruit and vegies I plan on using in meals (the mushroom was left over as a family member went out for a lunch which wasn't planned). I write a list and stick to it and I write a meal plan and stick to it.
Avocado Green
Buy in season, try new foods, buy foods on specials, don't be afraid to buy home brands, buy the essentials first and see how much 'extras' money you have left over. Sometimes online shopping can be very handy as you can see the bill climbing up and add/remove/swap things as needed to work within a budget!! Not letting food go to waste is also extremely helpful - saves money in the long run! Buy the amount you need and not more.