What would you take?
Posted by: pammam
25th Oct 2022 04:17pm
You live in a flooded area and are anxiously waiting for the river to peak,
You will have to evacuate when this occurs but do have some time,
What will you save ?
What will you load into your car besides the family and pets ?
Have you already prepared an emergency kit?
My heart goes out to the families who are experiencing this heartbreak at the present time and how can the rest of us fortunate ones assist you?
You will have to evacuate when this occurs but do have some time,
What will you save ?
What will you load into your car besides the family and pets ?
Have you already prepared an emergency kit?
My heart goes out to the families who are experiencing this heartbreak at the present time and how can the rest of us fortunate ones assist you?
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Comments 6
All your passports
All your id's
Handbag or wallet
family photos
Treasured items from past family members
Expensive clothing
Never experienced it as never lived in a bushfire or floodprone area.
So unsure what to take.
Medications, important papers, irreplaceable items such as jewellery, old photos etc, phone charger, basic food supplies in case you can't get more for awhile, computer hard drive unless you have it backed up on the Web, underwear, toothpaste and deodorant, sleeping bag, torch and batteries.
Our five kitties (pets)
Important Documents
Work ID
My extensive cat bendable collection, my large Garfield and Pink Panther Plushies, Scooby Doo and Snoopy Plushies
Important documents in a brief case. Some clothes and shoes, including underwear. Some canned food, opener and cutlery. Handbags/purse/wallet. Mobile and charger, lamp, matches, toilet roll, towels, blanket, pillows, water bottle.
I don't have an emergency kit. There are always Lord Mayor appeals to donate to as well as toiletry appeals for those affected. I don't want photos etc or anything material.
If I had 5 mi utes to get out of my house I would
Layer clothes on
Handbag with purse, ID, phone, meds.
Grab birth certificates.
Photos and memory boxes of my kids
Personal documents are priority #1. Everything gets wrapped in plastic bags. You don't want to be starting from zero in this country as an adult — from personal experience, our ID system is a bureaucratic nightmare. Unless you've got family or photo ID, or someone in your corner willing to bat for you, it can be really hard getting back on your feet.
Clothes, blankets, food and crockery, eskies, a few comfort items + necessary tech devices, and a butane stove or two with plenty of gas bottles. At least that way, you can cook food regardless of where you are. Sure there's plenty of public BBQs around, but being able to boil stuff is handy, and you can't use those when there's a blackout.
Obviously first aid and torches + batteries.
We live opposite a lake, and it's flooded two or three times in the last two years. Fortunately we're on the high side, but right now we don't have the luxury of a car so there's always that awareness in the back of your mind that this time could be when the place actually floods.