Pet Lovers


Pet Lovers

Posted by: Monique32294056

26th Sep 2022 02:34pm

What are some weird things your cat does??

Comments 156

  • 11th Sep 2023 12:26pm

When he is tried he will lie on his back with his legs in the air

  • 27th May 2023 08:01pm

Cat meows back at me when I talk to him…

  • 27th May 2023 11:47am

Opens cupboards and hides in the towels

  • 26th May 2023 02:55pm

Whenever we eat our meals at home, our boy cats, FelixJ, Heathrow, Gatwick & TC will literally raid us. It's like the D-Day Landing, but the feline version

  • 25th May 2023 08:36pm

My cat will wake me up for a cuddle if she cannot sleep or has a catmare while sleeping.

Kiki Chiki
  • 20th May 2023 01:25pm

My cat has funny routines like coming up to the head of the bed each morning to curl up in my arms for a cuddle. He also sits at the back door and calls for me. Does he want to come in or out? No. He calls until I go outside with him and hang out outside with him... He's very loyal.

  • 17th May 2023 03:53pm

we put food in her bowl when we are making dinner - however, she wont go eat it until we have sat down to eat ours. and then she only eats half and comes out of the laundry where her food is. she then hangs around until my daughter gets up from the table to go and get her food bowl to wash and then bolts back into the laundry to finish before the bowl is gone...every. single. night.

  • 15th May 2023 07:01pm

Stands in front of me and just stares at me when she thinks it is time for her to go to bed. She never goes off on her own and goes to sleep - she needs to follow a routine of being led to a little bit of food and then into the back room where she sleeps - together with a heat bag in winter. She thinks she is a person.

  • 14th May 2023 04:01pm

I think is when he sleeps he tends to somehow tuck his head under which I consider very awkward

  • 10th May 2023 06:56pm

she loves to sit on my shoulder when I am walking around in the back yard

  • 9th May 2023 09:08pm

My cat used to sit on the chair next to me looking for food, and would tap me on my arm to say he wanted it! Such an awesome cat :-)

  • 9th May 2023 04:33pm

Catches microbats

  • 8th May 2023 10:53pm

Pushes her cat tunnel over to the childproof gate so she can leap up onto it and attempts to get over the childproof gate. I think she'll soon figure out she needs something just a little bit higher to push over and she'll make it.

She also buries my slippers under the washing in the washing basket.

  • 8th May 2023 10:15am

My cat Archie sits up on his Bum and Tail in a chair (heads up of course) so he can watch TV

  • 8th May 2023 09:08am

My cat Lexie sleeps in a fruit bowl on the kitchen table (without the fruit of course) she is an 8kilo part ragdoll

  • 8th May 2023 08:48am

My cat follows me around everywhere and thinks it's a game to race me as fast as he can into the room, I am going into first. He lies in front of the heater on his back with his legs spread out.I love him ,he is such a personality.

  • 7th May 2023 05:42pm

When we are sitting on the lounge and our cat wants to go outside, she will stand on her back legs, tap us very gently and deliberately on the knee a couple of times and then sit and stare at us. Of course we get up and let her out the door. She has us so well trained. If she wants to sit where one of us is sitting, she will get up on the lounge and try to get behind us and then sit and look. Once again we know the rules and one of us gets up so she can sit at the end of the lounge nestled in by the arm.

  • 7th May 2023 04:08pm

i adopted a kitten and she... just chases her own tail. never have i, in my 22 years of owning cats, ever encountered any of my cats chase their own tails until her hahaha

  • 7th May 2023 03:29pm

No cats at the moment, but Smokey would follow me up a ladder onto the roof ( he'd jump though) I was cleaning the gutters and he just appeared

  • 7th May 2023 02:48pm

One of my cats loves to terrorise the kitchen mat … biting it and carrying it around

  • 6th May 2023 05:13pm

My cat loves kneading a soft blanket that I keep on the couch for chilly nights.. She looks so cute purring away and reflexively kneading her little paws into the soft blanket..

  • 4th May 2023 11:50am

My cat's a nervous nelly. She runs and hides from her own shadow most of the time. She does enjoy sunbaking on our verandah when she can.

  • 4th May 2023 11:01am

my cat gets in the washing machine when theres cloths been chucked in it.I've got a sticker on the lid, DON'T WASH CAT. HAHA

  • 4th May 2023 10:18am

My cat dives into the laundry basket and grabs dirty socks which she then drags around the house!

  • 4th May 2023 04:13am

I had a cat which did not like my singing! While practising scales she would hop up on the piano and gently pat my face. Perhaps she thought I was in pain!
When my neighbour visits me her two cats visit as well.

  • 3rd May 2023 05:13pm

My cat is neurotic. She doesn't like the floor so will try to go from place to place with as few steps on the floor as possible. In the lounge she will jump on my chair, lap, side table to the coffee table to the other chair to get to the window. If I put her on the floor she is back on the chair before I can straighten up. All started when a stray got in and nothing I can do will convince her the floor is good (except if the other one brings in a live mouse and she will go after it).

  • 3rd May 2023 11:56am

They like to drink from taps

  • 3rd May 2023 09:20am

She rubs her whiskers on my lips and nose to wake me up in the morning. Another cat of mine knocks on the screen door so I will let her in or out.

  • 3rd May 2023 08:26am

Its not weird, just normal for cats, but it amazes me how many times one of my 4 cats will beg to come inside only to beg to go out the door at the other end of the house. Like they cant be blowed going round outside. I also have a rescue cat that appeared as kitten at my house and he is a tail wagger, just like a dog. If he jumps up on the computer desk, watch out, as it will slap you in the face :)

  • 2nd May 2023 11:06pm

If I leave a draw open he will pull all of the clothes out of it until it’s empty

  • 2nd May 2023 09:46pm

I have a foster cat here who constantly wags her tail. Normally you would think this is in annoyance but it is just something she does.

  • 2nd May 2023 09:28pm

He does a meerkat impersonation.

  • 2nd May 2023 08:31pm

Has to sit next to me at breakfast time for a smear of butter from my toast

  • 2nd May 2023 07:46pm

Open the kitchen cupboards and sleep amongst the crockery

  • 2nd May 2023 06:27pm

She ignores television, unless its a documentary with whales. Once she hears whale calls she jumps up and sits in front of the television. When we play vinyl records she sits infront of the speakers. she ignores all digital music, just vinyl. Must be the tome or vibrations.

  • 2nd May 2023 05:12pm

My cat Tigger sits at the windowsill and if he sees a bird outside his bottom jaw vibrates and his teeth chatter.

  • 2nd May 2023 04:28pm

I don't have a cat but my friend's cat used to like redistributing all the pebble mulch from the top of the pot plants across the rest of the floor (I know what you're thinking, but he had a kitty litter).
When he wasn't doing that, he used to somehow squeeze himself into the narrow space between the sliding glass door and the insect screen.
I suggested to my friend that their cat was trying to escape ...when the planned tunnel through the pot plant failed, he tried a more direct approach ie trying to cut his way out through the insect screen and out to freedom. ;)

stewart bookworm
  • 2nd May 2023 04:15pm

Gets upset if I don't put on cats watching TV videos of birds on you tube.

  • 2nd May 2023 12:44pm

My cat's a pussy, literally. She hides if she hears thunder, rain on the roof, a car coming down the driveway and strangers.

  • 2nd May 2023 12:35pm


  • 1st May 2023 03:24pm

Jumps sideways in short, quick jumps! So funny!

  • 29th Apr 2023 08:37pm

Smells her butt and makes a weird face with her mouth opened. 😧

  • 29th Apr 2023 01:39pm

One of ours steals clean socks and puts them all over the house and the other wants to get in the shower all the time 🤔

  • 28th Apr 2023 06:52pm

Licks my brothers toes, idk why but its gross

  • 28th Apr 2023 12:46am

My gorgeous girl Mistee loves stealing my daughters make up sponges. She runs around the house with one in her mouth calling out.

  • 27th Apr 2023 05:22pm

I can't leave tissues or receipts around as he'll take them. He carries them all around the house with him.

  • 27th Apr 2023 06:18pm
I can't leave tissues or receipts around as he'll take them. He carries them all around the house with him.

Aren't they interesting creatures?

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:32pm

My beautiful and very intelligent girl cat loves to play psychological games with me. She'll maiow at me from upstairs (one level, thank goodness) and then when I run up to see what's wrong, she'll rush past me out the bedroom door and down the stairs. When I follow her down she'll rush past me up the stairs and repeat the game! I think she realises I need to lose weight! She's a real blessing and such great company.

  • 27th Apr 2023 03:54pm

My daughter lived away from home, she had a disagreement in regards to current living arrangement she ended up back at home and brought the cat with her. She once again left home and took the cat with her, well the cat was really smart, it followed her everywhere until it found her scent to my place ( mother) One night around12pm or later she ( female cat) found my house climbed up on wire door was banging away, I thought who is that at this hour, to my surprise it was the cat and from that day on she never left. It was 2 suburbs away, I am so glad she found me, clever girl.

  • 27th Apr 2023 02:44pm

As soon as I put an extra doona on the bed, he decides to sleep on my feet.

  • 19th Apr 2023 02:09pm

I wouldn't say weird, but my Rag Doll has a bad habit of jumping on to my chest in the middle of the night and activating my emergency medical alarm. Very annoying indeed.

  • 19th Apr 2023 02:03pm

My cat has a mouse on a stick toy that he loves (though it's more like a chewed up piece of plastic at this point as the fur has all come off and it is more bite marks than plastic). He'll put the mouse in his mouth, carry it upstairs (with the stick dragging behind so he clanks all up the stairs and on the wooden floorboards) and make weird noises, so you'll play with him.

Not Applicable
  • 19th Apr 2023 01:46pm

When our cat has had enough food she will push her food bowl off the shelf she is fed on
to give the remains to our dog. Oyr cat and dog are great friends they frequently sleep cuddled up to each other.
It is also fun to watch the cat washing the dog. Poor thing gets a very tired with all the licking.
Whereas with the dog washing the cat it is all over in a matter of two minutes

  • 18th Apr 2023 10:12pm

When my cat was a kitten, he would jump on my thigh when I was on the toilet! It was a mix between very weird and kinda cute. He’s older now and never does that, but he’s still a bit of a weirdo!

  • 18th Apr 2023 07:35pm

zoomies after a poo

  • 18th Apr 2023 05:29pm

I hate cats and never think of keeping one!

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:38pm
Why did you bother putting a comment in honestly, negative words from a negative mind.

So glad for cats that you don't have one. Beautiful animals who deserve love and kindness every single day.

  • 18th Apr 2023 07:36pm
I hate cats and never think of keeping one!

Why did you bother putting a comment in honestly, negative words from a negative mind.

  • 18th Apr 2023 04:23pm

My cat wont drink water from her bowl, only from the sink tap

  • 18th Apr 2023 03:23pm

We're cat less for the moment, but we had one (Alya 1999-2019) who loved curling up in model car boxes. Usually while the model or pieces were in there.

  • 18th Apr 2023 11:32am

My cat waits at the door when she hears the car door close. She sits in the front window until we come home. When asleep, if she wants to play she with bump you with her head or bite your toes. She only lets you pat her for a bit and then she bites you to get away. She hides from the grandkids but as they walk past her she jumps out at them and scares them lol. She has never been let outside but has tried but gets scared and runs straight back in and hides.

  • 17th Apr 2023 01:15pm

I don't have a cat now, but once I had this cat which grew up with my dog and when we went for walks the cat would follow hiding behind tree's the whole way, hilarious cat.

  • 17th Apr 2023 12:17pm

I don't have a cat but l love watching cats when they wash their ears!

  • 17th Apr 2023 09:39am

About once every two weeks our cat will boot scoot around the house for an hour or so. We took her to the vet and there’s nothing wrong with her she just like scratching her butt 😂.

  • 15th Apr 2023 09:00pm

It hides in boxes and jumps out as you go pass to scare you.

  • 15th Apr 2023 08:03pm

my kitten shreds documents prefers receipts and A3plans

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:41pm
my kitten shreds documents prefers receipts and A3plans

I've seen videos on YouTube of cats sitting in front of the toilet roll holder, shredding the entire roll as they roll the paper down onto the floor. You have to wonder what motivates it!

  • 15th Apr 2023 05:20pm

Sits on the sofa in an upright position like he’s human.

  • 14th Apr 2023 05:42pm

When his ears turn backwards I know he’s about to get angry. If only people could give a physical warning. You could get the hell out before the s**t hits the fan.

  • 14th Apr 2023 04:24pm

He likes to bite my big toe. I don't think he means to be vicious. It is a playful act of affection on his part, but it still hurts.

  • 14th Apr 2023 02:36pm

Sleep next to me, head on my pillow, body spooning me!

  • 14th Apr 2023 01:53pm

My cat loves iceberg lettuce Everytime I am making a salad she will try to get in the fridge to get some I always give her a leaf of it I've never seen a cat that loves lettuce before

  • 27th Apr 2023 05:13pm
Perhaps a dietary efficiency? Cats need certain types of grasses for medicine - perhaps lettuce is related to these. I'd check with your vet.

No she is super healthy she just likes lettuce she has the most healthiest food only the best for my cat's

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:48pm
My cat loves lettuce! I think he just loves leafy greens. He never cares about meat, only veggies lol.

I'd check with the vet as cats and dogs need certain items of nutrition only contained in some types of meat and pet foods.

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:46pm
My cat loves iceberg lettuce Everytime I am making a salad she will try to get in the fridge to get some I always give her a leaf of it I've never seen a cat that loves lettuce before

Typo! The word in my reply should be 'deficiency', not 'efficiency'.

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:43pm
My cat loves iceberg lettuce Everytime I am making a salad she will try to get in the fridge to get some I always give her a leaf of it I've never seen a cat that loves lettuce before

Perhaps a dietary efficiency? Cats need certain types of grasses for medicine - perhaps lettuce is related to these. I'd check with your vet.

  • 19th Apr 2023 01:57pm
My cat loves iceberg lettuce Everytime I am making a salad she will try to get in the fridge to get some I always give her a leaf of it I've never seen a cat that loves lettuce before

My cat loves lettuce! I think he just loves leafy greens. He never cares about meat, only veggies lol.

  • 14th Apr 2023 01:22pm

My cat pats me on the arm while I am eating my vegemite toast, she will keep tapping me until I give her some and she will lick the vegemite off the piece of toast. She has a look of dissapointment on her face when I don't have toast for breakfast.

  • 28th Apr 2023 02:27pm
Perhaps a Vitamin B deficiency?

Nah I don't think so. She's always done it, ever since she was little. I think she likes the taste.

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:45pm
My cat pats me on the arm while I am eating my vegemite toast, she will keep tapping me until I give her some and she will lick the vegemite off the piece of toast. She has a look of dissapointment...

Perhaps a Vitamin B deficiency?

  • 14th Apr 2023 12:57pm

He'll go outside to go in and divert around half the house rather than turn around and go through the doorway.

Alex S
  • 14th Apr 2023 12:16pm

Bites my face on the same area of his face to communicate where he would like me to pat him.

  • 14th Apr 2023 12:07pm

Warns us whenever there is a 'fire' in this house... so when the smoke alarm goes off because someone's burnt toast, or when we've lit the potbelly... the cat goes off, comes up to each of us yowling like a siren until we calm her down... she's a rescue cat so probably has some history

  • 14th Apr 2023 10:44am

My Grandcat runs around the room mewing and boinging off the walls. He is so funny!

  • 14th Apr 2023 04:04am

Hi there, this is not related to cats Im just trying to find where CONTACT US is to be found please? 😊

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:44pm
Hi there, this is not related to cats Im just trying to find where CONTACT US is to be found please? 😊

See bar at top of CafeStudy page.

  • 8th Apr 2023 05:25pm

Actually is awake and moving more than asleep. Probably needs veterinary assessment as not in line with cat DNA.

  • 7th Apr 2023 09:49pm

My awful little cat will jump on the kitchen counter and eat literally anything left there. Bread, fried rice, leftover hummous, literally anything left unsupervised. One time I made a birthday cake and left it to cool under a tea towel on a drying rack. When I came back to see if it was cool enough to decorate I saw the towel moved and little cat sized bites taken out of it. Unbelievable.

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:49pm
My awful little cat will jump on the kitchen counter and eat literally anything left there. Bread, fried rice, leftover hummous, literally anything left unsupervised. One time I made a birthday...

Must at times be annoying - but so CUTE!

  • 7th Apr 2023 06:47pm

Control the amount of time we are allowed to use our devices at night in front of the TV or Bedroom

  • 7th Apr 2023 04:39pm

My cat waits for me to come home at the foot of our front stairs every day - just like my late used to

  • 6th Apr 2023 09:58pm

Our cat loves eating any of the orange vegetables when they are cooked. Also likes hot potato chips and also lettuce.

  • 5th Apr 2023 12:02pm

He sits up like a human. He sits in his but with his arms by his side

  • 5th Apr 2023 11:17am

My cat many years ago now before she died loved cooked steak almost had to buy a steak as well for the cat!!

  • 5th Apr 2023 10:33am

she has been catching crickets in our backyard, and starting to bring them back to house, torturing them then eat them

  • 5th Apr 2023 10:16am

She sits/lays on the floor looking like a rotisserie chicken. She bends her front legs so her paws a tucked in and her back legs are bent so it looks like a rotisserie chicken

  • 4th Apr 2023 07:19pm

brings a live mouse in the house and takes it out the back to play with.

  • 2nd Apr 2023 09:08am

She will follow me around nipping my ankles until I sit down and she curls up on my lap and goes to sleep

  • 1st Apr 2023 07:53am

I walked out my front door the other day and heard a meow. My cat was on the carport roof and meowed at me as if to say "hello". Very cute. It is amazing how they can climb up to high places.

  • 30th Mar 2023 11:24am

Jumps on my back wrapping it's body around my next whilst I'm standing at the washing machine machine and other times sitting on my lap whilst using the PC making it difficult typing but still I love all my cats.

  • 31st Mar 2023 09:19pm
Jumps on my back wrapping it's body around my next whilst I'm standing at the washing machine machine and other times sitting on my lap whilst using the PC making it difficult typing but still I...

My first cat used to jump on my youngest child’s back and wrap her legs around the neck, as you described. My daughter was terrified! I used to tell her that Meggs was giving her a cuddle and she accepted that.

  • 28th Mar 2023 10:02pm

Our current cat is a bit strange, but I'm not sure if I can put into words most of her odd behaviour.

One thing I can describe is before using her litter tray, she races around the house at 'top speed', around corners, sliding on any floors as needed, jumping over furniture, and then scampering under beds. And people aren't a problem, either. She'll just crash into you. You give a little yelp, and she's already changed direction and is probably nowhere to be seen. But you can still hear her. This performance will usually last for 2 to 3 minutes.
We got her as a kitten aged about 5 months, a rescue cat, so we have no idea what sort of life she had before she was handed in at the vet. But I can't imagine what could have caused this strange behaviour, and continues 6 years later!

Our previous cat was the complete opposite. Almost.
I rented a farmhouse for the first 6 years of her life. She also was a rescue cat.
From the farm's house yard gate to the letterbox was 2.2 kilometres. (There's a reason for that distance, believe it or not, but it isn't related to cats.) And our mail came 3 days a week. It was good exercise for me to walk that distance. And Meggs decided that she'd come for the walk with me. There's another domestic animal that likes to go for walks with its owners.
When we let Meggs out of the house in the morning, she would invariably go and lie on top of the car to soak in the warmth of the morning sun. Then when we went to the car to take the children to school, Meggs would jump off.
Except, one day she didn't.
Jump off, that is.
I drove to the letterbox and then turned onto the main road towards the village and school.
40 km/h - 60 km/h - 80 km/h

Does anyone here remember the black Aunger® Louvres that we often fitted to the outside of the rear window of cars to protect the occupants and the car from the burning Australian sun?

A glance in the rear vision mirror - and all I could see was Meggs clinging on for dear life to the louvres!

I stopped the car as quickly as I could without slamming on the brakes. She'd survived probably close to 5 kilometres on top of a car, and then clinging to the rear louvres, so I didn't want to kill her by slamming on the brakes and making her slide off and possibly into the path of another vehicle.
She didn't take much coaxing to come into my arms. And I think that she was purring very soon after I gave her to the children in the back seat.

  • 28th Mar 2023 08:08pm

Always scared of water

  • 28th Mar 2023 08:07pm

Chasing shadows

  • 28th Mar 2023 08:07pm

Making weird sounds

  • 28th Mar 2023 08:07pm

Always sit on my face

  • 28th Mar 2023 08:06pm

They sleep alot

  • 28th Mar 2023 07:25pm

My cat insists on having the tap turned on in the bathroom, laundry or kitchen so that he can have a drink, sometimes one after the other. He has also decided that if he does not get a quick enough response then he just pushes anything or everything off the counter onto the floor. He knows how to get his slaves to respond quickly haha.

  • 28th Mar 2023 06:24pm

My cat always invites my neighbours' cats to come and eat her meals

  • 28th Mar 2023 03:22pm

My cat sits before meals like a dog.

  • 28th Mar 2023 03:23pm
My cat sits before meals like a dog.

And fetches balls too

  • 28th Mar 2023 08:38am

Climb into plantpots to sleep

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:55pm
Climb into plantpots to sleep

Yes, my last cat loved sitting or lying in plant pots. Perhaps they absorb something from potting mix they need!

  • 25th Mar 2023 06:00pm

Scratch at the bedroom door until I come out, pick her up and cradle her like a baby and put her back on the window sill. She’s very clingy (it’s so cute). She also likes to follow me into the bathroom and hide in the box of toilet paper rolls.

  • 20th Mar 2023 05:49pm

Sleep next to me, cuddle in, but if I touch him... I get bitten! My bed!!

  • 20th Mar 2023 09:58am

my cat spends a lot of time sitting on my shoulder, watching the world. I tell her I'm not a pirate and you're not a parrot, but it does not convince her. Sometimes she will drape herself around my neck, head on one shoulder and tail on the other like a vintage fur stole.

She also likes to snuggle under the doona to sleep with anyone in the household on cold nights

  • 25th Mar 2023 08:54pm
my cat spends a lot of time sitting on my shoulder, watching the world. I tell her I'm not a pirate and you're not a parrot, but it does not convince her. Sometimes she will drape herself around my...

Aaah that is so cute

  • 25th Mar 2023 08:47pm
my cat spends a lot of time sitting on my shoulder, watching the world. I tell her I'm not a pirate and you're not a parrot, but it does not convince her. Sometimes she will drape herself around my...

Aaah that is so cute

  • 25th Mar 2023 06:01pm
my cat spends a lot of time sitting on my shoulder, watching the world. I tell her I'm not a pirate and you're not a parrot, but it does not convince her. Sometimes she will drape herself around my...

Aaah that is so cute

  • 20th Mar 2023 01:15am


  • 19th Mar 2023 09:22am

Sitting on top of the dog

Harshanie 30779333
  • 16th Mar 2023 04:18am

My cat goes inside my couch ḻand hide

  • 15th Mar 2023 11:14pm

He meows to get put over my shoulder and loves his bottom being patted. He demands it. Haha it must be comforting 😻

  • 15th Mar 2023 06:36pm

My cat grabs my daughter's arm and tries to drag her to the front door as he really hates her

  • 14th Mar 2023 11:31pm

My cat, Veronicat, scoops her food out of her bowl with her paw and tries to flick it into her mouth. She often misses, but will NOT eat out of her bowl!

  • 27th Apr 2023 04:57pm
My cat, Veronicat, scoops her food out of her bowl with her paw and tries to flick it into her mouth. She often misses, but will NOT eat out of her bowl!


  • 15th Mar 2023 11:14pm
My cat, Veronicat, scoops her food out of her bowl with her paw and tries to flick it into her mouth. She often misses, but will NOT eat out of her bowl!


  • 14th Mar 2023 09:49pm

i wish i could post pics
one falls asleep sitting like a human or flat on his back
the other likes dog standard rough belly rubs

  • 14th Mar 2023 05:09pm

My 21 year old tortie, Pussker, has taken to using the computer. while I'm asleep. She has found out several things she can do to my browser including turning on features I had no idea existed. She can even use the mouse! All started because I was spending time on computer she thought I should be spending with her. Last year started jumping up on desk and sleeping beside me with head on keyboard of course. Put a glasses case there for her head now. At night though, she clears my desk to have plenty of room. Have to make sure I move keyboard away from area and other things, unless I want to have an interesting screen in the morning and things to pick up off the floor.

  • 14th Mar 2023 01:24pm

Hides behind the couch in a storm or heavy rain. She's scared of those.

  • 14th Mar 2023 12:16pm

My kitten licks my bare legs first thing in the morning as his way of saying “good morning!”

  • 13th Mar 2023 11:45pm

I have a very intelligent cat who (truly) belts my ankles if I get angry! She knows it's bad for us to get stressed out and angry! She also climbs next to my pillow and keeps patting me on the head with her paw each morning while meowing to get me to get her breakfast. If I don't rise to the occasion she will start ripping into my rather expensive mattress - that gets me up and going no problem at all - she then runs off at a fast pace to avoid any penalty! Her favourite 'game' is to pretend she's in trouble: she'll howl for my help from the upstairs level and when I bound up the stairs to see what's happening she'll duck and run down them again at full speed and repeat the same thing downstairs! She has a real sense of humour and I love her dearly no matter what she does.

  • 13th Mar 2023 08:52pm

My cat love to lick your feet.

stewart bookworm
  • 13th Mar 2023 08:48pm

put on you tube so that she can watch wildlife on the television.

  • 13th Mar 2023 08:21pm

My Tortoise Shell female zoomies running up and down stairs and acting live a crazy cat .

  • 13th Mar 2023 05:53pm

She doesn't know how to meow, so she makes a growly screech like a goblin when she wants attention instead

  • 13th Mar 2023 04:50pm

Had a cat that loved to get into the bath with me and sit on my knees.

  • 13th Mar 2023 04:10pm

He likes to eat baby spinach and cooked Brussel sprouts

  • 28th Mar 2023 05:36pm
My ex flatmate’s cat used to love onions.

Aren't onions bad for cats

  • 13th Mar 2023 04:51pm
He likes to eat baby spinach and cooked Brussel sprouts

My ex flatmate’s cat used to love onions.

  • 13th Mar 2023 03:35pm

My beautiful cat Sammy taps me on my barefoot feet in the morning while i still sleep to demand food :)

  • 13th Mar 2023 03:17pm

Loves being in the sink or getting into the kitchen cupboards

  • 10th Mar 2023 07:59pm

Wears hats

  • 10th Mar 2023 07:59pm

Wears hats

  • 9th Mar 2023 12:17am

My kitten likes to hide her toys or spread them around the room.

  • 6th Mar 2023 04:23pm

My beautiful girl doesn’t often play with toys, although I have tried all sorts. However, she chases her own tail. She will catch it and sit on it with the end pulled between her legs. It is so funny watching her try and find it again when she moves. Where did that thing go??

  • 2nd Mar 2023 05:52pm

One of my cats,Ivy who is a gorgeous Calico cat likes to rub her face in my shoes Lol and not only that she will also do that to any piece of dirty sweaty clothing that my son has left on his bedroom floor!

  • 12th Jan 2023 01:31pm

She hides or disappears when it rains or storms, sometimes, at night, she's inside and she hides under a chair, obviously thinking that this will save her.

Con D. Oriano
  • 23rd Nov 2022 05:26pm

My cat knows magic. He disappeared several years ago. Maybe he’ll appear soon.

Con D. Oriano
  • 23rd Nov 2022 05:26pm

My cat knows magic. He disappeared several years ago. Maybe he’ll appear soon.

  • 30th Oct 2022 11:45pm

My cat Sammy comes in our room early in the morning, tapping gently on our bared foot that stick out from the blanket to demand food, thus waking us up. We are so mad in that short moment, but adore him the next. Well, he is still a naughty boy :)

  • 2nd Mar 2023 05:54pm
My cat Sammy comes in our room early in the morning, tapping gently on our bared foot that stick out from the blanket to demand food, thus waking us up. We are so mad in that short moment, but...

One of mine bangs on the keys sitting in the back door near our bedroom Lol to get our attention.

  • 26th Oct 2022 02:57pm

One of my newer kitties, a rescue kitty, is a total freak! He ALWAYS announces himself when he saunters in the door with the loudest, longest meeeoooooowwww. When he struts around the house he wags his tail like a dog - don't know where he got that from because our dog doesn't have a tail (dog was born that way). And when he is playing with the dog or any of the other cats his favourite move is to do a back kick off them (uses his back leg to kick them) as he is running past. He is the strangest kitty.

  • 10th Oct 2022 10:26am

I have a box of cat food that I want to dispose and it is sealed and in the box - they were unwanted and it will be a waste to throw them. Pick up from Richmond area.

  • 30th Sep 2022 03:16pm

She loves to be smacked near her tail.

  • 26th Sep 2022 02:38pm

Not even a couple days ago my cat raced from one end of my room to the other and jumped at my feet while I was trying to clime my ladder, proceeded to make the weirdest meow I have ever head then do the zoomys out my door.

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