New Hobbies
Posted by: JS77
14th Jul 2022 02:38pm
It's been just over 2 years since the pandemic affected all our lives in one way or another. We would like to hear whether you used the lockdowns/travel restrictions to take up any new hobbies or activities and if so what were they and do you still do them?
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Voice your opinion and you'll be in with a chance to win one of four $50 WISH egift cards. The winners will be the four most comprehensive answers as judged by our staff. Competition closes Friday 30th September at 5pm (AEST)
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Our support is free and immediate, helping to lighten the cancer journey by addressing the practical, social, and emotional needs of all our members.
Comments 107
I've gone back to doing Tapestry which i did years ago when I was unwell and am currently doing a small one for my brother's 50th. Am thinking I will do this for the nieces, nephews and grandkids as something to keep from us.
I've also taken to printing my own personalised greeting cards and have had such positve feedback (many say it's the only cards they keep) that I am thinking about doing this as a small online business. I also do special personalised photoboard posters for parties that have also been popular within family and friends so I'm considering offering these as well.
I have taken up crocheting and I am really enjoying it. I have made a couple of blankets, a bag, a napkin holder. I am experimenting to see what else I can create.
Thirty years ago when my three children were just 6, 4.5 and 3 years old I decided to cross stitch each of them an heirloom Christmas stocking. After many months I managed to complete them and I then put my needles and threads down as my eyesight was also starting to wane.
During covid, we were blessed with 4 grandchildren and my daughter suggested I make an heirloom Christmas stocking for each of the grandchildren. So, now armed with reading glasses i was able to make each of them their own heirloom stocking š
Sil sil
My father & I created a little hobby business during the pandemic, affordable family meals for locals...its been steady, helping Dad look forward to retirement and helping families who are busy and running around now find a way to sit around the table and enjoy a home made meal together.
May Anne32241807
During the lockdown, i spent more time with my roommate and know her better. We cooked and watch movies together which at the moment never do since we become busier in our work.
The only good that came out of Covied 19 for me was being introduced to Zoom technology. And it's still being used for live broadvasts today like never before.
I started doing lots of gardening during the pandemic and my love of plants has continued to grow. It started as a fun activity to do outside and keep 4 little people from going stir crazy!! However, it has now become Mums relaxing escape from her 4 darlings.
Yes when covid put us into lockdown I started doing diamond paintings , they are so good you get to do something for yourself , my daughter started buying them for me for my birthdays , mothers day and christmas she would add 1 or 2 for any occasion so i now have a great supply , so once they are finished you can then put them in frames ......which can add up she did buy me some frames of course but I started taking the sizes I needed to the op shops and buying those frames much cheaper between $1 upto $ 10 for a large frame then my hubby bought me a 6 drawer container which has little boxes for storing the excess diamonds ,,,and also a large plastic tub to store my diamond paintings that are not done , plus brown paper , double sided tape , I also have rulers and lead pencils plus rolls of different coloured thick paper for the borders ........if you think you would like this hobbie you can watch videos on you tube on how to do framing its just such an enjoyable past time I know a lot of people that have done them .....and when my daughter and i have too many or not enough walls left we take them to the op shops so they can be used by others that dont want to make them ...........I forgot to say we bought most of ours off of Ebay but they are in a lot of different stores these days ..enjoy ...
Our town continued life as usual, except we spent more time outdoors socialising and appreciating each other,
I also took up a huge new project hobby. I spent months researching species of fish, setting up the tank. I settled on cute personality-rich, energetic tropical fish. It was really fun creating the right new tank envirinment. I will have been fish keeping for 2 years in Jan. I have also interbred a few. They do only last a few months to 2 years mostly. You have to accept that. It is great when they give birth. Up to 20 tiny cute alive fish with interbred colours, and unique personalities. If you live by yourself, cannot have a cat/dog in your apartment, and are into nature strongly recommend pet fish. Do spend time playing with them, near the tank. You will get far more back from them if you do, and they will be happier, and live healthier lives.
I retrained, started studying a cyber security masters in my early 50s! Hoping it will get me a decent career job, since really hard to get enployers to employ you over 45 years in Australia, especially 50 years. Been good for my mind, and confidence! Also, got back into baking cookies in lockdown. Nothing like having your own healthier (know all the ingredients) with your cup of coffee/tea. Healthy snack too. Plus you save heaps not buying our now expensive biscuits. Less calories/fattening so your body will thank you.
I was stuck in lockdown and quarantine and it will take a while to get me back into travel
Started jewellery making and i still do it now. Also started gardening and now do it for work
I got into self publishing. Started writing stories and selling them on the internet. I've been lazy so I haven't earned that much, but it's been a nice little bit of profit considering I started with $0 for marketing etc.
Keep trying. Have you gone on Upwork and Freelancer sites?
Keep trying. Have you gone on Upwork and Freelancer sites?
I refound yoga after too many years away!
I used the lockdown, at first, to work. Paid for 35 hours 5 days a week, worked about 60 hours, 7 days a week. Adter 6 months, I left work due to a chronic illness that wouldn't sync with the work schedule, and to be a full time carer.
That where the fund began.
In every spare minute I was looking at patterns, buying fabric, getting inspiration from Vogue etc etc. I started on some old hobbies- and some new. Including but not limited to:
Beading/jewellery making
Resin jewellery making
Gardening on my 2M square balcony.
So while everyone was panicking about getting sick, I was cooped up (as much as possible) in our spare room that is my wardrobe/craft sewing room!
Hi there,
I hope you fimd work that allows you more balance. Speaking from experience, no job is worth your health, or wellbeing. Wiah you all the best
OMG-so many typos-
Photography has been my go to, I had interest pre covid but during covid it was an escape from what was happening and a good reason to get out of isolation.
I took up a hobby that I learned in grade 3 when I was 8yo..... MACRAME.
I now proudly display my plants in various macrame hangers. The favourite is to just use Jute twine so the hangers a a rustic string. I found a pattern which holds 2 pot plants in each hanger. I found old horse shoes around the property and asked my farrier for any he had & had wire put thru the 2 ends to make a hanger so the shoes did not hang upside down allowing for the luck to run out.
Very happy with my efforts. The bonus is my puppy can't get into my pot plants and destroy them and my cats can no longer get to them to use my pots as outside toilets.
Didnāt take up any new ones, returned to more regular hobby activity including knitting and scrapbooking
Since lockdowns ended havenāt done much of either
I did always like painting so that its what I did and I really enjoy it its a great pastime and quite fulfilling. I also did upgrade my bedroom furniture I sanded the draws and bedside tables and painted all white and now they look quite new and also worked a lot in my garden and did lots of cooking so I actually never had a boring day!
I'm trying to find something that fills my heart with joy and allows me to be creative. I did take up photography, and as much as I love taking beautiful photos, I'm finding that I need something that allows me to be creative on a totally different level. I've dabbled with cross stitch, tried my had at crocheting which I failed at miserably and now I'm attempting clay. I'm going to try making some special Christmas decorations. Fingers and toes crossed that they turn out and that I enjoy "ME" time.
I just baked more but that was fine as I gave away lots too. Fills my heart when I bake and get to give it away for people to enjoy.
I do canvas tapestries and they are great fun to do. it relaxes you when you do them. Very easy to do. Buy from Spotlight
It was fabulous at the beginning but things went downhill re. Motivation. We spent some special time at the snow during lockdown, skinning up mountains with no lifts running, imagining what it was like in the good old days. I was learning Spanish, exercising plenty, looking after our naughty new cat and looking for a new home to buy; my work didnāt suffer as I can work anywhere. And what did he do? He built a van, at least the interior - and now weāve got a big mess to clean up before we move house - wherever that may be :)
Bubbles McTavish
I started scrapbooking with. A view to having albums of my parents lives as I lost them both just prior to covid
I haven't started any new hobbies but enjoyed doing more the ones I had. Like reading and watching movies at home. I even had more chances to listen to my CD's.
I used the pandemic time to spend time with my tarot cards & listening to podcasts on learning tarot. This was a very peaceful time to meditate with my cards
I managed to get my 13year old back into card making with me. While she has been getting us into painting & hiding rocks for others to find and share on Facebook.
During the lockdowns my local art store had unfortunately closed down, so l instead turned towards digital art using my work iPad and many different IOS art programs such as Procreate and Clip Studio Paint. As much as l enjoyed making traditional art, l cannot deny how much easier and satisfying it is to create digital art. There is just so much more freedom to do something different than l usually would, without having to scrap the whole art piece if it fails. I don't think l can turn back to traditional art at this point, unless for nostalgia's sake.
i continued with some hobbies\interests ie craft /making wool baskets\ reading\sleeping and still do them.
I have that many hobbies I have started that my house looks like a craft shop! I now have no spare bedroom (or bed) for visitors, I made it into a craft room. Then that wasn't enough, I have used half the lounge room as well. Oh and the shed is bursting at the seems with it too. A few of the hobbies are pulling old clothes apart and make dog jackets (not very well mind you) and give them to the op shop, fostering dogs until they get a new home, diamond dots, crocheting, plus a few others. Yes, I think I went overboard a tad lol
Still wanted to comment but I got into tiktok and facepainting for it
I started studying acting a lifelong dream of mine! Reading texts and classics and scripts and self casting from home to make videos! Something Iāve always wanted to do.
I started studying acting a lifelong dream of mine! Reading texts and classics and scripts and self casting from home to make videos! Something Iāve always wanted to do.
Got back into crocheting more during lockdown. Although now that Iām back at work Iām trying to do the same amount and sometimes my brain is just too tired/not enough time
I was given bird baby budgie ,and having fun teaching him to talk and he does learned few words funny š¦ bird and I named him Wrecker,everything he has to touch š
Restarted scrapbooking but since lockdowns ended have not done very much
I have found a new hobby and passion for baking that I'm hoping to turn into a little side business by selling cupcakes cookies and slices it has kept me occupied during Covid and is very enjoyable to do.
and it's one hobby that I don't think I will give up any time soon as I really love doing it and the end result is amazing because I get to eat my work at the end of it
I did some freelance writing for magazines during lockdown
Started doing more art and craft projects and really enjoyed doing them
I spent a lot more time on Facebook messenger talking to my friends and loved ones.
I took the opportunity of so much time to research and try new recipes instead of living on the same ones all the time.
The covid lockdowns and restrictions were a tough time for many. However, for me it was the beginning of my āwellness journey.ā I used the lockdowns to really slow down and to take care of my body. The hobbies I developed were coming up with fun and healthy recipes to nourish my body and ensuring I moved my body each day. I have continued with these hobbies by joining CrossFit and Pilates and by continuing to make yummy and healthy foods. I have found that my physical health has improved immensely but the mental health benefits are what I am most thankful for!
Narrelle 29954873
During the Covid 2 yr lockdown I managed to re commence knitting and do my way overdue embroidery
Started to learn baking sourdough bread and haven't stopped for nearly 2 years. It's therapeutic and healthy
I did not start any new hobbies really, I read a lot more and did a few Jigsaws, probably drank more than usual, and face timed family a lot more, but apart from that nothing really much. Maybe a bit more house cleaning.
Taumoor Ababakar
During the Covid 19. every one life was affected snd locked in house. But still that we learned how to cook food and play new games
A new hobby that I picked up during lockdown in Covid was writing. I learnt the basics of writing during the end of 2020/start of 2021z from there I went into more comprehensive writing styles, learning to write short paragraphs or stories in every single writing style and getting someone to proofread throughout the rest of 2021.
I am still writing at the moment and I am in the process of writing my own book. Iāve got the dot points down for the plot and first paragraph done.
When I first started it was just something I did for fun. I never thought I would still be doing it, let alone wanting to make it into a career
Avocado Green
I took up a massive plant hobby... Collected over 300 plants and had a balcony greenhouse. (The shame) š I have found myself with much less time to care for them and many have died, along with the passion for them. However, I learnt so much in collecting and caring for them and am so thankful for the joy they brought me during lockdown. I still have about 100... So the hobby is still going on a less intense scale.
I also got really into cooking! That hobby was hard to keep up... Lockdown provided the rare gift of time!! With everything back to normal, it's hard to find time to enjoy all hobbies again. I still have a 1 year old sourdough starter who is going great guns!! Funny the remnants of lockdown that stay with you....
The change in pace and time availability has definitely encouraged me to schedule in regular exercise classes though! I actually found life much more enriching during lockdown with time for hobbies. So the opportunity to see that was invaluable, and definitely something I have taken on board.
Yes! Iām on a cultural journey - to be exact for K-pop, K-drama! The whole family has gone down this rabbit hole. We are planning a trip to Korea. It is probably inevitable to be sucked into this amazing vortex but not being able to physically travel made K-pop and k-drama even more enticing. Blown away by the quality of what this tiny bit mighty country can produce. Itās rewarding to inadvertently learn another language whilst being entertained!
Personally I have also tapped into my creative side. I know some of my friends have also picked up a craft with the extra spare time they have. Be it jewelry making, sewing, painting. Cooking has also been a good use of time, effort and creativity - bonus to have a delicious meal.
Another thing is that I will be returning to studying to pick up a masters - does that count as a new hobby?
I never thought of myself as artistic in any way, shape or form! My older sister was the one that 'had all the talent. But then came the dreaded LOCKDOWN, on top of everything else going on in the world! I suffer from depression & read that art was a great therapy, so I thought why not, couldn't do much else & decided to try Acrylic Paint Pouring, which has been a complete godsend! And the best thing about Paint Pouring, is that you don't need to have any artistic experience. I encourage anyone that might be struggling a bit in life to just have a go! I'm so glad I did. šš
Yes, I used my spare time to join gym and develop my body and muscle and strength. I used to travel to Asia before, because of the restrictions I have to stay in Perth,that why I developed my hobbies by going to gym and do cycling.
I was already into a lot of crafts before the pandemic, however I did decide that I should complete my UFP's (Unfinished Projects basket). I am very happy to say that I have only 2 left out of 15 unfinished items and have decided that I should spend 15-30 minutes per day working on my projects. It has been the best decision I made, as I am more relaxed everyday, while I achieve more goals.
I taught myself to crochet from YouTube , itās the easiest way to learn as I can stop and rewind. Iāve knitted for 50 years and non crafty people think that crochet is the same, it is very difficult to learn when youāve been knitting for so long. Itās like the difference between owning a cat or dog, totally different species! Itās a good craft for these days because knitting isnāt allowed in public venues or airports but crochet is ok if itās a plastic or wooden hook. Itās so calming once you master the basic stitches and remember to listen to your body and give your hands frequent breaks š
I started doing Yoga at home 3 days a week and am still doing it and trying at least one new from scratch recipe a week and am still doing that too. May as well be doing something good for your mind and body!
I was already into a lot of crafts before the pandemic, however I did decide that I should complete my UFP's (Unfinished Projects basket). I am very happy to say that I have only 2 left out of 15 unfinished items and have decided that I should spend 15-30 minutes per day working on my projects. It has been the best decision I made, as I am more relaxed everyday, while I achieve more goals.
Youāre right. It did affect all of us, but in different ways. Here in Adelaide, the state politics was very different from elsewhere. I wasnāt allowed any time off work & had to be on the shop floor everyday with no work from home, no sick days (or youād get tested, quarantined & lose the job), no government help nor extra employer support. Customers too had an extra dose of stupid & I ended up working longer hours unpaid. This was no way to raise a young family. Since May, Iāve been in self-funded retirement. Every day Iāve been working hard getting the family home ready for sale. It should be done by December. The new place will also need a lot more work done. Tradies are very difficult to get, cost much more than they used to (Just spent over $60k & three months on the last one!), take a lot longer to get the job done due to sicknesses with every worker involved & then thereās supply issues and more inflated costs for timber & steel, which tripled in a short space of time.
The extra time spent with family now is well worth it and makes life worth living. Rather than getting home from a twelve hour day at seven to a whole host of issues everyday which I donāt have the time nor energy to fix completely, I can instead be physically present to stop things from happening & fix them before they become worse and stress everyone out. Meal times together are great for building relationships. We donāt waste time watching TV or Social Media. In just twenty minutes, I can set my three year old up for hours of playing Lego Marble Mazes, demonstrating simple principles in physics that he copies and expands upon. When things go wrong, he knows where to find me. We like to light the wood fire on cold nights which changes the energy and it really makes everyone come alive. Gathering and sawing / chopping wood takes up lots of time during the day, but costs nothing else besides and gives us loads of cheap energy.
I do have hobbies of my own, but it will be years before I get the time and space to set up for them. We have been doing a thorough detox throughout this period and long-term cleansing / healing. The future looks bright ahead.
I have always been interested in watching wildlife in the various areas I have lived.
During the lockdown periods, I began to take more notice of the variety of birds here. We live beside a river and have a lot of flowering trees in the area, so the range of birds & waterfowl has been a surprise.
I have become so involved that joined Birdlife Australia and have been recording the species visiting.
Most definitely continuing and the rest of the family has now become involved. I am finding it a very rewarding, informative and relaxing hobby.
Jody 31416125
I have always loved gardening but during the pandemic I researched more intensely about growing my own vegetables and fruits. Since I had more time I've successfully grown a multitude of foods and now also, apart from the chooks I've previously owned, added geese and ducks to my lot. We eat all eggs provided
Before COVID I did traditional weaving, lockdowns meant I had more time to spend in this activity.
I did also learn to make rag rugs which has eaten a lot of time, but is coming along beautifully.
As a family, we hit the Lego and enjoyed challenging each other to crazy creations, along various Lego competitions.
Did not do anything new during lockdown
How has my life at home changed since COVID? . . . . I know that adjusting to change can be challenging for some but honestly it hasn't been that much personally, if you've got the right mindset its quite easy to comply to routines and plan changes. Here are a few ways that home life for me has changed, I wash hands and use sanitisers much more regularly, I don't see the loved ones, neighbours or friends for their benefit nowadays, at home more now so fewer excuses from family not to help with chores, I am enjoying my food and alcoholic intake much more, playing more xbox360 than before staying up until early hours, shopping once a week in the late hours, binge watching Foxtel, Netflix more so than ever before Enjoying more gardening and renovation projects than ever before. more time to help with daughters homework and play,bushwalks, having more BBQs enjoying relaxing on deck more so than before. Watching much more sport on foxtel thn I was before, more cooking trying new recipes and washing clothes than before, doing more online survey activities than before, sleeping in longer than before, all in all a much more sedentary lifestyle than before because of the more spare time on my hands. . . sheesh my hands are tired from typing, I'm stopping for a while!
I have taken up scrapbooking and card making but you have to be careful as this can cost quite a bit of money. I do card making at my local seniors.
Hi, if you check out op shops and FB marketplace or online craft groups you can often buy unused craft supplies much cheaper. Lots of people took up new hobbies in lockdown and changed their minds or no longer have time, so you might find a bargain! Good luckš·
The lockdown gve me more time to rad spiritual books of prayers and meditation which has given me me a meaning to life as it was then. I became a better person knowing that I was not alone despite the fear and loneliness that the events imposed. Back to real life I am continuing to be more compassionate and caring to those in need of help.
itās gotten me into writing
During the lockdowns it gave me time to build the vegetable garden and start growing more vegetables and fruit. When vegetables were expensive especially lettuces we had them growing in the garden. We also explored our local neighbourhood and noticed lots of thing that we had been missing as we use to drive every where so we are keeping this up now.
Still doing the same as before.
i have always loved gardening and craft. During the lockdown I spent a lot more time gardening and growing veggies which I had not grown in many years. Also had time to go for long walks with my family as it felt safe because so many people were outdoors walking too. I love walking but a lot of areas do not feel safe so have not been able to go walking as much now.
During the pandemic I couldnt do my favourite hobbes which are photography and travel. I started building lego and different brands of buildings and places I have been to and some I want to go to. Its rewarding to see so many little pieces grow into an amazing looking piece. I know have over 30 buildings from around the world as well as the fab5 disney characters plus a couple of disney castles. Expensive hobbie but love it
I have always had my hobbies and my favourite one is sewing machine sewing in particular machine embroidery. Lock down gave me the opportunity to spend a lot of time on this hobby and so all that practise means that I am much more proficient. At first I spent a lot of time making nurses scrub hats and other good related to covid. I also made gifts for work friends who were supporting my working from home as a thanks and to cheer them up through that time. Now I find I many use my hobby to make gifts. I also had time to use social media networks such as facebook to connect with like minded people and this introduced me to other products linked to my hobby. Also, since I had nothing much to spend my fun money on, I stocked up on fabric and other supplies, which means that now if I feel I can just start a project whenever I want knowing I can complete it with materials on hand. I believe people who had hobbies that were home based copied better than those who were dependent on hobbies that are down at venues. I have heard that mindfulness improved people's mental health and I do think that is true. Now that I have improved my skills at my hobbies I try to complete a project during the weekend and if I get too busy I really miss it.
I took up penpalling. I joined a group through Facebook, which put me in touch with interested people around the world. Through this group, I advertised for pen pals around the world and now have many new friends in the USA, Canada, UK, Sweden and South Africa. At first, because of covid lockdowns, the mail was taking a long time to get through, but it has improved now. I'm really enjoying corresponding with these new friends and finding out about life in their countries. It is the highlight of my day when I find a letter from one of my penpals in my mailbox.
I never took up any new hobbies but rather spent more time on the ones I loved to do in the first place, more time playing guitar and writing music and recording it and also spending more time gardening particularly learning more about the art of Bonsai
I had started painting lessons before the pandemic but then it happened all in lock down, so I did continue painting on my own and really enjoy it! so now I still continue with my new hobby is very relaxing and something I look forward too very often.
Momma Bear
During lockdowns I wished I had a garden to potter in after lockdown I brought a new home in Officer with a garden so have taken to gardening. My front yard is Japanese themed, with a weeping Japanese cherry and weeping maple. I have a coffee table and on top of the table have a solar Japanese lantern, which lights up at night. My back yard had a vegie garden and the previous owners had planted a mandarin tree and grapevine and we planted a dwarf peach tree. Down one side we have a have plants as no room to plant anything in the ground and the other side we have our rose garden.
I have a small garden and during the pandemic locks downs I updated my garden position and painted the tubs all in different colors and it got a new look now and is very colorful.
I have always been crafty and creative, but never found a hobby that really stuck. In lockdown during 2020, someone suggested I try cross-stitch and embroidery. I ordered a couple of kits online and thought I'd give it a go. The cross-stitch was ok - it was straightforward to learn and I could see myself making progress quickly. But it was a little boring, and I got so frustrated with having to count stitches and work out the exact place to start the next colour. So I picked up the embroidery kit. I managed to do it, but the instructions were impossible to follow and I just couldn't work out a couple of the stitches they showed. I tried Youtube, but there were SO many videos and the first couple I tried were not much better.
Fast forward to 2021, and I saw an ad for a free online embroidery workshop. It was run by a lady in New Zealand, which was amazing because it meant that the sessions were actually at accessible times; unlike American workshops that are always in the middle of the night! I ordered the supplies I needed and got stuck into the workshop. Everything CLICKED. The lady was an amazing teacher, the stitches made sense, and it was so fun, relaxing and simple. It became the perfect thing to pick up in the evening, instead of scrolling on my phone. I was pregnant when I started, and was able to make several pieces for my baby's room before she arrived - including a name hoop that we shared when announcing her birth. During a stressful period (I also had a 2 year old, and was working in a stressful job until my mat leave started) it gave me an outlet not only for creativity, but mindfulness and slowing down.
I have now been embroidering for just over a year and have made countless pieces, including many of my own designs. I gifted over 20 embroidered pieces for Christmas last year, and have gifted many more for birthdays, Mother's Day and new babies). It is such a joy to have found a hobby that is not only creative and self-care for me, but can be used to bless others.
The lady also teaches frame weaving (in a paid course), so I have learnt that and love it almost as much. It is a lot more technical and a steeper learning curve (for me), but the motto is 'progress over perfection'.
Dear oh dear. I became a drunk and am still a drunk because of covid and lockdowns. The only thing I could find to lift my spirits.
During lockdown I knitted premmie baby clothes for those early arrivals and seeing that I can not have children myself I thought that I would help those that could. I put them on ebay for cheap prices so that they are affordable but I do it for the babies not for myself. I also startd doing jigsaw puzzles and became addicted so It also gave my partner something to do by building me a puzzle table
No, was doing the same thing, study at home and gardening, though I moved house 7 months ago so was spending a lot of time sorting through stuff to get rid of and pack. Now I am enjoying a new garden and growing more veggies. Already picked beetroot, carrots, peas, rocket, spinach, spring onions and heaps of lettuce. I have not had time to do more bike riding which we did a lot of before because my son who came with me is also studying online full-time, hard to find the right time to do it. I still go for walks on the beach when weather is good. I still read before bed, no screen time before bed makes it easier to go to sleep.
Scott 31231694
I began gardening since 2019 and seeing what food i can grow to my family, its been hit and miss but a great time consumer
I'm sorry to say that I haven't been as productive as others members in this chat. The other people here seem to have really extended themselves...which is very cool. :)
For me, during the lockdowns my NEW routine was to get a covid update in the morning and sometimes in the I was up to speed on all the things I couldn't do or could do with a mask.
I walked more but that was nothing new...I did that before covid, but just walked further. And on occasion limped home with blisters, placing a pause on future walks, pending recovery.
I pretty-much did everything that I used to do...but more. More computer gaming, more reading (not books) just online, more work in the garden and around the house, the cinema and theatre were replaced with more TV.
The only thing that was new, was being confined to my home for 12 days when I was thought to have been a close contact and the excitement of going twice to get tested.
I don't get covid updates any more (probably because the media are under instructions to stop reporting it), and I'm back in my gym, happily in the cinemas and theatre, everything is kinda back to normal (except travel).
In short, no new hobbies or activities, just shifted the emphasis on the things I could do more of.
No new hobbies, just took the extra time to experiment in the kitchen, work on my fitness and bond with my kids. So just enjoying extra time doing the things I already like to do!
Resin art.
I always loved crafty endeavors but resin art seemed a bit too 'much'
But I gave it a go and love it.
I've made many awesome items. Name tags for my work colleagues and pets :)
Gorgeous trays, fancy earrings and hair clips and fun unicorns among other great useful things.
And a bonus, resin art sells. If I put my kind to it I could start a business and attend weekend craft markets.
It takes some practice, makes a lot of mess and costs a bit but I love every minute of it.
A new love for jigsaws and adult colouring in!
So relaxing and calmed my mind,
Some āMEā time away from the kids,
I still enjoy both hobbies from time to time!
Somehow I enjoyed and appreciated being restricted and isolated in my home, because that brought us all together as a family, we got closer emotionally and realised how much we treasure our lunches and dinners together. We wanted to fill out time gaps when we didnāt watch TV shows or just being stuck on tiktoks and Instagram stories. We discovered a new hobby which we still enjoy on the weekends and that is paint by numbers kits. It is a board/a solid piece of paper which has light markings to indicate areas to paint, and each area has a number and a corresponding numbered paint to use. I canāt tell you how much this helps to reduce anxiety and stress levels built up in all these years, it improves your patience and tolerance, it is similar to meditation, when you also reflect about your life and what is happening around you, while creating a beautiful piece of art. Amazing relaxation and peace of mind.
I took up Dungeons and Dragons, and it has completely changed my life.
At first I really enjoyed lockdown- I like movies and books and there was a certain novelty to it all. But I lived in Melbourne, and the constant, unending drag of lockdowns and yoyo-ing restrictions really took a toll on my mental health, especially when I became unemployed.
One day, a friend asked if I wanted to join him playing D&D online. I had nothing else to do so I joined it. I was really nervous at first; it seemed like such an alien concept, a sort of mix of board game, improv theatre, and maths. I rolled up to the video call with my dwarven bard an introduced myself to these strangers. I didn't really know the rules but my friend was running the game (the GM) and he said he'd explain everything I needed.
Before I knew it, 4 hours had gone by and my whole brain was alight. My cheeks were sore from grinning. I asked to play again, and joined a weekly game. That was early 2021, and we're still playing every week.
D&D provides me with social connection that I sometimes find difficult- I'm a bit of a social klutz and find meeting new people or maintaining friendships challenging. But with this I am excited to see people every week, to talk and laugh, and I've made friends both inside and outside my weekly game by bonding over our shared stories. D&D is collaborative storytelling, it's silly jokes, it's epic moments, and it's extremely cathartic. I find it particularly rewarding as a means to practice having power over my own life- my D&D character can move through his world and make choices and influence things. And so can I. After lockdowns and the helplessness of new covid variants, it's amazing how my little dwarven bard reminds me that I'm still in charge of my own life.
Lockdowns brought me to D&D, and that has changed my life completely for the better.
I actually used the pandemic "down time" to complete a University Honours degree, which I found very fulfilling & challenging. Initially, I was just doing it to keep my mind busy & active during lockdowns in Victoria - a time when people could have really struggled to remain mentally sharp & alert due to being forced to remain cooped up at home with not much to occupy themselves.
However, I've actually found that during this year (2022), after my successful completion of the Honours degree, I've had some job opportunities come my way directly because of my completing the Honours degree, so I now feel like it's going to provide some genuine positives moving forward & will only help me in my career.
I got let go from my job when COVID/the pandemic was just starting within Australia and lockdowns were becoming a thing. Amongst searching for new work, as best I could given lockdowns etc, I used not only the time off work but the lockdowns/travel restrictions to start talking to my friends online more. It may not be a hobby but since I had a lot of free time due to lockdowns/travel restrictions and not having work, I had a lot of spare time to talk to my friends online. This was good timing since my friends didn't have to go to work whilst their work had to sort out them working from home etc.
Me and my friends also started playing video games together during the pandemic which meant even though we couldn't see each other in person we still got closer and bonded more as friends during the pandemic. This was fantastic because when we worked all day every day before the pandemic, we rarely had spare time to talk to each other. We would only talk/catch up on weekends when we were all available, which was rare.
Therefore, even though I was let go from work and had to find a new job, was locked down and couldn't travel much... it was still a very good time due to the pandemic bringing me and my friends closer together in an online presence due to having more free time during the lockdowns etc.
On a side note, not having work during the pandemic, it also gave me time to update my work related skills, read up on law/legislation relating to my industry that I wanted to continue working in and gave me time to find the most perfect company to work with which I've been with for over 1.5 years now.
Post lockdowns and travel restrictions, it has further brought me and my friends closer together. It has made us realise that anything can happen at any time and that our freedom isn't set in stone. This has made us decide to always hang out when we are able to regardless of what is going on in our lives. Thus, since the pandemic we have hung out more and spent more time together than we ever have in the past. This is a brilliant feeling and something I would recommend to everyone with the future being uncertain.
I took up garden and still enjoying it!
Paint by numbers and embroidery
I did a lot more reading with the lockdowns, it has mostly stayed now that restrictions have eased
I taught myself acrylic fluid art making coasters, serving boards and pictures and now sell at local markets and fairs as well as online
I took up water colour painting, but I havenāt done any the last few months.
Already knew how to do Tunisian crochet but during the first winter lockdown took the opportunity of free time and boredom to make single bed sized blankets for my son and husband, the next winter I made myself one and I'm currently finishing off another as a Christmas present for my sister.
During the pandemic and lockdown I used to paint šØ . Also I joined a german language course. It is amazing to use the free time you have to learn new things.
During the pandemic and lockdown I used to paint šØ . Also I joined a german language course. It is amazing to use the free time you have to learn new things.
I used to read all the time - as a kid, we were limited to a half hour of electronics (TV/computer etc.)
Now that I'm an adult and have 24/7 access to the TV, I find that I'm just watching TV all the time!
During lockdown, I decided I was going to try and get back into reading more. I succeeded!
Last year I read 100 books, and I'm track to hit 100 again this year.
For me, it was really helpful to see just how much I can actually read if I focus on it and make it a priority.
Obviously I knew once we came out of lockdown it would be harder, but I still find myself sitting down and choosing to read instead of watching TV at least a few times each week.
What is the best book that you have read
What is the best book that you have read
I got back into my old hobby which is gardening and replanted a whole section of my garden as well as really concentrating on structure, a mix of bulbs, shrubs, ground covers and trees and ensuring my lawns are weed free. My garden is a sanctuary and habitat for native fauna now.