Technology in Research
Posted by: TaylorCS
3rd Mar 2021 01:25pm
The use of technology in surveys is growing. Some new techniques that can be used include:
- Visual tracking (tracks the activity of the eye on the screen)
- Facial recognition (can verify or identify a person via face mapping or scanning)
- Sensory research (analyses the brain using brain waves, heart rates, and skin responses to products)
- Scanning technology (customers carry their own mobiles in the supermarket, through these they can scan the item they want to buy and see the available offers/track their purchases and location).
So we’d like to know, how comfortable do you feel with the above technologies being used in surveys?
And what would convince you to use it? i.e more money, rewards, or discounts?
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- Visual tracking (tracks the activity of the eye on the screen)
- Facial recognition (can verify or identify a person via face mapping or scanning)
- Sensory research (analyses the brain using brain waves, heart rates, and skin responses to products)
- Scanning technology (customers carry their own mobiles in the supermarket, through these they can scan the item they want to buy and see the available offers/track their purchases and location).
So we’d like to know, how comfortable do you feel with the above technologies being used in surveys?
And what would convince you to use it? i.e more money, rewards, or discounts?
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Comments 71
It's all right I guess. But my child hood was the best didn't even need technology at all!
It's all good. In the end of the day it will mean that I will get better products and deals that are more personalised to me.
I am not comfortable with how the world is so digital. It freaks me out and I think it is so invasive when I am talking to my Girls and adds come up on the topics we are talking about. I also dont like the fact I can search in ebay and FB has adds on the topic 5 mins later....Not happy Jan :(
I think it's great. These sorts of technologies are helping us from harm, tracking bad people and protecting the good people. I don't care that Big Brother is watching, if we aren't doing anything to be ashamed off, we shouldn't worry. It's for the good.
I wouldn't mind facial recognition and surveys being used as long as the rewards count towards the benefits for privacy reasons and the research company is upfront about all the implications. I would expect more money for the convenience at least $20 for those types of surveys
Ellie 30656027
I think it allows people to invade in our privacy. It is good for medical use but don't like the idea of scanning mobiles in supermarkets. Depends how and what purpose technology is used in surveys. More money would be good. Cash in hand.
Kiki Chiki
I have no problem with this as long as it is clear up front how your information will be collected, how it is handled (including who it might be shared with, and when it is destroyed. I wouldn't necessarily expect more for the collection but I would expect the survey to be easier, with fewer manual inputs like typing. To get more rewards would always be nice though! I have done surveys like this, as long as the tech works with minimal fuss and no issues, its great to scan a product instead of writing all the details up. i would expect sensory research to be at a higher level and conducted within a laboratory environment or similar, at least with the same ethics and guidelines for usage/collection setup. Overall, if it makes things easier for both parties, and the data collected is managed in a safe way and disposed of correctly, so it can't be misused, then I don't see the problem with the use of technology in research. It's already in use in many ways and benefiting both survey taker and researchers.
I am all for the use of technology to advance research. I feel like a lot of the detractors don't realise how integrated technology already is into their lives. We also don't need a hundred percent uptake in order to get effective results from the research so it's ok if not everyone wants to opt in.
By giving up some privacy, we can increase security, and it's on the owners of that data to assure customers/users that they are protecting that data appropriately.
I don't have any problem with new techniques regarding technology in research, provided that my data is used correctly, explained clearly and cannot be abused. Some surveys I've done in the past have used the visual tracking which is ok as it gives researchers an idea as to what captures our attention the most in areas of marketing. Sensory research is a valuable way of discovering physical and emotional connections to products and reasons behind it. The scanning technology to scan items to check offers/track purchases and location is no big deal because it can already be done online prior to physically going into a store anyway. These newer technologies offer great insights to researchers, which in return bring the big bucks to the clients; therefore yes, an incentive of some sorts ought to be offered by way of money, rewards or relevant discounts ... because, time and effort equals money also.
Really depends on what type of research they will be conducting
It's very interesting and shows us how quickly technology is changing and advancing. This time last year I would not have been comfortable using technology for surveys but have now successfully completed several focus groups using Zoom and feel I am quite comfortable with new technology and adapting to change. I would be happy to use these new technologies doing surveys as long as they were explained in a clear and easy to understand manner prior to completing the activities so that an informed choice could be made as to whether I would feel comfortable.
I have no problems with some of the above, such as visual tracking , not too sure about Facial recognition, and have no idea how the sensory research would even be done, and would probably do the scanning technology. I think as an older person I am not real up to date on a lot of technology, but some of it is starting to sound too much like having the Governments eye on you all the time. Probably you younger people have no problem, as I see so many using their phones to pay, download Qr codes etc.
Very Happy with new technology surveys, l have done Vision Technology in surveys, a interesting and entertaining and scanning technology as its rewarding to see the products and identify a person via face mapping or scanning)
- Sensory research (analyses the brain using brain waves, heart rates, and skin responses to products), as well as been very interesting
I also like been rewarded vouchers or PayPal payments as its always a great Reward
I dont mind visual tracking so tech can be better used to see how and why things attract peoples attention.
I'm not keen on facial recognition as I feel it is a invasion of my privacy.
I also dont want my mobile tracked for purchases and locations. I feel this opens privacy up for possible breach.
I do at times do survey's with visual tracking and it is ok.
I wouldnt want more of a reward if it compromised my privacy, but if it was revoked once the survey was completed then possibly.
New techniques such as Facial Recognition for verification is not new and would be easily accepted. Many consumers already use this technology for phone apps.
Visual Tracking and Sensory Research both have a personal intrusive flavour. These would be harder to convince consumers of their benefit and that data security would be upheld.
Sensory Research would be very affective.
Scanning technology, via personal mobile phone would give consumers the control they need and this technology is already in tbe market place. This would be a very convenient way to eliminate lining up for purchase and extra service staff. For the retailer, the technology involved would also reduce theft and their need for surveillance.
Using the above technologies for real time market place data gathering from consumers for survey purposes would be very comprehensive and convenient.
If surveyors gave data collection permission to specific data survey companies with payment for services made, both parties would be satisfied.
I feel very uncomfortable with this and I think there is privacy issues. Not in favour of at all.
Obviously there are benefits to companies who are embracing this technology. I'm not so sure about the cost to us. Privacy is an issue, and another related issue of concern to me is potential for our loss of independence, rights and privileges . What do I mean by that. I'm talking about the social credit system in China.
From from Google, "China's social credit system, by its wide definition, is a set of databases and initiatives (my words, using massive amounts of individual and company data) that monitor and assess the trustworthiness of individuals, companies and government entities. Each entry is given a social credit score, with reward for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores". An example of a low rating score can be individuals being banned from flights and trains, and their purchasing rights restricted.
I have actually had my identity stolen! It took over 3 years of investigation and court to get everything sorted and to prove I was me! We are constantly being assured that systems and data bases with our personal information are safe, but they are not. They are only as safe as the people operating them chose to be.
China already tracks its citizens through a social credit system and rewards or punishes users according to if they follow political "rules" or not.
There are HUGE cyber-security breaches now which leave millions exposed and vulnerable, eg the attack on Amazon web services, Microsoft's Azure and Google Cloud were attacked. Any survey software is dependent on these big business, servers and data storage systems, and they are not infallible. Why use technology "just because it is there?"
There are reasons technology is made easy; we are time poor, so tempted to use what seems to offer easy ways to do stuff, and companies always market their new stuff this way, BUT the benefit is always for business, not us, the individual. Few people ever seem to look at possible consequences of accepting what appears to be easy.
It isn't about having "nothing to hide" as someone quoted a few comments down, it is about what any company OR hacker does with our information that is the issue and it is only when something happens, like my stolen identity issue, that you find what it is like to try and prove you are you, that your bank accounts and cards are yours, that your car, your home and Deed of Ownership are yours, etc, etc. It WAS costly and there is no way you get much back. Criminals can do a lot with not very much info, why give them more, especially your visuals, makes no sense to me.
No amount of so called incentives is worth losing your identity.
more money, rewards, or discounts
I am not at all comfortable with this development. I am concerned about privacy and the risk of hackers.
Profoundly uncomfortable. The level of surveillance in the modern world is rapidly increasing, and the sheer quantities of data available to corporations and government are genuinely mind-boggling. Many of these technologies sound incredibly invasive, and I would honestly doubt the sanity of any person willing to subject themselves to invasive physical testing with what would obviously the aim of improving targeted advertising. Is the obscene level of information that major corporations (example - if you use Google chrome, Google knows literally everything about your online activities) not enough? Is it really necessary to literally show corporations the inside of your brain?
No amount of money, rewards, or discounts could ever convince me to take part in a survey using any of the above technologies.
I'm happy with technology advancement. I feel safer knowing there is cameras and tracking around me. With the Covid 19 pandemic flooding across the globe, where would we be without all this amazing tech to help combat it??
Also with face and fingerprint recognition, I have quicker and secure access to my personal accounts and even my phone. It is not able to be copied unless you're from mission impossible!
I already use tech to earn shopping dollars and gift cards by participating in online surveys and study groups.
Visual tracking is a bit awkward for people who are visually impaired as it often requires tracking without glasses and this can mean reading screens is almost impossible. Facial recognition is great that it reduces fraudulent activities. Sensory research is different and I have not directly been involved, but it would be a great tool in assessing physical reactions to things which are harder to pick up with questions. Scanning technology is handy as it is very easy to use and I have used it quite regularly. I am fairly comfortable with most of these technologies, probably the least comfortable is the visual tracking. More incentives would probably entice people to use these newer technologies.
As long as I'm advised these technologies are employed and I do/do not consent I don't see a problem. I don't see how Facial Recognition and Facial Recognition really match up.
I don't have much of an issue, if it's for more safety when online, it's a good thing, but there is line we must draw but difficult when it invades our privacy and any data breaches. But, hopefully, most advances in technology are for the good.
I would have no problem participating in research or surveys that used these new technologies. It's understandable that companies would want to harness the power of these technologies to give insights to human behaviour that are not possible when using self-reporting or questionnaire-type surveys. While it's true that these new technologies would be slightly more invasive, the data they are tracking (ie: where my eye first goes to on a website, how fast my heart beats while watching an advertisement) are not things I care if people know about me. If the company administering the survey or test is reputable and professional, the data will be de-identified and aggregated, so I would not feel any concern about it being used against me in future. As regards downloading apps onto my phone and using them to scan items or having them reveal my purchases or location, again, I would be fine with that because I am pretty average and don't have anything to hide. I'd value the money I was paid over privacy concerns. Again - as long as the app came from a reputable research company and was approved via the Google Play Store, I'd trust it. The good thing with market research like this is that it's completely voluntary, even WHILE you're doing it, so if you're ever uncomfortable, you can just withdraw from the survey and ask for your data to be erased. I think participating in market research is a great way to make money from things that normally are of no value to you - such as your opinion about products or what you think about social issues etc. If a company wants to bypass my telling them how I feel and instead determine my feelings by monitoring my pulse or tracking my eyeballs, fine by me! They are welcome to 'purchase' that information from me, as I don't value it as highly as they do. I guess the only reason I would not participate in research that involved these technologies is if the inconvenience of having to attend a specific venue or spend a large amount of time on a survey was not adequately compensated. Discounts and non-financial rewards are not great incentives. Cash or gift cards are the only kind of incentive I would deem worth travelling to a venue for or spending a significant amount of time doing a survey for. The amount would need to be comparable to a decent hourly rate in a job.
I don't think this is good idea. We are surrounded with technology in every day life, everywhere you go. Too much radiation, too much electronic devices which is not healthy for any human being. Nothing would convince me to use it, because money can't buy health!
It's inevitable that there will be more and more tech in research, the sheer fact that many survey sites now offer mobile apps so you can do surveys or chat when out and about was a significant step.
I'm not overly confident with all this, but it is what it is and at 60 I'm trying to embrace it as I don't want to become 'old'. I have taken part in Zoom survey groups, some are a bit daunting, but they can be fun. I have completed mobile diaries and searched the web for pictures to explain feelings. My eyes have been tracked and I have made video responses for ongoing surveys. I scan my grocery purchases already, for a particular company and this proves tedious and time-consuming and is often the last thing I wish to do after a big shop, but the rewards are quite good. I guess we're all currently involved in scanning tech through our covid check ins, which I guess is another form of research.
I haven't yet been involved in facial recognition or sensory research. I can see some of these as being regarded as invasive and I imagine companies would need to have very strict privacy and security protocols to proceed. Sensory research sounds like there would need to be more advanced tech than I have at my disposal currently and that could preclude some people from their involvement.
I think there need to be greater incentives offered as these new research advances sound quite time-consuming and people's free time is ever more valuable these days.
The growing use of technology in survey is great. I have used Visual tracking and facial recognition. I am I.T. savvy so l am comfortable using the above techniques. I am happy to be convinced by getting egift cards for completed surveys. The use of these techniques in surveys is in its infancy so l am sure they will be widely spread in the future.
It's great that technology is used in surveys. All of the mentioned techniques have greatly used in market research. However I find that when there are I.T. problems, its hard to get help quickly so you are unable to completed the surveys. I am always comfortable using the techniques. I think that its a bonus getting rewards for doing surveys which can be informative and fun.
no thank you I will not use my web cam either invasion of my privacy
Rob Boss
This feels invasive at best.
It also doesn't feel necessary in the second example; that's the kind of monitoring I'd expect from a doctor, not someone who wants to know how I feel about a particular brand of coffee.
The only one that seems relatively benign is the scanner in the third example - on demand, with the end user having a decent degree of control.
Finally, it just feels like using tech because it's available. I don't believe it would really provide much extra insight for clients or change the results produced.
Personally, I think incentives are a non issue here. The costs associated with trying to overcome resistance through incentives would likely outweigh any benefits. It could also lead to unwanted outcomes, ie trying to measure biometrics but getting skewed results because the subject is preoccupied with what is being recorded, trying to please / satisfy the questioner, and so on.
Not at all comfortable. Too much of an invasion into my personal space & time. Doing online surveys is a bit of a hobby/time filler. If this kind of use of technology were introduced would actually disincentivise me from taking part.
Ellie 30656027
Not at all. We now have no privacy. I’d say do it for security in jails etc but not for every venue in the wider community. Not everyone owns a mobile either. What about all the old people without these skills and poor people without technology. You can’t expect everyone to carry mobiles with them every where they go. They are now treating us like a number. What happened to humanity?
I think this a total disgace and needs to abolished altogether Where do we draw the line with you people invading our lives to make a buck! Why dont u just implant us with a chip so u can read our minds 24/7! That's what its coming to isnt it? I am quite sick of technology and AI trying to run our live and we need to take a step back to see how its ruining lives! No amount of money can justify this invasion of privacy!
No I wouldn’t be keen using sensory, scanning or facial recognition in surveys. My thoughts are someone smart enough to copy my face through a 3D computer. Then using it for whatever they wish. Not enough security is my say.🧐🧐🧐
Not too comfortable at the moment as there's not been near enough research on this technologies to understand if there's any potential side effects to human beings. Also, I mean completely independent research and not research undertaken by that manufacture/design/apply these technologies.
So, independent research that shows there's no side effects for human beings would get me to readily use these technologies.
Also, I would wish to know where these images and info is going and where it will be stored. I think that individuals are rapidly losing their privacy for not much return.
There have been many reports of 'hackers' accessing your computer or using remote computers (other peoples) to defraud or hold machines (blocking files etc.) to ransom. I am therefore somewhat reticent to the use of some of these technologies unless there are some very strong protective programs in place to prevent the possibility of unwanted interference with my machine. I have also seen reports of people being able to remotely use (?) a connected camera even if the computer is turned off.
Obviously there are benefits to companies who are embracing this technology. I'm not so sure about the cost to us. Privacy is an issue, and another related issue of concern to me is potential for our loss of independence, rights and privileges . What do I mean by that. I'm talking about the social credit system in China.
From from Google, "China's social credit system, by its wide definition, is a set of databases and initiatives (my words, using massive amounts of individual and company data) that monitor and assess the trustworthiness of individuals, companies and government entities. Each entry is given a social credit score, with reward for those who have a high rating and punishments for those with low scores". An example of a low rating score can be individuals being banned from flights and trains, and their purchasing rights restricted.
I know very little about China and maybe they have plausible reasons for implementing such an ambitious and social credit system but I personally find this system horrendous.
Then there's also controversy about health implications of 5/6G needed to run big data which I won't go into but I also have my concerns about that too.
I feel some of these are getting a bit personal .. i would consider scanning products if rewarded but not sure about my eyes , heart and brain waves.
Kay Dee
I can understand why some research companies want to use this technology, although I've mixed feelings on facial scanning/recognition.
With regards to privacy and what happens to the survey image results, who has access to my personal info, is the facial scanning personally tied back to me or grouped in with other survey responses, how do I ensure the survey terms are being adhered to or are my details being provided to third parties etc.
A lot of our shopping activity is captured in our daily lives with loyalty card scanning and bank transactions etc and I think the difference is this is transactional activity and is linked to your name only, whereas the technology.
In summary, for me the choice is there to to decide if I'm comfortable with the type of technology the research requires versus the reward offered.
I am an older lady and would not like it at all, the younger generations would have no problem with it. Nothing could convince me i,m an old stick in the mud.
Too much tech & it changes way too fast to keep up with.
GPS is handy, but not totally reliable.
Phones have more 'features' that we know what to do with.
Several versions of the same thing on the phone is a pain (eg: Samsung contacts + Google's contacts + the contact system you want to use)
Phone prices go from reasonable to insane.
The 'reviewers' are usually paid in some form, so the reviews are often seriously tainted. Called one out once & was told, if the reviews have anything slightly bad, they won't get the next one. Hmm. Trustworthy.
Often unable to remove unwanted things like Netflix, Facebook, Twitter if they are already on.
Tablets are much the same, just easier to read.
Then the companies that can't be contacted without using an app...
I'll be using a driver's licence card until there is no option but giving it up. I don't really want my passport on the phone or anything finance related.
I have no problem with visual tracking or facial recognition. Scanning technology is the way of the modern world and more companies are using the technology to advance their products and make improvements . I think it makes life easier for people and I have no worries about it. There is not much privacy in todays world its just the way it is. I think it is worth providing information in order to receive products that you want or to get rewards or discounts. Every little bit helps these days.
I take up new tech with a passion- we have come far in a short time- from 2G mobile phones to smart home integration of entertainmen,media,telco and appliances. I love my home setip- 82"8K Qled TV, smart display speaker and smart lights- voice control of everything.
My concerns are about hackers and data tracking- a trade-off I guess, but I wonder how advanced we will be in a few years. Cautious not fearful but keen to have the next big tech!
Not only is the retail industry being over-run by technology, but every human on the planet who has access to the www can also be affected. Young people are losing the ability to spell, older folk (like me) can struggle to meet the demands of providers to use these crackerjack innovations.
If I buy a TICKET to an event, I expect to receive a TICKET, not a link that says aren't you lucky, you can use your mobile as your ticket. Well, take this as a warning, If your phone does a dummy spit you run the risk of being stranded outside of the entry door. Happened to me.
There is a lot of big brother stuff going on, most of which I am not aware. That does concern me. However, there are some positives. I point to the medical field in particular. Modern technology has certainly improved research and implementation over the past couple of decades.
As far as motivation to use these amazing wonders of the tech world, well, there normally is none.
Now days, the messages, more and more frequently, are that you HAVE to go this way. Also, there can be a lack of consistency. For one example, I needed to change some banking stuff recently and it required the provision of identity proof. Gee, sorry, we are not allowed to accept digital identity. Surprise! They wanted the physical card and document. I have a Service NSW app, something I do like, and that was not good enough. Go figure.
I can see the advantage for some things, but I do think, in this day and age, things should be run on the KISS principle.
I dislike all this new technology that is thrown us these days. I was born in the late 50s and give me anything to go back to that time when life was so much easier. Yes Mobile phones are good but all this face recognition, tap on your card it is beyond me. I have a mobile and the only thing I do on it is ring, sms or video chats or play solitaire. I refuse to use my phone to scan for anything.
I don't condone tracking its an invasion of privacy
I am happy to be part of surveys that uses the above technologies as long as it does not get too personal. Better rewards would provide the additional encouragement for me use it. In saying that, I would be happy to embrace technology and enjoy the benefits that it brings.
Yes I think its a great idea as new technology these days are making life easier for many, even crimes that were committed and the wrong people or the accused going to prison only due to them later finding they are innocent (with the new technology) and able to find the real culprit, I think its good to get people whom are doing wrong. I myself am a private person so maybe I will be careful if anything is screening me, other than that it sure does have its positive benefits.
I would need better rewards to entice me to engage with some of the more recent survey technology.
I would say, yes the greater incentive to have people use technologies like this would be something worthwhile. As the cameras tracking eye movement and facial recognition is invasive to personal privacy, but also scanning technoloy and sensory reaserch impares a greater sence of privacy. So if I were offered a greater incentive to use these technologies I would.
Technology is the fastest growing trend everywhere and anything. I hope it bring comfort to the entire customers.
I have been scanning groceries with another company for now 3 years and love the rewards and gift cards. Any thing that can be achieved using technology at home is great boon especially for times when we have covid.
I have to be honest, I have mixed feelings about the use of more advanced technology in surveys and research. In particular, my main concern is to ask: is technology which can be used to identify someone - e.g. facial recognition software - ever really necessary? I know that in my time as a statistics undergraduate, that data typically does not need to be associated with an individual, and even surveys I take these days generally inform us that our data is aggregated and thus is never personally identifiable. Hence I argue that it perhaps is never really necessary to have data that is personally identifying to be even gathered, let alone used, in a survey context.
Of course in some cases, data is useful - high tech data that is. Visual tracking might be useful in order to solidify aspects of a survey, for example, where eyes go during a survey ad etc. Also, sensory data could also be useful, to help establish a baseline of feelings and emotions. For example, heart rates could be correlated with more subjective answers like "I really like this" or "I really dislike this", although even with this data, I am concerned that it could be used as an argument that a survey respondent should be disqualified for giving incorrect answers. My concern is that as humans, we can often have a disconnect from our true feelings, and also such feelings are quite fluid and changeable, hence I feel that sensory data should only be used to "data correct" or to establish baselines, but not treat such data as more valuable that a survey response.
As for scanning technologies, I also have mixed feelings, as any data gathered under the pretext of value or convenience for the customer is generally a trade-off, and is more valuable to the supermarket or shop. Also, the privacy issues are a real concern to me.
Lastly, I guess I have to say that if there was sufficient compensation for the use of any or all of these technologies, for example gift cards, discounts or monetary payments, I might consider agreeing to their use, but on the proviso that such data - and its association with an individual in a personally identifiable way - was to be destroyed after a set time period.
Traditional survey structures can only capture a general indicator, in order to improve on this surveys need to employ more diverse methods of extracting information.....enter technology
Don't really like the sound of this, think it would seem like an invasion of privacy. Think there would need to be fairly generous reward amounts to convince me to use it. Am already concerned that companies sell off all our information particularly when entering competitions etc. Maybe I would not be tech savy enough to use anyhow.
It doesn't really concern me much, as I don't have a webcam or a speaker, or any of the other things needed to track a person's behaviour and reactions. I don't think I'd feel very comfortable being tracked by these devices. Too much invasion of personal space and it smacks too much of Big Brother is watching you type of thing.
It seems to be inevitable that technology in surveys will become more widespread in the future. I've already done a few where the tracking of the eyes on the screen has been done.
Facial recognition is already widely used in many large cities like London , Washington etc so it's nothing new to seasoned travelers, I'm not sure I like the idea of it on surveys though that are conducted by private companies, where as the city ones are done by government/councils.
Then I guess most people have a price tag if the incentive was large enough some might decide it's easy money to allow it.
Sensory research I would be ok with it's a good indication as to the real thoughts and feelings about brands/products and could be a very valuable tool for marketing departments.
The scanning in supermarkets is really already being done via the supermarkets themselves once you join up to a rewards card they can track everything you purchase and send targeted offers to you via email or app so scanning via mobile is really just an extension of that I think.
Money , rewards, discounts is the name of the game, and really why people sign up to rewards cards in the first place. If your buying something anyway there may as well be a perk or 2 in it for you for your information.
The only thing I don't like about the mobile being used for scanning shopping is the fact that it will create unemployment in the retail industry, and that is never ideal.
I don't have a problem if I know who is collecting the information and what it is being used for and I have read all the information before giving out personal details. I guess we do live in an age where all our movements are tracked because of mobile phones, computers, tracking devices and store cards along with other things I really don't think we have much privacy in anything anymore. Technology has seen to that. Unless we want to live on a desert island and do nothing I think we have got to accept some loss of privacy in everything we do. For me it is a small price to pay for the lifestyle we have today.
Are you nuts?? Privacy concern big time. No way I would participate if this is the trend, I would be opting out straight away. Sounds like an overreaction? Yeah probably but I do value my anonymity
i am more than happy to partake in any of these studies - i am already familiar with visual tracking but havent had the opportunity to do the others. i have no problem with what they gather as long as the incentive is there. something as intrusive as these listed should be worth at least $5 and upwards but from what i have seen they pay more like 30 cents, which is highly disappointing and really not worth doing.
I think it could be a serious breach of privacy and safety if not managed carefully, but if it is outlined what is happening and where the information goes, trusted websites may use it to helo
I'm ok with this in instances like cafestudy, where they let you know that the tracking, recognition, etc is running. Informed consent required, I'd say.
I think it will be totally breach of privacy of people performing surveys. There is always one pattern when survey is completed by only one person which is enough for the companies to ensure. Pattern will immediately change when one account is being handled by more than one person. So these type of technologies being used in the surveys is not appropriate in my opinion. No more rewards or discounts can attract people by giving their privacy exposure.
I am technologically challenged.
I don't mind the sensory research or the scanning tech but the visual tracking is a no for me. The facial recognition is a total no, no. Far too intrusive and I don't feel secure about how it could be used in other ways. We all suspect or know that companies sell personal data.
I don't feel comfortable doing this at all and would not know how to use it or want to try it. What's wrong with the way it is now? We should be given the choice as to how we do the surveys. I can tell people are not interested in this if they are offering extra points to use it. Only the very poor people will be forced to use it! Just another way of forcing people to do things they'd rather not do!
I don't like new technology because they are chances companies misuse your data.
I think some of my hesitation is not understanding the technology well and not sure what the implications are. So I tend to err on the side of not allowing because it feels safer. I do want the ability to have some parts of my life and my thoughts as private. I feel there is a lot of information that ends up disclosed with this technology although possibly that is the case currently, more than I realise.
Some of the technologies mentioned above give me some advantages like available offers..etc. Being comfortable using them in surveys will depend on how these surveys will be run, for example I will not be comfortable at all if online surveys can read my brain waves or have access to information I haven’t given the permission to process it.
I would feel more comfortable using these technology if I know I can control or block the scanning and tracking technologies whenever I wish.
If it was disclosed that such technologies would be used in a survey at the beginning of it, I would choose not to participate. No extra incentive would convince me, because I value a degree of privacy and anonymity. All surveys will ever gain from me are insights based on my answers and demographics.