What are your thoughts on the prospect of no Google Search Engine in Australia?
Posted by: TaylorCS
28th Jan 2021 10:10am
As you may have seen in the news of late, a law which is currently establishing a new code for digital media is being considered by a parliamentary inquiry.
As part of this new code, the Australian government is considering making tech giants Google and Facebook to pay for local publisher's news (news that appears in their searches). In response to this Google has threatened to stop making their search engine available in Australia.
The Prime Minister has said Parliament decides what rules businesses must follow in Australia and that "...we don't respond to threats".
How do you feel about Facebook and Google pay for news? How would the removal of Google's search engine affect you?
As part of this new code, the Australian government is considering making tech giants Google and Facebook to pay for local publisher's news (news that appears in their searches). In response to this Google has threatened to stop making their search engine available in Australia.
The Prime Minister has said Parliament decides what rules businesses must follow in Australia and that "...we don't respond to threats".
How do you feel about Facebook and Google pay for news? How would the removal of Google's search engine affect you?
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Comments 92
Vanessa 32284508
I’ll need an alternative search engine that’s just as good if Google goes
I really do not care one way or the other, I can find most things and there are alternative search engines, bing for one ,AOL, Yahoo etc etc. you an even search for search engines? I do not agree with all the adverts on the search engines, I think we get enough on the TV. And I don't think they should pay for news we can get that on the radio and on tv.
I would be devestated, it is the only one I use, and would be lost without it, everyone I know uses it , multiple times a day. If there is an answer to any question none of us know , we all Google it.
I think it would be devestating,I dont agre with a lot of the google app or their thirst for knowledge about you personally either through your computer or mobile,I refuse to sync anything with goole,however their search engine I find invaluable from my wife finding out how to cook something to me trying to find out about exotic plants or something as simple as finding out about getting or building a poolside pergola
It's a hard question but we would manage - there are other search engines, and other ways to seek information online. I use Duck Duck Go a lot.
Gosh I love Google, it is the one I use all the time to find whatever I want, what will I do without it. I suppose they are companies and have to make money but still, it is wrong to stop it.
It would be frustrating as Google to me is the norm and my go to. Like most people I don’t always want change for something I have used for so long. However getting rid of the Google search engine will not effect me providing there is a replacement or other search engine that can be used.
It is a political battle for charging google; it is implicitely abolishing Australian's rights to access information for free and freely.
it is very noticable that information on the news such as SBS are bias and controlled by the government creating many conflicts between cultures(e.g. chinese, indian and "white" ozzys) within Australia. The government now is using a lame excuse for charging google. What difference does it make between Australia and other countries who Australia is accusing them as "dictatorship"?
I use bing abit so this would t cripple me but I use alot of google products so would be interested how this would affect my usability of them.
We shouldn’t be paying for news. I’d hate to admitted but we need google given how much we rely on it.
I'd hate to have to pay for either one. I'd be devastated if google went as I turn to it for directions, news, online shopping and trivia.
Not a good idea it was meant to be free I use it for research it has been my search engine for the longest time I'd go mad if it was removed it has the most answers
Free internet was the way it was meant to be. Google showcase is there.
It is about time , government and industries actually work together.
One cannot live without the other. Drop the tough kid act and play fair.
Definitely not a good idea. I study and rely on Google for all of my research. When I search for the same information on big I do not get anywhere near the account if answers as a google search.
I meant Bing
That will be very sad
Amber Toon
It's a terrible idea. Facebook is corrupt and incredibly biased on both sides of the political spectrum and social media platforms should not be the main place where you find news. People comment on everything on Facebook, also; influencing others opinions. News can just be news without bias, hateful comments, judgements, etc. Also what about university students that use Google to search for their sources for essays? It is an incredibly poor idea.
It would completely stunt my web exploration and day-to-day search activities and intel!
Google has been my primary search engine since long time as it has the easiest interface. I would find it difficult and inconvenient if Google's search engine will be removed.
I find that the new code requiring Facebook and Google most especially to pay for news that appears in its search engine to be a bit impractical on the part of Google simply because they can't control what the user/searcher would opt to open in the range of search results. And if google would pay as per results based on what the user would input (which may or may not be opened by the user/searcher), that may sound bit unsupported and defeats the purpose.
I think both Google and Facebook have more to lose from pulling out of Australia than they think, like losing a data revenue stream. I'd encourage both companies to do what is right by all jurisdictions and pay for news content as is appropriate with regard to copyright. I really wouldn't care if Google removed their search engine, I'd find an alternative, as it is more important for me to use companies who are ethical.
Although I know there are other sites I could use as an alternative, it would be hard as I have ingrained its use into my every day life. Would that also make my google speakers obsolete? What about gmail? Chrome browser? Google docs? I have become heavily reliant on google products.
I’ve started using DuckDuckGo in the last week and realised how easy Google is to use in comparison because they have so much of my data. I flick back to Google now abs again buyer because it’s easier but would prefer the privacy of DuckDuckGo
Why ,I love google and its very helpful
its a shame considering Google was created in Australia. You would think it would consider supporting the country it originated from
It would be unfortunate if Google leaves as the platform offers many other great benefits such as google drive, docs and maps. There are other options available however google is easy to use.
I like google it is easy to use but I do not know who I will be using for the search engine
Joh :)
"I think Google's view is that they are so superior that people can't live without them," . "If they were to remove Google search from Australia are we going to lose Google Maps, which a lot of GPS runs off? Are they going to continue with Gmail and Google Docs or heaven forbid - YouTube? Online advertising is another sector in which Google is the market leader and where it makes its money. Pulling Google web search out from Australia would these also mean Aussie businesses would no longer be able to advertise using Google’s services.
The Aussie government and Google should diplomatically find a compromise in which Google still provides its web search product in Australia and there will be a return to news organisations and Facebook for Google making use of their content. It'd only fair. Why should Google be allowed to advertise on anyone's website for free and make money from every user's click. Shouldn't the website's that Google make a lot of their money from in advertising get a percentage of the advertising fee's. After all, why can't business's charge Google for advertising on their website's? (sometimes spamming ads/info across websites) - Geez thank god for Adblock!
So for now,Google haven't said they will remove all of google.Apps etc but it's worth thinking about the degree to which we do rely on these engines." Can we really afford to lose them ?
Good they should. They have profited on data mining billions of people for years and should make a contribution to the countries taxes to those they benifit from by paying their fare share.
This whole thing is just a cash grab by Murdoch and his lap dog Morrison is just doing what he is told.
I probably don't understand what's going on with this whole Google/Australian Government pay for news issue. However, my understanding is that if Google lists local publishes news in their search (Say I search Australian Food) and Google lists in their searches a site from a local publisher's food site saying that Sydney has the best burgers etc. That would be advertising for the local publisher would it not? Then that'd attract that local publisher more traffic and in return make them more money?
If the law is passed and Google has to pay for local publisher's news then they would just stop showing local news which would mean that the local news publishers lose out. Not only on their news being seen, but their site being shown and advertised.
Also, the removal of Google's Search Engine wouldn't be bad in a sense if only the Search Engine disappeared. DuckDuckGo for example could easily be the new google. However, if Google Search left Australia... IMO, it would make all other Google apps we rely on such as Google Maps not work as well. This would cause an issue as in the short term there really isn't an alternative to Google Maps which can not only tell you directions or locations but tell you websites, phone numbers, ratings and opening hours of businesses. This would be a bigger issue than local publisher's not being paid for their news and or not receiving free advertising on Google.
Therefore, the Australian Government just needs to leave this issue alone so that it doesn't make Google leave Australia all together.
I think there has to be other servers besides a dominant one.
I THINK WE WOULD ALL ADJUST to another search engine if google goes but goverment should be careful in making the changes as there are a lot of problems with microsoft i was scammed by them they lost all stuff i had on my private pc to try to get me also lost all me email accounts was wiped right out except for my online banking nab saved that for mew . so be careful with micro soft if you have problem thats when mine started when i rang them to fix it and they make you change your password every week . so watch out .
Another way of the LNP & Murdoch to control news
Google has become too big, more than a search engine now. I dont use it for news or email, only researching goods, products or services also maps. It is the best search engine but I'd adapt to others
If they (Facebook and Google) are profiting by publishing local news then they should pay the authors of the news. I would consider that content to be intellectual property (IP) and if they're using it for their financial benefit, they should appropriately compensate the owners of that IP.
As for threats of stopping the availability of their search engine in Australia, given the billions they make here, I'd say that's the textbook definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Most people would take to dim view to that kind of action, and would be inclined to say go ahead. Meanwhile, Microsoft would be rubbing their hands together at the prospect of filling in the void with Bing.
How would it affect me? I like all things Google, I have an Android OS on my phone, and I like their products...but I'd adjust to life without their search engine, without too much trouble. That's what you do, you adapt, you overcome...losing their search engine is hardly a life event.
I would miss Google's search engine as it is the best. I use Google for craft related stuff, maps and lots of other things.
I would really miss Google if it were not available. Don't entirely believe about them having to pay for news, as lots of things I look for I would not get answers to visiting News sites so I can't see how there is such a problem for those sites. I search for all sorts of information which I am sure Newspapers would not give me the answers .Not really concerned much about Facebook I'm afraid as I think most things written on Facebook are just rubbish, maybe good for some people to connect to relatives in far away places.
dont use the news on google only for craft related topics
I don't use Google news very much but use Google for heaps of other things. Not sure if that will be affected too.
In my opinion the Government should say to Google pay for news and pay taxes, and if you decide to carry out your threat to leave GO and remember Australians do not bow to tax non tax paying parasites.
I feel it’s good and the companies have to pay for the news. They wouldn’t effect me much and we all can pay a bit of money for news just like Netflix and others.
stewart bookworm
bit of censorship on both sides. If it conflicts with their values would not be published
I would be quite happy. We would overcome the short term inconvenience and get rid of one more crooked American bully.
I feel strongly about Facebook and Google paying for news in Australia
Why should they not. Everyone else probably does, they should be no different because
they a a hug conglomerate
News sites should be paying google. Everyone else does.
Really? How does everyone else pay Google?
And why should the news sites - which do the hard work of creating the content - pay someone else to distribute it at no cost? (Remember that the news sites have to bear the cost of labour or their journalists. That's just ONE cost that they bear.)
Google pretty much created the internet e know now. Local news would never have even been noticed by people if it wasn’t for Google. They should not be charged.
I have to pay for my news when I buy a paper or a subscription therefore so should Google.
This stand by Google is a bit rich coming from them when for many years they avoided paying the right amount of tax in Australia
No problem. Just use another engine.
I assumed that they did this already and I think it’s only right that they do pay.
Having heard google's response, they accuse govt of manipulating search by paying media. Google's control of site who host their advertising and of those paying for the advertising, is hugely more manipulative. Neither side is thinking correctly in my opinion.
Google earns revenue from clicks. Therefore they have to technical systems in place to bill their advertisers. The same click holds the data to pinpoint the source of the news article so the few cents can be credited and forwarded say monthly (requires the news generators to get off their rectums and actually register with Google so Google knows who to pay).
I'm sure i could find a nother just as good
It would be okay if Australia develops its own search engine. Otherwise many of us will struggle with tasks that require using google apps ad website.
I think the cost will be passed on
Definitely, but how much will it cost and will we be forced to give personal details we don't want to share like with newspapers online subscriptions.
To tell the truth, I don't read Google News at all. But I love their search engine and would truly miss it. There are other ones out there, I never use Facebook, but I love all things Google like their maps, search engines, email, skype, meeting place links etc.
Newspapers are really struggling, and I understand that the government does not want them to close down/go bankrupt, but this issue is bigger than Facebook and Google and consumers dislike paying more than they have to for the news etc.
More people will then turn to TV and their catch up sites instead and we'll lose some great apps and programs we have all learned to love since their creation. I know I will feel bereft!!!!
I don't want to comment on everything in your post/reply, but I noticed one thing that I do want to correct.
Skype is owned by Microsoft, not Google.
I use Google constantly so it would be a real hardship if we were to lose such a vital resource.
Of course I grew up in the time before the internet so I'm sure I'll cope.
To say I'm annoyed is an understatement
Google carries the best results. Drop the news if they want, leave us with a decent search engine for everything else
Just shows how incompetent the government are that they would even push this. It won't result in Aussies seeking aus made news or back to papers, many of us just won't even bother
Why rely on big techs. Develop Australia's own search engine. Surely, we have IT professionals capable of doing this.
too true! If they had wanted to do this, they should have done it by now!
Why recreate the wheel.
Google does the job
I honestly don’t know what the Australian Government is thinking here. Google presents links to news sites as a service which generates traffic to those news sites. It’s ludicrous. This won’t negatively impact Google at all but will negatively impact Australia.
Would be a tragedy if we lost Google. Absolutely ridiculous decision by the government.
I don't use either one, so it would not make any difference to me.
I think its ridiculous if they do this it will have such a negative impact on all Aussies and also businesses who rely on it for business and those who use it to find info and services definitely a bad idea in my opinion!
Google search is my main system tool, if Google pulls its search engine out of Australia, I'll have to switch browsers to another search engine, I might be able to get around the block by using a virtual private network (VPN) to make it appear as though I am visiting Google from another country. Removal of google search, or removal of news on Facebook would have an impact not just on news media businesses, but also how people in Australia use the internet.There are several other options like Bing, Yahoo, Ecosia , all will offer me the basics when trying to search, including Wikipedia pages and relevant news articles as long as they commit to protecting my privacy as a user.
With Google pulling out of the Australian market, I hope the government and google find a compromise in which Google still provides its web search product in Australia as I'd hate to see Youtube and Google maps go..
I totally agree with you.
I think the govt is insane to do this and I am a writer for digital news that is independent. I also do Twitter even Independent Media thibk this idea is insane and see it as Murdoch demanding this of the liberals. Democracy is lost now it is all about liberal making friends richer
But not only will these people get richer, the money will not be spent on every day people as they will always find a way to get around paying taxes like us workers do. Politicians will get more backing and make more promises they won't keep in the process. As it is, TV stations are biased by their owners/shareholders!
Clearly the news is worth something to Tech companies otherwise why get in a huff over it. So it comes down to money, which is worth more to them paying some for information or earning some from the advertising in Australia. If the difference in these amounts is small, they wouldn't bother. If large (and we know which is greater, obviously), the rhetoric is rather hollow.
Having used the Google search engine since circa 1995 I would miss it if it were to disappear. Must admit that I've come to rely upon this single source, rather than playing the field so to speak.
Would be reluctant to switch to Bing, as Microsoft themselves have had monopoly issues in the past. DuckDuckGo seems to be a popular alternative but would have to do some background research on the history of this first.
The removal of Google search engine t wouldn't affect me at all. There are plenty of other search engines & browsers I can use on the internet besides Google.
Too bad Google. It's not like you're the only game in town. I rarely use them, Duckduckgo is my preferred option.
what would replace the Google search engine instead?
Plenty of alternatives. Duckduckgo, Bing for starters.
The government is making the right stand. Data is currency, and so many of us have been naively given it up for free (everyday without a care or thought). I’ve worked in health my entire career and know this truth more than most having experiences with clinical trials and the pharmaceutical world. Big data analytical companies need to be held accountable just like any other industries. This may also coax us out of our habits/laziness of using Google by default - there are alternatives. Remember when we actually had to look things up and used our discretion for the best source (maybe not.....at least try not to click on the first suggestion that pops up on a search engine).
There's nothing lazy about using Google, it just does a good job for me and I prefer to use it. Yes we have alternatives, but Google isn't just about news is it?
But we still use discretion when presented with a page of search results? If someone is not finding what they are looking for through Google, then they can look for another search engine but Google is lightning fast for me and gets the information I’m after 100% of the time, sometimes after a little tweaking and / or including filters.
The government is making the right stand. Data is currency, I’ve worked in health my entire career and know this truth more than most having experiences with clinical trials and the pharmaceutical world. Big data analytical companies need to be held accountable just like any other industries. This may also coax us out of our habits/laziness of using Google by default - there are alternatives. Remember when we actually had to look things up and used our discretion for the best source (maybe not.....at least try not to click on the first suggestion that pops up on a search engine).
Consider China.
While we might not like China at the moment due to their government, theirs is a good working concept of life without Google.
They have their own websites and other technologies which drive their economy, community and culture, and they're doing just fine.
If they 'turn off' Google in Australia, there are alternatives and in time I'm sure the people of Australia will find their own means of innovation for this area.
This is the age of subscription and you pay for pretty much everything. Almost nothing is free anymore as it is, so why do Google and Facebook believe they can access content for free if we can't?
How many of their services are subscription or pay to use?
Can't have their cake and eat it too.
No, they won't get 'chucked in jail' for doing it.
When you're in the upper echelons of the Communist Party, the rules for everyone else don't apply to you.
too true lol
plus china no shining beacon to aspire too
I bet some ministers and officials in China use VPN and Google to find out about other countries and people. They just don't tell anyone because they'll get chucked in jail for doing it!
Yeah a VPN to make it look like I'm in a normal country that has google
I'll just use duckduckgo.com
I use Google Search Engine for a wide variety of reasons for information, therefore the removal of Google's search engine would impact on my ability to gain information that I need. I like to search for homemade non-chemical cleaning, research to best way to deal with pests in my garden. etc.
I use Microsoft Edge as my search engine so wouldn't be affected by Google's removal. Very rarely use it.