Society & Culture

New Years resolutions

Society & Culture

Posted by: JS77

15th Jan 2020 12:17pm

Have you made a New Years resolution for 2020? If so, what is your resolution and how is it tracking? Do you think resolutions work?

Comments 78

  • 21st Jan 2021 07:06pm

I never make them because I didn't stick to them

  • 21st Jan 2021 02:38am

Like Yqsymnx, I don't make NY resolutions, if there is something about you that you think needs to be changed, why wait until NY to commit to making that change? If it's that worthy, then commit to it asap and get started. To elaborate, if I came to the realisation in February that I needed to be kinder to people, why wait to until midnight 31 Dec 2021 to commit to making that change? I should start now. If I can wait 10 months, then do I really think it's important, and if I don't think it's important, just how long will I last before I fail?

My friends and I see it every year at the gym, suddenly we see a bunch of new faces at the gym, soon after NY and we wonder just how long these 'resolutions' will last. As I said, if it's important to you, commit to making the change, and as Yqsymnx said 'just do it'.

  • 19th Jan 2021 04:31pm

In 2020 I made a resolution to manage my Mental Health and get on top of my emotions , by doing a certain course a second time but this time putting the tools into action. It worked and by April - May I was a lot better. Today I wouldn't know that I had a mental illness.
This year, 2021, my goal is to begin coaching for the Transplant Games.
Today I had my first session ever of playing the sport and received coaching; coach says,
"for someone who has just begun you are doing very well."

  • 19th Jan 2021 04:31pm

No don't really make any because I think it sets you up for failure. Good on those that manage to stick to theirs though

jules 1
  • 19th Jan 2021 11:47am

I feel if there is a change in your life you would like, then do it, or start there and then. No need to wait till New Year to do this.!

Enjoy your life, as it's not a long one really!

  • 1st Feb 2020 04:33pm

My NY resolution, to buy a new flat this year. By searching and applying for new bank loans to get it started. Yes it is by taking an initiative plan.

  • 31st Jan 2020 01:11pm

I don't do New Year's resolutions. Life knows no boundaries so why make New Years a boundary?

  • 31st Jan 2020 12:54pm

this year resolution is to eat better and do more exercise but will start once our Chinese new year festivities is over :)

  • 31st Jan 2020 12:34pm

I usually don't make any and think they are a waste of time.
But this year it all sort of fell into place, hubby went on the man shake to lose 5 or so kg. And felt much better on it so I decided to make a resolution.
That this year I would take back control of my life as much as you can when you have an autoimmune disease. I haven't worked for nearly 3 years full time can only do the odd bit here and there, and have realised that the last 3 years have been flying past and I've gotten nothing done but doctors appointment or trips to the pharmacy,physio etc. Well enough of the pity party !!!!! I joined hubby and got the Lady shake the last couple weeks and have lost 4 kg so far and feel better for it. I feel clearer in my thoughts invested in some good walking shoes and go walking or on the treadmill when I can manage even if it's only 10 mins (it's something). Also bought the Jamie Oliver Veg book and going to work my way through the recipes because I was also stuck in making the same dishes every week, Hubby thinks he's turned me vego after 40 years together lol I still like meat but I'm adjusting our lives for the better and hopefully will keep me mentally and physically fit to fight back this damn condition. I'm not sure I would have done it if hubby hadn't inspired me with his own goals. So far so good and feeling positive instead of defeated. And our sons wedding coming up in May so there is another reason to lose the weight and enjoy life in the here and now.

Purple Scooter
  • 31st Jan 2020 12:21pm

I made a resolution that this year would be the year I gain control of my sweet tooth, after repeated visits to the dentist he could find no trace of it, however I know it’s there in my mouth lurking. I have managed to now walk past cafes and cake shops without eating anything, but in hindsight that may be more due to the greyhound muzzle I wear on my daily walks. At least this year I am not getting the shouts of “you cakehead” (my hearings a bit poor, I think that’s what they were saying). All the best to the resolute resolutioners.

  • 31st Jan 2020 11:53am

my new years resolution is, once again, I have to get back to playing music on my guitar. I play ( whenever I can, though not nearly enough ) a 1939 Martin & Co guitar which has a fantastic rich bass like tone. I love the guitar's true clear tone and, I have to admit, it's very good for the soul to be able to play Rythm and Blues, a few of the classic Beatles - Yes it is, especially - along with other uplifting songs. I realise that I'll have to get my finger tips gradually hardened up again, as they should be, so that I can play for an hour or more at a time. I'll go and buy some new strings, restring the M & Co, today !! This time my resolution will ensure my fabulous guitar will, once again, be " music to my ears ".

  • 31st Jan 2020 11:46am

No new years resolutions for me.
I try and be committed 365 days a year (or in this years case 366!) and have found by end of January, new ones have gone by the wayside if my heart and mind aren't into it.

  • 31st Jan 2020 08:22am

I don't make resolutions any more, but I did stop drinking alcohol on January 1. That was more of a lifestyle choice for me though. In the past, resolutions simply don't work for me.

  • 31st Jan 2020 08:16am

Yes!!! I have actually made a New Years resolution this year and stuck to it - 31 days strong! This year due to the climate change and my decreasing bank account - I decided to not buy a single piece of new clothing all year. I already have so many things and I think we often forget what we do have cause we’re so busy looking at what next to buy. So instead I’ve donated half my wardrobe and was reminded in the process of all the nice things I already own. I’ve worn basic tops that I haven’t worn in years and if I’ve needed to go out I’ve asked to borrow dresses. I’m all about recycling but never thought I’d bring it to the new year resolutions game! Making new clothes wastes a lot of water and contributed to the glimate, as well as my poverty. So for many reasons I decided to challenge myself this year!

  • 30th Jan 2020 11:20pm

I dont make them, then there no pressure and no failure

  • 30th Jan 2020 11:17pm

I don't make any resolutions. I take each day as it comes and try to be the best person I can be and live a balanced healthy life.

  • 30th Jan 2020 10:21pm

I don't make new year resolution,bcs I don't follow up. But I have resolution for my life and I am working on it slowly.

  • 30th Jan 2020 10:07pm

I don't believe in this personally.. in theory, people do this all year round, makes no difference that it's January 1.

Jade Simpson
  • 30th Jan 2020 10:01pm

I don't make NYs resolutions as I am always working towards my goals.

  • 30th Jan 2020 09:22pm

Yes, I made some New Year's resolutions this year. I made a few, and most of them are designed at incrementally improving gains I made in 2018. For example, 2 of the resolutions I set for this year were to maintain or increase my daily exercise. About halfway through last year I got a calendar, and every day that I walked or did some sort of exercise for at least half an hour, I would put an 'X' on the calendar for that day, so I could try and aim to have no days without an 'X'. I also did this for reading / studying textbooks as well - every day that I read/study for at least an hour, I mark the calendar with a 'B'. So this year, 2 resolutions are to maintain or increase these efforts, and so far I have been able to maintain and sometimes improve my reading and exercise efforts.

I also made a bunch of other resolutions such as maintaining or improving my diet and sleep habits. For example, last year I eliminated all sugar and added sugar in my diet, with only getting sugar from things like fruit. So the resolution this year was to have as good a diet if not better. The last resolution I made was to finish writing, recording, mixing and mastering a CD I started working on a while ago.

So, so far my resolutions are tracking well, I have been able to keep to what I have set so far.

Do resolutions work? It depends. In the past, I sometimes set grand or radical resolutions, and to be honest, they usually were hard to keep to. So these days, I look at setting modest goals rather than unrealistic ones, more like "I'll climb a local hill" rather than "I'll climb Mt. Everest". I find having small, modest, more achievable resolutions are better and we are more likely to achieve them, than setting big goals. Any goal is made up of a series of small, more achievable steps anyway, so why start too big? Lastly, I have found having a calendar and marking each day with a mark is useful as it helps me to stay focussed on maintaining a consistent, daily effort.

  • 30th Jan 2020 08:22pm

I don't make New Years resolutions and I refuse to be pushed into making any. We all have faults and a new year is supposed to be a way to rectify them. But I am happy being me; warts and all as they say and if people don't like it bad luck. If I thought i needed changing i wouldn't wait for the new year to do so. If I tried to fix all of my faults by making a new years resolution then pretty soon I would be perfect. So really, what is the point. We all know we are going to fail every year. I think our faults is what defines us and makes others either hate or like us and gives some of us a mission to set out and change others to what we think is a better version. I don't see that as a good thing to harp on and i accept others and myself for what we are. Imagine a world where everyone is perfect; how boring that would be!

  • 30th Jan 2020 07:33pm

Not many promises or plans that are made under the influence of alcohol are rarely remembered in the morning after let alone kept

  • 30th Jan 2020 07:32pm

Not many promises that are made when under the influence of alcohol are rarely remembered in the morning let alone being kept..

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:30pm

Yes I make them quietly to myself, not making a big issue out of it and telling everyone, that way if I fail no one can say anything. I have been on a health journey for the last 8 years and tracking very well, I would say I am more healthier than ever, now I am trying to get fitter, and still doing exercise every day but hoping I can fit in some more. I told myself this is the year of de-cluttering even though it has been an ongoing thing every year this year I am making more of an effort and pleased to say I am off with a good start. I am realizing we do not need 2, 3 or even 4 of everything! I am recycling as much as possible, selling items that are worth money, giving away things, donating to charity, and putting the least amount possible in landfill. I think it is all worth the effort it is so freeing. Trick is now not to buy too much that I do no need to fill in the spaces lol.

Carla 31648312
  • 30th Jan 2020 06:22pm

I never make any. If you don’t make any then your never disappointed for not keeping them.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:21pm

Yes, I have made one - Cut down the Sugar. As added sugars are extra calories with no extra nutrition. So very committed toward my health and in my NY resolution and feeling very active too.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:47pm
Yes, I have made one - Cut down the Sugar. As added sugars are extra calories with no extra nutrition. So very committed toward my health and in my NY resolution and feeling very active too.

Yes, I am aware about that. Hence, having no processed foods at all :)

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:31pm
Yes, I have made one - Cut down the Sugar. As added sugars are extra calories with no extra nutrition. So very committed toward my health and in my NY resolution and feeling very active too.

Good on you, it is the hidden sugar in processed foods that are the real enemy, fruit and natural sugars like honey in small amounts are fine.

  • 30th Jan 2020 03:40am

I believe that new year resolutions never work for me. I try doing this every year like anger control management or to study hard or to go gym. It all works when u have a strong motivation and this is what I made my new year's resolution for 2020.

I thought why not motivating people and become a good speaker for them, let them realize their true potential. So, I took this resolution of understanding people's feelings and motivating them that they are not above or below anyone. Guess what!! It works. When I hear it from those who I share my experience and boost them with positivity it feels great. If I keep doing this and stay in close contact with those, I think its gonna work.
Thus, I believe that a good resolution is what makes you happy and allow urself to keep going. Never pressurize yourself by setting boundaries around you.

  • 29th Jan 2020 10:38pm

I don't usually bother making New Year's resolutions, but this year is different. We lost our home to the Kangaroo Island bushfire in December; everything was destroyed. We managed to escape with our beloved dog and just thongs on our feet. The CFS were wonderful and managed to help us avoid injury but nothing could save our home and belongings. We lost a lifetime of possessions, memories and so much more. The garden that we had spent a lifetime establishing was obliterated within an hour. The fireball was so massive that it even turned our slate floors and cast iron combustion fire to ashes. Nothing was left. We lost all the lovely things that we had been stashing away for a rainy day, lovely crockery and linens that we swore we would only use for important occasions. So what's our New Year's resolution? Don't take anything for granted, it can change in an instant, and don't save anything for "best"... use that good cutlery, drink that quality wine, use your "best" table cloths and don't worry about spoiling things. When you lose it all in a fire, it seems so silly to "save things for best". If I could respectfully give anyone some advice after what we have been through, it would be to enjoy all that you have today, because it can so easily be taken from you. Best wishes to all the cafestudy friends, I hope 2020 brings you much happiness and health.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:33pm
I don't usually bother making New Year's resolutions, but this year is different. We lost our home to the Kangaroo Island bushfire in December; everything was destroyed. We managed to escape with...

Sorry to hear of your loss but glad to hear no lives were lost, I think it really is true that you have to be thankful for what you have, but material things can be replaced, the garden may take awhile but now you can get your creative juices flowing and design a more resilient drought proof garden, all the best to you.

Joh :)
  • 27th Jan 2020 04:45pm

Unfortunately with New Years resolutions we often start with the best of intentions but rarely achieve our goals. We put too much pressure on ourselves because everyone is watching to see if we are following through or down right failing.

It’s okay to wait until we are ready to commit to our goals and make sure they last for a lifetime.
With the right motivation and an eye on the long-term and the "right time", we have a much better chance of achieving lasting change.
With that said - No i don't make New Years Resolutions. If i want to change something or doing something i will do it whenever the time is right for ME!

  • 26th Jan 2020 10:24pm

Ive made a resolution and its on going throughout the year, i tend to stick to the past 2 years of resolutions so im hoping i keep the tradition and make this worth while.
Gotta keep going cause if i fail this then i feel that i let myself down. New years resolutions work and they make you focused into doing something to help improve yourself thats what i believe though and for others they work too in other means.

  • 24th Jan 2020 06:28pm

I stopped making resolutions a number of years ago as i never kept up with them through the year.

This year i am not making any firm resolutions as such, but i do want to concentrate on bettering myself, start getting a (semi-) regular income again, and looking after myself more while helping my Mum through her recent breast cancer diagnosis.
She had an operation late last year and treatment starts soon. I plan to help her as much as i can so HER wants and needs are the #1 priority. Both she hand i have previously had an abusive family member try and control our lives, but this year is the year we hope to take our own lives back and distance ourselves from his ways and actions.

  • 24th Jan 2020 10:07am

My youngest daughter and I committed to returning to parkrun for the 5km free runs. So far we are doing great!

  • 24th Jan 2020 09:12am

I do not make or believe in New Years resolutions.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 10:20pm

I have a New Years Resolution to loose 20 kilos-so far have lost 5 kilos and eating good goods and doing regular exercise to reach my goal and for general good health in 2020.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:35pm
I have a New Years Resolution to loose 20 kilos-so far have lost 5 kilos and eating good goods and doing regular exercise to reach my goal and for general good health in 2020.

Wow good on you, just remember it is the processed foods with hidden sugars and fats that can keep you from losing weight and being healthy, lots of fresh wholefoods is the go and you will feel fuller.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 09:56pm

Never made any new Year resolutions. you don't need to start at the beginning of the year to make a promise to yourself. Anytime time during the year is good to try and get motivated and when your ready to.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 07:42pm

I have made resolutions in the past about dieting. I think as soon as I say the word diet I'm doomed to fail.
Another time I made a resolution about a savings plan. Again I didn't have the self control, and when I needed the money I grabbed it early and gave up.
Last year I tried to think of something different. I'm an avid reader and have been known to read the end of the books early so i know what I'm dealing with. I resolved not to do that - and finally stuck to one!. I'm doing it again, but still get the urge to peek and have to really stop myself.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 07:26pm

It's pretty hard to keep to my resolution for each year. So I decide not to have any resolution for the year.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 07:13pm

I do readings for clients. So far they are saying "Spot on:. So ive decided to do readings to contact loved ones. Ive done TWO of those so far. Working wonders. So my next step wil be working for police.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 06:41pm

To Start a Meditation Practice:
There are scientific studies that show the many benefits of meditating. To name just a few, meditating helps to improve your mood, it reduces stress, it lessens anxiety, and it even increases your brain’s grey matter — which is involved in muscle control, sensory perception, decision making, and self-control. In addition, once you get the hang of it, meditating is easy to do.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:38pm
To Start a Meditation Practice:
There are scientific studies that show the many benefits of meditating. To name just a few, meditating helps to improve your mood, it reduces stress, it lessens...

I agree meditation is fantastic, I just do my own type of meditation, I am not that good at thinking of nothing, but I do find when I am gardening I am in the zone.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 06:40pm

To Start a Meditation Practice:
There are scientific studies that show the many benefits of meditating. To name just a few, meditating helps to improve your mood, it reduces stress, it lessens anxiety, and it even increases your brain’s grey matter — which is involved in muscle control, sensory perception, decision making, and self-control. In addition, once you get the hang of it, meditating is easy to do.

  • 23rd Jan 2020 06:40pm

I never make New Years resolutions, as I know that I will never be able to stick to them.

  • 21st Jan 2020 08:14pm

Never have and never will.

  • 21st Jan 2020 11:34am

My theme song for most of my life is "I'm just a girl who can't say 'No' and like Ado Annie I just hate to disappoint people when they ask for my help. I have loved being involved in teaching, theatre, charities, being guest speaker and organising events. I realise that often they ask me because everyone else has said 'No' or backed out at the last minute and someone has said, "Oh Eileen will do it" and I have. I hate to let people down and worry that something cannot happen or I myself might miss out on a worthwhile experience. However I must not be so easily persuaded so my Resolution for 2020 is to say "No!" - well at least sometimes. My age and health make me realise that I must keep this resolution and only say "Yes" to those I really wish to do and am physically able to do without wearing myself out.

  • 21st Jan 2020 07:37am

My New Year's resolution this year is to try to keep healthy and keep on top of my illnesses. Hopefully my positive attitude from last year will linger on and will help me to get through this year. It is going to be tough and I am a fighter - I know that I will get through it and will perservere till next year!

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:40pm
My New Year's resolution this year is to try to keep healthy and keep on top of my illnesses. Hopefully my positive attitude from last year will linger on and will help me to get through this...

sorry to hear you are sick, I have been on a healing journey and overcome IBS, I still watch what I eat just in case, but I found a lot of understanding how illness comes about and how to get well from reading Anthony Williams books, he is just about to release his 6th book and I can't wait.

  • 20th Jan 2020 09:54pm

New year resolutions for me simply means that you aim to aspire for something different to achieve than previous years, resolution as well drives to a new fresh start and it's tracking with regular monitoring of progressive change.
Yes for me it depends on an individual determination and focus definitely new year resolutions change ones life completely.

  • 20th Jan 2020 06:56pm

My new years resolutions is to pay off excess debts i.e credit card and personal loans.
I will be more conscious of my everyday spending and shopping around on bills to find the best prices so I can contribute more to reduce the debts, as well as increasing my income via any opportunity possible: extra work hours, odd jobs, survey earnings, etc. So far I am doing very well and look to be able to achieve the desired amount paid off by the end of the year..
New year resolutions can work when you apply yourself and set achievable goals instead of unrealistic ones, as the saying goes: You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step!

  • 19th Jan 2020 05:02pm

I am going to get fitter this year so that i dont feel so tired. I have committed to walking for at least 30 mins 5 days a week, and have done so since 1st January. I already feel more energetic and less stiff in the mornings. I am surprised at how easily i have adopted this approach already. The hard part will be maintaining it when winter comes when it is colder and darker. Yes, i am all for new years resolutions, its a great time to reflect on your life and choose a few things you really want to improve or change for the good. Yes, you can make a resolution and change anytime, but new year new you is as good as time as any!

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:42pm
I am going to get fitter this year so that i dont feel so tired. I have committed to walking for at least 30 mins 5 days a week, and have done so since 1st January. I already feel more energetic...

Yes it is harder in winter but just pick the right time of the day, rug up and enjoy the fresh air, I find 10 minute brisk walk is better than nothing. You can always run up and down your stairs if you have them or jog on the spot, do squats or get an exercise bike which I use when I cannot get out. I was never an exercise person years ago and now find it hard to miss a day, it helps you sleep better too.

The Fat Man
  • 19th Jan 2020 04:01pm

Knowing that just about every person who makes a New Years Resolution will break it within the first six days With this in mind, why even contemplate making a resolution that one will not keep anyway.

Jayne Collins
  • 18th Jan 2020 02:47pm

I have never made New Years resolutions. The effort to decide on action to improve oneself in any way should not be limited to a single day of the year, but should be an ongoing action throughout the year. Some might say that's a cop-out, but it isn't: if you're truly dedicated to shining a little bit of light into the lives of people around you, you'll make the effort all year 'round.

  • 18th Jan 2020 01:46pm

I have decided to use interval dieting as a way to lose the last 4 kg the doctor is asking me to lose. I feel changing what I have been doing for a while might kick-start this last little challenge. I have been widening the gap between last food at night and first food in the morning and it is going really well. I haven't been cramming extra food into the available time and haven't been feeling deprived at all. So far the gap is14 hours. I have to keep coming up with ways to manage with a later breakfast but so far, so good. And I am losing weight - slowly and steadily.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:45pm
I have decided to use interval dieting as a way to lose the last 4 kg the doctor is asking me to lose. I feel changing what I have been doing for a while might kick-start this last little...

I could not go without food that long, I find if you steer away from processed foods and eat wholefoods with lots of fresh especially low calorie foods you will still lose weight. If you need to eat anything in the evening try drinking water first because sometimes your body tricks you saying you are hungry where you might be actually dehydrated. Cucumbers are great snack to have too low calorie and hydrating.

  • 18th Jan 2020 08:05am

No resolution for me the past few years, not even to make a resolution to make no resolution!
I find that I put too much pressure on myself and feel like a failure if I break a resolution.
What I do these days if I want to make a change is visualise the change, set a rough date then go from there. Smoking, weight, exercise, relationships etc. All fairly far and if I need to adjust or reset, I don't need to wait until 1.1

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:46pm
No resolution for me the past few years, not even to make a resolution to make no resolution!
I find that I put too much pressure on myself and feel like a failure if I break a resolution....

Love that "need to make a resolution to not make a resolution", I agree no need to wait until the start of the year anytime is a good time to make positive changes.

  • 18th Jan 2020 01:49am

My New Years resolution is to become stronger mentally and to take a short term view rather than worry about long term outcomes. I find if I just tell myself to “delay” all day, then at the end of the day you no longer feel like being lured into temptation. I think the experts call it to “delay self gratification.” I hope to become so adept at it that I can refuse myself all “instant fix hits”. It only takes one day to delay the behaviour pattern. Then I can go to bed, sleep and do it again the next day. By doing this I hope to foster a lot more productive activity and reduce the behaviours that are bad for my mental and physical health. Today I didn’t have any alcohol after work, and now I don’t want any because it’s too late. Let’s hope I can do it on the weekend too! Time will tell....

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:51pm
My New Years resolution is to become stronger mentally and to take a short term view rather than worry about long term outcomes. I find if I just tell myself to “delay” all day, then at the end of...

Alcohol is a depressant and bad for the liver, having healthier habits will help you be more positive. I use to be a coffee addict and found I had to count and limit my coffee, did not realize it was making me anxious and more worried. I sleep better these days which is important for a positive mental health. If you work on your body health your mental health gets better too, I know this from experience because I got really sick 8 years ago and found I was worried about everything, anxiety set in and found I could not leave the house, i improved my health since and cannot believe how good I feel these days mentally and physically. My trick was to stop eating processed foods, eating more fresh fruit and raw salads, exercise and avoid people who stress me out.

  • 17th Jan 2020 11:58pm

I never make resolutions. They set you up to fail. I have goals in my life i don't set time frames. Either. I know what I want to achieve I do not think. Resolutions work. I look to long term objectives.

  • 17th Jan 2020 11:58pm

I never make resolutions. They set you up to fail. I have goals in my life i don't set time frames. Either. I know what I want to achieve I do not think. Resolutions work. I look to long term objectives.

  • 17th Jan 2020 06:56pm

the only resolution was to lose the Christmas weight gain. A work in progress.

  • 17th Jan 2020 06:43pm

In my home they are called "self improvement projects" and are a re-setting of good habits at the beginning of the year. For some reason I am able to do so a lot more easily than during the year. My "would like to do" is getting back to doing my daily exercise twice a day and so far I have not lapsed.

  • 17th Jan 2020 06:26pm

I have new year resolution which created with life coach. I done some ready.

  • 16th Jan 2020 08:27pm

this year i made a resolution and sticking to it . My new years resolution was not to put up with rubbish from people so far working well. New Years resolutions can work if you are determined to stick to it. We dont need to wait to new year to make these decisions if you have the will power and determination you can do anything you want to . Its about being positive and want to change things in your life you arent happy with. .

  • 16th Jan 2020 07:22pm

My personal opinion is that new years resolutions are just procrastination. If you know a change needs to be made, why wait? Do it now? I feel that if people think a change can wait until another date then they are not committed to it and are likely to fail.

For example, a friend of mine was giving up smoking as her new years resolution. In the days leading up to new year she was so anxious about her resolution that she could not enjoy her days. Also, she had told people what her plans were so felt she had to follow through.

Another friend had decided that in the new year she would start a diet. Leading up to new year she ate everything in sight because she thought she would be starving during her diet. She lasted 2 days on her diet then gave up (will power issues) and now feels embarrassed because she had told people.

Please everyone, if a change is needed, start today. You will feel more positive and you will be more likely to succeed in your goal.

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:52pm
My personal opinion is that new years resolutions are just procrastination. If you know a change needs to be made, why wait? Do it now? I feel that if people think a change can wait until another...

Excellent advice, "feel the fear and do it now"

Ellie 30656027
  • 16th Jan 2020 04:21pm

No I don't usually make resolutions because I don't tend to stick to them. If you have your heart set on something maybe they work and if you are passionate. I am not really passionate about anything at the moment so I don't think anything would really work.

  • 16th Jan 2020 11:27am

Try to get my wife to Australia this year. It has been more than 7 months since the submission of the spouse visa application, I really hope I can reunite my wife this year. In order to check the progress, I have to keep on updating my log through the immigration website and keep track of the progress.

  • 16th Jan 2020 11:14am

After many years of making New Years Resolutions - give up smoking, eat better, get/do some exercise and start the renovations on my home and having them not happen, or start then fail.
I have decided this year to make NO New Years Resolutions, with the hope that if there are NO expectations, it might happen...

  • 16th Jan 2020 11:01am

I always make resolutions that I don’t keep - loose weight, save more money but this year I didn’t make any except to enjoy life a bit more. See the nice things in life and appreciate the goods things I have. Some people across the country started their New Year not so lucky. I think I’m on track I haven’t complained that I have no money or what’s for dinner. I think Resolutions work if you put your mind to it. Happy New Year everyone

Antonios 31249919
  • 16th Jan 2020 10:15am

Gave up smoking on my 16th day and going strong , and I’ll make sure I succeed

  • 30th Jan 2020 06:53pm
Gave up smoking on my 16th day and going strong , and I’ll make sure I succeed

Good on you, I did it years ago, I regret ever smoking it gave me wrinkles!

  • 16th Jan 2020 09:41am

I don't believe in them so I haven't made any.

  • 16th Jan 2020 08:24am

Nope. I don't make NY resolutions.
I have learnt in the past that they are quickly and easily forgotten.
Also, why only for the new year? Why not for the whole year? Why do people need something to happen to start setting goals?
Just do it and get it over with

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