Should we extend shopping nights to all weekdays?
Posted by: khal123
25th Mar 2017 03:11am
Do you prefer night shopping to be only Thursdays as before or every single weekdays night's. And why that; does it will affect our lifestyles in good or bad.
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Comments 32
I think that 2 nights a week is more than enough given that we have other options that we can use for shopping such as on-line shopping. It might be time to give young people their week ends back.
There are many pros and cons of extending the trading hours.
Firstly, is there demand for after hours shopping and is that demand enough to support the business' costs of staying open.
Also, it would generally only be the larger companies that could afford to remain trading.
Personally, I would love to be able to go out whenever I want and walk around the shops. But that's just it. I might not actually buy anything and therefore what's the point of staying open if we're just there for a stroll?
However, for those of us who are not shift workers, the advantage is that we don't need to take a day off for this purpose. Especially banks! They are notorious for only opening standard business hours.
I think late night shopping every night is a wonderful idea! It makes for a more vibrant city/suburb and can increase retail and hospitality industries by people eating out before or after they shop, going to the movies etc. Large cities like Hong Kong and others offer it, I think we should do. I love the idea!
Only thursdays and other days at christmas time
I think that 1 day of the week should be 24 hours, mixed up with a couple of late nights then the rest regular trading hours. There are lots of people who work shift work/night work who this would benefit plus it would just be nice to have a bit more flexibility with shopping.
For decades we managed without late night shopping. As a working Mum with little children I shopped Saturday mornings. I didn't break up for Christmas until Christmas Eve and then it was a crazy race to do all my food and last minute present shopping that evening before shops closed at 6pm. But we managed. Shop keepers and their staff had the nights off with their families, small businesses thrived as they did not have to compete with big stores able to pay penalty rates and overtime. yes, we do lead different life styles and working hours now but honestly who cannot organise themselves so they have a routine for shopping? Who needs stores to be open 24/7 and even on special days and public holidays? That is the reason why our small stores are closing, owners are going broke, we pay exorbitant prices to cover wages for overtime and these excessive opening hours.
I remember going to Perth 10 years ago and they had no shopping after 5pm and everything closed Saturday at midday and didn’t open again until Monday ! That’s when I really appreciated Sydney’s shopping hours, if I want to make a cake at 10pm any night of the week and need eggs off I go to a supermarket, simples ! I’m told Perth has improved but I’m doubtful about going back !
the shopping of a night is easier faster and more convenient it also gives its workers a bit more pay
Late night shopping provides people with flexible hours to suit their lifestyle and working hours. Not everyone can get to the shops between 9am to 5pm. The only thing is I think more security needs to be present as later hours can also bring in people causing trouble.
Ann maria31418757
Night shopping should be every single weekday nights. There are many reasons to this including that this particular time fits the leniency of many working individuals, it may also be that one favours shopping at night rather than in the morning. Thereby enabling the personal preference of someone, allowing the individual to have a choice in the times they shop. This can have a great impact on people lives as it enables them to not think about the specific times they have to shop, freeing individuals of stress from one thing.
Liza May
Without a doubt. "Every single weekday evening" and, in saying that
am thinking of increased shopping hour(s) access for working parents and others.
Opportunities for eligible youngsters seeking casual evening employment
and for those needing and willing permanent employees........ possible overtime?
Not forgetting those of us who prefer shopping at these hours.
As long as staff are prepared to work then all is OK. Unless there are big sales on shopping centres are not packed at midnight.
In ACT we have late night shopping on Fridays, which I really like, because Saturday is usually a sleep-in day for staff and some customers and I (as a customer) find it less tiring.
I think people today, who often work long hours, greatly appreciate at least 4-5 days where we can shop at night. Especially helpful when you realise you don't have an ingredient for the meal you're planning! Only thing I hate about this in supermarkets is the fact that their managers make the staff load the shelves at the same time - loads of boxes blocking aisles, shelf packers blocking access to items - of course, all to save on the almighty dollar as usual. However, they need to realise this can cause accidents, especially for the elderly. I've caught my foot in trolleys or run into them or had to move heavy loads in them myself so that I can get to something I want. I think they should only pack the shelves after stores have closed.
Compared to many years ago when shops closed at 5pm during the week, 12pm of a Saturday and no businesses open of a Sunday, I think Thursday night shopping is good enough when most people get paid compared to every other night having hardly any business.
I remember those days... the dim & distant past.
Think that night shopping only late night shopping on Thursdays but with most supermarket now open until 9 each weeknight it doesnt make that much of a difference.
I think Thursday and Friday nights should be late night shopping
I think that more flexible shoppings hours are great. I would prefer to see the shops open later, if they had to open later in the morning to afford it I think that would be better. Say it the shops were open 10-9 that would be great. Who shops at 8 am in the morning.
I agree! Even if it was only 3 days a week that they did so it id more accommodating to those who do work odd hours.
You would be surprised how many people do go and do grocery shopping at 6am due to shift work do it would be nice for shops to have some flexibility.
You're right who do shopping at 8 am. 10 - 9 is better.
I tried to avoid the rush hours, so I can take my time looking, there are more items in stock and also less of a line for checkout. But, I end up buying lots of snacks for the night when I get home, so that is not a good thing for my waistline.
If you make a bugdget you will be in control.
Night shopping provides more, end of the day specials and markdowns, I love that as you can get things for half price sometimes.
Yeah sounds great.
It would be great if the shops are open 24/7.
Is that right.Would you work around the clock for small money. Who is going to shop, Crime will be higher everything will be more expensive because of cost. Think before you said a word
But it will cost more.
I think you could have night shopping every night as you can then decide what day suits you best to shop.I do not do late night shopping so this would not effect me.
I think you could have night shopping every night as you can then decide what day suits you best to shop.I do not do late night shopping so this would not effect me.
Trisha 30587341
I think it should be every night because it is very quiet and you get the shopping done faster
You are right. And will be no more stress