Cycle - Ways
Posted by: toppo
3rd Dec 2013 01:39pm
I think Cycle ways are a waste of money...I reckon that money would be better spent on improving Public Transport.
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Comments 13
More people should cycle places. It is a great way to get active and commute.
Yeah, sitting in a car or bus is enough exercise. I'm a Happy Fatty. Look, we've all gotta fit in, right? Can't have fit, healthy, athletic-looking Aussies showing us up! It's bad enough that they'll outlive us Couch Potatoes! Dig up all the cycle-paths and dump the mess offshore, as artificial reefs!
Cycling is a fantastic idea that I wish everyone would use. What I think is that it is ridiculous to let ppl cycle on the roads with cars!!! Too Dangerous!!! Better cycle on pedestrian walk way as not many ppl do not walk or not often enough walk on the pedestrian walkways... as many use the cars instead...
If they want to ride on the road I think they should all start paying for a registration for bikes if they want some of the road .
I think there should be more cycle ways as the more cars we can get off the roads the better. The big problem with building more roads is it just attracts a greater number of cars. In a very short time we are back to traffic congestion after spending millions of dollars we are no further advanced with the problem of traffic at a stand still.
I really think Bikes and Cars are not a good mix, especially on the roads today and more so at peak time traffic, if the Bike ways were completely separated from the road, then fine, good mix, I wouldn't ride a Bike on the roads today, it is just too dam dangerous, the congestion is getting worse and will get worse, we need more Infrastructure for Bike ways and roads and public transport, where will it all end, riding Bikes on footpaths are dangerous to the public and should be banned completely, including pedestrian crossings, I think its high time that Bike riders make their $$$ contribution to Rego and third party etc in some form ???
Rabbit a lot more money needs to be piled in to the public transport system. I don't think abolishing cycle ways will be the answer.
In the ACT, cycle ways are across the whole area. When I lived there I would ride my bike from Belconnen to Civic and back again. Apart from being good exercise, it made people get out - especially as the bus service did not always run when you want to go somewhere and with no car the bike was brilliant. I could get from one destination to another in a reasonable time frame in safety without having to worry about traffic issues and the car drivers did not have to try to worry about hitting bike riders due to the extensive bike paths available for commuters in the ACT.
Public transport is always going to be an issue but i believe health and fittness is also very important and bike paths encourage this more than public transport will.
It's true that public transport can carry more people than a bike path, but if there were adequate/safe paths to main locations (universities, shopping centres, bus/train stations etc.) I would ride almost everywhere! It's great for fitness and beats the traffic which can catch public transport at busy times.
It's also really easy and handy if you live in a small town. It's also a great way to explore a new city/town.
More people cycling more often!
i think its a good idea too!
, I wouldn't ride a Bike on the roads today, it is just too dam dangerous, the congestion is getting worse and will get worse, we need more cycle tracks
My issue with cycling is that when you cross the traffic lights some drivers have no patience. On a few occasions I have had cars do a left turn so close to me I had to brake very hard or I would have run into the side of them. I have also had a commercial van pass me, and a few metres on, park and immediately open his driver side door as I got level with him. He had to have seen me when he passed me as he swung out around me even though I was within the bikeway lines. He obviously didn't look in his mirror. I had tobrake hard to miss his door and him. I couldn't move to the right as another car was passing me. What annoyed me most was that the driver yelled at me to watch where I was going.
Personally I think they're a fantastic idea. With the number of overweight and obese adults increasing all the time, I think the more we do to encourage people to be active the better.