Do you like Facebook 'Likes'?
The latest news from Cafestudy
Posted by: Caféstudy
11th Oct 2013 04:14pm
We asked you....have you ever ‘liked’ a company’s Facebook page? Why and what prompted you to do it?
Some of you refuse to ‘like’ anything, because of concern over privacy issues, and the feeling that the more pages you ‘like’ the more ‘rubbish’ will clutter up your Facebook feeds. However for those who do, there are two clear reasons you will ‘like’ a Facebook page, and Ziah sums it up well – “Freebies, or decent competitions....or a deep, abiding love of the product/company.”
Likes are either genuine....where the company has to mean something to you, or used as a means to collect free samples or enter competitions to win stuff. “I ‘like’ a facebook page or ad because I like it. Whether I like the product or I like the company, it’s a way of showing how loyal we are to the product or company” says bhayu. It is a way of showing affinity with a company or brand.
There are also many of you who use the ‘like’ button to enter competitions or get discounts – although you are weighing up the benefits against the increased number of items on your Facebook feed. There are mixed opinions as to whether it is worth putting up with the extra clutter it generates for a few freebies!
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Comments 23
I am a senior lady dont have many friends so i love to look and see what other people are doing out there its been very comefortable for me have made lots of friends i think face book is a good thing judith
Yes.......but they need an "unlike" as well.
Yes I have many times. Mostly because I like the content, or because I want to follow what's happening with that particular Facebook page itself.
Yeah if we like something we should give it like hit
Yes because some people like myself not always liking to comment so it makes it easier to like someone's post to show that you care, you know, you agree etc.
No, it's for loose your time.
yes because when there is some think funny of awesome of facebook i just click on like
They are interesting and keep you updated.
its great way to express
yes, if I use the product that company is advertising then I would like the page or if I like that particular brand as opposed to others. It is a way of showing loyalty to the brand.
i do sometimes but very rarely they have anything that im interested in
I have mixed views on this. I won't just like a page because someone has asked me to or to enter a competition however I will to support a friend in business or if I really do like a product and want to receive updates.
My view is similar to this. I often 'like' a page to support others, but it is very rare that I make any posts or 'like' for the sake of it
I enter competitions or sometimes like something if its a brand or company I am loyal to.
yes i do but i wish they had an unlike as well
You can always 'unlike' a FB post. Maybe you mean 'dislike'.
I agree
Some have or used to have an "unlike" link as well. I very rarely use facebook unless looking for information via google and not being sucessful. I occasionally have reason to search for a company or organisation via facebook.
penny farthing
I wholeheartedly agree annezane! I often feel like 'unliking' something but don't have the opportunity - why!!