Arts & Humanities

Modern art vs. Historic art

Arts & Humanities

Posted by: samwitwicky

8th Aug 2013 08:27pm

Modern art does not compare to olden day art e.g. the works of leo da vinci compared to that blue squiggle painting that is worth 30+ million dollars, is much better and more enjoyable.

Comments 17

  • 17th Aug 2023 11:31am

$30M? It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

William Tell
  • 26th Dec 2017 10:42pm

I totally agree with you on this very major point. The works of Michelangelo, Rubens and later on Renoir show show much to the world with these artists portraying life how it really happened. These precious works of Art are priceless in their beauty and will in my mind be always far more superior in every way to many of these so-called artists like Jackson Pollock with his Blue Poles painting and other abstract art that portrays such ugliness and a clumsy technique applied to their so called modern masterpieces.

  • 15th Aug 2015 12:21pm

I used to love to look at art of all kinds. The last paintings I bought are by an Australian artist, Michael White.. I bought them more than 10 years ago . These days I do not go to galleries because I am no longer is a position to buy even a print of a picture I love so I don't look.
The museum or National Gallery are another matter. I enjoy just about everything. Some wonderful collections come to Melbourne but if there is an entry fee I do not go to see them

  • 14th Aug 2015 11:18am

I love The Renaissance period and vintage styled art compared to many modern styles.

Burnt Out Digger
  • 7th Aug 2015 07:15pm

Wasn't it Shakespeare who worte that "beauty is in theeye of the beholder", and there is also the saying that "one man's trash is another man's treasure". One's view of art comes down one'spersonal taste.

  • 29th Aug 2014 04:04pm

self representing artists is the hard thing. you may well have achieved a certain level of style,over the years, but untill you can win multiple awards , you are still classed as a nobody. walk the pavement and ofcourse the net. do you know how many would be artists you put your work up against. and ofcourse yes the abstract ,nothing paintings that you can buy everywhere, coppies after coppies of the same in cheap as chips , stores

  • 2nd Feb 2014 11:50pm

I think the art critics of this day are thinking more along the lines of this-captures-a-single-moment-that-may-never-be-the-same even though like you said, it might just be a squiggle. They aren't trying to capture actual beauty, they're trying to capture a moment. You might go to an art gallery and see three paintings: the blue squiggle, a slightly different blue squiggle with a hint of black and a third blue squiggle with a splash of red. These are all hanging up on the wall because each of them has captured a different moment or slightly different version of the first which could be valuable. I also think most of the modern art critics are raving lunatics.I might even be completely off track with my theory but what do i know?

  • 31st Jan 2014 04:36pm

I think that ther is art of every kind which can move you or speak to sometning in your heart. I do not enjoy angry,violent art of any kind

  • 31st Jan 2014 04:17pm

I agree. I prefer the old style paintings of landscapes, buildings and etc.
Art works that contain lines, squiggles and etc are not real Art to me.

  • 27th Jan 2014 10:39am

You guys need to go see the 'Melbourne now ' exhibition.... very modern, highly stylized... just wonderful. People complained about Gustav Klimt saying that his work made no sense, now he is overly celebrated with his art used as designs on just about anything. Davinci was incredible, but its done naw and the Renaissance is no longer an inspiration for most artists. Their are many people who paint as well as the greats but their subject matter is very different. Art has become more intellectual over the years , but at the end of the day , don't judge the talent of the artist, who cares? Do you like the picture? And if a chimp did it but it looks great on your wall.. who cares?

Paul 31642641
  • 16th May 2019 11:26pm
You guys need to go see the 'Melbourne now ' exhibition.... very modern, highly stylized... just wonderful. People complained about Gustav Klimt saying that his work made no sense, now he is overly...

well said Shanti, very balanced.

  • 30th Sep 2013 06:28pm

That said as well, artists are never truly appreciated until time has passed, there are lots of artists we claim as "famous" now but just about all of them were relatively unknown while they were creating their pieces, fair enough abstract art isn't everyone's cup of tea but it isn't really fair t compare abstract art pieces to that of a high renaissance style/period either, to get a higher appreciation of todays modern art maybe try looking at a different style or format (like photography or sclupture) and more by those up and coming artists instead

  • 23rd Sep 2013 09:42pm

We are all different and love different art works. I have a preference for art that depicts exactly what it is but sometime see a piece of modern art that might be just a series of squiggles and dobs but just the way the colours are used makes it appealing

  • 14th Feb 2018 03:50pm
We are all different and love different art works. I have a preference for art that depicts exactly what it is but sometime see a piece of modern art that might be just a series of squiggles and...

i totally agree!

  • 22nd Sep 2013 03:33pm

I totally agree. Art then, truly was a talent. Today's modern art is hardly recognizable as talent. Elephants and chimps throw paint on a canvas and everyone goes ape [pardon the pun] over it and it sells for a small fortune.

  • 11th Aug 2013 12:25pm

Let's be realistic; Leonardo da Vinci is one of the best, if not the best, artists of all time. The world waited a long time for someone with his artistic ability to come along, and when he did, it was a blessing. We'd probably have to wait a long time for someone with da Vinci's talent to come along as well. And contemporary art is original, different, and unique. It's very fitting with our times, and modern-day artists have some absolutely incredible talent (e.g. Damien Hirst)

  • 9th Aug 2013 10:36am

no modern art is ugly to the paintings they had in the old days

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