Who is your Favourite Actor and Why?

Posted by: Jack

1st Oct 2008 11:47pm

My Fav Actor is Johnny Depp.
Firstly he is just the cutest thing to walk this earth. Secondly man he can act.
Thirdly I have been a fan since 21 Jump Street. And last of all, (I just had to add this) how many of you can say you have the same Tattoo as he does.

So who is your Fav Actor and Why?

Comments 54

  • 21st Feb 2014 11:35am

I agree with Johnny Depp because he is so funny and quirky and he takes every character and gives them life.

  • 26th Nov 2013 10:31pm

Hi Jack. is vin Diesel. MMMM those muscles

  • 1st Sep 2013 07:49am

My favourite actor is tom green because he plays his characters so well in all the movies he's featured in such as halo four ford until dawn!!!

  • 5th Aug 2013 08:39pm

Mads Mikkelsen! He is one hell of an attractive man and a seriously decent actor. I love him to bits :3

  • 15th Jun 2013 10:52pm

My favourite actor would have to be Jim Carry all of his movies are very funny and he is able to pull of weird and wacky characters really well

  • 30th Apr 2013 11:49am

I quite like Johnny Depp......What a talent

  • 26th Apr 2013 01:43pm

I love Meryl Streep I believe she is one of the best actors of our time so talented and smart prefect in every and any role she has ever played

  • 25th Apr 2013 07:51am

Mine are Gerald butler and Tom hardy

  • 23rd Jan 2013 12:23am

I agree totally!!!! He also seems like a really beautiful person.

  • 9th Jan 2013 08:25am

Yep definitely Johnny Depp.....He is so versatile and appealing to a wide audience. There is a particular acting talent that he has that ensures a new treat for viewers in every movie he takes on. BRAVO!!!!!!!

  • 22nd Jan 2012 05:55pm

Don't know that I'd refer to Johnny as 'cute' or 'sexy', but he is a great character actor - although it is about time the Pirates were put to sea before they get too boring.

Charles Bronson was always a favourite of mine. Otherwise, no problem with Yun-Fat Chow or Michelle Yeoh

  • 20th Jan 2012 09:29pm

I would have to say for his action roles with touge in cheek humor & the emotional
effort he puts into all his roles Bruce Willis.the man can just about do anything

  • 19th Jan 2012 04:36pm

my favorite actor is Ryan Gosling, He can't do anything wrong picks fantastic films.

  • 5th Jan 2012 02:47pm

I have to agree with this voter, he is very cute no arguement and also quite humble in interviews, which is refreshing. Plus the fact that for a leading man he chooses very quirky and unusual characters and enjoys inhabiting their personalites to some acclaimed performances.

  • 5th Jan 2012 02:49pm
I have to agree with this voter, he is very cute no arguement and also quite humble in interviews, which is refreshing. Plus the fact that for a leading man he chooses very quirky and unusual...

This post relates to Johnny Depp.

  • 6th Nov 2011 05:46pm

Jeremy Irons- he's much talented than many of modern actors,though it's my personal opinion. Michael Cain- just charismatic man. Sam Neil- too. And a couple of others

  • 25th Oct 2011 08:40pm

nina dobrev because shes super hot

  • 29th Aug 2011 05:01pm

my favourite actor is clint eastwood he is the best and I love his saying go ahead make my day, his movies are fantastic.

  • 3rd Aug 2011 10:27pm

mine is Charlie sheen because he is so hilarious. it is sad how this is going with two and a half men series though

  • 13th Jul 2011 03:18pm

Wow...this is a hard one. I have quite a few. Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Tom Hanks...the list goes on. Johnny Depp is very versatile, Will Smith creates blockbusters and the same goes for Tom Hanks. I also like the new and upcoming actors who haven't quite made it big yet such as, Michael Ealy (love his bright blue eyes).

  • 9th Jun 2011 07:24pm

Clint Eastwood. Just too cool.

  • 29th Aug 2011 11:51am
Clint Eastwood. Just too cool.

I love clint eastwood and his movies are great and his saying go ahead make my day

  • 3rd Jun 2011 10:29pm

Johnny Depp - esc pirates of the caribbean, i just love when he acts like a drunk bimbo !
Robert Pattinson - because hes hot
The Rock - need a explanation?

  • 3rd Jun 2011 10:29pm

Johnny Depp - esc pirates of the caribbean, i just love when he acts like a drunk bimbo !
Robert Pattinson - because hes hot
The Rock - need a explanation?

  • 21st May 2011 01:54am

Adrian Brody

  • 7th Mar 2011 05:38pm

Ditto! I love Jonny Depp, he is my all time favourite! He is so versatile, he can play a role that is hilarious, and then can play a role that is really spooky. I just adore him, he is like Michael Jackson, he is one of a kind!

  • 16th Feb 2011 10:31am

I don't have a tattoo like Johnny but I share a birthdate with him and I also like him as an actor, but one of my alltime favourites is Robert Duvall, from way back in To Kill a Mocking Bird and countless movies since... He has never made a bad performance and he is so versatile, whether he is a "bad guy, good guy, funny. whatever) Another is Michael Caine... such good movies but he is also so entertaining when an interviewee. I love Amy Adams, you only have to look at her to warm to her. Meryl Streep... I could go on and on. but I am becoming boring.

  • 5th Feb 2011 09:20am

Oh i LOVE JOHNNY!!!! he's just amazing in every single way. i dont think i'd cry if i was to meet him, i dont get star struck like that. but i would try take his pants of. haha no hes just a really talented, a,azing, damn fine actor.

Jade Simpson
  • 25th Jan 2011 09:30pm

I really love watching Nicolas Cage, he plays great characters in his movies and he is interesting. Brendan Fraser I watch coz he's cute.

  • 13th Dec 2010 07:35pm

Alan Rickman. I wish he was my father.

  • 9th Dec 2010 10:55am

My current fave is Paul Bettany as he plays such diverse roles and is a terrific actor to boot. ( He was the imaginary friend in 'A Beautiful Mind')

  • 8th Dec 2010 12:02pm

Will Ferrell,

he just seems to play the silly dry humour role that makes me laugh at simple everyday things that we all think. Even a little facial expression can get me into laughter!! Anchorman do ui need to say anything else!!

  • 26th Nov 2010 04:55pm

Johnny has made many good films but I like Meryl Streep more and think she has the ability to play a great many different roles as seen by her various films. I could be biased as I am a woman. Johnny was certainly very good as a Pirate and as Willy Wonker and you cannot argue with that.

  • 23rd Nov 2010 11:26am

I'd have to go with Sir Anthony Hopkins, the man is pure brilliance.

  • 1st Aug 2010 07:09am

My favorite actor is Sean Connery . I have liked him since he played James Bond

  • 4th Dec 2010 10:32am
My favorite actor is Sean Connery . I have liked him since he played James Bond

Yes, i absolutely loved Medicine Man. Overall, my opinion of Sean Connery is, 'the man is class & charisma, personified' !!

  • 15th Jul 2010 11:09pm

I believe that Colin Farrell is one of the most under-rated and under-appreciated actors around. All the press has ever focused on is his early love life and bad-boy image.

Well, that was many years ago now, and STILL the poor man has to prove himself. All you have to do is watch the bulk of his movies, read reviews and interviews with him or by his co-stars, watch him being interviewed onTV shows via youtube and you see a totally different person. He is very well spoken, never ever short for words and intelligent answers, he is dedicated to his art and his family, (especially his 2 boys, his mum and sister), takes every movie he stars in seriously, and gives 110%.

He supports the Special Olympics and various charities around the world and is always gracious and humble. Don't judge him according to what the press writes about him - go and watch a few interviews on the net and experience his passion and sensitivity and glorious sense of humour.

And his smoldering good looks don't hurt either . My Aussie friends and I love him over here and can't wait for him to visit our land once more. xx

  • 10th May 2010 11:27am

Couldn't agree more! Johnny Depp is such an all rounded actor. Can act in so many ways, from Chocolat to the Pirate movies. Plays good or evil and inbetween. He is classy and defined as an actor that he can also pick and choose his scripts which he does with flair, knowing his own boundaries. Of course his wonderful looks don't hurt either!

  • 1st May 2010 03:21pm

Matt Damon... hes gorgeous, intelligent, talented and seems to have his head on straight despite all the fame and success.

  • 30th Apr 2010 04:15pm

Robert De-Niro, he is like a good wine - he gets better with age. :-)

  • 30th Mar 2010 10:47pm

Can't really pick just one there are so many but if forced I could narrow to two - the Hepburns, not related or anything but Audrey and Katherine are both totally fantastic and ground breaking in their way.

  • 22nd Mar 2010 11:54pm

Hiya Everyone,

He is not an actor as such...but a born entertainer....Mr Robbie Williams, I can say I have 2 tattoo's, one is of his autograph, that I had tattoo'd over :) and I have his (R similar) sort of trademark also, on the inside on my wrist.
I am planning to get another one, but proirities will dictate when I will get it.

If you ever get the chance to see him LIVE.....He is amazing! Be brilliant if he comes back to Australia...highly unlikely, but you never know! Fingers Crossed.


  • 8th Jul 2009 11:13am

My favourite actors are versatile actors who can play any role and have awesome, natural acting talent. So with that in mind, mine are Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson. Can't separate who is the best as both have equally admirable qualities. Remember Jack Nicholson's role in The Shining.. the sinister face ... " Here's Johnny!!!" or One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, the mental ward. Oh and we knew something awesome was on the rise with De Niro's performance in Taxi Driver with the cameo of the incredibly gifted Jodie Foster.

As for Aussie talent, Hugh Jackman is great for Big-budget Hollywood (Wolverine), Aussie genre and musically gifted as well. Heath ledger was promising (the chilling role of The Joker, Two Hands) and sadly missed. Aussie women stars are aplenty with Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett and the lovely Naomi Watts.

  • 22nd Jun 2011 04:56pm
My favourite actors are versatile actors who can play any role and have awesome, natural acting talent. So with that in mind, mine are Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson. Can't separate who is the...

Robert Ryan is my favorite. He's an old actor from the 50s. I love the old actors like Humphrey Bogart and Marlon Brando, Cary Grant. They were so masculine and unique.
Edward Norton is my favorite modern actor, he can do anything. Christian Bale is the same. They're sexy without trying to be.
My favorite actresses are Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck ( I sound like Im 500 years old!!)
I love the old glamour actresses like Ava Gardner, Lana Turner.
And I love the actors from old soaps like Dallas and Dynasty, Melrose Place.
Charlize Theron is an amazing actress. I also like Milla Jovovich a lot. She''s terriffic in The Claim and I think she's underrated, being a model and also an action hero.

  • 9th Jan 2010 06:56pm
Gobears, l totally agree with you on Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro, l also think Al Pacino is a talented actor too.

Most definitely! Particularly his gangster roles he does so well. I find it hard to resist watching the Godfather trilogy even if I've watched it countless times.

  • 10th Sep 2009 02:48am
My favourite actors are versatile actors who can play any role and have awesome, natural acting talent. So with that in mind, mine are Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson. Can't separate who is the...

Gobears, l totally agree with you on Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro, l also think Al Pacino is a talented actor too.

  • 2nd Mar 2009 11:23pm

JOHNNY DEPP........l totally agree, he is soooooooo hot. I consider him the best actor he can take on any role and make you believe.

Gee l heard he was comingout to australia to film a movie. I haven't heard anything since, there was even talk of him coming to melbourne, l swear l am going back to my chashing the stars around days....LOL serious.

  • 20th Apr 2009 12:01am
JOHNNY DEPP........l totally agree, he is soooooooo hot. I consider him the best actor he can take on any role and make you believe.

Gee l heard he was comingout to australia to film a...

Johnny Depp is very versatile. Brad Pitt is not that great of an actor :(
George Clooney is extremly talented, as is Daniel Day Lewis, Hugh Jackman, Daniel Craig and Phillip Seymour Hoffman (just to name a few)...

  • 2nd Mar 2009 04:30pm

Brad Pitt is so cute

  • 2nd Oct 2008 07:40pm

Hi Kezza,
Your so right Vin Diesel is an awesome Actor, I think he is pretty hot too.

  • 2nd Oct 2008 01:20pm


  • 2nd Oct 2008 12:19am

My favopurite actor is "VIN DIESEL". I think he is the *****iest guy around,and he can act in any of his role"s that he is given. He is a jack of all trades as we call him. He can pull off anything he puts his mind too.

  • 22nd Aug 2011 09:24pm
My favopurite actor is "VIN DIESEL". I think he is the *****iest guy around,and he can act in any of his role"s that he is given. He is a jack of all trades as we call him. He can pull off anything...

I have always loved Sidney Poitier. Fantastic actor, well liked. The best!!!! One very proud black man and so he should be. He's human and talented!!!

  • 20th May 2010 11:17am
My favopurite actor is "VIN DIESEL". I think he is the *****iest guy around,and he can act in any of his role"s that he is given. He is a jack of all trades as we call him. He can pull off anything...

Are you serious?- 'Vin Diesel' or am I missing the irony here? ha ha ha :)