What makes you 'like' a Facebook page or ad?
Posted by: looklively
26th Jun 2013 01:06pm
Companies are spending more and more money on social media to target new customers. We want to know if you have ever visited a company's Facebook page and clicked 'like', and/or clicked 'like' on their Facebook ad. If so, why? What has prompted you to do it? Do you do it regularly or occasionally? Let us know.
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Comments 132
I have clicked like many times. Sometimes because I liked their advertising and products, or because they offer a reward for doing so.
If a company is committed to environmental low impact, I like them to support thefforts.
When the advertisement is legitimate, genuine, and relevant. Legitimate, when its a ad for a service that I believer in. Genuine, when the intentions are true - to better the human conditions. Relevant, when it is important or relative to me.
I do not belong to face book never have ,l have heard too many play their lives out on their like drama queens and also use it for a launching pad to have a go at others at times so l stay right away from face book , l do put my favourite company's on Trust Pilot, not sure where else one can go to like or dislike adds apart from on surveys where you can point your point across t times on the adds .
In my opinion if a page wants me to like it all it has to do is offer a competition or be about something I really like.
i like content that is relevant to my interests and know that if I like that something that appeals to me more of that content will appear more often. my newsfeed becomes customised to my interests and tastes
I never liked any com pl
If I really like a company and /or thier product, I would hit like.
Facebook is a waste of time and gives gutless people to abuse others behind a computer...
Do yourselves a favour and get of that crap! same goes for Twitter,
Do you know the amount of suicide's because of this crap!
I like company 's page , if that's requirement for any survey or they offer free samples.hahaha.
If i start getting to many notifications from them, i simply unlike them.
Or i like those companies whose products i have used and i like them.
I like company 's page , if that's requirement for any survey or they offer free samples.hahaha.
If i start getting to many notifications from them, i simply unlike them.
Or i like those companies whose products i have used and i like them.
I may be the last person in the universe, but I don't 'do' facebook. I see no reason to bore the world with details of my life that no one else gives a rat's @rse about.
The people I have met in my life, that I want to keep in touch with, I can do with out facebook.
I usually click 'like' when the page relates to something I am interested in, or thinking of doing, and want to know more about what is happening on that particular page.
Yes, I have 'liked' many, many, many companies...some because they provide excellent service, products and are reliable and others just to enter a competition or giveaway...mostly the latter! I do this at least 20 times a week!
Yes I have liked many pages. Its good to be able to keep up with a company that you like.
That's a matter of relevance. Facebook has gone far above cookies and taken a personal approach to understanding it's market and its people. Taking stalking to a new level and in turn have favorably tapped into a gold mine for helping itself grow and the businesses that align themselves grow further. So, you'll notice that each and everytime there's an ad on your personal page or something you've looked up, chances are ads for that particular topic will popup just about anywhere.
Clicking on an ad, is just a matter of time before they get it right so its inevitable. For myself though I rarely click on ads because the moment you do. You won't hear the end of it. It will show up everywhere and that's pretty annoying.
Sil sil
i only ever like a facebook page if i truly like what i am seeing, have tried / experienced or dealt with. Its kind of like free market research & gives a company more credetials. So i don't do it unless i really am happy with them. Ive done with a lady who made me cupcakes for example, they were fabulous so i wanted to promote her & liking her page does that. Another time i tried a new beauty salon & had the worst experience so i would never like their page & if possible share my experience with others...
Usually only "like" a facebook page or ad when you have to do that as part of entering a competition and occasionally for something funny.
I like pages that have content/products I like. I often like pages because they have competitions. I do run the facebook page for the independent book store that I work for. i am constantly trying to keep up with facebook's changes and try to get more interaction on our facebook page.
I don't like pages regularly as I don't like it showing up in my newsfeed for other people to see. Generally I like a page if I can get something out of it, eg competitions, giveaways. Otherwise I'm genuinely interested and want to see what they have to say.
When I have clicked the "like" button it has been because I either supported the company, brand or cause or agreed with a point of view or position held by the company.
I very rarely click on the like button for anything on facebook. If i do, then it is because i laughed at it or it is something that i dont have time to read right then and would like to come back to it later, its kind of like a referencing system lol
I don't often "like" companies' fb pages, as I only do that once I really like them persistently, and they continuously impress me. This is a hard rule, which I will only apply after years of doing so continuously... Audi did that for me over a few years - they're on my "companies" that I like list. Continuous Quality are words that come to mind.
i know it may look waseful considering most people just skip past the adverts in their news feed, but i still think its a great idea as it can catch the eyes of others that may have never heard of the product/business. personally iv never gone through facebook to get to a business but i have seen adds in passing that i have remembered off facebook and then googled that company.
Yes, I have. I don't particularlly like doing it as it tends to clog up stupid thing on my news feed. However, I usually only like something if it catches my attention or if I'm playing a game on my mobil and it's telling me to like their page for me to procceed (or something along those terms)
if it is something i use or has deals i like
Something that I like, enjoy, or I believe in the cause. I only 'like' things on Facebook that I truly believe are worth 'liking'. I have never clicked 'like' on a companies Facebook ad, because I personally don't like when companies over advertise, it means they are desperate and trying to shove something down the consumers throats.
I tend to use Facebook mainly for keeping in touch with family members in different parts of the world. I occasionally "Like" pages but only if I feel strongly about the page. I tend to ignore most of the advertising but have been known to check out products that I find of interest but usually I ignore them.
i always like a facebook page when i really like the ad, sometimes i like it because a friend requested me to like it. I do not do this occassionally though
I used to "LIKE" the pages that interested me & then found I was inundated from those sites so now I'm more particular about the ones I "LIKE". It's all just a financial venture anyway for facebook so why them more money i say !! Stop "liking" pages & see how happy they are - not !! They don't care about any of us we are just proverbial money makers for them - so STOP & ignore the LIKE choice - we have the power.
Things like funny, interactive or something well known
im not always on facebook but when i am...lol
i like to like things, its a boredom thing, its something i turn to when i have to wait in a que for five minutes and end up liking random memes or recommended bands or bussinesses that made the time go by quicker, im not going to stand thier and crap on about how the old lady in front of me's bag smells like cheeseballs and cat hair like some other people though, so each to thier own. i guess i dont like stuff i havnt heard about before a few times and come to get an understanding of them as likable, i dont like things that i genuinely dont like or have had a bad experience with, advertising does work, its word of mouth and logo exposure
I f I feel the product resonates with me I will 'Like' the post.
do it often. a. if I like the product or service and believe others should know about it. b. if it a friends business/project and I want to support them and promote it. Will never "like" something if I don't actually like it!
When I am on facebook if I know a company ,or think I may like something the company has to offer that may be beneficial to me I like it ..A lot of people just do random likes I think and I cant see the point in this at all..
I think, when I like a companies facebook page it is to encourage my friends to either support the company or have a look at the company. Quiet particularly, companies that align with my morals and ethics. I see facebook likes also as a means of expressing my identity and if someone was to be interested in myself as a person, they could see vaguely see my personality or my interests through my likes.
Limit of information, often I like the page because i cannot find updates ect without doing so. Other wise, I have been prompted by competitions and free download associated with liking the page. for me I do this quite regularly
I only "like" a facebook page if it is of interest to me. Not everyone works on that principle BUT i get so sick of all the "shite" that flows on there that i now like to pick & choose what i get - the same as junk mail - you either get it or you block it. Same thing to me.Just because these companies are spending mega millions on advertising doesn't mean the product is good & i like to find out for myself if it "works" for me !!
I agree with juneebabe if it's not relevant why like it . Seems a pointless exercise
I think i just do it occasionally. I will usually like it if i like them after I have tried or been there. And I will get some updates or promotions from the business i like. Sometimes if most of my frds like them, and I will like it so that I can trace back the address or opening hours in case i would like to try in the future.
Yes, I ocassionally like a facebook page or ad on facebook page because in our daily life we can't go or visit the company regularly to check the new products launched by the company and the facebook obviously one of the top and popular social media help us a lot since the company is able to provide the new updates of their products on its official facebook page. Once its uploaded then every one who liked the page will know about it. Either it their costumer or not..
So this prompted me to do it
Frank Yates
Normally to win a competition. I have won quite a bit from Facebook. but only from aussie companies.
I do it regularly because I can share my ideas and photos with my friends and relevant who may never seen them in a year or more and I have found many many of my friend through facebook
Once in while I will visit the company out of curiosity and if I like it, I will clicked 'like'. Most of the time I clicked 'like' either because the company is having good discount or offer on its product, or simply because my friends recommend me to like it.
Occasionally I will if it is something relevant to me. For the most part, no
i only just joined facebook in the last month find somethings funny,interesting but also disturbing having two teenages now living with me now not to spy just to keep informed especially who they are in contact with
The only public discussion group I've ever tried is Cafe Chat and I'm hoping of becoming brave enough to throw out some thoughts which may become clearer after some feedback. I've always been hesitant to become as public as Facebook as I'm normally fairly private. I really don't know anything about the 'like" factor as it may commit one to something more than just making a simple comment.
No 'like' on FB is not my thing, but I do like comments by family and friends.
There are many reasons that I "like" a Facebook page. If I'm planning something such as a birthday party, pages such as facepainting or cake decorations are the first I look up an depending on whether the pictures I see showing their good work are great, I'll like the page. Another reason I'd "like" a page is if the title is humorous. If I scroll down my newsfeed on Facebook and I see a friend of mine has liked a page, I'd "like" it too if the title amused me.
Then there are pages that I'd click "like" on but that's only when I get nosey and want to read some gossip lol. These pages are those of celebrities.
A big reason for me to like a company facebook page is if they could offer me something aswell, for example the company post regularly vouchers that can be used maybe only for a day or for a couple of hours. Also good news about the company that could benefit me in some way, for example a food company launch new tastes/receipes. I wpould also like a facebook page if it fits my interests, for example only send out ads to people who match, seek people who have liked similar brands already.
No, not interested in Company Facebook pages. Simply do not have the time.
I have never used the "like" button for a company on facebook. While the chance to win prizes is appealing, I like the thought of facebook being simply for communication with friends - not completely dominated by advertisements.
Usually I would like their Facebook page if they have something going on or if they have promotions, being young nothing is more boring then just information
I usually click "like" because i used or would like to use their product.
I have not visited or clicked like on many company pages on facebook. Maybe 2 or 3 which were giving away samples of their products that i could use. One example was smakos for my dog. Other times when i have clicked like for a product or page is usually to show/give support to family member or a friend
I have a lot of 'likes' on facebook, for me, its about, my interest in the subject, for example, food/recipe pages, especially if they are based around whole foods, as I am trying to keep my family healthy, and am always on the looks out for healthy meal options, some of these pages provide that. Or children's clothing pages, as I prefer handmade over commercial and mass produced. - It all stems back to my need for sustainable practices, for which im extremely passionate about!
I respond with like for two reasons. First because I agree with the post and second, to show my support.
Why are we prompted to 'Like' something on a companies facebook? Well the simplicity of the matter is that Facebook, like a lot of social media sites appears to the user as an array of words and colours, information and temptation. For the average person, the news feed from facebook is like a playground, the persons eye will run to and investigate anything that instantly looks attractive and outshines evey other piece of bombardant information present at that moment. For most people, liking something is done because the imgae used to promote the products was attractive, or the information attatched was relevant to that persons intrests.
I only hit like if I truly do feel that the company or statement is what I believe in
I cheat by having 2 Facebook accounts. One I use exclusively for private things such as family & photos with my privacy set to private so nothing about me or my friends/family becomes public or compromised. In that account I only like pages that are relevant such as local groups. eg: Lost & found pets in my area, local police & fire pages. I have nothing that could be used in identity theft or finding my location as I have been stalked by a man I had been dating which led me to really tighten up my use of FB.
My alt account is only used only for competitions & interests I might have but I again have no identifying information on it, by using this alt account then FB & associated companies can't access any of my friends list, personal info or photos.
It is too easy to track down people using FB to the point where you can get their address & family members names. This might sound paranoid but the amount of information that people put on FB is very frightening. Examples are where they live, job history, qualifications, relationship status, age,photos of self & family & too much more to list.
I don't like FB or how they use information but it is part of the modern world we live in & at least I am well informed on how it works to protect my family & myself. I never accept friend requests unless I know the person & need to have contact with them via FB.
I 'liked' a company on facebook because they donated to charity for each like. I also have 'liked' companies I genuinely like and would recommend others use. Other companies because they are environmentally aware and responsible, and so I want to raise awareness of them with my friends.
I don't 'like' companies just to enter competitions or promotions. I have to genuinely like the company.
I only "like" companies or websites that I honestly am impressed with, and won't do so for a site I don't like, even if it means I miss out on points or bonuses, etc. I only do it occasionally.
Mel - mel
I will "like" a Facebook page or ad if the catch my eye or I have received great service from them.
The only reason I'd be "liking" a company would be if there was a chance of winning something! I don't do it very often.
i only do this occasionally and it usually happens after i have had a good experience with customer service either over the phone or in person. I will gladly spread my 'liking' of a business but only after i have had experience with them. I also will 'like' a page if it belongs to a friend or associate of mine that needs help furthering business.
I never click to associte a brand or product with my Facebook ID.
I have by mistake once or twice & I'm a bit pissed off about that because I see ENOUGH ads every day with volutarily adding htem to my facebook page as well.
I only keep it so I can stay in touc h with what my kids are genrally up to anyway.
I have started contacting the companies that offer something for 'liking' their page - if I'd like that particular item. Point out to them that not everyone that uses their products uses FB, it could be considered discriminatory not to make the offer to all customers. Amazing how many send the item... :-)
I may like a company or product to be able to enter a competition as is usually a requirement to be able to enter. Alternatively I may click on like if I genuinely like the company or product. Most of social media is used to spy on our activities as I have been harassed and ridiculed due to my activity on these sites. I have since refrained from using those sites to try to avoid my privacy being invaded.
What makes me like a Facebook page or ad is usually whether I find it funny or not. As if I really liked a product or something in particular I would make the effort find it myself or simply get it but if a witty ad comes by, Ill acknowledge it through a like.
Only to those I really respect or have some connection with.
Its either something I am interested in or more often its due to a competition they are running where you need to like the page. I also like pages of my friends regardless if I truely have any interest in their business.
Usually when they give away a free sample of something you really would like to try
Usually to gain entry to a competition, or receive free stuff
I regularly will "like" a facebook page or ad when the graphics are outstanding and make the ad or page very appealing. I will also "like" so others looking at my timeline will then look to see what i may be "like" for.
Only if I do like it and there is something positive on offer.
I usually like a Facebook comment only if 1) I genuinely like the comment the person has written and want to express this or 2) If it's for a competition and you have to like the page to enter the competition or you can't enter which is happening more and more frequently. Some companies that run competitions on facebook tell you they will put out a new competition or offer some kind of reward when they get to a certain amount of likes. I guess companies on Facebook care mo0re about liked than just normal people on Facebook do!
I will like companies if I really enjoy their products. I do it mainly for the points etc though offered
I usually like a Facebook comment only if 1) I genuinely like the comment the person has written and want to express this or 2) If it's for a competition and you have to like the page to enter the competition otherwise you can't enter which is happening more and more frequently. Some companies that run competitions on Facebook tell you they will put out a new competition or offer some kind of reward when they get to a certain amount of likes. I guess companies on Facebook care more about liked than just normal people on Facebook do!
yes i have liked a few companies on facebook for competiton purposes and also if i have used them i will also like
I have clicked 'Like' for a few products which I feel are worthy of liking for what the company has advertised or most of all is for products I have tried and liked.
Interesting content, humour.
yes i have liked on many occasions to find out new products etc its a bit annoying as you receive updates you really dont want lol
I clicked 'Like' on the Moccona and Nescafe pages in order to receive a free sample because i just love coffee and prefer to try something for the first time before buying a whole product that i may not particularly like.
I have liked companies that i have an avid interest in or as a requirement for competitions
I only hit the like button if I am familiar with and happy with a company and their products and services. Otherwise there is little point if you have no knowledge of something and you may be endorsing something that is not as it states.
I don't spend a lot of time on facebook, but if I have used a product or service I will like it.
I like companies, if I wish to keep up with what is happening with them; or a lot of times I like a company on facebook, as part of entering a competition of theirs. But mostly I would say I like a company to stay closer connected to them and be able to receive up dates on things that interest me. I am fairly picky who I like, so I don't do it regularly but I do do it a lot. I don't like many facebook ads, but I have liked a few, if it has meant something to me.
I don't like any company on FB because I don't know any company well enough to like it. The only dealings I have with companies involve the payment of money to obtain a product of service. So, in my opinion, they should show how much they like me and not the other way around. We all know that's not gunna happen. Personally, I think it's a futile exercise because I don't know anyone who puts any store in someone else's like.
I do click 'like' from time to time........if it is to score more 'reward' points or win a prize etc. Other times it's because I am genuinely interrested in the product.
I have clicked on "LIKE" a few times recently. Somehow I have become targeted by an animal rescue "Group" I do not mind spreading their news when they tell me the latest occurrence they have come upon of some terrible cruelty upon an animal.
Why not spread the names of the people who starve, beat & try to organise dog fights.
The poor cats & kittens, who have terrible unthinkable things done to them. What pleasure can these monsters receive from the monstrous acts they perform on these defenceless creatures.
I happily spread their name & picture through my Facebook page.
These monsters do not receive the punishment they deserve so it is good that as many people as possible who they are & what they have done
I don't like anyone just because of competitions, that is just cheap advertising. I only like those that offer genuine bargains, great offers, are a social justice.
I guess I click to like button for competitions and a fan of my interest in things,I guess I do it regularly also on friends comments too
To get freebies, discount, vouchers, coupons of selected items. To draw prizes.
Competitions, or friends only, find Facebook hard to "like"
I like pages from compaines, volunteer organisations or even individuals, which deal with animal rescue and it is heartwarming to share stories of the kindness, bravery and compassion people show towards animals who can't defend themselves against cruelty, neglect, hunting , poaching and devastation of their environment.
I will usually only "like" a company if I can win something. That said there are some companies that I like because I genuinely like/love their products.
I am not part of the vocal "like" as part of a sentence group. I am guilty quite often of "ummmmm" though.
yes i have done so, because it will help spread the word and make more people want to help those who are in need, or because it will help me keep in touch with my favorite brand or music through their facebook. i do it wheneve i feel like i is necessary
To enter a competion or get a free sample. Also if I really like a product and want others to know about it.
I have to say I don't use the word LIKE in my sentences like the younger generation are doing at the moment. I had to laugh at our friend's kids when she did one short paragraph of words and there were 5 likes in it. I said to her....well I guess you like that hey :-)
I am on Facebook but for friends/family only. I also click on Company's that I really like and want to keep up to date with their products but I just don't willy nilly click on every company. If I am seriously happy with the product I will help them in any ways with reviews as I feel the word of mouth is a great powerful and influencing method of telling friends about certain products that they have to offer. I also like to enter competitions but I don't like the ones where I have to bombard my friends with sharing the competition.
I am selective on who I do click on to like. Only Australian Companies and only ones that I know will benefit with me liking them.
i generally do not like facebook ads and will onle 'like' a company or ad if i have used or genuinely do like that company or product. some i have reported as spam for the same reasons.
I have liked companies on Facebook usually as a result of a contest requirement
I have 'liked' quite a few different companies on facebook. Most of the time its been either to do with points or to be entered into a draw or competition. I usually only 'like' the companies that I also buy their products.
If it's something I really like or have received good service from I'll "like"them, otherwise I won't. As for using the word in everyday language the way it is smacks of a lack of proper literacy.
I "like" a facebook page or ad because i like it. Whether I like the product or I like the company. I think this "like" is a way of showing how loyal we are to the product or company.
Yes , i have clicked the 'like' button on many facebook pages.
Mostly because of genuinely liking the products the company has .
Occasionally to enter competitions , but i still have to like the products.
If they are a product I like or interested in buying I'll like their facebook page. Also if they have competitions with prizes I'm interested in winning.
I can't say I have ever clicked on a "like" in my life, in fact I am actually wondering why I am bothering to comment on this page at all except for the fact that the one thing that irritates me more than anything else is the repetitive use of the word in conversation.
To me it just reinforces the inarticulate way people, particularly the young, seem to speak now. It's as bad as "you know" "kind of" "you know wot I mean"
It appears that schools no longer teach good English expression and fluency in a language that I think demands it. It's the same way that swear words are totally overused because there is a lack of vocabulary. Swear words should be used sparingly, otherwise they lose emphasis and become tedious.
As I said, I guess there is no point in commenting. I should really not waste my time on a trend that won't change and will only become yet another form of illegitimate grammar.
I like a heap of pages on facebook. Most of them are to enter competitions. I like to hear of specials etc on facebook.
No, I don't visit Facebook pages of companies to like their pages. I find it a pointless exercise and I don't like the idea of being tracked. I don't like the idea of brands being associated with who I am and what I like just because I have visited their page or maybe entered a competition. I hate the whole 'like' thing actually. Particularly people saying it.
Yes,it is pointless to like the facebook page or ad.i agree with u.
Jacaranda Blue
Totally agree.
The word ~LIKE~ has taken on a whole new meaning. I believe it is a 'fake' LIKE...as many of us are throwing the word around like confetti these days and it seems to have lost it's real meaning. I have LIKED literally hundreds of brands, blogs & pages on Facebook for a few reasons: I LIKE to LIKE brands in show of support to those brands I love and admire and many others to enter their competitions as liking their page is a requirement to enter the competition...but be wary as Facebook will ban you for 30 days if you LIKE too much!
It really annoys me that you have to like a particular thing on Facebook. I like to enter competitions and just about everyone I enter lately, you have to click like on Facebook. I had to join Facebook just so I could enter one in the begining. I am not a Facebook fan, my home page is just full of advertisements.
Freebies or decent competitions, or a deep, abiding love of the product/company. I have "liked" very few products or companies on Facebook, but a few, like Aussie Farmers Direct and Organic Meats Online, will always be "liked".
I also like pages or groups with messages I support, such as Clean Water, Health Land (a group fighting to stop gas fracking in WA and the rest of Australia), Marriage Equality (self explanatory), This Is Thin Privilege (drawing attention to the way fat people are discriminated against and exploited across the world) and a bunch more whose messages speak to me.
As for advertising, well, since I block all advertising I possibly can, I don't see much at all, and what I do see annoys the [redacted] out of me. I have never responded to a banner or pop-up ad in the 20 years I have been using the internet, and I certainly do not respond to direct advertising or spam. Ever.And if a site manages to sneak advertising into my actual list/page/entries/posts (like Yahoo is now doing with Tumblr) I use it less and less until I eventually delete my account (like I did with Hotmail and Myspace). If a site is really worth using and a small annual fee removes all advertising (like LiveJournal paid accounts), I will seriously consider paying the annual fee - but the site has to have exceptional usability and meet my needs very well for me to consider paying for the service to be ad-free.
I have liked a couple of pages.
1 a n apartment group as I rent apartments occasionally on theh Gold Goast and by liking I get updates on specials which can save me up to 30 on a normal bookong.
2. a photoprocessing company site as I have bought that companies programs over a number of years and by liking the pages I get newsfeeds on new tips on using their programs.
Usually companies on Facebook invite you to like them in order to win something or get a freebie (eg Neutrogena). It's really tempting but I have a personal rule that I won't "like" any company on Facebook unless I actually do like them, ie use and appreciate their products, or like their style or philosophy. In my view, "liking" a company on Facebook is endorsing their products or services, and I won't do that unless I can do it with integrity.
I totally agree Ruth. I have 'Liked' several pages to enter their competitions, but they are products or services I already use and genuinely like.
I have liked companies on Facebook usually as a result of a contest requirement with the exception of Thermomix which I genuinely like. Mostly I only "like" comments by my friends.
Jacaranda Blue
I might use Facebook in ways that others do not as I fail to see the point of "Liking" a business or webpage - if they want me to do advertising for them they can pay! I also do not accept "Friend" requests from anyone that I do not already know - I am not in some sort of competition to see how many "Friends" I can accumulate... I use my Facebook in the same way I use VoiceMail, email, SMS - for my benefit, not for others.
After a while I got used to my brother-in-law saying what he did or what he ate or what he went through when he had Chemo for his Cancer which is now clear.....there are people out there that need help in position or problems and I try and be nice and help them if I can. In the beginning I was a bit wary of "requesting friends'' but mainly for games where the more "friends'' the better, but they were only "game friends''. Others were old work friends I had as I worked for a local country newspaper for 37 years and they retired me in 2011 at age 69. We are having a 50th Anniversary Reunion in July that I am looking forward to. And we keep in touch doing Footy tipping and on Facebook.
I have been on Facebook for 6 years, like it a lot, play games, comment and rather enjoy it very much. Not once have I had a "nasty'' friend, and I see photos of my relatives that live locally, in other states or overseas, great to see photos of my great grandchildren.....or I would never see them and they live fairly close......do a bit of chatting on a daily basis with friends in USA, some of whom I used to talk with on the CB and now on Skype or Facebook, people that I visited and stayed with since 1979 and visited in 1981, 1989 and 1992. Love it is all I can say.
I agree that is how I used it before I was chucked out.
good on you i think thats great plenty of good interesting people out there worth your time and some not so
Jacaranda Blue
Good on you - I agree 100%. I do belong to a group who play computer games together and it is good for that but I *hate* the 100s of requests for "friends"...
Keep it up.
I have never really understood facebook.
I joined and found a few friends and relo's who constantly update where they are, who they are with and what they are eating.
I found facebook an OK way to find out the worlds latest desperate problems such as - "Should I eat desert or am I too fat ?"
But I clicked a few likes and now when I go to facebook it's full of unwanted rubbish.
One day when I have nothing better to do I may try to figure it all out, and unlike a lot of stuff. But, right now, the sun is out and I am going out for a walk.
Totally agree with you. I accept no friend requests and only use my account for a very small select group of people I know and trust and only like a product or company if familiar with them and trust their products.
I alsways send a message to anyone I do not know, who wants to be a 'Friend". I then can decide whether to accept or not. because of my many interests, I get quite a few requests from strangers. However after we have exchanged messages, I have 'Friended" many all around the world and discovered some really interesting people with whom we can share interests, stories, news and opinions.
Sorry to say that due to circumstances totally within facebooks control, I have been blocked from the site and despite numerous enquiries as to why they have blocked my account they have been ignorant in not replying to any of them. So even though I might have been in a position to "like" or "dislike" a company or organisation, facebook won't allow me to have a say. All I can say is I "DISLIKE" facebok.
I agree with you danno - the best action would be to leave facebook and to 'try' to get all my friends to do the same - however even facebook know they have the monopoly on this and there is just no way to beat them unless we come up with a better version of what they already do.
I loathe facebook really, all FB is...is a way for the "powers that be' to spy on our everyday behavior, likes, dislikes, shopping habits, spending habits, friends, everything...then THEY spam us with stupid ads as well!
Comapnies are now using FB competitions to trick people into taking and up-loading pictures of their children, friends, pets, family just to enter competitions (which used to be free and simple) as well as a 25 words or less component that USED to cost companies THOUSANDS when they had to hire advertising consultants to do this job...now they USE poor unsuspecting people and families and give them a 'prize" to do all the work for them for nothiing - saving them millions in advertising as well.
I cannot wait until FaceBook is dead and buried - then society might start to resemble "normal' again.
I was locked out of facebook to because they said my password was incorrect when I went to reset it they then told me that my birthdate was incorrect.
Facebook informed me that to reset it I would have to send a colour photo of my licence or passbook. I told them that I owened neither. I was then told to send a photo of my identity card or library card. I told them I did not live in a police stae such as USA and neither had any identification information on them and they could keep their Facebook as it was not that special anyway.
danno j
Leave Them..and TELL them exactly that,and that you'll be asking all your friends to move over to another social nteworking site..spread the word..3 years ago i innocently tried to post a video on FB,but according to them,i was in violation of some far removed copyright law and they banned me instantly.over the course of the following 2 years no amount of correspondence could awaken the arrogant & uncaring system they have for communication with clients..THEY DO NOT CARE! - THEY ONLY MAKE $$$$$$'s - SO LET'S CARE LESS ABOUT THEM ! ..and...."MOVE!!!!"
well how dare they what about freedom of speach guess they run that too
Hi Pointy - this has happened to me also in the past and I was blocked from facebook for 1 month because I was "Liking" too many pages in a small amount of time and apparently Facebook consider this as 'spammy behaviour!'....I too sent them numerous e-mails and queries, never got an answer back - frustrating much! I'm back on facebook now but the ban really annoyed and drove me insane for the entire month. lol