Food & Drink


Food & Drink

Posted by: CafestudyAdmin

12th Apr 2013 12:08pm

I'm interested in finding out how many people manage to make time for breakfast everyday! And if you do manage to, how do you fit it in?

If you don't have it everyday, how often do you manage to have it?

And what would be your ideal breakfast?

Comments 1012

  • 3rd Feb 2021 08:33pm

I eat breakfast everyday around 7am and if I know I won’t have time in the morning I try to prepare part or all of it the night before. My favourite is overnight oats, it’s so healthy and versatile!

  • 3rd Feb 2021 07:17pm

Breakfast is around 3am, so there is plenty of time. Sometimes there is a 2nd breakfast around 8am.

  • 19th Jan 2021 04:10pm

I skip it, I feel more satisfied eating two large meals a day as opposed to three small ones.

  • 15th Jan 2021 12:54pm

i have coffee and toast weekdays and bacon and eggs weekends.

  • 15th Jan 2021 12:53pm

i have coffee and toast weekdays and bacon and eggs weekends.

  • 11th Jan 2021 03:39pm

I intermittent fast, no breakfast :) just coffee ☕️

  • 4th Jan 2021 11:47am

I don't usually eat breakfast. I have been doing intermittent fasting for 3 years and I only eat lunch and dinner. However, if I have a morning exam, which is quite rarely, I would eat breakfast. I usually have a toasted english muffin with bacon and egg and a hash brown.

But I always start my day with a cup of green tea and tons of water!

  • 18th Dec 2020 12:24pm

I'd rather the extra sleep or time! I'm never hungry in the morning anyway! Of course, it I'm on holiday or on a hotel and it's included, I love it and make the most of it! Otherwise, its an occasional weekend at a cafe - for me, breakfast is something that should be served hot

dicky a
  • 17th Dec 2020 05:07pm

ALWAYS ...used not to, but about 15 years ago was persuaded to do so . Best decision ever. The morning workdays fly by

  • 15th Dec 2020 11:35pm

I'm pretty bad, I drink an Up and Go on the way to work if you can call that breakfast. My ideal breakfast is smashed avo and poached eggs on sour dough toast at a cafe with a good barista made coffee.

  • 2nd Dec 2020 07:08pm

I need to have breakfast in the mornings- I dont feel "balanced" unless I have something to eat.
I have cereal (muesli) and a prepared mix of seeds and almond meal, so it doesn't take long to prepare or eat. It's worth the 15 minutes it takes to prepare and eat.

  • 1st Dec 2020 07:58pm

I have coffee and toast my wife loves it

  • 30th Nov 2020 12:01pm

We have breakfast at home everyday it's important as a family to spend time together we just make time for it

  • 18th Nov 2020 05:22pm

I have always believed that this is the most important meal of the day and so I take the time to have a decent breakfast every morning, even if it is just cereal & fruit. I have found that my energy levels are then at there best and I usually only need something light for lunch to keep me going.

  • 15th Nov 2020 01:42pm


  • 10th Nov 2020 10:45pm

i try to always have breakfast with cereal and have tea in the morning to pick me up i also have two eggs hard boiled its my main meal everyday come rain or shine.

Narelle 32031778
  • 17th Oct 2020 11:32am

I have breakfast every day. I go to bed at a reasonable time and have yogurt with fruit in warm weather and I have porridge or hash browns with eggs in cold weather

Narelle 32031778
  • 17th Oct 2020 11:32am

I have breakfast every day. I go to bed at a reasonable time and have yogurt with fruit in warm weather and I have porridge or hash browns with eggs in cold weather

  • 25th Sep 2020 02:29pm

Hi, I am very busy in the mornings feeding our birds and doing their cages and i don't have time to mess around. I love yogurt and fruit so i save time the night before. Put a serving (little tub) of vanilla bean yogurt in a plate and mixed frozen berries on top and leave in fridge overnight, then the fruit have defrosted in the morning and its very refreshing. With a cup of green tea. Keeps me going till coffee at 10.00.

  • 22nd Sep 2020 03:22pm

My ideal breakfast is a mix of Special K, All Bran with sliced almonds,handful of mixed dried fruits and nuts, topped with sliced strawberries and bananas. Using low fat lactose free milk.

I do this every day.

  • 15th Sep 2020 02:02pm

I have breakfast every day. Couldn’t live without it. Only cereal as I don’t have the energy for more. I’d prefer a full cooked breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sautéed mushrooms, toast in the least.

  • 4th Sep 2020 09:00am

I find breakfast to be an essential start to my day. I love weekend bacon and eggs and my usual cup of coffee.

  • 4th Sep 2020 09:00am

I find breakfast to be an essential start to my day. I love weekend bacon and eggs and my usual cup of coffee.

  • 11th Aug 2020 10:26am

I always have something for breakfast, need to have tablets with food. Used to have weetbix a lot, or toast. Now as I need high protein, I have Weetbix Protein, or porridge, or toast and eggs. Usually a couple of mouthfuls of orange juice. It is usually a rather rushed affair (while standing) as I don't allow myself much time.

  • 22nd Jul 2020 07:12pm

I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day but as I am not a morning person, so would rather do brunch. I sometimes do weetbix or granolawith milk if have enough time gor different meals. Otherwise, I consume bread, milk tea, weap with can fish and eggs.

  • 22nd Jul 2020 01:11pm

Everyday. Eggs, tomatoes, bacon - / Yogurt and fruit
Toast and Marmalade-/

Natasya 32000680
  • 2nd Jul 2020 01:57pm

I have always managed to have some breakfast in the morning, no matter how early or late i get up. Back then, I would prefer to eat something sweet like cereals with cow milk, bread with jam and cakes like cupcakes, muffin, banana bread etc. However, as I grew up, I realized that I need to cut down on sugars and becoming healthier. So I decided to eat somthing like fruit smoothie (without sugar), oat based food (banana oatmeal pancake, oat porridge, overnight oats with chia) and also to drink only vegan milk. Since now it took me longer to prepare my food (since it needs preparation rather than consuming ceral that is ready made), I tried to wake up earlier and to prepare it the day before during my free time it ifs possible.

  • 19th Jun 2020 02:42pm

We're retired so take our time over a nice breakfast, hubby enjoys his banana on toast most days, I have porridge or a poached egg on toast during the week days and Saturday's we have scrambled eggs on toast and on Sunday's we have a swiss cheese and ham croissants.

  • 19th Jun 2020 12:30pm

Whilst I am waiting for the kettle to boil for my coffee, I prepare a protein shake and drink it straight down so breakfast takes me less than 2 minutes to prepare and consume. I never feel like eating forst thing in the morning to a protein shake or even an UpnGo does the trick and literally takes seconds to consume.

  • 17th Jun 2020 01:24pm

I get up roughly same time even though I am retired .I enjoy an egg most mornings plus i weetbix with butter and jam on it!!! and tea so there I can face the day!!!!!

i do not have a nick name
  • 14th Jun 2020 09:36am

I have been eating breakfast every day of my life now days I have half a can of baked beans an English breakfast muffin with butter and avo and a cup of cappuccino one of the sachet ones because I do not work anymore I have all day to get through it and the baked beans are just room temperature

  • 12th Jun 2020 06:12pm

If coffee counts as breakfast then yes I have breakfast. Otherwise, no, I don’t!

  • 10th Jun 2020 07:53pm

I have breakfast consistently everyday between 7 - 9 am. I can't function properly without.

  • 24th May 2020 02:20pm

quick and easy to prepare and eat cereal each morning, great start to the day

  • 11th May 2020 11:58pm

My eating habits are appalling. Quite often I have “brunner” (breakfast, lunch and dinner) at 5pm.

  • 11th May 2020 06:28pm

I manage to have breakfast every day whether it be a bowl of cereal or couple pieces of toast. I never use to when I was younger but I have been doing it regularly for the last 15 years. I start work at 6am so I just get up a bit earlier so that I can take the time to fit it in. I gives me the energy to get through till lunch time.

  • 7th May 2020 02:35pm

Wife makes me a banana on toast, which I really enjoy, most days, scrambled eggs on a Friday and croissants on a Sunday. I'm truly spoilt.

  • 3rd May 2020 08:40pm

No breakfast have first food at mornung tea time etc

  • 20th Apr 2020 04:13pm

I always have breakfast, scrambled eggs, poached eggs or bacon and egg during week days and on weekends have crumpets.

  • 17th Apr 2020 02:21pm

We always have breakfast husband is a sticker for the same porridge/toast I have an egg every day

  • 17th Apr 2020 01:51pm

Yes, wife gets me my banana on toast every morning.

  • 17th Apr 2020 10:50am

Nowadays I am enjoying my food intake more and eating more like there is no tomorrow and enjoy preparing my full English style breakfast at least 4 times a week. On the other mornings I enjoy strong coffee, Vogels muesli and chilled tumbler of my own breakfast juice. I miss summer when I could just wander through the berry farm orchard and feast on fresh blueberries, strawberries and ripe peaches for breakfast.

  • 17th Apr 2020 07:19am

I never ever miss breakfast. I am hungry and I love my breakfast and I could not imagine missing it. I get up and make myself some oats topped with nuts and seeds and greek yogurt. I love it and look forward to it every morning.

  • 16th Apr 2020 08:13pm

My favourite breakfast is a iced soy milk smoothie, with a banana, different berries, nuts, chia seeds, superfood powders, mint leaves and spirulina. It will fill me up and keep me going for hours with no hunger until lunch time.

Ellie 30656027
  • 16th Apr 2020 07:59pm

Always. I wake up get dressed and make breakfast. Brush my teeth and I’m out for work. Takes half an hour. I have fruit with cereal.

  • 16th Apr 2020 12:20pm

Yes, every day, start the day off right, so I can get on doing things I have to do, until a break mid morning. Usually egg on toast or porridge.

  • 15th Apr 2020 10:26am

I always have breakfast usually a protein smoothie with oats,phyllium seed,cinnamon and a piece of fruit,sometimes I have toast and a coffee

  • 14th Apr 2020 06:31pm

Love scrambled eggs done in the microwave 2 minutes all done

  • 14th Apr 2020 06:29pm

Yes I make sure I have it everyday can’t get going without it

  • 10th Apr 2020 11:02am

I have breakfast every day without fail. I guess it’s just part of a routine we grew up with and it just stuck. We were told that our breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I just hate it when I get hungry before lunch so I always have a nice breakfast

  • 10th Apr 2020 11:02am

I have breakfast every day without fail. I guess it’s just part of a routine we grew up with and it just stuck. We were told that our breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I just hate it when I get hungry before lunch so I always have a nice breakfast

  • 3rd Apr 2020 09:21am

Hi There

I need breakfast every day as I have a medical condition it’s important for me to have my breakfast

  • 31st Mar 2020 08:26am

Never ever miss breakfast(unless ill) the most important meal of the day. Even if its just tea.juice and fruit.

  • 24th Mar 2020 04:53pm

Must have breakfast to get me going, cereal and milk requires little preparation and quick to eat

  • 23rd Mar 2020 06:42pm

I've always enjoyed breakfast every day. These days with a microwave oven it's even quicker to make breakfast! I soak rolled oats in milk overnight, add salt, black chia seeds, cinnamon and fruit then zap in the microwave for 4 minutes. I top it with home made Greek style yoghurt. I complement that with my one and only cup of coffee, made from freshly ground coffee beans. Nothing beats it PLUS I don't feel hungry before lunchtime!

  • 20th Mar 2020 02:31pm

Just whey protein for breakfast

  • 17th Mar 2020 06:49pm

I have always made time to have breakfast, be it just some toast & a cuppa, I cannot get moving without something to eat in the morning.
When the children were growing up, we made sure that we all sat at the table for breakfast as a family.

  • 16th Mar 2020 04:57pm

As a teenager, I rarely ate breakfast both because I wanted to sleep more as well as I often didn't feel like food in the morning. I know a lot of people at school were the same and even now at 24 I know a lot of people who can't eat in the morning.
My story is slightly more complicated. I developed an eating disorder at 17 and didn't eat for up to weeks. Once I started to eat again, it was as if my metabolism restarted. I was starving every 3 hours on the dot without fail and the idea of not eating as soon as I woke up was sickening.
Having had other health issues since then, my metabolism has changed again and while I don't need to eat as often, I NEED breakfast.
I almost always - for the last 5 years - have had porridge with various fruit for breakfast. Either poached or canned peaches/apricots and raspberries or these days it's always homemade stewed apples with homemade almond butter and mixed seeds. This has changed over the years as I learn more about nutrition and the importance of variety. I have also cut back on dairy in the last year and mainly use alternatives.

  • 11th Mar 2020 10:06pm

I make a smoothie every second night to last me two days. Half goes into my designated Cheeki reusable “smoothie cup” and the other half in the blender bottle in the fridge. I drink it in the car!

  • 11th Mar 2020 08:04pm

Growing up I wasn’t a regular breakfast eater, it’s just the way it was. Now as I moved to Australia, I manage to have breakfast everyday. I guess a factor is because groceries are easily accessible here that I can get them fresh any day I want. I usually have mushrooms, bacon, eggs (scrambled), Corn (steamed) and bread. Now here’s the tricky art, for bread, my boyfriend and I try to change it from time to time. We sometimes get the turkish bread and toast them in the tiny oven, or the diner rolls that are cheap! Or sometimes I go for brioche bread Cause it’s tasty :) I guess it became a habit because my partner is breakfast eater growing up. :)

  • 11th Mar 2020 04:12pm

Yes, I eat breakfast every day even though the start of my day begins when other's are nearing the end of their's. Normally I've soaked oats in milk from breakfast the day before and to that I add cinnamon, chia seeds and zap in the microwave for about 4 mins. Then I top it with fresh fruit and home made Greek yoghurt.
However if someone offers to cook a breakfast for me, I don't say no, and then it's usually bacon, eggs or sausage or something along that line. I always enjoy my one cup of freshly made flat white coffee at this time too. Then it's off to ministry, hunger fully satisfied until the next meal.

  • 11th Mar 2020 03:32pm

Wife cooks, I usually have banana on toast, on occasions we have scrambled egg on toast and some Sundays we have a swiss cheese and ham croissant. All very tasty.

  • 11th Mar 2020 02:24pm

Am retired and so always have a nice breakfast, sometimes egg on toast or cereal, always a nice hot cup of tea.

  • 2nd Mar 2020 11:18am

Normally about 10-15 minutes. Quick bacon and eggs on toast and avocado if I have another 5 mins to spare. Super easy and keeps your lasting for the day!

  • 22nd Feb 2020 04:34pm

I am a shift worker and have never really liked having breakfast. I'm just not that hungry in the morning. But, now that I'm working longer hours, I will have an "Up and Go" on the way to work each morning. Starting at 7 am, I don't want to get up any earlier than I have to, just for breakfast, so this is a convenient option. For a splurge, on the weekend, I love a fully cooked breakky. Bacon, eggs, baked beans, tomato, sausages, mushrooms, hash browns, toast. Mmmmmm, delish. Just got to find a place that is good, and I'll keep going back.

  • 22nd Feb 2020 10:47am

I can't survive without breakfast.
Most mornings I make one (or two) poached eggs on toast. It honestly takes almost no time at all.
For 2 eggs, put about 150-200ml water into a microwave safe dish (I use a tupperware microwave jug). Put on high for 2 minutes. Put toast in toaster. When microwave stops, crack the eggs into the water, and use a fork to puncture the yolk so they don't explode. Cook for 40 seconds on high then flip them over with a fork and cook for another 20 seconds. Sometime in the last part, the toast is done, so butter the toast if desired. Lift eggs out of the water onto the toast. It takes longer to eat than it takes to cook!

  • 22nd Feb 2020 02:43am

I must have breakfast every day as i need to take my morning medication with food. I have dreams about my Special K loaded with milk and bananas lol

  • 20th Feb 2020 03:44pm

I have breakfast everyday, it is usually oats with milk and sliced banana & toast with vegemite.

  • 19th Feb 2020 10:42am

Breakfast is our main meal for each day. To start the day well a balanced breakfast is a must and will result in a well nurtured daily intake of important food groups.

  • 5th Feb 2020 04:16pm

Every single day of my life (or as far back as I can remember!!)

  • 1st Feb 2020 06:59pm

Admin: "And if you do manage to, how do you fit it in?"

Spoon size is absolutely critical. Plunge it into the Muesli /Yoghurt mix... now gently lower the bottom jaw... and in it goes!
If that fails, use a _smaller_ spoon. OK, all good? Now masticate... . No, _masticate_!!~


  • 27th Jan 2020 12:26pm

Special K every morning,no matter what.

  • 21st Jan 2020 09:31am is part of my routine. If I don't have a solid brekky by 9 am I have hunger pangs and get irritable and shaky. This is not good when I have a class of students to attend to :)

  • 20th Jan 2020 10:38pm

Never have breakfast just coffee

  • 17th Jan 2020 07:22pm

I always eat breakfast everyday. For most people it is the longest period of time they have gone without food, from going to bed to waking up. It is important to kick start your metabolism; especially if you suffer from a chronic disease.

  • 18th Dec 2019 10:48pm

Just how do you not have time for breakfast? That's just stupid.

Get up 15 minutes earlier, ditch the phone, and sit down and eat something. It does not have to be elaborate, just cereal or toast, a boiled egg, whatever. There is no reason on earth not to take this time to relax, plan your day, and set yourself up to cope better with a busy day. Lots of things can be prepared the night before, so you don't have much to do to prepare breakfast in teh morning. I don't manage to make time, I just do it, every day. Cup of tea, read the paper, have some cereal and then into the day.

Sure glad I don't have to live with your stress.

  • 18th Dec 2019 05:31pm

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day - hungry when I wake up and look forward to eating and having a cup of tea. I make sure I get up 1.5 hours before I have to leave for work, so that I can have a decent breakfast and cup of tea and not be rushed. I hate rushing. I will have muesli with yoghurt and fruit or eggs poached, boiled, fried with some tomato and a bit of bacon sometimes, corn on the cob with toast, my favourite would be fresh fish if I have it or an near the ocean. Always have some fruit afterwards. If you don't put fuel in your car, it won't go, same as no breakfast no fuel to start the day. Its a very important meal and time needs to be allocated for it.

  • 18th Dec 2019 02:22pm

I find I can't start my day until I have had breakfast. When I was younger that used to consist of a bowl of porridge and
a boiled egg and toast as well as a cup of tea but lately that has whittled down to a bowl of cereal...either way I still can't start the day without breakfast

  • 17th Dec 2019 02:23pm

I always make time to have breakfast...either toast, cereal or a crumpet with a cup of tea, pretty basic, but all quick to eat.
I get too hungry if I miss breakfast and then there's a temptation to snack.
If I am out and about I take a banana.

  • 12th Dec 2019 05:49am

I have my breakfast most times

I try to make a snappy meal
And if I don't have it, I buy meals outside or order Ubereats

I love cereals....

  • 11th Dec 2019 02:11pm

I don't eat breakfast

  • 29th Nov 2019 08:25pm

I usually have a small breakfast, something I can have on the go. It’s rare for me to sit down and have at breakfast because I like staying in bed for as long as possible.

  • 29th Nov 2019 08:25pm

I usually have a small breakfast, something I can have on the go. It’s rare for me to sit down and have at breakfast because I like staying in bed for as long as possible.

jules 1
  • 20th Nov 2019 10:05pm

I always make time for my breakfast, I just couldn't go without it.

I usually have cereal 3x a week (All Bran with fresh fruit), One slice of toast 3x a week, and on a Saturday I'll have one piece of bacon, one egg, one slice of brown bread/toast!

  • 18th Nov 2019 12:26am

I have three little children, and am currently expecting a fourth. So to role model for my kids I ensure we all eat breakfast. It is hard, I also study and work casually, so breakfast is at 0645 and I am not in bed until 0200. Running off fumes I need to eat for energy. I su chia pudding or overnight oats a lot.

  • 16th Nov 2019 08:19pm

I don't always make time or have time for breakfast each day but I do have an Up & Go as well as a muesli bar in my travels so I have at least had something.

  • 13th Nov 2019 07:43pm

Archer says I have always had breakfast when I was younger I would have weetbix or porridge with milk and sugar now I have toast with jam or sometimes a crumpet with jam I like to start my day having Breakfast and a cup of Tea to wake up with.

  • 11th Nov 2019 05:27pm

I rarely miss breakfasts, a little bread,jam and coffee gets me going most mornings

  • 8th Nov 2019 06:27am

Some mornings I’m in a rush and I don’t have time for breakfast, but I’ll take a protein shake with me so I have something. Usually the best breakfast for me is cereal, because it’s light, easy and you get the proper grains to start your day.

  • 3rd Nov 2019 09:47pm

breakfast to me is the most important meal of the day. it prepares one for the rest of the day. should not be a case of "making time" for breakfast, rather, what does one consume ?

  • 3rd Nov 2019 02:36pm

I have breakfast - it only takes a few minutes - i'm a working parent and need to have everyone organised and out he door by 7am, its part of our routine and keeps me going

  • 24th Oct 2019 11:42pm

I am a lazy sod and would prefer to spend an extra fifteen minutes in bed than get up and have breakfast. It seems the only time I eat breakfast is when I stay with my sister a couple of times a year and I get pathetic looks and a lecture when I don't eat anything. Big sisters are like that (even when you are in your sixties).

  • 23rd Oct 2019 01:59pm

Yes never skip breakfast, you fast all night and if you do not eat it sets you up to snack on unhealthy foods later. I start with a celery juice, do some exercise and then have a bowl of fruit, later I might have buckwheat porridge or cereal with almond milk.

  • 23rd Oct 2019 12:10pm

I very rarely have breakfast until I get to work in the morning after dropping kids at school and just getting ready for work. I usually just have a big bowl of cereal at work,i f I have a day off work and don't have any errands to run after the school drop off I come home make myself some toast and a coffee and listen to Ray Hadley on the radio for a little while before I start the housework. My breakfast habits are poor but I insist on my kids having cereal or toast before they go to school - go figure??

  • 22nd Oct 2019 10:42pm

breakfast is my main meal of the day. with a good b/fast i can go most of the day without further food, but without it, energy levels drop drastically.

  • 22nd Oct 2019 08:39pm

I never leave home without breakfast. It may only be cereal and toast and coffee

  • 22nd Oct 2019 06:13pm

I always have breakfast no matter how early I have to be at work. If I don't eat I feel sick. At home, I have porridge with fruit like apples, blueberries, peaches, whatever is in season with milk or yoghurt and honey and a piece of toast with peanut butter or honey and a cup of black tea. Other alternatives are eggs, scrambled with parsley, and tomato, boiled eggs, poached eggs, bacon and eggs now and then with toast and cup of tea. Eggs are great for breakfast - quick and filling. Other times it might be fresh corn on the cob with butter and grain toast or tomato and cheese grilled with sesame seeds or banana, raisins cheese and sesame seeds grilled - I really like that one. If I am on the run, I have cup of tea and take a milk banana smoothie, nuts and a thermos for tea. I would usually have some muffins made with dates or sultanas in them for morning tea on those days and a piece of fruit.
I love breakfast its my favourite meal of the day, I am hungry and need energy to get through the day - it really is the most important meal of the day - if you don't put fuel in your car it won't go - likewise no food no energy to participate in the day. Theres so many great meals you can make that are quick to start the day - you just need to get up ready to cook.

  • 22nd Oct 2019 07:13pm
I always have breakfast no matter how early I have to be at work. If I don't eat I feel sick. At home, I have porridge with fruit like apples, blueberries, peaches, whatever is in season with milk...

I have breakfast every morning when I take my main pills. This is usually before 5am. I have cereal, a cup of coffee and a crumpet or toast. Then do about an hour on online with emails then back to bed for a couple of hours more sleep.

  • 17th Oct 2019 07:41am

I have breakfast everyday as it is the most important meal of the day. if you use the excuse "I don't have time" then go to bed earlier and get organised!
Everyday I run into people who use feeble excuses for not doing what they are paid to do and blame everything else but themselves.
Get motivated, get breakfast, be on time and be prepared to give 8 hours work to your employer and get off your phone while driving to work!

  • 6th Oct 2019 11:34pm

I try my best to eat breakfast every day.

My ideal breakfast is an omelette and toast or a savoury cheese bun.

  • 4th Oct 2019 01:08pm

I do but not first thing unlike my husband. I usually eat breakfast about 1 to 1 and a half hours after being awake. I do have a hot mocha or cup of tea first thing though.

  • 24th Sep 2019 06:16pm

Never leave the house without breaky.
It is a habit and I have the same thing every day the last few years. Still love it.Greek yoghurt+ flavoured berry yoghurt+ berries+ oats+ trailmix. it's just not something I think about but just do like brushing my teeth.
I try to eat a light dinner for better sleep so I always wake up hungry.

  • 24th Sep 2019 03:10pm

I do enjoy my cereal in the morning.
But then again, if I get the opportunity, the wife and I love to take in the local cafe and have our poached eggs
Either big breakfast, or eggs benny, or the 101 other inventive creations depending on location.

However, there have been days where I've tried the intermittent fasting where I just skip breakfast.
They say you should only really bother eating when you're hungry. What if you don't get hungry ever?

  • 22nd Sep 2019 02:52pm

Pancakes with fruit and ice cream

  • 19th Sep 2019 07:46pm

I wake up in time to.preparebrwakfast as part routine every work and weekend day. Ideal breakfast is cereal and a coffee

  • 18th Sep 2019 07:07am

I will make the time if I have a big day ahead, but generally a hot cuppa is all I get.

Ellie 30656027
  • 1st Sep 2019 07:24pm

I wake up half hour before I leave in the morning. Get dressed in 2-5 mins, prepare bowl of fruit and milk in 10 mins, eat it in 10-15 mins and out the door after I brush my teeth and grab my bag. Easy done.

  • 27th Aug 2019 01:19pm

People are being brainwashed to think they do not have time to do anything.
If they spent less time on their mobile phones etc they would have plenty of time.
I always have breakfast, cereal, scrambled eggs, pancakes with banana or Avocado and cheese etc
Coffee and or tea

The Fat Man
  • 27th Aug 2019 04:14am

Breakfast! Who has breakfast? The day starts with coffee, then comes brunch at about noon.

  • 15th Aug 2019 05:21pm

I have breakfast every day. It is possibly my favourite meal even though it is not a large one. I have always eaten breakfast, no matter how hard I was working or how pressed for time I was. It is a time of calm before the storm of the day. It allows me to gather my thoughts and prepare myself for the day. I always have breakfast with another member of my family. It has always been really important to me to share some time at the start of the day to see other members off for their day in a happy way. Because I have always done I always do it. It's like cleaning my teeth or my face. It's just what I do and there is always time to do that. I don't have to think about it.

Jody 31416125
  • 14th Aug 2019 06:37pm

On the run out the door in the morning I have a cold boiled egg or 2

Jody 31416125
  • 14th Aug 2019 06:37pm

On the run out the door in the morning I have a cold boiled egg or 2

Mary Joy31626710
  • 12th Aug 2019 11:03pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I always have coffee, rice, eggs, and any meat like bacon, ham, pork chop, spam, etc.

  • 1st Aug 2019 07:46pm

I don't really manage to have breakfast regularly. But if i have enough time, an ideal breakfast for me is sth quick to prepare and time-saving. And that would be overnight oats (I'm absolutely in love with these), some fruits or cereals

  • 20th Jul 2019 04:12pm

I prepare the ingredients for a breakfast smoothy the night before. I buy fresh fruit in bulk and freeze it to add to my smoothie. I manage to do this 3-4 times a week. My ideal breakfast though is bacon, eggs and avocado.

  • 20th Jul 2019 04:11pm

I prepare the ingredients for a breakfast smoothy the night before. I buy fresh fruit in bulk and freeze it to add to my smoothie. I manage to do this 3-4 times a week. My ideal breakfast though is bacon, eggs and avocado.

Jayne Collins
  • 15th Jul 2019 05:38pm

I always have breakfast, even if it's just quickly stuffing down a piece of toast and cheese. It takes no more than five minutes to make the toast and sit down and eat it, and it keeps me going until morning tea time. As a university student, I skipped breakfast a lot of the time. It did nothing for me except to make me hungry, and I'd eat more once I got home. Once I started working full-time, I always had breakfast. Interestingly, I dropped about 7kg in my first six months of work, and never gained it back.
One of my favourite times of the week is Saturday morning when my husband and I will get something we can eat while we go for a drive. We like the McDonalds bacon and egg McMuffin and hash brown, but recently we found Guzman Y Gomez where my husband can have a breakfast burrito and I can have avocado on sourdough toast, all for a very reasonable price.

  • 12th Jul 2019 06:35am

Always...if I remember.

  • 8th Jul 2019 03:53pm

It is my most important meal of the day!

I always make time for it!

I have been mixing up having oats, chia and fruit, an omelette or I love having a steak once a week.

It gets my day off to an awesome start!

  • 4th Jul 2019 09:55pm

I get up exactly two hours before I need to leave the house. If I need to be gone by 8, I'm up at 6 to get everything in - even if I have to be out earlier, it is still two hours. I once had to take my mother to be at her hospital admission at 7am. She is a 40 minute drive from me, and she was 60 minutes from the hospital, and I left home at 5.00. (Yes, I was up at 3.00am, having my coffee - full caffeine, too). I simply must have time to wake up over coffee and email before I head in to have my shower, and I also have to make sure hubby is not inconvenienced by my showering, so I have to make sure I either shower 30 minutes before or after him.

Yes, it sometimes mean I don't get nearly enough sleep, but needs must.

  • 25th Jun 2019 02:54pm

I have breakfast at any Cafe that has "All Day Brekky" signed outside. Mostly I enjoy a Cafe Latte with my Brekky. Where I
live is a small but busy Cafe called JOHNNY'S - I am a regular there. As I am a disability patient/client I normally rock up
to a full breakfast before 9 am weekday mornings. Kind regards....

  • 13th Jun 2019 02:11pm

I only have time to make toast and milk for my kids before taking them to school but I never have time to eat before work

  • 7th Jun 2019 02:08pm

I have breakfast (cereal) every morning unless I have breakfast away from home. I feel empty if I go to work without breakfast.

  • 29th May 2019 11:22am

I make myself a thermos of tea every morning and bring it into work with me. I also mix some greek yoghurt with double cream and eat it on my way to work. It's very filling.

Phillip 31650311
  • 28th May 2019 02:35pm

I always set my early enough to allow me about half an hour for and lunch prep which usually consists of coffee, toast, bagels or bananas.

  • 28th May 2019 02:05pm

I AHVE BREAKFAST EVERYDAY i can not function without it, if im running out of time i have cornflakes or yogurt otherwise i was toast and a cup of tea

  • 26th May 2019 06:30am

I get up around 6am, make coffee, do a few hours of housework then have breakfast at 9:30. I like to eat any leftovers from last night’s dinner (salad, steamed veggies, cold chops, stew, stir fry, rice, pasta etc....) If there are no leftovers I will eat porridge or toast....occasionally muesli.
I am a stay at home mum, so I have plenty of time to eat breakfast as I have nowhere to rush off to.

  • 23rd May 2019 01:09pm

I build time into my schedule, because I simply don't function without my coffee. I do have the luxury of not having children to get ready for school, so I have that time. I also ensure I get up a minimum of 2 hours before I need to leave the house, as I hate rushing and I hate being late, and as I said, I literally cannot function without my coffee.
My ideal breakfast is coffee. I can't eat at the same time as I drink (gastric sleeve), and coffee is my priority. I generally don't eat anything until lunchtime.

  • 19th May 2019 12:00pm

I need my breakfast or else I can't get through the day. So I have a daily routine, while I'm making the family lunches I fry an egg and make some toast and eat while doing the rest of the prep.

Andrew 31639627
  • 8th May 2019 07:03pm

I get up at 430am and have breakfast (toast or cereal) and a coffee every morning. I am very organized and have a shower too before leaving at 5am. Basically have everything ready the night before and just do it straight away no dawdling.

  • 5th May 2019 02:04pm

i have breakfast everyday and have tried to instill this in my children. it is an important start to the day and a great way to connect with your family before heading your separate ways for work, school,etc

  • 3rd May 2019 12:46pm

I choose not to have breakfasts most days, for health reasons as well as boredom. I never had time to make something nice before work. When I do have it, it's on a weekend and it's the full English.

  • 1st May 2019 03:46pm

I don't usually get time to sit down and have breakfast before I leave the house on work days. I am usually too busy getting the kids ready, their lunchboxes ready, a load of washing or vacuuming. I would rather sleep an extra 15mins that have time for breakfast. On those days I usually have an up & go or a banana on the way to work or when I arrive at work. On non work days and weekends I always have breakfast, because I am not as time constrained in the mornings. I usually have porridge or cereal and less frequently toast.

  • 30th Apr 2019 07:08pm

I always eat breakfast every day it is the most important meal of the day. I get up early to git it in.
My ideal breakfast would be a mango, banana and kale smoothie.

  • 11th Apr 2019 09:42pm

Breakfast is a must for me. Every morning I'm breakfast central. Standard breakfast would be 4 weatbix and milk with a fruit if some sort and then two bits of toast (either peanut butter or marmite )

I fit it in by getting up in the morning and eating it ;)

  • 11th Apr 2019 09:41pm

Breakfast is a must for me. Every morning I'm breakfast central. Standard breakfast would be 4 weatbix and milk with a fruit if some sort and then two bits of toast (either peanut butter or marmite )

I fit it in by getting up in the morning and eating it ;)

  • 10th Apr 2019 01:02pm

I skip breakfast mostly, because I a not hungry in the morning. I tend to eat more during the evenings.

  • 4th Apr 2019 11:41am

I have Type 2 Diabetes so try to eat breakfast every morning

  • 1st Apr 2019 02:07pm

I alternate from porridge and toast.

  • 25th Mar 2019 01:03pm

I start work at 4am I always get up early enough to have Musli and either fresh fruit or yoghurt. But if I had time my ideal breakfast would be Tropical fruit salad , a poached egg on toast and a cup of warm water turmeric honey and lemon juice.if I don't have breakfast my body just doesn't function properly until about 3pm.

  • 25th Mar 2019 01:03pm

I start work at 4am I always get up early enough to have Musli and either fresh fruit or yoghurt. But if I had time my ideal breakfast would be Tropical fruit salad , a poached egg on toast and a cup of warm water turmeric honey and lemon juice.if I don't have breakfast my body just doesn't function properly until about 3pm.

  • 25th Mar 2019 01:00pm

I start work at 4am I always get up early enough to have Musli and either fresh fruit or yoghurt. But if I had time my ideal breakfast would be Tropical fruit salad , a poached egg on toast and a cup of warm water turmeric honey and lemon juice.if I don't have breakfast my body just doesn't function properly until about 3pm.

  • 22nd Mar 2019 01:00pm

There is a lot of room for improvement here I'm afraid to say but, it's true. I just don't wake up hungry, it can take a couple of hours at least so I do have to do better in this regard as coffee isn't exactly a breakfast.

  • 19th Mar 2019 03:54pm

I always have breakfast, be it large or small.. Sometimes it's just a couple of slices of toast and jam while other times it is a bowl of cereal.. It all depends on what I feel like at the time.

  • 19th Mar 2019 01:54pm

I always manage to make time for breakfast everyday. I make sure I get up early enough to have it!
I usually have a few weetbix with some mixed fruit and milk. It's delicious.

  • 15th Mar 2019 05:55pm

I usually don’t take breakfast .... if I need to do ... I prefer bread and cereals.

  • 25th Feb 2019 10:53am

I boil 5 eggs every Sunday and have one each morning. Quick and easy for time poor people.

  • 17th Feb 2019 07:02pm

Rarely have breakfast I start work 6am so find it to early to eat.

  • 17th Feb 2019 07:01pm

Rarely have breakfast I start work 6am so find it to early to eat.

  • 14th Feb 2019 06:02pm

only on weekends

  • 9th Feb 2019 12:37pm

I always have breakfast as I need the energy to achieve my goals for each day.

Breakfast usually is a small handful of cereal, a chopped banana, some blueberries and some low fat yoghurt - with a cup of white tea.

  • 9th Feb 2019 09:50am

For me breakfast is the start of the day, after the shower ofcourse. I always eat, porridge in winter and cereal in summer.
If I was to miss out I dont know if I could function until lunchtime.

  • 2nd Feb 2019 06:53pm

I always have breakfast even if it is just toast with coffee.

  • 30th Jan 2019 02:49pm

I make sure I get up early enough to have a decent breakfast everyday. I decide what to eat depending on what I am doing that day. If I am going to work I have porridge topped with fruit or eggs, to sustain me until lunchtime as I don't usually get a break before then. If I have the day off I will have fruit and yogurt or eggs. If I have cereal or toast I feel hungry after an hour or so. And these foods are not good for my gut health. I finish off with water or herbal tea. This works for me but may not suit everyone.

  • 15th Jan 2019 04:32pm

I don’t have breakfast in the morning, as I usually feel sick after eating before 12pm. Though I do like to have coffee in the morning sometimes.

  • 14th Jan 2019 08:19am

i never eat breakfast

  • 11th Jan 2019 06:43pm

I usually have something quick - if I’ve made some banana bread, take a slice to work with me to have with a cup of coffee. Else, it might be a muesli bar, oats, raisin toast. Whatever is on special as I like to mix it up.

Weekends would be a treat - so if we go out, love a decent breaking of eggs, bacon, mushrooms and tomato. Else a quick bite at a cafe would be coffee with a friend.

  • 2nd Jan 2019 05:40pm

I eat breakfast every day and always have, even during my working life. If I didn't eat, I would be sick within 1 hour so I used to set the alarm for the same time every day and always got up as soon as it went off. Now I am retired. I get up when I feel like it but still eat a bowl of toasted muesli with fruit every day.

  • 24th Dec 2018 06:51pm

Mostly my brekkie is made before 7am every day. Many options on the list such as pancakes, cereal are my first choice.

  • 19th Dec 2018 07:56am

I like to have breakfast around 10 or 11, as I leave for work at 7, I can’t always have breakfast. I am trying to follow a Keto diet so a typical breakfast for me would be a couple of boiled eggs with a little butter, or a coffee with cream or coconut yogurt and a few raspberries or half a mango

  • 11th Dec 2018 09:34pm

I have breakfast most days unless I am running late..

  • 5th Dec 2018 08:13am

I manage everyday by myself
Hardly once in 3 months I may prefer to have it outside.
I prefer normal tea bread jam, cheese sandwich in my breakfast. Not too heavy or too light.

  • 2nd Dec 2018 06:36am

every day before i leave the house

  • 21st Nov 2018 01:34am

Whilst I often miss other meals I always have breakfast, usually porridge topped with chia seeds, cinnamon, fruit and homemade greek style yoghurt. I don't seem able to function without breakfast.

  • 20th Nov 2018 09:53am

I am bad for not eating breakfast, but I do try

  • 15th Nov 2018 09:17pm

Every day without fail I have breakfast. If I don't eat within an hour of waking up, I feel sick!
Most days I will have a single egg, poached in the microwave, on a piece of toast.
It's very quick. I have a little microwave safe dish - put a few cm of water in it, heat for 90 seconds, While this is going on, put bread in the toaster. crack egg into water, use a fork to pierce the yolk. Cook for 20-30 seconds, then check it, flip egg over with a fork, and cook for another 10-20 seconds depending on what's needed. Toast pops about now, serve, and enjoy!

  • 14th Nov 2018 08:50pm

I don't eat breakfast I prefer my sleep ins

  • 10th Nov 2018 05:09pm

Friday’s and some Sunday’s, unless you count coffee

  • 7th Nov 2018 09:10pm

I always have breakfast everyday. I manage it because i wake up at 6 30. Because of this I can eat breakfast everyday. I usually have rolls, hot chocolate, eggs, sometimes bacon, toast, and i sometimes also have pancakes. My ideal breakfast is what i already have everyday because its hearty, and i dont feel hungry during the day because i have a complete breakfast.

  • 7th Nov 2018 05:41pm

Try to make time on weekdays but o start work too early. On weekends I have breakie

  • 2nd Nov 2018 07:41pm

I eat breakfast every day, within 30 minutes of getting out of bed. I have a bowl of toasted muesli clusters and a cup of tea. I cannot go without breakfast

  • 2nd Nov 2018 08:54am

Hi there!
Yes I couldn't get by without breaky! Most important meal of the day as it kick starts your metabolism for the day.
My ideal breaky is porridge with fruit & milk...or a yummy omelette with onion, tomato, capsicum, spinach & bit of cheese. Yum!
If I'm short on time getting the kids off to school or off to appointments, I'll make a quick one of toast & avocado and a cuppa!!
I realize most are short on time; I'm a stay at home Mum but I have health issues which makes me struggle with fatigue & illness...BUT I do it in steps and prepare the veges a day or two earlier.
It's so important to make the time to eat well, for our well-being so we can enjoy life more! (And teaching our children this life skill will help them in the long run too!)
Cheers everyone! :-)

  • 26th Oct 2018 11:16am

My ideal breakfast would probably have to be vegemite and peanut butter spread on a piece of toasted bread and maybe a little honey. I usually have around 30 minutes to orepqre for brekky in the morning so I have brekky everyday.

  • 20th Oct 2018 12:25pm

Brekky is usually just a cup of black coffee for me. Body takes time to warm up in the morning and the ideal breakfast is something I can grab and have on the go. Hard boiled eggs and bananas are a fav. Sit down meals are for weekend brunches or days off, when there’s time to sit and digest.

  • 20th Oct 2018 06:18am

I have breakfast everyday. I wake up early exercise and have breakfast. On weekends we will go out at least once to a cafe for breakfast. I can't function properly if i dont eat breakfast.

  • 17th Oct 2018 07:11pm

i never miss breakfast, i get up early and prepare something, oats and banana with honey drizzled on top, or a salad roll with lebanese bread...sometimes i will have tofu scrambled egg with tomato and spinach...or baked vegetables, or a whole avacado with salad.... I always make time for a good breakfast...

andrew marsh
  • 16th Oct 2018 12:56pm

Have breakfast every day

andrew marsh
  • 16th Oct 2018 12:55pm

Have breakfast every day

  • 15th Oct 2018 09:05am

We get up early each day. Having breakfast is important for social reasons and health reasons.

Breakfast can be anything from cereals, bacon and eggs, omelettes, boiled eggs, toast, pancakes, Macedonian "compass" (sausage), crumpets, pikelets, or yogurt fruit and nuts.

My favorite breakfast is eggs Benedict.

  • 2nd Nov 2018 09:09am
We get up early each day. Having breakfast is important for social reasons and health reasons.

Breakfast can be anything from cereals, bacon and eggs, omelettes, boiled eggs, toast,...

Hi! When my hubby and I go out for breaky (try and do a breaky date once a month), we absolutely LOVE eggs benedict!!! Getting so hungry with all this food talk ha ha!!!
Have a wonderful day!

  • 6th Oct 2018 02:00pm

I eat breakfast everyday never miss
Either porridge or vitabrits
Some times as is or occasionaly
With plain yogurt and banana.
If I don’t eat breakfast my stomach starts growling mid morning.
I find I
Breakfast helps me start the day feeling
More energised.

  • 4th Oct 2018 08:02pm

I have breakfast at home every day

  • 2nd Oct 2018 10:27pm

I always make time for breakfast. I have medications to take which need to be taken with food.

  • 1st Oct 2018 03:11pm

I love to get up and work for about two hours, before sitting down to food. Having a hiatus hernia, I often wake up a little nauseous and the last thing I want to do is eat straight away. I eat a healthier breakfast if I work for two hours first. If I eat straight away, I'll eat small amounts of something less than healthy. If I 'earn' an appetite, then I will sit down to a good sized balanced breakfast. I hate cereal for breakfast. I save that for my afternoon tea. For breakfast I prefer to eat a salad, re-heated leftovers, cooked meal of poached eggs, toast, steamed tomato etc......for brekkie.

  • 2nd Nov 2018 09:29am
That sounds delicious! !! I love leftovers for breaky too!! So much choice!!!

Exactly. I don't know how people eat the same thing for breakfast, day after day after day. Eating like that seems 'robotic' to me...but we are all different and if it makes people happy to do that and it gives them good energy and nutritional benefits....then they should do that! I love waking up to something new each day because I feel different each day. I eat to suit my mood and what I feel my body needs. If my body is telling me not to eat a soggy bowl of cereal, then I trust how it's feeling and make a salad for brekkie.

  • 2nd Nov 2018 09:05am
I love to get up and work for about two hours, before sitting down to food. Having a hiatus hernia, I often wake up a little nauseous and the last thing I want to do is eat straight away. I eat a...

That sounds delicious! !! I love leftovers for breaky too!! So much choice!!!

  • 28th Sep 2018 03:49pm

I manage to my breakfast everyday, I wake up early to have the to eat. My ideal breakfast is toast with nutella, with hot chocolat and fruit salad.

  • 18th Sep 2018 08:17pm

Always quick oats with honey and a long black with a dash of soy

  • 18th Sep 2018 03:00pm

every day. it is important to eat before you leave the house or start the days activities. just part of my routine.

  • 16th Sep 2018 09:02pm

Rarely ever eat breakfast during my working week. Weekends I'm a pancake guy, or eggs Florentine on sourdough. I religiously consume 2 cups of percolated coffee before leaving the house.

  • 15th Sep 2018 07:29am

Yes toast with cheese ham tomato or an egg on toast with cheese tomato and ham

echo 01
  • 6th Sep 2018 06:02pm

I allways make time for breakfast

Liz Tate
  • 3rd Sep 2018 01:26pm

Yes sometimes i will do eggs,tomatoes, spinach & mushrooms or just eggs and some chopped up veg ( prepared the night before when doing dinner)and avo or kept really simple with a smothie.

  • 29th Aug 2018 07:50pm

Always!!! Coffee plus toast often while getting ready for work/making lunches etc but fave would be fruit, eggs, toast and coffee

  • 24th Aug 2018 08:03pm

always, everyday: porridge that I make in the microwave

  • 22nd Aug 2018 03:20pm

Always have had breakfast all my working life, these days have muesli with a few cashews on top, find it the most satisfying of all, used to have rolled oats or weet bix but as tastes changes have switched to the muesli

  • 20th Aug 2018 07:10pm

I have cereal every morning before leaving for work, I just make sure that when I make my kids their breakfast I make mine too. I’d rather be late for work than not eat, priorities.

  • 17th Aug 2018 12:03pm

I make a point of never missing breakfast and arrange the necessary bowls, etc for wife and I every morning. We have a simple breakfast of porridge or a healthy cereal.

  • 17th Aug 2018 11:59am

I literally have time for a Banana Smoothie at home. I have bananas in the freezer and add them to the 'Bullet Whizz; thingy with Peanut Butter and Almond Milk. Delicious and filling and then i have a slice of wholemeal toast or Weetbix when I get to work.

  • 16th Aug 2018 08:55am

I always ensure that I make time for breakfast, even if it just some toast

I always make sure that I have breakfast, even if it is just some toast & a cuppa tea. Many days I get so occupied that lunch is just a piece of fruit and having a proper breakfast gets me through my day.


  • 30th Jul 2018 02:55pm

Have managed to get breakfast everyday, by preparing things a day ahead and waking up early.

  • 30th Jul 2018 02:54pm

Have managed to get breakfast everyday, by preparing things a day ahead and waking up early.

  • 28th Jul 2018 08:45am

Try to eat every morning but sometimes just dont feel like breakfast or more often than not cant be bothered. Have found I generally feel like this towards food since losing my Dad suddenly 3 months ago.
When I do have breakfast its usually rolled oats sachet or maybe toast or crumpet. Depends whats available and on hand. On rare occasions I will cook bacon and eggs. Whatever else I eat, I always have 1 or 2 cups of coffee before and after the meal.

  • 28th Jul 2018 02:57am

I do not eat my breakfast regularly, mainly because of my inability to wake up early enough to have a breakfast OR there are no suitable option for breakfast in my place. I wake up after midday most of the time and my first meal is then called a lunch. Since I live in a food-catered place, and they only serve hot breakfast on some days in a week. When they serve cold breakfast I just dont eat it. (not fond of dairy products as they give me stomachache, I do not eat bread except white (they dont serve white bread), and canned fruits taste too acidic for me. To be honest, I will always find a reason to skip cold breakfast.) I really enjoy rice, seaweed, sweet corn and shredded chicken with light soy sauce as brekkie. Oh accompanied with a glass of cold water.

Thanh Tu31415933
  • 20th Jul 2018 10:30pm

I often have 2 pieces wheat toast with peanut butter and a protein shake before heading to the gym every morning.

  • 18th Jul 2018 02:52pm

I have always believed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I usually have a cup of tea and a bowl of homemade muesli.
If I am running late I make do with a couple of muesli bars.

  • 18th Jul 2018 10:36am

Normally around 2-3 people in a household manages their time for breakfast. Regularly sets a routine in the morning.

  • 17th Jul 2018 08:04pm

I always make time for breakfast. As a coeliac it is difficult enough. My breakfast usually consists of GF cereal and toast. Also coffee. This allows me to take my medications.

  • 17th Jul 2018 09:34am

Im a breakfast nazi!!! It is the most important meal for me, and the difference it made to my mood, energy levels and fitness journey is immeasurable. I think its hard for people to incorporate into their day because most quick breakfast foods are bland (like cereal or toast) and we are always in too much in a rush to commit to exciting breakfasts. My biggest tip to everyone is to prepare breakfast the nigjt before and to make it exciting - my go to is simple yoghurt, fruit and some granola. Even if I have toast, I take an extra few minutes to quickly fry an egg to put on top. If I am in a genuine rush, I make really simple smoothies (protein powder, spinach ans any kind of fruit - usually a super ripe banana for me). It doesnt have to be complicated! But having breakfast in your body will make such a difference to the way you feel all day. Worth waking up 10 minutes earlier for! I think making choices for your body that are healthy and wholesome are a decision and a choice, but we are creatures of habit and if you spend a week consistently having a morning routine it will stop being so tough.

  • 16th Jul 2018 11:40am

microwaveable oats is the easiest breakfast option you can get. it is healthy too.

  • 6th Jul 2018 05:19pm

I have a bowl of rolled oats every morning with a cup of coffee. It only takes 5 mins to cook & they're good for you healthwise.

  • 5th Jul 2018 11:42am

Everyday. Toast with promite or vegemite or marmite and coffee. Takes like 15 minutes don't know how you couldn't fit that in, and you'd have to be pretty damn lazy to out lazy me haha. I reckon it helps get through the commute to work without getting angry or upset due to low blood sugar.

  • 4th Jul 2018 08:26am

Yes to me it is possibly the most important meal of the day as it sets me up with energy to carry me through to at least lunchtime. Love my Weet-Bix or oatmeal and sometimes a good cooked brekky washed down with a nice cup of green Tea.

  • 30th Jun 2018 10:44am

Never miss, just have to make the time, only two weatbix and coffee.

  • 29th Jun 2018 06:52am

Now that I’m retired it gives me the opportunity to enjoy a good breakfast every day, bit different to rushing out of the house & grabbing a cup of coffee somewhere when I had to go to work

  • 26th Jun 2018 01:17pm

I do shift work, so on the mornings when I start at 7am and leave for work before 6:30am, I don’t have time to cook something. So I take something quick, either a breakfast bar or a banana. On afternoon shifts, I have time to make something so I do an avocado toast usually.

  • 21st Jun 2018 06:05pm

Almost never, on the rare occasion it’s because I went to sleep early so I wake up early and hungry.

  • 5th Jun 2018 11:31pm

I never miss breakfast, I have a bowl of either frozen blue berries or a bowl of frozen raspberries with a tiny splash on non sugar maple syrup over them. I stir then over & over to hopefully move the little syrup through & then much heartily
I then if still hungry have a piece of toast with butter & scarring of jam.Margarine is so bad for you.
Then I will have either a cup of green tea with lemon, no milk or sugar or a Nestles Capuccino

  • 5th Jun 2018 03:31pm

Have everyday generally porridge or cooked meal at weekend

  • 3rd Jun 2018 10:59am

No breakfast for me. I am out the door at 6.30am and have a coffee as soon as I get to work!

  • 1st Jun 2018 11:52pm

I personally manage to fit breakfast in every morning, but that is most likely because I am currently a Uni student and not working. All of my lectures are at morning so I dont have time to make breakfast in the morning have plenty of time to wake up in the morning, work out (or not!) and make some toast or oatmeal.

  • 1st Jun 2018 01:07pm

I was never a breakfast eater my entire life (now 49) but this last year i wanted to get my health on track so i now have yoghurt and an apple each morning

  • 31st May 2018 07:25am

I have breakfast everyday without fail. In the week I have high fibre cereral such as All Bran or Special K. On the weekend I have porridge.

  • 29th May 2018 12:35pm


  • 24th May 2018 10:52pm

I always have breakfast. In summer I will have cereal but when it gets a bit cooler I love to have a hot breakfast. With my hot breakfast it is normally fried tomatoes, fried mushrooms and fried egg on toast. Every now and then instead of toast I would have fried bread.

  • 24th May 2018 10:48pm

I always have breakfast. In summer I will have cereal but when it gets a bit cooler I love to have a hot breakfast. With my hot breakfast it is normally fried tomatoes, fried mushrooms and fried egg on toast. Every now and then instead of toast I would have fried bread.

  • 19th May 2018 11:08am

Breakfast everyday without fail. Fruit, tea and a smoothie today and many days. Sometimes porridge or cereal. Like a full English breakfast if I could but I would pay a weight gain price

  • 18th May 2018 08:15pm

I rarely feel like eating in the morning but need the energy, so I start every day with a smoothie. 2 eggs, 1 banana, half a cup frozen raspberries and half a cup of milk. It tastes delicious, is easy to drink and gives me energy for hours.

  • 12th May 2018 09:24pm

I have weetbix every day and always make time for it

  • 8th May 2018 08:30pm

I always manage to have breakfast. When i was younger couple of weetbix. Now i have weetbix in the hotter months and Uncle Tobys Oats in the colder months. Add couple of boiled or poached eggs on toast on weekends.

  • 6th May 2018 05:35pm

Don't work.. Enjoy breakfast everyday, can't function without breaky.. Could be anything..

  • 4th May 2018 09:47pm

I try and make time for breakfast everyday.
My ideal breakfast would be scambled eggs on toast

  • 4th May 2018 09:47pm

I try and make time for breakfast everyday.
My ideal breakfast would be scambled eggs on toast

  • 4th May 2018 09:01pm

I rarely have breakfast but not because I am pressed for time. Once or twice a week I may have toast with vegemite,honey or marmalade. An ideal breakfast would be a Spanish omelete, with fresh orange juice, sparkling mineral water or coffee.

  • 4th May 2018 07:06pm

Have breakfast daily, prepared ready for the day. Eggs, Scrambled eggs on toast, or poached.

  • 4th May 2018 05:34pm

Every morning. 2 eggs, 2 slices of cheese in a wrap.

  • 3rd May 2018 11:33pm

I haven’t had breakfast in the morning for decades. I just never have the appetite at that time of day. Never known why but it’s done me no harm.

  • 1st May 2018 12:34am

Nearly everyday breakfast food is the best kinda food

  • 27th Apr 2018 05:08pm

I hardly ever have breakfast. I leave home at 6am and it's just to early to eat. Every so often i make toast for the ride to work. But mostly coffee is it

  • 27th Apr 2018 05:08pm

I hardly ever have breakfast. I leave home at 6am and it's just to early to eat. Every so often i make toast for the ride to work. But mostly coffee is it

  • 26th Apr 2018 10:56pm

There is only one ideal breakfast= fried egg, fried bacon together with fried bread followed by 2 large cups of strong tea.

  • 26th Apr 2018 10:55pm

There are only 2 answers to your question. Number 1 is to be absolutely stinking rich and lead a dream lifestyle, and the second is to retire, say I am now going to please myself, get up when I want to and eat when I want to

  • 26th Apr 2018 07:06pm

I get up early every day to make myself a cooked breakfast love breakfast it’s the best

  • 21st Apr 2018 02:04pm

I have breakfast almost every morning. Fruit & yoghurt with some seeds on top. If I start work early, I get it ready the night before to eat in the morning or pack it in a plastic container, take to work & eat it there.
I never leave home without having a coffee.

  • 21st Apr 2018 12:13pm

The most important meal of the day. We always have breakfast, even if it means getting up a bit earlier!

  • 18th Apr 2018 12:37pm

I think a good breakfast is about the main meal of the day and I find I just cannot function properly without breakfast every day. My usual breakfast is tea and toast followed by cereal.
Having said that I realize that everybody is different and to some people just a cup of coffee will see them through to lunch.

  • 6th Apr 2018 09:03pm

Breakfast is, by far, my favourite meal of the day, because you can have pretty much any kind of food for breakfast. So I don’t think there’s ever been a day that’s passed that I haven’t had breakfast, it’s a critical part of my morning. I’m a breakfast fanatic, so any sort of food would be great but at the moment my ideal breakfast would be my homemade muesli/granola with coconut yoghurt and mixed berres (strawberries and blueberries usually). This has been my favourite meal for the last year now, I think I will be having it for a long time.

  • 6th Apr 2018 01:03pm

On work days, when I don't have time, cereal n milk. On weekends and holidays, a hot meal.

  • 4th Apr 2018 08:54am

I have breakfast every day.. Coffee and Belvita biscuits, while reading emails before the rush off to work.

  • 25th Mar 2018 06:58pm

I have breaky every morning!
Definately most important meal of the day. I like waking up early to do my morning yoga practise, quick shower, then feed my belly with fruit, yoghurt and muesli. Positive way to start everyday.
Ideal breaky is anything with fresh raw fruit or veg. And in colder weather i love a warm bowl of porridge

  • 15th Mar 2018 02:00pm

I have just always eaten leftovers from the night before as breakfast. Pretty easy I reckon.
Most of the time it’s just fish and rice with some vegetables.

  • 11th Mar 2018 03:43pm

Imake time to cook on the weekends but during the week I’d usually have cereal.

  • 6th Mar 2018 10:26pm

breakfast is the most important meal of the day. bacon and hard fried eggs are my favourite, along with a vegemite sandwich

  • 4th Mar 2018 07:17pm

I have breakfast every single day. It's far too important to miss. I'd rather get up 15 minutes earlier to not miss out!

  • 4th Mar 2018 02:37pm

Having a time management schedule whilst studying should include those meal times and my suggestions for breakfast would be things like bacon eggs and a slice if toast topped with cherry tomatoes or avocado on toast. Tuna on toast and a piece of fruit maybe

  • 28th Feb 2018 01:22pm

I use my 30min train ride to uni to consume my breakfast. To make it easy and fast, I'd make toast with some kind of spread on it, if not, it'll be a banana. I would boil an egg and eat it on the train, but I wouldnt want to stink up the place.

William Tell
  • 27th Feb 2018 12:01pm

I always eat breakfast since I was a small child. Usually cereals and toast. Now at my stage of life I have mature onset sugar diabetes type 2 and it is in my best interests fir my health to have breakfast, I eat wheatbix followed by coffee and have my tablets straight after eating to stabilise my diabetes. So breakfast for me is probably the most important meal the day.

  • 26th Feb 2018 12:31pm

I'm not a morning person. So i barely able to make time to have breakfast. But, when i did woke up early, i usually have bread, and a glass of water.

  • 24th Feb 2018 09:38am

Breakfast is my favourite meal, go out for it on the weekends and would rather skip lunch instead. Not hard to fit in on a weekday, just get up 10 mins earlier. Simple toast and avo, yoghurt, coffee. If i go out for breaky, prefer a full hot meal though.

  • 23rd Feb 2018 04:57pm

If I have work early at 7 I won't have breakfast (Apx 3 times per week)

If I'm working later in the day I will have breakfast at around 10am

My ideal breakfast is poached eggs with avocado and toast with mushrooms

  • 21st Feb 2018 05:24pm

I love breakfast it is my favourite meal of the day! I enjoy going out for breakfast...omelette smoked salmon....I like to wait until after I have exercised or been to the gym before I eat, or sometimes later I on when I get my first break at work but I will always fit it in to my morning

  • 19th Feb 2018 04:17pm

I always have breakfast. I used to love going away to a 4 or 5 star hotel & being able to go down for Buffet breakfast or Breakfast in my room. If it was Buffet I would start on fresh fruit & a glass of fruit juice & work up solidly through every course available In my room I would try to order as much as I could again, never .forgetting the pastries. I really did enjoy the chocolate ones especially.
The coffee was better with the buffet because you could have more than 2 cups if you wished. I did not eat much the remainder of the dau=]y,I did not need to of course. Anyone reading this thinking I wAs a "pig" I was much much younger played a great deal f sport & did not carry weight. hamburgers, cakes things of that nature were not my normal food.
These days I have frozen blue berries every morning for breakfast & a Nescafe cappuccino that is all. I am a great deal of medication, because of that carry a great of weight.. I often wonder if I had not been so active if my body would not have so many problems.

  • 18th Feb 2018 05:11pm

I always have breakfast. It is the best meal of the day. Usually tea and weetbix with yoghurt, plus toast to keep me going as I often dont eat lunch until 1.30-2.00pm.

  • 18th Feb 2018 02:06pm

Unless dining out for breakfast, I cannot leave the house without downing a bowl of cereal,usually a Kellogg’s brand. I am starving v when I wake

  • 14th Feb 2018 10:08pm

My ideal breakfast will be the selection of bacon and eggs with toast. Literally, I manage to have breakfast everyday for energy.

  • 14th Feb 2018 02:57pm

I usually have to start my days early and never have the appetite so early in the morning. I only get hungry enough to eat around 10 in the morning. So before I start my day I prepare some food (something simple like a sandwich) and keep it for later when I do get hungry.

  • 13th Feb 2018 07:25pm

I never feel like eating first thing in the morning.

  • 13th Feb 2018 06:34pm

I eat breakfast everyday
Cereal and a coffee or if I’ve done a workout the day before cereal and protein shake with banana

  • 12th Feb 2018 02:50pm

I have cereal every morning

  • 8th Feb 2018 10:55am

i only make breakfast on my day off.

  • 4th Feb 2018 10:42pm

I always have time for breakfast now that I am retired--and have been for 18 years. My breakfast-when I was working, was always a last minute job, bowl of cornflakes being eaten whilst I got dressed (Not easy). Now I am a diabetic so the flakes are forgotten (Thank God) and my favourite is Egg, bacon and fried bread twice a week. In between that I have buttered crumpet with an occasional home made plum jam (not sugar free but less than usual). If I had to have a last meal before snuffing it, the egg, bacon and fried bread are a far and away winner

  • 2nd Feb 2018 12:16am

I have breakfast every day. If I’m running late I’ll do things while I eat maybe get dressed in between mouth fulls or do my hair. I love a good fruit salad or pancakes with lots of fruit. I find when I eat breakfast I get less hungry during the day.

  • 31st Jan 2018 08:54pm

I ALWAYS make time for breakfast. At the start of every year, I get into a routine of waking up and eating, and I always plan enough time in my morning to eat. Without it I get tired and grumpy.

  • 29th Jan 2018 06:34pm

I eat breakfast everyday. If I start wok at 7, I get everything organised the night before. Most mornings it’s porridge wth banana, chia seeds, cinnamon and soy milk. I find this keeps me feeling full and not looking for anything to eat till lunch

  • 26th Jan 2018 09:43pm

I always take time for my breakfast because i love eating my breakfast as i am always very hungry when i wake up.

  • 25th Jan 2018 12:18pm

I eat breakfast everyday, though there is the occasional miss. As I’m a student I make time for breakfast by eating in the car whilst my parents take me to places, to school in particular. With this I have enough time to rush changing clothes and preparing my school bag for the day. My breakfast consists of just weet bix and milk; recently I started eating it in a cup since it’s more travel friendly than in a bowel per day.

  • 24th Jan 2018 05:31pm

Breakfast daily in routine.Favourite is Bacon and Eggs

  • 24th Jan 2018 01:21pm

Most days I skip breakfast being in a rush and not very hungry in the mornings. I know that’s why I feel irritable and run down throughout the morning. My ideal breakfast is cereal or toast.

  • 24th Jan 2018 03:26am

-Microwave oats (quick) or wheeties mixed with some chia seeds and a piece of fruit.
-Plain yoghurt mixed with Granola, cinnamon & a fruit (banana, blueberries, peach, apple)
-Rye toast, egg, bacon*, tomato, spinach & mushroom or/ W whatever veg needs to be used or leftover veg.
-Full English breakfast.
-Canadian breakfast.
-Vegemite toast with scrambled eggs.
-Smoothie (so many)
-pastries & coffee
-tinned spaghetti on buttered thick toasted sour dough W cracked pepper.
-onion & tomato tuna on toast with a piece of fruit.

  • 22nd Jan 2018 10:24am

I personally don't eat proper breakfast, instead I brought coffee with me to work. Some mornings when I feel really hungry, I'd have some cereals at work or banana bread treat every now and then.

  • 20th Jan 2018 11:48am

I have muesli everyday, when I don't have time to prepare a great breakfast.
My favourite combo is Eggs benedict, fruit and coffee.

Glynn 31372158
  • 17th Jan 2018 07:17pm

Yes i have breakfast every day

  • 16th Jan 2018 05:25pm

I make smoothies for breakfast but don’t usually drink them until 2 pm!! Hahaha

  • 16th Jan 2018 01:49pm

Always start the day with weetbix milk and black tea with sugar

  • 16th Jan 2018 01:47pm

Always start the day with weetbix milk and black tea with sugar

  • 14th Jan 2018 08:27am

Does coffee count? Occasionally manage bacon and eggs on the weekend. Love a cooked breakfast.

  • 7th Jan 2018 10:50am

always make time to have my cereal in the mornings, only takes 10 minutes

  • 4th Jan 2018 12:55pm

most important meal of the day

Marg H
  • 29th Dec 2017 12:10pm


  • 26th Dec 2017 04:42pm

i wish i had time for a good breakfast,a piece of fruit on the run after i have made the coffee to drink in the car,not big on eggs,like toast and my own jam but find that is not filling,very hard when i leave home before 6,

  • 23rd Dec 2017 10:52pm

Absolutely. Can't step out the door without breakfast. At least 2 slices toast with a Milo!

  • 22nd Dec 2017 08:04pm

I have breakfast every day...
How do I do it? By geting up early enough to make the time needed to prepare breakfast.

My ideal breakfast would be poached eggs on smoked salmon on toasted sourdough bread, though more often than not, I have cereal.

  • 22nd Dec 2017 04:28pm

I wake up around 7am shower dress let dogs out fill kettle boil kettle prepare 2 cups of coffee load toaster with 4 slices of hi FIBRE lo go bread & push down trigger get butter VEGEMITE peanut butter & honey
There is always time for brekkie I have 1 VEGEMITE toast & 1 peanut butter toast with honey & cinnamon

  • 22nd Dec 2017 01:34pm

I make time for breakfast every day, even if it's a glass of juice and a slice of toast with vegemite. However, my ideal breakfast would be Eggs Benedict, served overlooking a beach by a hot waiter!

  • 18th Dec 2017 09:21am

Being put on medication which I must take first thing in the morning - with food - has become a sure fire way to insure I have some breakfast very early in the day, even if it is only a couple of Belvita biscuits or pieces of toast. However I really love going out for breakfast where I do not have to think about what to make or take the time to make a deliciously decadent meal. Not being able to eat eggs is a real pain when most cafes only offer pancakes as an alternative to 6 or more dishes all with eggs on the menu. I once asked for the avocado smash on grilled Turkish bread and lo and behold it was topped with a runny egg. My regular 'breakfast with friends' venue now knows me and my egg allergy so always makes me something special and delicious.

  • 14th Dec 2017 03:25pm

Breakfast every day,my favorite is smoked salmon and capers on toast

  • 14th Dec 2017 03:24pm

Breakfast every day,my favorite is smoked salmon and capers on toast

  • 14th Dec 2017 10:44am

Everyday! I make sure I get up just 5 mins earlier and have cereal or toast. If I know I won't have time I prepare a protein smoothie the night before and drink it while driving to work

  • 13th Dec 2017 11:29pm

Wake up early to make time for breakfast. As for most of us, toast & cereal will be a healthy ideal breakfast option.

  • 13th Dec 2017 08:51am

I like to have breakfast an hour after I get up - since this is sometimes not feasible, I miss out and grab a latte on my way to work etc. I usually have my ideal breakfast (poached eggs, avocado, freshly squeezed juice of some kind) twice a week, on the weekends or if a friend stays over.

  • 10th Dec 2017 11:27pm

Not during the week. Only have time to grab a coffee. Sometimes on a Sunday I will try and have something nice.

  • 8th Dec 2017 10:00pm

I force squeeze my brekkie in I usually have toast muffins or crumpets with either jam or Vegemite and I always add cheese and I look for any extras in the fridge like tomato spinach leaves or mushrooms then I have a piece of fruit like apricot nectarine banana apple or berries

  • 8th Dec 2017 06:16pm

Have always made time for breakfast during the week we have porrige with honey followed by toast and marmalade and tea Saturday's its boiled egg with toast or crossants and tea and sunday egg and bacon chops with toast marmalade and tea. Love breakfast time with the smell of grilled toast wafting through the house.

  • 8th Dec 2017 05:52pm

Have breakfast everyday. Most days it may be toast with jam or cheese etc. Sunday is pancakes or egg and bacon.

  • 7th Dec 2017 12:43pm

Breakfast is my staple discipline- a healthy start to the and milk plus black tea with sugar.
Rarely I might eat out eggs. Bacon and eggs, pancakes etc.

  • 6th Dec 2017 11:17pm

I will try to make breakfast before work most days, but often find myself feeling too rushed, so will buy a toasted sandwich from work when I get there (this usually happens once a week).
When I am super organised I like to make up a fresh fruit juice the night before so it is ready for breakfast when I get up in the morning - it helps to start the day off nicely :)

  • 1st Dec 2017 08:41pm

I have a smoothie every morning. I can't bring myself to eat first thing, but I can drink a delicious smoothie. It keeps me going for hours.

  • 29th Nov 2017 08:42pm

I've been unable to have breakfast in recent days due to aa busy lifestyle but i usually have at least two days a week where i eat a healthy, rejuvenating breakfast!

  • 24th Nov 2017 09:26pm

I try my best to have breakfast every morning. The only times I don't are when I get up late or have to rush somewhere early in the morning. My go to breakfast foods are cereal or eggs. On normal days, I don't face much trouble fitting it in because my meals are easy to prepare and quick to eat.

Sunny Daze
  • 24th Nov 2017 04:06am

If I manage to have breakfast it's always mid-morning after the kids are up, dressed, fed and the washing and dishwasher are done.

Even then I don't often get to drink my coffee while it's warm and whatever I'm eating my toddler wants to 'share' with me so sometimes depending on how many chores I can get done in the morning it's easier yo wait till lunch

  • 21st Nov 2017 08:37pm

For me eating breakfast can take as little as 5 minutes so it's easy to find time for it. Usually I'm not hungry in the morning but I know it's important to eat so I just have something small like a muesli bar.

  • 21st Nov 2017 08:37pm

For me eating breakfast can take as little as 5 minutes so it's easy to find time for it. Usually I'm not hungry in the morning but I know it's important to eat so I just have something small like a muesli bar.

  • 17th Nov 2017 08:45am

I personally never eat breakfast the only time that I do is if I’m at my dads or my grans cause they make it for me and my ideal breakfast would be pancakes and maple syrup

  • 7th Nov 2017 03:27pm


  • 2nd Nov 2017 01:58pm

always make time for a decent breakfast it sets you up for the day

  • 2nd Nov 2017 01:58pm

always make time for a decent breakfast it sets you up for the day

  • 1st Nov 2017 06:37am

When I wake up 2-3am all I want is 1-2cup's of coffee, I could not face a serious breakfast

  • 31st Oct 2017 02:29pm

I have a small breakfast every morning or else i feel sick by midday!

  • 31st Oct 2017 10:26am

For me, breakfast is my main meal.. thus, i will surely take my breakfast even if im in a hurry.. when i have plenty of time, i will make egg with bread plus cup of coffee.. if not, i will just grab bread and put some chocolate spread..

  • 30th Oct 2017 04:24pm

I always wake early to start my day with a good breakfast. Black coffee , porridge, toast and a piece of fruit. getting up early and eating breakfast gets me into a good frame of mind to start the days work or activity. Getting into routine rising early is the key to meeting a schedule where breakfast can be become a daily habit.

  • 18th Oct 2017 01:10pm

I've started eating breakfast every day, but I haven't always done so.
A bowl of oats in the microwave and some fruit is a frequent quick and easy option, sometimes just a piece of fruit, , or a piece of toast.
I find if I have a filling breakfast, I am less inclined to eat a heavy lunch.

  • 18th Oct 2017 11:38am

Yes! I used to grab a coffee and breaky wrap from my local cafe, now I make the conscious effort the night before to assemble yoghurt, mango & berries & muesli sprinkle to take to work. Delicious and have lost 3kg in the process!!

  • 15th Oct 2017 12:14pm

Breakfast for myself is anywhere in the 24 hr clock. I work various shifts which can have any time start. So my breakfast is when I wake up - whatever time of the day it is.

  • 4th Oct 2017 06:17pm

Definitely have breakfast everyday. It's a priority for me before I get dressed or go anywhere!

  • 19th Sep 2017 11:39am

Most important meal of the day.
Make it as soon as we get up.
Having a different type of cereal each day.
My ideal breakfast is a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal with cold milk.

  • 13th Sep 2017 11:03am

Always have breakfast every morning and love my cereal, minimal effort required, put in bowl and add milk, easy

  • 2nd Sep 2017 10:43pm

I always have breakfast. I make my breakfast the night before - Bircher Muesli so that it is easy to have breakfast of a morning without have to rush it.

  • 27th Aug 2017 12:24am

I try my best to have breakfast every single day. It's the most important meal of the day so I particularly wake up early or make time for it.

  • 22nd Aug 2017 12:53pm

It probably amounts to every other day that I bother to have breakfast.
Your picture sums that meal up very well.
A cup of tea, or coffee, and a piece of toast and vegemite.
on the other days I just have a hot drink.

  • 21st Aug 2017 04:03pm

I try really hard to eat breakfast in the morning as it's better for your metabolism. I tend to make things that aren't to time consuming like eggs,wholemeal toast with mashed banana,cereal and fruit or a smoothie. If I'm in a mega hurry I just grab a couple of pieces of fruit and off I go.

  • 21st Aug 2017 11:56am

I was bought up on a farm and we always ate breakfast as children ,so l love my breakfast of any kind , porridge , cereal , and this year l have added Granola topped with yoghurt and berries on top so nice for breakfast as l love berries .

  • 16th Aug 2017 07:14pm

I always have cereal for breakfast at home during the week. On weekends I like to go to a cafe for bacon and eggs with a good coffee

  • 10th Aug 2017 11:14pm

I guess everyone is a bit different and some people who work just don't have time for breakfast in the morning. However I can't imagine going without breakfast of a morning. For me it is just about the main meal of the day.

  • 9th Aug 2017 09:03pm

I used to make time for breakfast everyday as my morning routine was set out to the minute and it was the same everyday before work, made sure I got up in time to not be rushed. I ensure I had time for toast, crumpets, scrambled eggs, muesli and Greek yoghurt and always a coffee or two. Now on maternity leave with an 11 week old baby I'd be lucky to drink a hot coffee in the morning as I don't think about what I need anymore it's all based around what bubs needs at that time.

AAR 777
  • 9th Aug 2017 07:39pm

This is completely NOT related to the topic.

But, i need help!

I keep trying to complete the surveys, but as soon as I get to the second question ("Asking who in your household works in the following: ...") and then click next. I get the following message:
"However, this survey is now full or due to your response(s) so far, the remaining questions are not relevant to you."

This happened to me 3 times in a row. Can anyone explain of what the cause may be or what i am doing wrong?

  • 6th Aug 2017 03:56pm

I have breakfast every day. I need to, or I collapse. It is usually toast with peanut butter or vegemite or cheese or sardines. The ideal is to have a cooked breakfast but I'm not up in time to cook breakfast each day. I always have some fruit - banana, orange...

  • 6th Aug 2017 12:41pm

every day i cut up fresh fruit and have it with yogurt and walnuts

  • 5th Aug 2017 09:20am

Yes I do, if I don't have breakfast, I begin to feel nauseous. I make sure I allow half an hour at least to sit down with breakfast. Mostly just coffee and toast, but occasionally I will have a bowl of cereal instead. I cannot handle a big cooked breakfast just a coffee and something light ties me over till morning tea

  • 5th Aug 2017 08:19am

Breakfast is essential and I have it every morning. I would get too hungry if I didn't eat. Mostly sultana bran, yoghurt and fruit. If time is s problem then toast with vegimite or honey or peanut butter. Sometimes raisin toast. Weekend can be bacon and eggs especially if we are away on a short holiday. I don't have an ideal breakfast because I will choose to eat what I feel like if biredom sinks in

  • 4th Aug 2017 07:46pm

I am a stay at home mum so i always eat breakfast to be a good influence and find now i can't do without it anyway. My partner doesn't eat before work but heats up a muffin at work to eat at his desk. whatever energy you can get before you start the day is a good thing.

  • 4th Aug 2017 03:28pm

I don't eat breakfast everyday, I'll eat once a week. The only reason I eat it then is because my partner gets it ready for me.

My idea breakfast is bacon and eggs, a sausage, a hash brown fried tomatoes on the side.

  • 4th Aug 2017 02:39pm

When I get up of a morning first thing I have is a cup of tea, then depends on how I feel, either have toast/vegemite, a cereal like Fibre Plus, or if I'm in a hurry I make a protein milk drink, another one is yoghurt with fruit. . I don't have the same meal every morning, its boring.
I suppose my ideal breakfast would be eggs, mushrooms and tomatoes. Toast is not a necessity with me.

  • 4th Aug 2017 09:07am

I always have breakfast, unfortunately for me, my cat likes to wake me between 3.30am and 4am everyday. I generally have during winter; a bowl of porridge and slice of toast, during summer i will substitute porridge for weetbix. I generally have breakfast around 5.45am to give me time to be able to read the paper while having my breakfast and then I do the dishes, have a shower and get ready for work. On weekends, I will have breakfast at the same time, but then go back to bed for a couple of hours before getting up and starting the housework.

  • 4th Aug 2017 08:51am

I cant go with out my breakfast and a coffee. Sometimes if on the run its some of those tasty breakfast biscuits like Belvita.
Weekends its porridge and CREAM! So bad but so good to the taste buds.

  • 4th Aug 2017 07:54am

Alway have made time for breakfast, need my muesli & yoghurt each morning. As to how I make time well that is just common sense, I get up earlier, no real mystery

  • 4th Aug 2017 12:10am

I tried for 3 wks to have brekky and gave up because i want to stay in bed extra 10 mins. For 3wks I had sliced Avocado on toasted sourdough bread. Just Pepper, Salt & Olive oil. lemon if i have time to squeeze.. maybe i will do that again in summer.

  • 3rd Aug 2017 09:45pm

I have breakfast every morning and it is normally a cooked breakfast of egg, fried tomato and toast or crumpets. If I don't have a lot of time in the morning I will have scrambled eggs made in the microwave with toast. I love my cooked breakfast and even though it is regularly the same thing, I love it. I am trying to put on weight because I am lactose intolerant and gluten intolerant and have lost too much weight. Even having a cooked breakfast everyday, I don't seem to be putting back on the weight. If I could, I would have bacon as well but I find I can't eat bacon in the morning because it makes me sick. I would also love to have cooked mushrooms for breakfast but it affects me badly.

  • 3rd Aug 2017 09:43pm

Two slice of multigrain toast and 2 cups of coffee. Two slices of Raisin toast twice a week.

  • 3rd Aug 2017 08:38pm

I have breakfast every morning. My body says, "Get me going',

  • 3rd Aug 2017 08:37pm

I make breakfast a priority. Even if it means waking up at least half an hour earlier. Something ideal will be toast and jam, with tea. If I am feeling a little more hard working that day, I will have eggs to go with it. If I am truly pressed for time I will have a granola bar and some Up and Go with it.

  • 3rd Aug 2017 06:16pm

I've always eaten breakfast, even now when my breakfast is often at other's dinner time, I sleep during the day as I do street ministry at night. Breakfast can vary between simple cereal and yoghurt, to porridge, to a cooked bacon and eggs breakfast depending on what I desire on the day. It's quite easy to "fit breakfast" into one's daily routine, one simply rises at a time that provides enough time to eat it. I can't see how "liquid breakfasts" are adequate for one's starting wonder so many struggle to make it through to lunch time when one neglects breakfast.

  • 3rd Aug 2017 06:00pm

Ive never eaten breakfast not because i dont have time just because ive always had a coffee but ive replaced my coffees now with a bowl of cereal its taken a while but i can now eat breakfast unless im running late with the kids i still tend to skip it

  • 2nd Aug 2017 02:38pm

I have breakfast roughly twice a week. And when i do have breakfast, its usually something very simple. Oats or sandwiches (rarely). Its usually just fruits and milk.

Ideal breakfast would include cereals, veggies, syrups, fruits and milk.

  • 1st Aug 2017 04:49pm

I always eat breakfast. I could not go longer than 30 minutes after getting out of bed without eating or I would be feeling all shaky and weak. I am not diabetic, it is just what my body is used to. My preference is either toasted Muesli or Granola but I confess to picking out the seeds as I cannot stand them. Occasionally I will have crumpets and vegemite for a change.

  • 31st Jul 2017 04:55pm

Have breakfast every day without fail. 90% of the time 1 and a half Wheatbix,milk,3 or 4 sliced peaches[tinned],followed by piece of toasted wholemeal bread half with peanut butter half with marmalade followed by a cup of instant coffee..Am now ready to start the day..

  • 26th Jul 2017 10:30pm

I have breakfast every day. I am 80 years & have had breakfast every day as long as I can remember.
My 3 children had cooked breakfast & cereal every day whilst they were living at home. None of them left home until then were in their twenties. 2 of them left home to work away for a short time, came back as soon as they could, left home again to be married, always had breakfast. Their children when they stayed with me had breakfast every morning as their parent had.
I find this next part astonishing, all of them now do not have breakfast first thing in the morning for various reason & say some of them, they cannot stomach food at all first thing. Even when they have come back, the grandchildren they have said this . I have argued, sweet talked them everything, nothing has worked. I don't understand any of it ,my son was 26 when he left to get married/

Christian Creed
  • 26th Jul 2017 08:53pm

i have breakfast everyday whether its a bowl of cereal or a full cooked breakfast of eggs and bacon
Ideally i would love an eggs Benedict everyday

  • 26th Jul 2017 11:41am

Cereal with milk. If time allows, toasted bread with fried egg and cheese.

  • 24th Jul 2017 04:48pm

I am70yrs old and stilleat breakfast every day. Always have done and always will do. I have a bowl of muesli or granola and a cup of tea.

  • 22nd Jul 2017 10:12pm

Take away breakfast and "You've taken the biggest part of me . . . " Minimum 2 slices of toast with jam, or similar. this morning was scrambled eggs on toast.

  • 22nd Jul 2017 10:14am

I'm not really hungry when I first wake up. All I need is some hot water. I don't eat until an hour later when I'm in the office. It's usually yoghurt and museli or a chia seed pudding, sometimes peanut butter toast. On weekends I tend to eat brunch out and it's usually scrambled eggs mushrooms and toast.

  • 21st Jul 2017 07:46pm

I was brought up that every morning my mother rose earlier than us children and prepared breakfast, before we left for school, and dad for work. Upon being married I have followed the same principal. Breakfast, now, in our house might one morning be porridge, next might be toast with a poached egg, then perhaps, french toast, then kelloggs cereal of some sort. each morning I vary it, so that it is not a boring breakfast for the family. I guess I am just following the principals laid down in my single person house, but I do know that you need something to go to school or work on... bacon and eggs, scrambled eggs, omlette, cheese on toast, they all sort of fall in one behind the other for me to work with., I do enjoy ommlette tho I have to admit.

  • 20th Jul 2017 07:01pm

love breakfast retirement means I manage to have time for it each day

  • 18th Jul 2017 09:42pm

I don't often get the time in for breakfast, mainly due to the fact I feel ill if I eat within an hour of getting up.. When I do manage to get the chance to eat breakfast (usually weekends) I tend to either have Vegemite toast or porridge, unless I'm feeling enthusiastic for cooking and then it's usually pancakes with fruit or French toast! Gotta love weekend breakies! :)

  • 18th Jul 2017 01:20pm

I have it everyday as soon as I get to work

  • 14th Jul 2017 05:39pm

we always have time to have breakfast I like a boiled egg and toast and my husband loves cereals plus a cup of tea of course

  • 13th Jul 2017 09:15pm

Always, I get up very early for a long commute and it sets me up for the day.Coffee, porridge, and fruit.

  • 11th Jul 2017 07:55pm

Hi, I do manage my breakfast when I get time but not everyday, because the tight schedule of studying and working.
When I have time to cook myself a breakfast, I always choose something different from my ordinary life, such as a cappuccino with milk flower and pancake rolled with bacon.
I find morning cooking has a lot of fun.

  • 11th Jul 2017 09:34am

I am retired - so it is easy for me to eat breakfast every day - I change it about - sometimes porridge, yoghurt , fruit, toast, muffins or crumpets. We have eggs on the weekend. Don't like eating breakfast out - love what we do at home. I attend a gym 4 times a week and still manage to have breakfast. Most important meal of the day!

  • 10th Jul 2017 09:45pm

I very rarely have breakfast. My medications make me feel sick in the mornings so skip breakfast.
I would love a bacon and egg sandwich to have or fresh fruit salad. Nice thoughts

  • 1st Jul 2017 11:21am

I grew up with having to have Breakfast every morning, we weren't allowed out of the house until we had it & I have continued with this even now, I always made my kids when they were younger have breakfast before they went out, it starts the day off properly. It's not that hard, all you need to do is basically get up 15 - 20 minutes earlier of a morning to have breakfast. I know people say that they are too busy or don't have time, but 15 mins of a morning isn't that hard to fond, especially if you have young ones.

  • 30th Jun 2017 09:12am

Yes I do try to start that day off decently, to stop the hunger cravings later in the morning as well. Usually just a bowl of cereal so very quick and easy, only takes a few minutes. I find this quite filling and makes a good start to the day. On weekends we sometimes will have pancakes or eggs/bacon for variety etc and we can sit down as a family together for this. My favourite is scrambled eggs, bacon & toast.

  • 20th Jun 2017 02:26pm

My first step for the day is a cup of tea. Then I think about what I want for Breakfast. I get bored eating the same thing every day so could have something different each day. Either, Fibre Plus Cereal, Baked Beans on toast, an egg on a piece of vegemite toast. One day a week I have to leave early for a volunteer job so I usually have either an Up and Go, or milk drink shake.

  • 20th Jun 2017 04:20am

I enjoy breakfast every day, usually at home, sometimes porridge, sometimes other cereal.

  • 18th Jun 2017 09:26am

During weekends when I have more time it's either Mushrooms on Toast, Bacon, Eggs and tomato or Porridge. Weekdays are a totally different story when I have no time so basically I just have a protein shake and take my vitamins and medication tablets with it.

My ideal breakfast is more about having the time to prepare it than what I actually have. Time is more important. I think I need to retire;)

  • 16th Jun 2017 04:00pm

I have the same breakfast every morning ( unless dining away from home). 2 eggs grilled & 2 slices of cheese in a wrap.

  • 15th Jun 2017 09:44pm

Not always. Bit often have time for porridge or eggs.

  • 15th Jun 2017 01:38pm

I only have coffee, not hungry in mornings

  • 14th Jun 2017 07:47pm

My husband and I had a very busy working life which left us with a breakfast as being on the run, however now that we are retired, neither of us start the day without a bowl of weetbix or 2 slices of toast with vegemite and a pot of tea, we find if we wake up before 7am we tend to want toast, but before that Weet bix, cause it keeps us going till lunch

  • 14th Jun 2017 04:18pm

I have breakfast daily as it is the most important meal of the day. I make sure I make time for it. My ideal breakfast is rolled oats with fruit and seeds and nuts.

  • 13th Jun 2017 07:55am

Yes i do have some breakfast but delay it as much as i can usually by 2 hours every morning ..but eventually I do have it.

  • 12th Jun 2017 12:09pm

Usually only on a Sunday, unless a cup of coffee counts.

  • 11th Jun 2017 07:47pm

breakfast is the most important meal of the day. what it consists of should be determined by the person involved. hunger , taste, time to consume , upcoming work load.
even a glass of milk can be enough.

  • 9th Jun 2017 09:13pm

Most days but not all! Always manage to squeeze a coffee in at the least. I've got 1 year old twin boys so need all the energy I can get! Usually I'll have cereal but occasionally have toast.

  • 29th May 2017 11:22am

I practice intermittent fasting, so I always eat breakfast, but it's always at 10.30am. I focus on eating protein at each meal, so a typical breakfast is either overnight oats with eggwhites and protein powder or scrambled eggs.

  • 28th May 2017 11:21am

I struggle to eat brekky and always have ..occasionally i can eat something by 11am but cant eat earlier .
I make up for it during the day/ night having 2 meals and snacks inbetween

  • 27th May 2017 01:01pm

There is always time for breakfast. Best meal of the day. I swim first, then drive to work and eat either porridge or eggs on toast with another colleague before the day begins. We get to work about 30 minutes before we are meant to start. There is no rush and great chatter.

  • 26th May 2017 09:19pm

Breakfast for me is a coffee or 2 - I very rarely get time or even have an appetite early morning ... I most often eat at around 10 am , unless I am on holidays (pretty rare)
My ideal breakfast is poached eggs , toast , grilled tomato and bacon - yum .... now I am starting to get hungry

  • 25th May 2017 03:11pm

Always had porridge as a child, it was a must. I just continued through life doing the same.
Tried some of the so called cereals, Nutri, cornflakes etc and decided just packaged rubbish.
How do I find time to have breakfast every morning. Discipline I get up in time where I am getting up to catch transport at 3 am or a sleepin on weekend.
Today is different, routine is riduculed, and with the vast amount of packaged stuff they call food on the shelves it has turned people into lazy sheeple IMHO

  • 24th May 2017 08:34am

I have breakfast every day. It is the most important meal of the day. Even if it's just juice and fruit!

  • 19th May 2017 08:48pm

I fit in a piece of fruit before work or will have some cereal at work.
On the weekend I will have eggs bacon or pancakes

  • 18th May 2017 07:17pm

On weekdays i have breakfast about 3 times
On weekends i have it 1

  • 15th May 2017 05:46pm

I am 17 and it is very important to have my breakfast so that I can concentrate in the day at school. I always have 2 slices of toast with a white tea or 2 bowls of cereal and a hot chocolate. I make sure I get up 1 hour before my bus gets to my stop so I can get ready in time with still having breakfast, make my lunch and get out to the bus stop on time.

  • 15th May 2017 01:38pm

I have to eat breakfast every morning. Ideally I would need to eat a big breakfast each day because I get hungry quickly. This would require waking up extra early which is something I struggle with. Most days I just eat toast as it is quick and easy.

  • 10th May 2017 11:44am

I usually do make time for brekky but normally it is quick and under five minutes. On a regular day I'll fit in five weetbix with honey, a coffee and some vitamins, including and iron supplement to help with vegetarianism.

  • 4th May 2017 12:15am

I always have breakfast. Just cereal, fruit and a cup of coffee. I am now retired however have always had breakfast, even when working full-time - I would suggest getting up 15 minutes earlier, even if it's to grab a cup of coffee and piece of toast.

  • 2nd May 2017 12:10pm

Yes, I always have breakfast and so do my children. I get Hunger pains and cannot focus. Every day is different depending on what we feel like. Sometimes cereal sometimes toast with spread or ham cheese and chutney or on a Sunday sometimes we have pancakes. I always enjoy a coffee with breaky though.

  • 2nd May 2017 12:07pm

Normaly eat the kids left overs of what resembled toast!
Ideal breakfast would be bacon, eggs with avocado spinach and Parmesan cheese

  • 2nd May 2017 12:07pm

Normaly eat the kids left overs of what resembled toast!
Ideal breakfast would be bacon, eggs with avocado spinach and Parmesan cheese

  • 25th Apr 2017 08:39pm

1st breakfast is around 3am, 2nd somewhere between 7 & 9am. By 6am I'm thinking about dinner.

  • 10th Apr 2017 04:52pm

Hey, I try to have breakfast everyday because it is good for you. Even just cereal or toast is good because it helps you wake up and your body to recover from sleep. I'm quite odd so I like just having cereal for breakfast, but last Sunday I had a chocolate croissant with really good pastry. It was just delicious. It doesn't matter the time, take some fruit with you, eat on the go. As long as you eat it's good :)

  • 8th Apr 2017 09:36pm

yes breakfast every Day
Most days Banana smoothie
others toast

  • 7th Apr 2017 06:47pm

The only time I miss breakfast is if I have to go get a fasting-blood test (i.e. once in a blue moon). Even when I have to leave for work at 5:30, I prioritize breakfast over sleep - I'll fee more sleepy during the day anyway if I don't eat! I prepare overnight oats (oats, almond milk, chia seeds) the night before, chuck it in the microwave for 3 min. While it's cooking, cut up some apples and get a spoon of peanut butter and it's ready to eat!

  • 7th Apr 2017 09:52am

I rarely eat breakfast, its the part of the day that I am not even hungry, mind you I do have plenty of time to prepare something but I really only eat when my body says ( I am hungry) I do not believe in eating breakfast or any meal for that matter unless you are hungry, I won't eat just because the clock says its breakfast, lunch or dinner. I mostly have my first meal of the day at lunch time because I am starting to get real hungry by that stage and once I do it will be my main meal of the day with something real light for dinner if at all.

  • 7th Apr 2017 03:13am

I have been fortunate and through hard work and dedication to saving not spending throughout life i have been fortunate enough to retire early. I always find time for breakfast but it usually not until i return from surfing each morning, which could sometimes be after 10am. I usually eat porridge, as i find this to be a great source of fuel to replenish my body after long exercise. I also have toast after porridge and a cup of coffee. On occasions my wife and i will go out for breakfast and then we will usually have something more designed for a brunch like a BLAT (Bacon, lettuce avocado and tomato) or maybe eggs benedict. When we were still working we would always make time for breakfast, i think it is a very important thing to have as your body has gone without food all night and needs to be refuelled to be ready for the day ahead.

  • 6th Apr 2017 10:56pm

I always have breakfast even if I have had to complete a task first ,ahead of breakfast, I will never leave home without my home made porridge to which I add oat bran, lecithin granules to make it creamier ,ginger,and prunes.This makes a very satisfying healthy and long lasting meal.

  • 27th Mar 2017 09:48am

I always manage to make time for breakfast. It a matter of getting up just that little bit earlier to make and eat breakfast. Breakfast is very important and it get you going.
During the week I always have cereals and on the weekends I always make an effort to make something pancakes or bacon and eggs or eggs on toast.

  • 26th Mar 2017 09:21am

I have breakfast everyday, sometimes I have cereal but most of the time it is cooked, either eggs, baked beans, bacon, tomatoes, sardines or just toast

  • 24th Mar 2017 08:22pm

The next time i miss it will be when I am in a casket.
Quick oats, cold with yoghurt and honey and milk almost every day.For a treat i have 2 boiled eggs - whoopie.

  • 24th Mar 2017 07:19pm

Although I personally love cooking, straight up. I'm lazy and for breakfast in general, I just don't have the time to do it as I live alone and need to get ready for work in the morning but never neglect to notice the profound benefits of having something in the morning to fuel your day until your next meal so I've opted for quick and easy meals to prepare or even preparing it beforehand. This can account for not only breakfast but lunches and dinner too. Your typical breakfast can consist of eggs/bacon and toast or just cereal and I find these to be the easiest and quickest to make. Preparing a sandwich is always an option too. Hope this helps you. Kind regards, Simo

  • 23rd Mar 2017 02:19pm

I always get up early enough to eat breakfast. If I don't eat, by about 9am I feel sick & fatigued.

  • 23rd Mar 2017 02:06pm

My husband and I have breakfast every day. Most of the time we have muesli but we do vary it now and again with fruit toast or a boiled egg. It marks the start to our day and is an enjoyable part of our day.

  • 23rd Mar 2017 11:04am

Most days I wake up at least 2 hours before I have to leave for classes, so I have enough time to work out AND make a quick breakfast. I've always been in a habit of eating breakfast and tea, and can't do without it. While most times it's something simple like egg and toast. But I am a student living in a self catering housing. On some weekends, I make batches of patties/stir fry veggies/beans (freeze them if needed for more than a week), which i can just put on Toast or in wraps (for packed lunch as well) during weekdays. I also make a large batch of granola once in a while (to save money, and to eat healthier- cereal otherwise has a lot of sugar). These serve as emergency brekkies. If I don't have anything else to eat, like if I've run out of bread and egg, I just have my granola with milk/yoghurt and fruit. So i usually have these quick-to-assemble, but healthy breakfasts everyday, that doesn't take a lot of time and energy first thing in the morning.

Wings Of Wisdom
  • 22nd Mar 2017 12:42pm

I am a firm believer of having breakfast everyday. I might skip lunch depending upon the schedule but breakfast is a necessity. I believe in having a mega breakfast which aids in keeping me energized throughout the day. I generally eat 3-4 eggs alongwith tuna, salmon or bacon and a couple of toasts. And then I drink two glasses of milk.

  • 14th Mar 2017 04:18pm

Always have breakfast, and I'm a bit of a nag with the kids to have it too even if we are in a hurry.. :-)

  • 13th Mar 2017 03:20pm

I always have breakfast, what it is depends on how much time I have. Lately it's a bowl of oats with fruit in it, previously I was on a hashbrown patty kick. On weekends or special occasions I like to cook eggs with a variety of trimmings to keep things interesting.

  • 11th Mar 2017 01:47pm

Always got to have breakfast. One of the most important meals of the day. I feel flat and dead without it.

  • 9th Mar 2017 10:37pm

When I was younger I used to skip breakfast, foolishly thinking it would help me lose weight. Many years have passed and I have learnt that it is so much better for you to have breakfast. It helps stop the cravings you have for junk you can get when you skip breakfast. I am not going to preach about making time for breakfast but there are options when on the go such as Up&Go and similar products ( it's better than nothing...although I don't find that they fill me up). I sometimes cook up breakfast muffins during the week in bulk and freeze them. When I need them I will get some out ready for the morning. They can be eaten at room temp or microwaved. During the week when I have to get the kids to school and it is a bit manic I have everything out ready to go the night before (cutlery, dishes, cereal etc..). It's like a production line and saves time. My ideal breakfast is the breakfast muffins I make as they are quick and reasonably healthy as well.

  • 8th Mar 2017 08:42pm

I am retired now , but when working I had breakfast every morning. You factor that time into when you need to get up of a morning and set the alarm accordingly. I am just a cereal and toast person.

  • 8th Mar 2017 07:47pm

I normally wake up early to prepare my breakfast. Otherwise, fast cooked breakfast like oatmeal or cereals would be nice. The ideal one would consist enough protein, carb, fat and green vegetables to kickstart the day.

  • 8th Mar 2017 04:02pm

I manage to have breakfast everyday. Even if I have a peace of toast on the train or in the car. At the moment I am having protein shakes that I have made the night before.

  • 7th Mar 2017 07:16pm

I eat breakfast every day. Mostly cereal, sometimes a nutty bar. But never toast as I am trying to limit my bread intake to 2 slices a day.

  • 4th Mar 2017 03:42pm

I have always had breakfast, whether it was toast or cereal. I have managed to fit this into my everyday and I can't see how other people don't. As soon as a wake up in the morning I get out of bed and make myself breakfast. I have eaten weet-bix everyday for the past two and a half years. I have 4 younger siblings and myself that I have to get ready for school so I rarely have a moment to myself. The easiest way that I manage to have breakfast everyday is to eat when my brother and sisters eat. If I cannot then I wake up a little earlier. No hassle. Breakfast is an easy thing to make time for. I don't have a favourite breakfast, I just love food.

  • 3rd Mar 2017 07:55pm

Yes, everyday, couple of weetbixs and a big cup of coffee if there's time

Mojo Phoenix
  • 2nd Mar 2017 07:28pm

My ideal breakfast would probably be eggs benedict. On a day-to-day basis I just settle for tuna on toast though.

Wings Of Wisdom
  • 2nd Mar 2017 01:29pm

I have somehow always managed time for breakfast. This is probably due to the fact that from a very young age my parents inculcated the importance of having a good breakfast. I sometimes might skip lunch after having a heavy breakfast but i make it a point to have breakfast every morning. The breakfast always comprises of 2 glasses of milk along with eggs or tuna sandwiches. I sometimes also cook left rice and eat it for breakfast. The importance of breakfast should never be under estimated. it is essentially the first meal which you eat after 8 hours of not eating anything.

  • 1st Mar 2017 10:00pm

I always have breakfast. As a rule I start with a glass of water followed by organic yogurt or vegan yoghurt sprinkled with cinnamon, chia seeds & nutmeg, and fresh blueberries and raspberries.
I then have toast with jam or tomato or honey. To add a change I have porridge with soy milk or granola & soy milk.

  • 28th Feb 2017 11:37pm

I MUST eat breakfast everyday. During the week, I eat at my desk at work. When not at work, I go out for breakfast/brunch with the family or catch up with friends.

  • 28th Feb 2017 01:47pm

Always, they say it's the most important meal of the day. Usually have peanut butter on toast or cereal, a cup of white tea and on special occasions or the odd Sunday have egg and beans on toast and/or swiss cheese and ham criossants.

  • 28th Feb 2017 12:45pm

I love breakfast every day , mainly cereal with fresh berries on the top of mine with yoghurt , being retired l have time to prepare and eat it , even when l worked l still managed to eat my daily breakfast as l always have got out of bed pretty early around 5 to 6pm in plenty of time to eat a breakfast shower etc .Love my breakfast cereal .

  • 27th Feb 2017 09:32pm

Two slices of vegemite toast every day - takes 3 minutes to prepare and 10 minutes to eat over reading the paper or scrolling through Facebook.

  • 27th Feb 2017 04:03pm

Every day without fail, poached egg on toast with cooked tomato and some mushrooms would be ideal.

  • 22nd Feb 2017 11:55am

I manage to have it nearly everyday.
I don't know if my breakfast is ideal or not but as long as there is apple and water/milk, that would do.
I usually have breakfast with an apple, a bowl of cereal+milk, two slices of toast with Nutella (& sometimes cheese)...

  • 21st Feb 2017 11:27pm

not of a lot of people in my family or work colleagues have time for breakfast as most start work at around 6:30-7:30am, products such as up and go are my go to for breakfast and all my colleagues do the same. (work in the electrical industry)

  • 21st Feb 2017 01:58pm

Have always eaten breakfast and will continue to do so. Usually fruit and muesli, followed by toast and spread always washed down by orange juice freshly squeezed each morning. I rarely have a cold so it must be the fresh orange juice! Well that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Ideal breakfast would be in a luxury hotel somewhere and being waited on, one can dream !

  • 20th Feb 2017 07:57pm

I always try to find the time to have breakfast in the morning, because if ever I don't manage it I find myself feeling extremely sick until I do eat. The few times I missed breakfast since leaving high school have left me tired, agitated, and increasingly unable to focus on my work. So I always spare at least five minutes to shovel food in my mouth of a morning, lest I want to feel like the walking dead all day. My prefered breakfast is either vegemite on toast with a cup of tea, a bowl of cereal, or -if I've got time and ingredients- I'll whip up some pancakes. If I'm running late I usually have a piece of fruit or a muesli bar, just to tide me over until I can properly feed myself.

  • 20th Feb 2017 07:52pm

I don't eat breakfast. I get up have my thyroid tablet then need to wait on hour and then have my 3 pain pills then by that time I'n not hungry

  • 6th Feb 2017 09:32pm

I work fulltime & manage everyday to prepare & eat breakfast
I have a routine where i get out of bed Shower,dress & go to the kitchen
where i put the kettle on & 2 slices of bread in the toaster
I then have a cup of black coffee no sugar & my toast with vegemite & a glass of water with my medications
On the weekends i vary with my breaky,either bacon & eggs or omelette or occassionly a treat with a buffet breakfast somewhere special
I believe breakfast is the most important meal to start the day & if i dont have it i feel i just can not function normally

  • 3rd Feb 2017 10:49pm

breakfast is the main meal of my day : if i only eat one meal a day, it is b/fast.

  • 2nd Feb 2017 05:09pm

Well i very rarely have breakfast so normally around 11 i am hungry. So most days i tell myself tomorrow I must have breakfast.
I try to stick with fruit, yoghurt or cereal when i do have breakfast....once a week.

  • 29th Jan 2017 10:12pm

I think its important to eat breakfast everyday no matter what it is. Drinking water early in the morning to re-hydrate after sleeping.
Followed by breakfast. I have oats in the winter and a cup of green tea. Cereal in the summer and a cup of green tea.

  • 23rd Jan 2017 12:51am

I eat breakfast as my first meal of the day, every single day. Regardless of what time I wake up. I have high fibre cereal mixed with muesli and fruit and low fat milk. My ideal breakfast would be at a cafe. It would be a yummy fruit pancake with a good cappuccino.

  • 22nd Jan 2017 08:55pm

always have breakfast; whether i actually sit down or have to eat on the run. usually 2 pieces of toast with jam or ham/ cheese and a glass of water followed by juice or tea

  • 21st Jan 2017 11:19am

Breakfast foods are my favourite - unfortunately, I like my sleep more, so I tend to sleep until the last possible moment and then just shower, dress and leave. :(

At the moment, I just have a coffee during my morning tea time, and I have my lunch exactly on time, because I'm usually starving by then. My most favourite breakfast is waffles, but I also like this meal just as much: 2 fried eggs, toast, a small cube of feta cheese, one hashbrown, half a grilled tomato, a small serving of baby spinach and a little bacon on the side. I guess these things sound so perfect only because I have them sometimes. They are too fattening to have everyday, I suppose.

I love honey and nut cornflakes too. Enough to have this, with 2 WeetBix and milk for dinner/supper sometimes.

. V
  • 20th Jan 2017 08:12pm

I always make a smoothie for breakfast and occasionally will have cereal or fruit

  • 20th Jan 2017 01:18pm

For me personally, I've found that eating certain foods, gives me a staggering amount of energy throughout my working/social day so fueling up in the morning lets me burn it. Now, because of all this energy I tend to wake up early and because of all this energy which equates to simply being healthy offers myself enough time to prepare breakfast(usually just eggs and toast, coffee or just plain glass of milk). It is usually due to time constraints that people don't have breakfast as much as they should. It's really on you to sleep early to making sure you get enough rest/recovery for the following day. I myself sleep at around 8-10 pm and get up around 9-10 hours later which is more then sufficient. Ideal breakfast is a hearty meal, history has told us to eat certain foods for the morning but in all honesty, you should really have something that boost your energy and will hold you until your next meal. You should not be hungry when leaving the house because the lack of energy will simply make you tired and lazy.

Burnt Out Digger
  • 18th Jan 2017 05:13pm

I make sure that I have a good sized breakfast every day so that I have the nourishment and energy to carry me through the day. Without a decent breakfast I do not perform well.

  • 13th Jan 2017 07:56pm

I always have some yogurt and muesli at home.
If I don't have time, I just grab one lunch box, mix the yogurt and muesli and eat it on the way that I go to Uni.

  • 13th Jan 2017 01:15pm

I always tell myself to make time to eat breakfast as:

1) I need my energy.
2) To ensure I don't gain too much weight.

I either make myself toast and coffee or oatmeal. Simple yet effective! =)

  • 9th Jan 2017 01:31pm

I am having to use this way... please cafe study I cannot get thru to you to be able to bank, I cant seem to send a message to you either ... betty

  • 5th Jan 2017 07:45pm

I have breakfast everyday. I work 5 days a week so I make bircher muesli the night before and then take it to work and it is ready to eat all I add is some fresh fruit and I have a very filling and healthy breakfast. Of a weekend I have a cooked breakfast or some muesli with fresh fruit. My favourite breakfast would have to be the bircher muesli.

  • 24th Dec 2016 04:02pm

I eat breakfast every morning, without fail. I'm usually starving by the time I wake up because I don't generally snack after dinner. Fitting breakfast in every morning isn't a problem for me because I don't start work until the late morning. My ideal breakfast would be a fruit smoothie and a toasted sandwich. Cereal just doesn't fill me up enough and I don't eat eggs anymore.

  • 23rd Dec 2016 01:37pm

I absolutely love breakfast. I wake up at such a time to ensure I have around 20 minutes to make coffee and tea, eggs and toast (or porridge if I'm in a rush).

Ideal breakfast: Poached eggs on sourdough toast with side of avocado and bacon. Large coffee in a take away cup (to keep it warm).

  • 21st Dec 2016 08:39am

I don't always have time for breakfast, but every morning I will at least try to eat some fruit while I'm on the go!

  • 18th Dec 2016 08:00pm

Love, breakfast, I always make time for muesli, yogurt and coffee.. weekends a little more special..

  • 18th Dec 2016 07:14pm

I regularly have breakfast, in saying this i also skip quite a lot on uni days as i do not manage my time efficiently, running late very often

  • 17th Dec 2016 08:02pm

We Wake early enough to enjoy some special moments in the Morning to enjoy a healthy breakfast of Goodness Superfoods Heart Cereal of Barley Flakes with Cranberries, Cinnamon and Almonds served in Yoghurt or Lite A2 Milk. Every weekend we have Free Range Poached eggs, Smoked Salmon Steamed Spinach with Pine Nuts or pepittas on Lightlky Toasted Burgen Soy and Linseed Bread. I finish with a short Expresso and Fruit Jiuce. Occasionally we splash out an go Muffins or Crumpet drizzled in Honey ,Vegemite or Jam.

  • 17th Dec 2016 10:16am

I have breakfast every day without fail.Consists of 2 Wheat Bix with milk and 3 or 4 slices of of tinned peaches followed by slice of toasted wholemeal bread,half with peanut butter,half with marmalade followed by mug of coffee

  • 15th Dec 2016 10:23pm

I have something for breakfast everyday - can't start my day without it. I sometime have normal toast, raisin toast, crumpet, muffin, or a fully cooked breakfast of bacon, eggs, sausages, tomato (this is usually on the weekends) and finally pancakes on a Sunday morning.

  • 10th Dec 2016 03:09am

I take my Breakfast at home as prepared by my wife

  • 10th Dec 2016 03:09am

I take my Breakfast at home as prepared by my wife

  • 9th Dec 2016 11:57am

I cannot eat first thing in the morning, cup of coffee and that's it! I always have some fruit and yoghurt before I start work - around 8 am. Has always worked for me. But I do love a big late breakfast on the weekend, that usually sees me through to dinner time.

  • 9th Dec 2016 08:34am

As a life habit I developed I never used to eat breakfast as I never felt I had time. My sleep was more important so I thought. In the past year I have developed a new habit of making a protein shake that I can walk around with while getting kids ready for school. I have found I now feel more organised and get more done in the mornings

  • 8th Dec 2016 01:19am

Fruit, ,just have fruit for breakfast, either make up a fruit salad the night before or grab a banana, will give you quick sustainable energy.

  • 1st Dec 2016 02:13pm

I'm an Aussie Kid. Breakfast is meant to be the most important meal of the day so I endeavour to make time to prepare and eat this meal as often as possible. I will eat breakfast most mornings of the week unless I am in a rush and have a busy day. I sometimes leave home just having my morning cup of coffee but try to prevent missing out as little as possible.
I cannot go without my large cup of coffee with 2 sugars and a big dollop of cream. I love my cream, naughty me. I also cannot leave home without having my vegemite fix. Generally all I can eat in the mornings is my two pieces of toast, one with vegemite and the other with jam of various varieties. I also love my cereals, Weetbix, Coco pops, Rice bubbles etc. and sometimes porridge.
On the weekends I like to treat myself with some cooked bacon and eggs and whatever else I can add such as baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes with cheese, and sausages. Some think I'm strange but I must have some green on the plate such as spinach or asparagus. Makes in colourful and covers all the food groups. Yum Yum.

  • 30th Nov 2016 06:57pm

I don't enjoy it, but force myself to eat it as life is so busy I don't know when next I'll get to eat... everyday.

I wake early and eat it while doing other things!

A slice of wholegrain toast slathered in butter and topped with a fried eat with a side of crispy bacon and fried button mushrooms. And a strong cup of tea.. Yum!

  • 29th Nov 2016 10:37am

Never miss having cereal and a cup of tea for breakfast. If I don't i start to feel sick after being up for about an hour.

  • 28th Nov 2016 10:21am

every day. sometimes just toast with jam or something savoury, sometimes something with eggs and always with coffee

  • 21st Nov 2016 04:33pm

I don't always have breakfast, only when I'm hungry in the morning.

  • 17th Nov 2016 11:11am

I don't always have time for breakfast because i have a bad habit of waking up late. When i do have time for breakfast i will usually have the microwave oats with some banana this will occur about 3 times a week. On Sundays i will go to a cafe for break and i will usually order pancakes.

  • 17th Nov 2016 10:47am

I try too.... but with a school aged child getting ready for school, and two little ones under 2 and a half years, most mornings I manage a couple of cups of coffee and do try eat anything until after 9am and even then it's most just a couple of pieces of toast.

  • 15th Nov 2016 11:25pm

Daily. Just cerials and tea

  • 14th Nov 2016 11:59am

As breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I will always make time for it. My favourite is scrambled eggs, with diced fresh tomato on top.

  • 14th Nov 2016 11:23am

My ideal breakfast would be scrambled eggs with bacon and baked beans with plenty of toast and nice big mug of coffee. But generally I have yoghurt or oats with a nice big cuppa because it is healthier for me but also boring!!

  • 4th Nov 2016 05:21pm

I make time for breakfast. But if I am short on time, then I will have something quick, like some fruit and nuts I can eat on the go, or a soylent shake. If I have a moderate amount of time I will have a bowl of porridge or muesli, and if I have a lot of time I might make a big fruit salad or smoothie bowl, with some coconut yoghurt. My ideal breakfast would be either of the latter two, added with some good company (and maybe a hashbrown, or vegan pancakes for a treat)

  • 2nd Nov 2016 05:27pm

I have breakfast every day and it consists of a bowl of either Muesli or Granola. I cannot imagine not eating within 30minutes of getting out of bed.. It is an absolute MUST for me and always has been.. I have never missed out on breakfast and I am now69 years young.

  • 1st Nov 2016 06:21pm

Almost never get the opportunity to eat in the morning!
However when i do it is always something cheap, an apple, banana, cereal or toast. Always get around to having a coffee though, as unhealthy as this sounds

  • 1st Nov 2016 06:21pm

Almost never get the opportunity to eat in the morning!
However when i do it is always something cheap, an apple, banana, cereal or toast. Always get around to having a coffee though, as unhealthy as this sounds

  • 1st Nov 2016 02:17pm

I have never enjoyed breakfast, I always found it extremely difficult to eat first thing in the morning. I recently started having smoothies for breakfast and find them to be quite refreshing. The appeal of smoothies to me is that I can drink at my own pace, I can drink my smoothie while I am getting ready in the morning too which is a good time saver. It takes me 5 minutes to make my smoothie and I only use household ingredients. My favourite smoothie consists of a handful of frozen berries, 1 banana and 1 kiwi fruit, 1 cup of coconut water, 1 tablespoon of greek yoghurt and a teaspoon of chia seeds and LSA seeds.

  • 1st Nov 2016 07:55am

I always have cereal for breakfast. Some times change the brands, in winter its the old porridge every other day.
If on holiday I take what is on offer

  • 31st Oct 2016 11:29pm

I hardly ever manage breakfast, I just don't have time, however when info I always have rice bubbles with yoghurt or just a Vegemite or promite toast

  • 31st Oct 2016 12:10pm

I always have breakfast, even if I sleep in and get up late with 10 minutes to be out the door, even if it is just a muesli bar, not one of my usual choices, yoghurt with cereal, or toast with jam, lemon butter or peanut butter on it.

  • 31st Oct 2016 11:43am

I rarely eat breakfast because I always feel sick after I do. Some days I don't get hungry until about 11pm.
My ideal breaky would be Homemade Bacon Bone veggie soup with a slice of toast.

  • 28th Oct 2016 11:23pm

I have breakfast every day. Ideally it would be eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, but honestly I'm a lazy bugger most mornings. So tea and toast it is. But I often make toast for my wife, too, so I'm a nice guy. I always get up in time to make it before I start my day. Not a huge feat as I'm retired, but on golf days it's important!

  • 28th Oct 2016 12:56pm

Can't beat my cup of tea and peanut butter on toast.

  • 27th Oct 2016 09:30pm

i have breakfast every day. it is the most important meal of the day. it kick-starts the metabolism and provides energy
to get going.

  • 27th Oct 2016 08:27pm

I do have breakfast every day. I am self employed from home, so, after I get organised & drink around 500 ml. of filtered water, I take an hour off & eat yoghurt with a muesli & fruit preparation that I make myself, followed by a mug of coffee that I take back to my office.

  • 26th Oct 2016 08:45am

Breakfast every morning is the only reason i'm not dead by 10am. I simply can't and also refuse to start my day without food (and i realise that may sound very first world) but it is so important for functioning, for attention, concentration and my mood. I would rather be late than hungry, since i'm no good to anyone till i do eat. I am an early riser, so i like to give myself time in the morning to eat before getting ready, so this means i get up between 5 and 6 on uni days so i can make sure i eat. On any other day i still like to get up at least 20 minutes before having to start getting ready to make sure i eat.

  • 25th Oct 2016 10:52pm

I have breakfast approx. 5 times a week, normally either cereal/yoghurt and muesli/toast. The days I don't have breakfast, I am either choosing to sleep in before work or don't feel like any food in the house. My ideal breakfast would be fruit, bacon and eggs, coffee and juice.

  • 25th Oct 2016 08:34pm

I always have breakfast every morning , some times cereal , some times a diet shake , l love break fast can not go with out my breakfast .I make sure l get up early every day to get my breakfast in .

  • 25th Oct 2016 12:25am

Have to have breakie as if not I get truly sick just goes to show the body knows what it needs.

  • 7th Oct 2016 09:31pm

I eat the same breakfast every day; muesli with milk and a banana sliced on top. I drink coffee and orange juice. Sometimes I prepare the moka the night before and lay out all the ingredients on the kitchen bench. Just turn the stove on and I'm away.

  • 6th Oct 2016 12:33am

Always have breakfast every day gives you the kick start for the day.

  • 3rd Oct 2016 09:58pm

I generally don't get time to eat breakfast, either I wake up late or just can't be bothered.
an ideal breakfast would be eggs benedict.

  • 27th Sep 2016 10:30pm

I always have breakfast. I find it hard to function without it.
My ideal breakfast is fresh scrambled eggs on toast, crispy bacon and tomatoes on the side.
Freshly squeezed orange juice and a cup of tea.

  • 27th Sep 2016 08:41pm

Yes I eat brekkie everyday, start with a glass of water kefir, then a bowl of fresh fruit cut up into a fruit salad, then I have a break and later have bowl of buckwheat porridge or buckwheat bukinis with coconut and puffed buckwheat and almond milk. I started doing this a few years ago after getting sick and I feel great now. A very healthy start to the day is really important, will stop you from getting the munchies later on and eating rubbish.

  • 15th Sep 2016 12:59pm

I have breakfast most days - even if it is only a slice of toast on the run. I find that if I don't have it I will be less focused at work and uni, also I tend to head towards the sugary snacks throughout the day. Planning the morning to have enough time to have a small breakfast just allows me to wake up and start the day better.
However, if i could chose my ideal breakfast would be a vegetarian big breakfast. Think crumpets with avocado, cheese, tomatos, spinach, mushrooms, pine nuts with a youghurt and spread of fresh fruits all with an excellent roasted coffee... all made for me and delivered to my bed!

  • 11th Sep 2016 11:06pm

I always try to have breakfast, if I'm running late I always have apples and bananas in the fruit bowl to grab and muesli bars in the cardboard. Recently I've also been trying a protein shake as it's quick, easy and more filling on those days I'm on the run.

  • 7th Sep 2016 12:23pm

mixed cereal topped with yoghurt and full cream milk, very nourishing all good fibre, calcium and protein what else would you need to start your day and a cuppa to top it up

  • 6th Sep 2016 11:01pm

Everyday without fail.
I take daily medication that I need to have food with, so I basically don't have any other option. I also find it helps me think better when my stomach isn't growling at me.
During the week, I stick to something light like a protein shake and fruit or yoghurt with nuts and seeds; but on the weekend I do like to make pancakes with fresh berries and Maple syrup or banana bread with marscapone, golden syrup and berries. during winter I like polenta cooked with sugar and milk served with creme freche and maple syrup or semolina cooked in milk & sugar served with a dollop of jam

  • 6th Sep 2016 07:35pm

there is always time to eat. I have a busy household work fulltime and have little people - i get up early exercise, feed everyone before getting out the door by 7.30. I dont get it when people say they dont have time to eat. Breakfast is easy. we have porridge, eggs, toast, smoothies etc different things for different days and individual taste

  • 1st Sep 2016 08:00pm

Breakfast every day, can't do without it. Toast with spreads is the usual go to (with a cup of coffee), sometimes cereals or other things depending on how much time I have.

  • 1st Sep 2016 10:02am

I can't go without having breakfast everyday. I will always have a soy iced coffee and either toast or cereal. Sometimes the odd waffles or pancakes depending on how I feel each morning.

  • 25th Aug 2016 11:39am

I always have a cup of tea with 1 toast with butter and Vegemite or honey. If we are on holidays my favourite breakfast is orange juice 4oz, poached eggs on toast and cup or tea. If I'm extra hungry I like muesli with fresh fruit and a little yogurt before the eggs on toast.

  • 24th Aug 2016 05:27pm

ideal a leisurely one not gulped down while doing a million other things as well/i would like a cooked brekkie simple bacon and eggs

  • 24th Aug 2016 11:48am

I used to skip breakfast and go straight to class with either a banana or a cereal bar. However, I soon realise that the reason why I wasn't able to stay awake during the day is because I didn't eat breakfast. I also exercise twice a day so it really wasn't healthy!
The best tip I could give you is to wake up earlier to prepare something, even a smoothie with fruits, musli or whatever else you want in it.
You can prepare musli the night before and chill it in the fridge, it taste amazing in the morning with some honey and fruit.

  • 24th Aug 2016 11:14am

I eat breakfast every day. I have fruit and yoghurt sprinkled with muesli and nuts on weekdays. It takes me five minutes at the most to prepare. I go out on Saturday mornings for breakfast and home cooked on Sunday.

  • 23rd Aug 2016 10:10pm

it's like taking a shower on the morning I add say 30 minutes for each thing I have to do before work and I hate a set time to leave so I get up at the same time each day it's boring and a little mundane but it works

  • 17th Aug 2016 04:31pm

I make time for coffee
Eating in the am just makes me feel off all day

  • 17th Aug 2016 02:39pm

Simple and easy.... Milk, oats and fruits, mainly apples... Sometimes butter toast...

  • 17th Aug 2016 12:28pm

5 min, milk bread and oatmeal fasr and easy

  • 12th Aug 2016 10:10am

I hate getting up in the mornings so it's usually a matter of getting up, shower and off to work. I usually skip breakfast, i'm not usually hungry anyway, i just grab a large coffee or an ice coffee in summer and that lasts me until lunchtime. On the weekend I might go out and have a cooked breakfast and occasionally enjoy a sachet of quick microwave cooked oats.
My ideal breakfast would be fresh fruit salad with yoghurt, maybe a danish or fresh croissant. I like variety. I can't eat the same thing everyday

  • 11th Aug 2016 08:38pm

I try to fit it in everyday, I always set aside time for it!

  • 10th Aug 2016 06:05pm

My sister make me breakfast every morning. But still I normally spend 10-15 mins for having my morning meal and I prefer noodles/sandwich.

  • 9th Aug 2016 09:56am

I would estimate I put in anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour for breakfast each morning. If I'm rushed for time I'll usually have something quick and easy to make, like toast or a bowl of cereal. If time permits though I'll usually make something more substantial - and put more time and effort into it. Every now and then I also skip breakfast, not regularly, usually if I'm just not overly hungry. The ideal breakfast definitely has eggs in there somewhere, whether their fried or in an omelette, with some pancakes, fresh fruit and yoghurt.

Benno Davies
  • 9th Aug 2016 09:56am

I might have breakfast 4 days a week and my usual breakfast is vegemite on toast and a cup of coffee.

My ideal breakfast would be a cooked breakfast, with eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, cooked mushrooms and tomato, hash browns and a coffee

  • 8th Aug 2016 02:37pm

Usually twice a week, i make time for breakfast. I make up for it with a big lunch

  • 5th Aug 2016 03:37pm

Always have my breakfast every day! without it I find it tricky to concentrate and tend to get a bit lethargic. It helps to actually plan time to actually make and eat breakfast into your morning routine even if it means getting up that little bit earlier. An ideal breakfast for me is a small meal which isn't too rich or fatty.

  • 5th Aug 2016 10:52am

I used to never eat breakfast, as food looked legitimately disgusting that early in the morning. But thanks to a fitness tracker that annoyed me every time I didn't eat, I have started eating again. On my days off I have toast and a hot chocolate, but when I'm at university I have yoghurt.

  • 5th Aug 2016 09:32am

I manage to have breakfast anytime between 6:00am and 10:30am everyday!!
Ideally i just have a mixture of oats prepared the night before, if i dont expect to have much time, or just that morning otherwise. Its versitile and the flavours and texture can be easily changed and its nutritious.

  • 3rd Aug 2016 12:16pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I suggest you have oats or eggs they are proven to be best!

  • 30th Jul 2016 08:57pm

I'm addicted to exercise so can't go without a workout first thing. This gets the blood pumping which invokes the 'refuel' message in my stomach. My diet rarely varies so a good cardio workout is rewarded with 6 weet-bix mixed with 3 mashed bananas which keeps me going until lunch time.

  • 27th Jul 2016 03:53pm

i never used to take breakfast back in high school because there was never time to and i rarely ever felt hungry in the morning. but once i started college and was living by myself, i ate breakfast at around 9 almost daily. i mostly ate out because i'm not into cereal or snacks and i don't have the skill to cook up something i can actually bite through. but my ideal breakfast would just be a full traditional english breakfast with toast and eggs and bacon~~

  • 26th Jul 2016 02:15pm

I make time for breakfast because it gives me something to look forward to in the morning! I just give myself enough time to get ready in the morning and don't feel rushed, I find it less stressful. My ideal breakfast would be an acai bowl but we all know they aren't as healthy as they seem!

  • 26th Jul 2016 09:43am

Porridge with fresh fruit honey nartural yoghurt and berries yummy

  • 25th Jul 2016 12:12pm

I try to fit it in, if extra time poor I will aim to have an up and go!

I aim to have it 6-7 days/week.

Ideal would be (if not health issues related) would be nice poached eggs with bacon, eggs, tomato and toast) :)

  • 25th Jul 2016 11:56am

Every day egg on toast and a coffee, wake up a little early every day and make kids breakfast first. My ideal breakfast every day would be a pastry and a coffee but my butt and thighs say no :(

  • 24th Jul 2016 09:20pm

I have breakfast everyday. I fit it in as I don't work. My ideal breakfast is light, yoghurt and coffee.

  • 23rd Jul 2016 01:47pm

I'm interested in finding out how many people manage to make time for breakfast everyday! And if you do manage to, how do you fit it in?

I set my alarm for two hours (or thereabouts) before I need to leave to be somewhere just so I have time for some sort of breakfast. These days it is mostly so I have time to relax over a decent cup of tea (or coffee on the days when I need a serious caffeine kick) before taking my morning vitamins and a protein bar and heading out the door. On the mornings when I have to be out the door at 6:45, a 4:30am alarm is a very rude awakening, but it's worth it to ensure a hot drink and time to myself.

If you don't have it everyday, how often do you manage to have it?

There are a few days I don't end up with time to sit (most often due to feline emergencies), so I grab a protein bar and a travel mug and drink my hot drink on the way to where I am going and eat my bar when I get there. I never miss the meal itself (due to nutritional needs) but the method can differ.

And what would be your ideal breakfast?

My ideal breakfast is poached eggs over a gluten free English muffin, with a side of maple bacon, home made baked beans, a couple of chicken sausage chipolatas, grilled tomato, sauteed mushrooms and a home made hash brown, with gluten-free waffles and maple syrup as a chaser. Alas I can no longer eat most of that (due to stomach surgery and sensitivities), so my current go-to breakfast is a pot (500ml) of extra-strong Twinings English Breakfast Tea, followed by either two small pieces of gluten free toast and plum jam or Vegemite or a Systemax low-carb protein bar or a small protein shake :/

  • 22nd Jul 2016 10:40pm

I manage to have a good hearty breakfast every day. No problem with time as I am retired anyway but on the other hand I have always made time for the same kind of breakfast as it is so important to my health. I start with an Orange then a Banana, then a Brazil Nut, 6 Almonds, 2 dried Apricots and 2 Prunes. I then have a plate of cereal - either 2 Weet-Bix with a cup of Milk or a serve of Muesli or a plate of Oatmeal Porridge. Sometimes I may also have a couple of Eggs or some Lentils on Toast. I usually finish with a slice of Multigrain Bread with a variety of spreads like Vegemite, Peanut Butter and Marmalade or Honey.

  • 19th Jul 2016 08:10pm

I have breakfast every day. I switch between, muesli and yoghurt, porridge, English muffin with vegemite and cheese or yoghurt and fruit. I also include a glass of juice and a cup of coffee. On weekends I have a cooked breakfast for my granddaughter and myself.

  • 17th Jul 2016 09:51pm

My ideal breakfast would be:
Pancakes with Caramel or maple syrup and cream
A large mug of coffee

  • 17th Jul 2016 11:00am

I am a college student and I try my best to wake up two hours before school everyday to make myself breakfast. To me, breakfast is really important and family has always kept the habit of having breakfast everyday.
My ideal breakfast would have most of the important nutrients the human body needs, carbohydrates, protein, fibre and some fat. So I usually eat whole wheat bread with cheddar cheese and oatmeal.

  • 17th Jul 2016 11:00am

I am a college student and I try my best to wake up two hours before school everyday to make myself breakfast. To me, breakfast is really important and family has always kept the habit of having breakfast everyday.
My ideal breakfast would have most of the important nutrients the human body needs, carbohydrates, protein, fibre and some fat. So I usually eat whole wheat bread with cheddar cheese and oatmeal.

  • 15th Jul 2016 09:01pm

Am trying the 5:2 diet and losing weight BUT always have breakfast. Yoghurt, tiny bit of weetbix and strawberries then sprinkle chia seeds on top. Feel much better for it and only takes minutes and do not get hungary throughout the morning which is good

  • 14th Jul 2016 01:21am

I am the worst morning person ever and so unfortunately never have time for breakfast and so just simply never have it. However i cannot just wake up and eat a lunch meal so I will alays eat breakfast foods (toast, musli bar, yogurt, cereal, porridge, etc), but just have it either on the go (in the car) or really late in the day when it's meant to be lunch time.

My ideal breakfast would be a savoury cooked breakfast, so avocado and scrambled or poached eggs on sour dough bread with crispy bacon, hash browns and haloumi cheese, and a chai latte or tea! YUM!

  • 13th Jul 2016 11:13pm

It is very rare that I find time for breakfast in the mornings unless I have the opportunity to sleep in on the weekend. Usually I rush out the door with a coffee that fills me up for an hour or so and I bring an avocado bread so that I can make avocado toast after my first lecture at university as a late breakfast.

  • 11th Jul 2016 09:57am

Hi, I make sure I have breakfast every morning. I never walk out the door unless I have had breakfast. I am sure that if I would miss out on breakfast at home and make my way to work, I would be tempted to stop of at a fastfood outlet.

  • 11th Jul 2016 10:06am
Hi, I make sure I have breakfast every morning. I never walk out the door unless I have had breakfast. I am sure that if I would miss out on breakfast at home and make my way to work, I would be...

During the week I love a bowl of Weetbix, pumpkin seeds, chai seeks and berries. On the weekend I either have my normal cereal or I might have a change and have a couple of crumpets or a small serve of Bacon and Eggs. I have always believed that breakfast is very important to our health as it starts your body's metabolism. .

  • 8th Jul 2016 01:47pm

I don't have breakfast every day, and if I do it might be about twice a week. Especially during the holidays, I never wake up early enough to have it. My ideal breakfast would be pancakes.

  • 8th Jul 2016 12:50pm

As a working mum of 3 I find it difficult to get them ready and out the door and have breakfast so have resorted now to making protein shakes so that I have somethig. Ideally would love eggs benedict with bacon every morning

  • 30th Jun 2016 11:12pm

My working day breakfast is left over from previous dinner, basically cook a bit more for dinner, keep them in fridge, then microwave in the morning.
On Sat/Sun, I'll spend time preparing my breakfast, mostly different styles of eggs. And sometimes searching on internet on Friday night for some nice breakfast and cook them in the morning.

  • 29th Jun 2016 11:23am

I eat breakfast everyday. Mostly muesli however sometimes I just have yoghurt that I have made at home myself. Tasty and simple.

  • 26th Jun 2016 09:32pm

i always have yogurt ,fresh fruit and L.S.A mix with green tea

  • 23rd Jun 2016 10:20am

I try and have breakfast everyday. My favourite is poached eggs on spinach with avocado. Just the best

  • 22nd Jun 2016 01:41pm

Pretty much the same breakfast every day - muesli with fruit and sometimes yoghurt. Good fibre, keeps me regular.

  • 8th Dec 2016 08:22pm
Pretty much the same breakfast every day - muesli with fruit and sometimes yoghurt. Good fibre, keeps me regular.

Seems we all have breakfast!
I keep BPA free containers and extend the muesli by adding more rolled oats, soak for a while and yes fresh fruit every morning.
Used to be Greek yoghurt as well, now that would be a luxury!
But first, two cups Twinings extra strong English Breakfast tea... a real wake up!

  • 21st Jun 2016 07:08pm

I never miss breakfast, I usually get up early and know what I will be having from the night before, everything is so easy, I don't understand how people don't have time...fruit, oats, cereal, a smoothie, toast...all so easy and quick to prepare

  • 20th Jun 2016 07:54pm

I never miss My Breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. Porridge( for Vitamen E, C, folate, Omegas 6, 8, 9 and Roughage for the Colen followed by fruit, Caffeine and chilled water. Once a week I have 2 eggs Poached with spinach, salmon and Bacon.Acrosss the rest of the Day i tend to languish until dinner. Breakfast is all important…. C'est Tous.!

  • 20th Jun 2016 06:04pm

Every day, without fail. I ensure I fit it in, because my health and wellbeing are more important than other things which might compete for the time (such as work).
Cereal, fruit, toast and coffee, with extras on the weekend.
Ideally, it'd be a full buffet breakfast each day, but that requires a good hour to enjoy properly.
How could anyone start their day without it?

Tassie Devil
  • 5th Jun 2016 07:24pm

Have breakfast every morning, natural muesli with yoghurt and sometimes fruit.

  • 4th Jun 2016 09:07am

Because I am a Diabetic, I make sure that I make time for breakfast everyday, I have to get up early around 5am because I work 5 days a week and have to leave the house by around 7.05am, so this gives me time to answer my surveys and attend to my social media, I only have a cup of coffee and porridge for breakfast, so quick an easy.

  • 31st May 2016 11:54am

It depends on the day. If I'm not going to the gym I have my first meal around 10 am which is usually stif fried mince and veggies made the night before.
If im going to the gym (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), breakfast is a shake made up of oats, protein powder, peanut butter, banana, blueberries and almond milk (I'm lactose intolerant).

Sundays i have a full breakfast usually of bacon, eggs, spinach, hash browns and english muffins.

  • 30th May 2016 08:41pm

Years ago I always had breakfast.
Now I just have some fruit, usually a banana and some citrus.

  • 23rd May 2016 11:34am

I leave home at 6am three days per week and on those days I just have a coffee.
I have oatmeal or eggs or congee on the other 4 days
my ideal breakfast is two soft-boiled eggs with sesame oil, pepper, and soy sauce . With this, I have a cup of coffee and two slices of toast with kyah jam

  • 20th May 2016 09:46pm

Yes breakfast every day. When we get up we have a glass of water, then in little while after that we will have cereal, toast or our shake. If we have an actual breakfast then the shake is for lunch. My favourite breakfast would be eggs benedict as long as the hollandaise is a good one, with mushroom, grilled tomato and hash brown, but that is only rare. If its cereal just a small bowl and if its toast just one piece, but we do have it every day.

  • 20th May 2016 11:47am

Every day, but how I manage it has changed a lot!

I used to be able to get up, have a juice, get in the shower, then jam down a bowl of cereal.
That got harder in my mid 40s, though, so now I have juice, rush to work, and either have cereal there, or go out to a cafe.

Macchiato Pizza in Sydney does really nice Jambon breakfast pizzas!

  • 19th May 2016 08:11pm

breakfast is the main meal of the day.
i normally have cereal, but sometimes bacon , egg and toast with Vegemite is nice.

  • 19th May 2016 01:30pm

I always make time for breakfast it is my favourite and most hungriest meal. I always exercise in the morning so I am starving. Breakfast is the same every single day. Rolled oats made with water and topped with stewed berries, greek yogurt, nuts and seeds and cinnamon. Yum I never get sick of eating it.

  • 18th May 2016 03:22pm

I would love to have Breakfast everyday but never have time to wake up , get dressed , showered etc,
so instead I have Up and go shakes , that seems to give me enough to up and go and feel ok, with a coffee and that's it ,
but my Ideal Breakfast would be , Toast 2 slices , with 2 eggs and 3 slices of bacon and a Nice Milk Shake Iced coffee to start the day,
that would be amazing but whos gonna make it for me? NO ONE lol hahahaha.

  • 16th May 2016 11:21am

I try my hardest but more often than not I have my breakfast at lunch time

  • 15th May 2016 08:45pm

I only eat breakfast on days that I wake up. So far, so good. Usually have muesli, toast and a cup of tea. Love to go out for brekky and eat eggs, bacon, tomato, mushies or something else on the menu, like eggs benedict with smoked salmon and spinach, etc accompanied by a glass (or two) of Prosecco or champers.
Wish I could afford it more than once a year!

  • 15th May 2016 10:44am

I have
porridge every morning

  • 13th May 2016 05:07pm

During the week I tend have cereal such as wheetbix with milk with an espresso - very quick and easy. To fit it in I just get up earlier if necessary. Saturday is often busy with shopping, house work and the garden so I want something to keep me going so I go with quick cooking oats with milk. On Sunday I take it easier, perhaps some French Toast, or poached egg. Sometimes I experiment with smoothies - fruit and/or vegetable blends with yogurt, coconut milk. My ideal breakfast would be an omelette with truffles, freshly prepared mango juice followed by an espresso - eaten on the patio in the morning sunshine surrounded by native birds.

  • 21st Apr 2016 03:42pm

Breakfast has always been an important part of my day. I used to have a store bought cereal like weetbix or corn flakes, but these days I make up my own muesli. I do it in a large quantity, so it is good to go for a couple of months - the time factor is then very easy. As a couple we look forward to a hot brekkie on Saturday morning as a treat

combat barbie
  • 7th Apr 2016 10:08am

You must make time for breakfast, even getting out of bed 15 minutes earlier can give you time for a piece of toast or cereal. I have the same breakfast each day, cup of tea, piece of toast and small bowl of cereal. Couldn't live without it!

  • 1st Mar 2016 08:25pm

I have breakfast every day but only have cornflakes and black tea.

  • 1st Mar 2016 05:39pm

I only manage to have breakfast in the morning around 50% of the time, the times that I do i because I've prepared some of the things i normally do in the morning the night before or I've woken up earlier than normal.

  • 1st Mar 2016 12:34pm

i try to eat a full breakfast but carnt hang around to long as work calls,so it may be a coffee and toast,if lucky some fruit with yoghurt,if not lucky fruit bars on the run,

  • 1st Mar 2016 10:35am

i always manage breakfast.... I hate a small sachet of porridge with half a banana and sliced peaches on top....that gives me the fibre i need and gives me a really good start to the day.

  • 23rd Feb 2016 10:30pm

I have breakfast most days. A high fibre cereal with 2 tbsps of Bloom sCholesterol Balance and 30 ml of Nikken Ciaga. I also take 2 cranberry capsules and I have a coffee.

  • 20th Feb 2016 10:13am

Every day!! A simple breakfast of cereal & coffee takes hardly any time to make & eat, about 30 minutes, I value that above morning shower or beauty regime, if traffic is bad and I have to leave super early I have cereal packs at work.
Perfect breakfast is the one I don't have to rush off after, on the weekend with hubby, we gave scrambled eggs and bacon on garlic butter toast yum

  • 15th Feb 2016 08:32pm

well I haven't got time to write a book but breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it gets you started on the right foot, just cereals , tea and toast is all you need with maybe an egg on the weekends, enjoy, Gail

  • 14th Feb 2016 12:39am

haven't eaten breakfast since early high school

  • 23rd Oct 2015 01:53pm

Love breakfast, muesli every morning, occasionally toast, and sometimes an Up & Go, sometimes enjoy a big cook up on the weekends.. A big cooked traditional breakfast with all the trimmings..

  • 21st Oct 2015 10:53pm

I always have breakfast, because if I don't I get hungry, and if I'm hungry I get grumpy! Before work I usually have a coffee from my Aldi pod machine and some vegemite on toast. On the weekend though I love to go out for breakfast and have smashed avocado on toast with a poached egg.

  • 9th Oct 2015 10:39pm

egg and bacon and avocado on toast washed down with a large cup of coffee

  • 27th Sep 2015 11:14am

I look forward to brealfast. Sometimes I have porridge with milk & Honey plus whatever else I want to put in it - from fruit to broken up bikkies. Mostly though I have two eggs on toast with bacon plus if available a few few potato wedges or some left over corn chips with jalapenos from last evenings wedges or nachos dinner. :)

  • 26th Sep 2015 11:00am

Cereal for me or a hot breakfast bacon and eggs.

  • 26th Sep 2015 10:59am

I can't go without breakfast, I have to eat it everyday day.

  • 24th Sep 2015 05:05pm

depends on season, have oats in winter and cereal in warmer months, try and manage through week, maybe become lunch on weekends. Cannot have before 7.30am

  • 21st Sep 2015 04:44pm

Yes, I have breakfast every day and would have no energy if I tried to do without it. I make the time in the morning to get breaky ready but if I have no time, a boiled egg and toast takes very little time.
My ideal breakfast is something carbohydrate but always real food (no boxed cereals), like black rice with paw paw and coconut milk. Yum.

  • 21st Sep 2015 04:43pm

Yes, I have breakfast every day and would have no energy if I tried to do without it. I make the time in the morning to get breaky ready but if I have no time, a boiled egg and toast takes very little time.
My ideal breakfast is something carbohydrate but always real food (no boxed cereals), like black rice with paw paw and coconut milk. Yum.

  • 21st Sep 2015 02:59pm

I have it every day. It's just how I start the day

  • 20th Sep 2015 11:41am

I have breakfast every day. I would have no energy and would be really hungry without it. At the moment, my ideal breakfast is carbohydrate foods, and I always eat real foods (no boxed cereals). So my ideal breakfast is paw paw, with black rice and coconut cream (really yummy!).

  • 14th Sep 2015 05:10pm

When at a cafe, I generally eat scrambled eggs i.e. breakfast food.
On a daily basis, I soak a quarter cup of raw rolled oats with cranberries overnight. In the morning I cut up a banana and a kiwifruit into the oats. A side of coffee. Lasts until morning tea (11.25 am)

  • 14th Sep 2015 12:03pm

I personally believe that breakfast is the most imprortant meal in a day as someone who finds iti hard to get out of bed most mornings I usually resort to coffee and toast during weekdays just because it's quick and fills the gap. It takes less than 10 minis to prepare and eat it. In weekends I like to have toast with scrambled eggs, tomatoes and avocado. My ideal breakfast would be plain oatmeal (no milk added) with fruits and some honey squeezed over it. It's healthy, full of fibre and keeps me going well after mid day. This is my go to breakfast for those cold winter morning.

  • 11th Sep 2015 02:35pm

eat breakfast everyday - and I vary it everyday - sometimes it is just fruit (this is on the morning I go to the gym - other times - porridge, toast, bagels, sometimes a muffin, sometimes yoghurt but only plain unsweetened Greek style. Then of course I could have an egg - I love breakfasts, they are so versatile. Being retired - we have plenty of time. this was not so when we had full on careers - it was just cereal and a cup of tea..

  • 11th Sep 2015 01:59pm

Married a dairy farmer, so got into the habit of breakfast which is ESSENTIAL after being out of bed and hard at work for 3 to 4 hours. It's a good habit, and now that I ma retired ( and a widow) I never miss it. As treat about 10 years ago I bought myself an Italian espresso machine, so now I start every day with a grapefruit, muesli, yoghurt and fruit, and a slice of toast with DIVINE real coffee.

  • 10th Sep 2015 10:07pm

I have to have my Breakfast, even if I've slept in, most of the morning : I start off with a large plate of Weight Watchers Berry Flakes, with a cut up Orange and a Banana also cut up, all in the one large plate and mixed with Milk, Next I have a cup of tea and one slice of toast. Once my Breakfast has settled, I go for a walk around the football field next door to my home, there is a walking path ideally suited for me . On my return home I have a glass of water and settle down to watch Sport events on the TV, I am 85 and I retired at the age of 73.

  • 10th Sep 2015 03:36pm

I have breakfast every morning and have for long as I can remember. If I do not have breakfast in the morning I feel as if my stomach is consuming its self. It consists of cereal except Sunday mornings when I usually have croissants,eggs, cheese and ham.

  • 8th Sep 2015 12:55pm

Usually its either cereal or toast in the morning. Toast with Vegemite and just a glass of OJ.

  • 3rd Sep 2015 07:58am

I have breakfast every day. I get up at 4.30 am as I walk daily so have lots of time. I have a smoothie with milk, banana, kiwi fruit, almonds, walnuts, prunes, all bran, oats and psyllum husk. then I have a vegetable juice with different sorts of vegetables.

  • 1st Sep 2015 08:56pm

have breakfast most mornings but sometimes im just to rushed.My ideal breakfast is scrambled eggs with tomato and wholegrain toast and a bit of bacon on the side,and coffee.Yummmmm

  • 1st Sep 2015 07:19pm

I absolutely NEVER miss breakfast. I need the energy or I don't function, besides being a diabetic that is NOT a good idea. Most days I have a cooked breakfast - maybe bacon & eggs on toast or eggs on toast and half a "hotpack" tin of something like Irish Stew or Spaghetti. Sometimes 4 WeetBix sometimes porridge sometimes cereal. Unlike my wife who quite often gets up and walks out the door without eating.

  • 30th Aug 2015 11:51am

I have breakfast every day. I just schedule it in to the time I need to allow to get ready in the morning. I normally have a big breakfast, I'm starving in the morning. Usually two pieces of toast, and on it could be courage cheese or ham or some spread. A glass or two of water. And some yoghurt with a banana. Or cornflakes with berries. And a coffee.

  • 29th Aug 2015 01:46pm

Depending on the plans I had on that day , if I have no time or rushing out to work or school , I'll probably prepare my breakfast the night before such as sandwiches , smoothies , juices and overnight oats to just grab and go , where else if I have plenty of time in the morning I'll make myself some healthy protein pancakes , big breakfast consisting of eggs , bacon , sausages and mushrooms . Breakfast is one of my absolute favourite meals of the day , I'll always get excited in the morning !

  • 28th Aug 2015 11:40am

i always make my breakfast for me n my family bread butter jam with tea or bread n omelet with tea n its in my daily routine to make it n take tea after wake up.
bread n butter is my favorite as a vegetarian.

  • 28th Aug 2015 12:33am

yeah i used to have breakfast especially milk and egg when i had to gain my weight. because i am busy in work these days i hardly have it.

  • 14th Aug 2015 10:18am

well!!break fast is an important meal in daily life as it the breaking point for fasting a meal.we shouldn't skip it,and its very easy to prepare as it consists of numerous varieties yet easy to gives you the energy required to perform your duties in your daily life at the start of the day.

  • 14th Aug 2015 10:07am

breakfast is the only meal that i don't go without. either the following get me started.
Porridge with banana and honey.
Avocado, tomato and egg on toast.
Fresh fruit with yogurt and toasted muesli.
i always carry a 200ml Double barrel cold drip coffee that i sip throughout the day.

  • 9th Aug 2015 10:13pm

I manage already daily breakfast time because I make the breakfast at home my kids and husband. some time we eat bread and tea egg. and some time I make home bread called prutah Indian style a gravy .we enjoy the breakfast at home.

  • 4th Aug 2015 08:23am

I have breakfast everyday, normally because as a uni student who also works I'm highly unlikely to find time for lunch. Breakfast is the most important meal and missing it tends to leave me feeling a bit weird later on, specifically very lethargic and just lagging behind. I like to have cornflakes and milo most of time, but lately I've started needing my coffee fix at breakfast, so I've started putting it into my milo as well.

  • 28th Jul 2015 08:20am

I make my breakfast 4 days in advance so I have ready to go meals. mainly just eggs and steak

  • 27th Jul 2015 05:12pm

Have found that combining a late high protein breakfast/lunch actually saves time and helps to lose weight.

  • 26th Jul 2015 04:20pm

Very rarely have breakfast, but on a weekend or away camping, then its definetly eggs and bacon

  • 19th Jul 2015 02:29pm

Fresh fruit, yoghurt and special K mixed together in a bowl with either coffee or tea.

  • 18th Jul 2015 09:03am

i always skipped breakfast, but for last 2 years have been living with someone who feels strongly that I should have something. I now have an 'up & go' breakfast drink as a compromise :)

  • 7th Jul 2015 03:00am


I have porridge for breakfast every day and it takes me less than 10 minutes to prepare and eat it, it costs almost nothing and I don't need a mid morning sugar fix.

I buy ordinary rolled oats ($1 per 900g) and add dried fruit and milk the night before so that the porridge and fruit absorb the liquid overnight. The next morning I simply add a bit more milk and microwave it for 90 seconds, then eat it. It is cheap, quick, simple, nutritious and sticks to my ribs until lunch time.

  • 6th Jul 2015 03:49pm

I have always time for breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. I always make sure I set my alarm early enough to shower, have breakfast and relax before setting off to work.

Nobody's darlin
  • 6th Jul 2015 11:08am

My favourite Brekky is Lamb chops with onion gravy, hash browns, toast and coffee (weak, white, one!)

  • 5th Jul 2015 04:55pm

only have time for breakfast in weekends and love bacon and eggs on tost with tomato and avocado

  • 5th Jul 2015 03:31pm

I always have breakfast and it is not a problem to fit it in as it has always been a regular part of my morning routine. My normal daily breakfast is a healthy cereal with fresh fruit a few nuts and grains and some low fat low sugar yoghurt. Of course on highdays and holidays I have the "full english" but fruit and yoghurt always forms part of it. A cup of tea is always a good end to my breakfast

  • 5th Jul 2015 03:25pm

I do have breakfast every day and it is a healthy breakfast in my opinion that sets me up for the day. Fitting it in is not a problem as it has always been a regular part of my morning routine. Most days it is cereal with fresh fruit some nuts and a few seeds (eg Pumpkin) and low fat low sugar yoghurt. Even when I have porridge I still add the yoghurt. Of course on high days and holidays I will have the "full english" but my yoghurt and fruit is always a part of it.

  • 4th Jul 2015 07:41pm

My ideal breakfast would be bacon, eggs, sausages, toast and a hot cup of coffee. Then maybe a muffin for something sweet

  • 4th Jul 2015 09:52am

I have breakfast some mornings as I feel sick if I eat to early in the morning. When I do have breakfast I have something take away to eat in the car a toastieu or something I like to eat cereal for dinner though....

  • 2nd Jul 2015 12:38am

I don't always have breakfast although I will take my up and go with me if I haven't had time for breakfast. On the odd occasion I do I have muesli clusters with yoghurt.

  • 1st Jul 2015 09:12pm

breakfast is possibly the most important meal of the day. as for what is an ideal breakfast ? depends on the individual and the activities on the table for the day.
that said, something filling and easily digested

  • 26th Jun 2015 01:31pm

As in that picture there. Vegemite toast every day. Sometimes I only have time to make it and then eat it on the way out the door, but I usually make sure I am up in time to get ready and then eat my breakfast.

  • 25th Jun 2015 07:03pm

Its quite simple really, wake up early and get out of bed, I make my kids breakfast every day before school and make their lunches, for breakfast most morning i cook them pancakes some mornings they just have cereal

  • 23rd Jun 2015 01:56pm

I do have my breakfast every day though it varies from weekday to weekends.

My typical weekday breakfast is Oats. Which I have AFTEr I get into the office. It is easier for me since I get in at 6:30 AM but only meant to start work at 7 AM.

Weekends I tend to be a bit more relaxed since i wake up late. A typical weekend breakfast if I need to go out somewhere in the morning is cheese toasts & coffee with a fruit.

But if I am home & have more time, I prefer to have eggs & bacon or sausage with buttered toast and a mug of Milo.

  • 17th Jun 2015 08:36pm

I do not eat breakfast, I do not remember the last time I had breakfast.
I do have a small amount 2 to 3 hours after I get out of bed though. 2 slices of toast with a bit of jam or sometype of spread is the main thing I have at that time.

  • 17th Jun 2015 10:05am

I have never been a brekkie eater I usually have a natural coconut drink in morning or some fruit .I don't seem to fill very hungry till lunch. Some times I do like to have dippy eggs mainly on days off or an early lunch I end up having enough things to do in morning if am working or have busy day.

  • 16th Jun 2015 11:21pm

egg boil

  • 15th Jun 2015 02:39pm

i manage to get time to eat breakfast because im up pretty earliy and have some of my food ready to cook

  • 12th Jun 2015 02:16pm

Breakfast is something I always look forward to, so I always make time for it. Usually I get up 1 1/2 hrs before I leave for work and make brekky for my husband and I. He has bacon and egg on a muffin with butter and coffee and soymilk. I generally have a slice of good wholegrain toast and fruit spread and a free range egg with tea and soymilk. Ideally I would like to have one of those beautiful homemade mueslis with nuts, dried fruit and berries etc but they are expensive to make.

  • 6th Jun 2015 04:12pm

At the moment I am on the Tony Ferguson diet so I have a shake or a bar for breakfast. Boring as it sounds, I can eat it on the go and I know I'm getting all the good stuff into my body I otherwise wouldn't.

On the other hand, my ideal breakfast would be a good old fry up - mushrooms, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, sausages, baked beans lol

  • 5th Jun 2015 01:14pm

Don't have breakfast . Just coffee

  • 1st Jun 2015 01:44pm

Breakfast is just so important as the first meal of the day which must last the morning that you must simply get up early enough to eat it at a leisurely pace that allows proper digestion. It doesn't have to be cooked, but should be protein rich enough to sustain you. Cereals with b-all sugar are good, with a cup of tea to relax you. Mainly, have protein and time!

  • 22nd May 2015 12:06pm

Wheetbix and a cup of tea

  • 20th May 2015 05:26pm

i just need 10 min for my breakfast....cause i always having the weet-bix with plain water....

  • 18th May 2015 12:48pm

my perfect breakfast is pancakes with freshly brewed coffee

  • 16th May 2015 02:22pm

personally, my body doesnt agree with having breakfast every morning, it makes me feel sick. my breakfast is usually a coffee or juice, or an up and go.

  • 14th May 2015 06:34pm

An English breakfast - so disgustingly unhealthy but tastes so good. Bacon, sausage, egg and black pudding but I would skip the baked beans.

  • 14th May 2015 02:29pm

I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning, it is always raw oats with a chopped banana and yoghurt on top. I usually have a coffee a few hours later. I have always thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day.

  • 12th May 2015 12:31pm

I don't have breakfast all the time because I have half an hour to get ready then go. But if there is muesli bars I will grab one on the way, having something in the morning actually makes a big difference.

ceanna jane
  • 10th May 2015 06:04am

To be quite honest getting out of bed at 5 am having to get ready for work,I either don't have time for breakfast or I don't feel hungry.when you first wake up you don't feel hungry, I usually skip breakfast and have a healthy lunch.I understand it is part of a healthy diet to consume breakfast however it isn't a huge deal to miss breakfast. I have breakfast maybe 2 times a week when I have a day off and it is usually something as simple as eggs on toast

  • 9th May 2015 04:43pm

I do struggle to eat breakfast first thing in the morning, while getting the kids ready but i usually manage to have it after the kids go to school. Sometimes i will prepare it the night before if i am having a smoothie or something else that needs extra time

  • 9th May 2015 12:05am

I don't have a regular breakfast everyday. If I have time in the morning, I would heat up a frozen pie and eat on the go or sometimes buy food at the bakery. If I don't have time, I would just grab an up-and-go and leave. My ideal breakfast would be french toast or pancakes or omelette with orange juice.

  • 27th Apr 2015 11:13pm

Always had breakfast, mother made toast, with either egg/bake beans or bacon and eggs and big glass of milk.

Have breakfast everday, and I dont manage it only takes 5-7 min to make toast, fry bacon,cook egg and eat it without rushing while watching the sunrise.

Favorite breakfast is toast with egg/bacon or bakebeans and glass of milk with warm lemon juice to start and in winter a bowl of cooked porridge with blended fruit in the porridge again only 10 mins to make and eat.

How to I have time, I get out of bed in time to make breakfast without rushing :)

  • 27th Apr 2015 05:25pm

when commuting to work on train on wekedays. usually get a cup of coffee and bread/ muiffin and have it on train. this helps to kick start my morning!!

  • 27th Apr 2015 08:20am

Always have breakfast. Even when working never left the house without a bowl of cereal, cup of tea and piece of fruit. Now I have G/F weetbix and Lactose free milk and no sugar. (not by choice diet constraints.)

  • 25th Apr 2015 03:40pm

bacon and eggs

  • 25th Apr 2015 03:40pm

backon and eggs

  • 25th Apr 2015 03:39pm

eggs on toast

  • 23rd Apr 2015 01:31pm

I prepare my breakfast daily. Because my job starts at midnight so at daytime i m free. My ideal breakfast is bread and peanut butter with hot milk.

  • 21st Apr 2015 08:51am

When I was a child/younger Mum would make breakfast & I would generally go without eating it. I now know how important breakfast is and always try & eat. Sometimes breakfast becomes brunch though.
I generally get up 1 and half to two hours before I need to leave for work (if I'm working) this allows time to have breakfast & complete some surveys after I shower. I keep my eye on the time & leave 20 mins to dress & makeup ... this normally gets me to work on time!
Some weekends I go all out & 'make'berry pancakes, or we have a bbq breakfast or go to the surf club.
I think to fit breaky in you have to want to eat it, once I started eating breakfast I found I would wake up hungry (makes it easier). Depending on what you choose it takes between 5 & 20 mins to make & about 10 mins to eat (if you're in a hurry) or spend half an hour of 'leisure' time planning your day while eating.
I hope this makes sense & perhaps helps you find the time for at least a small breakfast.

  • 19th Apr 2015 02:11pm

i have a nutri bullet for breakfast and load it with kale, spinach, carrot, cucumber, banana, mixed berries and super food super greens, Its quick, its easy and you can drink it whilst on the go as the cups have lids so you can take it with you. Im not really into pre packaged cereals that are full of hidden sugar and salt. The less processed, the better. If it comes in a box or can it cant really be that good for you.

  • 17th Apr 2015 09:04am

Bow of mixed fruit - small bowl of cereal - one slice of toast (homemade marmalade) and small portion of yogurt - with a mug of tea

  • 16th Apr 2015 01:09pm

Manage to have breakfast every day, keeps you going through the day. Ideally, if you find yourself short of time, the best thing to do is to make your breakfast at night. My breakfast contains chopped fresh fruit, ie, apples, watermelon, banana, anything that is currently in season. You can add a dollop of yoghurt but I like it just that way it is. Then if you are still craving - have a rice cracker with some type of spread. This will keep you going for the long hall. If you want something different, mash up a hard boiled egg with mayo and spread it on a couple of rice crackers. Again can be fixed at night. Hope this helps

  • 16th Apr 2015 10:19am

I have breakfast everyday,it's usually cereal & toast,it doesn't take long to pre-pair.
I've always had breakfast & it gets my metabolism working. It also gives me energy to do whatever is needed.

  • 15th Apr 2015 07:53pm

I take a while to wake up in the mornings, so breakfast is too much for me. after about 2 hours I am able to eat and enjoy something, and I may have a banana or a tub of yogurt. Yep, that is about as much as i can stomach. Lunch is different though, and I sure make up for it then! And I don't really have an ideal breakfast, but fruit salad is also a favourite of mine.

  • 11th Apr 2015 02:15pm

I love a cooked breakfast out with friends or family! I would rather eat Breakfast out than any other meal. I don't manage to have breakfast every day, but I make an effort to have something on weekends.

Ideal breakfast, cooked by someone else, crispy bacon & maple syrup on thick french toast with the tiniest bit of marscapone. But really, anything will do.

  • 11th Apr 2015 12:42pm

scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, coffee & juice.

  • 2nd Apr 2015 09:49pm

Ah i always make time for breakfast just get up 5 minutes earlier in the morning most important meal of the day. cornflakes with hot milk. I fear without this there would be a crazy irish woman floating around this farm lol.

  • 31st Mar 2015 08:45am

I used to have a proper breakfast with some toast and jam but now i cant find the time and just make a quick milo drink

  • 30th Mar 2015 02:38pm

I have always managed to have breakfast, well I actually don't have a choice as I am a type 1 diabetic and I need to eat breakfast with my insulin. My ideal breakfast is pancakes with ice cream and fruit salad but now I can only have a small amount of these things.

  • 29th Mar 2015 03:47pm

Breakfast for me is a coffee. Sometime between waking and lunch time, I manage to eat something, usually homemade muesli and yoghurt. 2 young kids sometime prevent me eating propely

  • 29th Mar 2015 03:07pm

I hardly ever manage to make time for breakfast. Weekdays I usually start work or school (depending on the day) pretty early, between 6.30am to 08.00am. What I normally do during weekdays is always grab a coffee on the way and bring something with me, either a muesli bar or a banana, something I can eat discreetly and that will tie me over until lunch.
Over the week ends on the other hand, I like to go out for breakfast to cafes. This obviously isn't possible every week end, but I try to do that once a week. In this cases my favourite breakfast item is corn fritters with avocado and tomatoes, and coffee of course.
Week ends when I don't go out for breakfast I still try to get a coffee somewhere or I skip breakfast entirel and try to have an earl lunch.

  • 29th Mar 2015 01:43pm

egg on toast but i start work at 6.30 so dont have time to cook it

  • 29th Mar 2015 01:12pm

As I travel three hours a day on a bus to get to school I have trouble having breakfast as it makes me bus sick but in saying that I do have a snack when I get there and eat breakfast in the weekends

  • 29th Mar 2015 12:53pm

I very rarely eat breakfast but when I do it has to be after 8am or reflux kicks in and I end up spewing it all up. It's usually something simple like Turkish bread or just toast. I very rarely make a full breakfast

  • 29th Mar 2015 11:54am

I usually do it like 3 times a week . Milk and bread is enough for me :) hope the answer was helping you

  • 24th Mar 2015 05:57pm

I don't manage to have breakfast everyday but when I do I usually have toast or cereal and always a coffee.

  • 24th Mar 2015 05:56pm

I don't manage to have breakfast everyday but when I do I usually have toast or cereal and always a coffee.

  • 18th Mar 2015 09:18pm

I have young kids so I always have breakfast when they do. It's usually cereal during the week and maybe poached eggs on the weekend.

  • 18th Mar 2015 12:07pm

I force myself everyday to have eggs on toast for breakfast if I miss that I won't eat all day :(

  • 17th Mar 2015 10:38pm

I love breakfast, it is my favourite meal of the day. I have a green smoothie every morning, and I will also have hot food and sometimes a cup of tea. I have pancakes, toast, bacon, eggs, fruit, yoghurt, fritters, fried mushrooms, tomatoes, and whatever else I feel like. I have breakfast every day, and even if I am running late or busy I will always eat at least a piece of toast with something on it, and bring mid morning snacks such as a muesli bar and a piece of fruit.
My ideal breakfast is something high protein, high fibre with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables that is super tasty!

  • 17th Mar 2015 06:07pm

I have breakfast everyday, it basically means to break the fastning from so many hours of not eating (overnight). Not only is a healthy breakfast good for your health but it fastens your metabolism.
I usually train every morning at the gym and i still manage to eat a green smoothie before heading to the gym to train weights. I will again eat after training at the gym, its so important for your metabolism to keep firing!

  • 15th Mar 2015 10:23pm

I never have time for breakfast, I work early in the morning and am on my feet all day so a full stomach isn't nice, a nice big cooked breakfast would be amazing to eat everyday but I don't think it would taste as good if I had them daily!!!

  • 15th Mar 2015 12:23pm

I just make it a priority and have it a soon as I wake up before I do anything else

  • 14th Mar 2015 02:40pm

If i have a time, I prefer to eat breakfast. Normally I have a slice of bread with jam and peanut butter and milk!

debbie doo
  • 13th Mar 2015 05:06pm

it is a matter of time management. they say breakfast is an important meal,im afraid you have to make time, but these days there are convenient quick options of breakfasts to buy.

debbie doo
  • 13th Mar 2015 05:05pm

it is a matter of time management. they say breakfast is an important meal,im afraid you have to make time, but these days there are convenient quick options of breakfasts to buy.

  • 9th Mar 2015 06:42pm

every morning i have a glass of milk and its been this way since my mum stopped forcing me to have breakfast when i was in grade 4 ( i graduated year 12 in 2009) i find i need to be up for maybe 2 hours before i feel like eating and anything before that results in an upset stomach

i've tried multiple times to eat in the morning but it just doesn't work out for me

when i do have the time on the weekend i tend to have either bacon and grilled tomato in a wrap with mushrooms or fruit and yoghurt

  • 6th Mar 2015 03:05pm

I will never leave the house without having breakfast. On seldom days that I do leave the house without having it, I will feel very tired and moody. Breakfast for me is easy and quick, I will find time in most mornings as I opt for the quick and easy cereal option, where it will take me no more than 10 minutes to eat and prepare. I am then ready for the days work ahead.

  • 6th Mar 2015 12:46pm

I have breakfast every day unless on holidays where im stuck in the car driving at the usual time I would have breakfast at home every day. my ideal breakfast is A bowl of Cranberry cereal 2 soft bowled eggs toast cut into fingers and an OJ and a coffee to kick start my day. I couldn't miss breakfast as its the most important meal of the day . That's what I believe any way.

  • 6th Mar 2015 12:39pm

I have a bowl of cranberry cereal ever day at the same time each day except when on holidays, I couldn't imaging being able to wait until 12 for lunch, the times when I haven't had the time for breakfast I feel very sick like as if my stomach was eating its self. so I have breakfast daily. My ideal breakfast is cranberry cereal with boiled eggs and toast with a glass of OJ and a coffee to kick start my day

  • 4th Mar 2015 01:42pm

Breakfast are the most important meal of the day, from morning 6am - 10am is the time where your body absorb nutrition on anything you take.
Yes!! I will make my time for breakfast every morning, simply a oat milk with fruits or a oat breakfast bar and a coffee on the go if I am in the rush.

  • 3rd Mar 2015 03:44pm

Almost 40 % of people do breakfast in there every day life. Rest of the people do not have time for breakfast as they don't have time, the reasons could be as they are late sleepers, they do remain bus on mobile chat, Facebook fans, internet surfing or watching movies or spent time with their friends in late night. SO they in morning they get up late and they rush to leave the home for school, college, university or for office. Many of the people don;t like to do break fast as they are diet conscious according to them they will be fat or vice versa.

For me i am a regular in breakfast even i get late from office but i prefer to do breakfast. In my child hood my mother developed a habit of breakfast. I did breakfast in my student life and i don't remember the day when i left my breakfast. It keeps me healthy through out the day during the different activities. Some times i have no time to do lunch as i have busy routine in my office so i think breakfast is necessary and in case if i do lunch then i have to take it from any restaurant that is not a good and balance diet.

Breakfast is necessary for every one and every one should have a habit of it. It have many advantages like;

A more nutritionally complete diet, higher in nutrients, vitamins and minerals
Improved concentration and performance in the classroom or the boardroom
More strength and endurance to engage in physical activity.
Lower cholesterol levels.

Eating breakfast is necessary fro everyone especially for children and adolescents. According to the American research the children who eat breakfast performs better in class rooms and on the play ground with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination.

Many studies, in both adults and children, have shown that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.

  • 18th Feb 2015 09:15pm

I have a cup of coffee only for breakfast as I just don't feel like eating early in the morning and am generally busy getting ready for work and getting kids organised for school. On weekends however, when I have more time, I usually have a cooked breakfast with eggs of some kind (my favourite is herb and cheese scrambled eggs), whole grain toast, bacon, fresh squeezed orange juice, and fresh coffee. I love a cooked breakfast and my favourite, ideal breakfast is eggs Benedict. I have it when away on holidays etc and have the time to enjoy a café or restaurant breakfast.

  • 17th Feb 2015 09:55pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I enjoy it every day. I get up early enough to have it before I do other work/chores. If I have a busy day I usually include a high protein eg eggs and bacon in my meal and this sees me through till lunchtime. Ideal breakfast would be eggs benedict every day.

  • 17th Feb 2015 12:21pm

I see not having breakfast like leaving your brain at home and leaving to attend to your commitments. How do you operate without it.

I am committed to the breakfast feed, in fact all feeds. I helps keep my productivity to a pace that I like. I would not trust anyone at 100% work capacity who did not eat correctly. Not because it is my soul belief but because research proves it. Just because the world speeds up does not mean you neglect yourself.

Breakfast tells a lot about how people care about themselves, with respect and nurture or neglect.

I love a good fry up on the weekends but generally its a bowl of whole grain something or porridge. Cinnamon because it is a good kick starter, sun flower seeds and soy milk, honey.

And you always fit time in for things that you think are important so how important are you to you if you don't eat breakfast?

  • 16th Feb 2015 01:40pm

I have always been big on having breakfast everyday so I can start off on a good note. Fitting it in is easy I ensure I wake up with enough time to have it. Breakfast to me is the most important meal of the day it gives you the energy to tackle all ahead of you.

  • 16th Feb 2015 12:16pm

I am ashamed to say my breakfast exists of a cup of coffee!! I usually don't feel like I can stomach food in the morning, although I know I should try.

  • 16th Feb 2015 11:22am

I have breakfast every day. Usually I have porridge with fruit and yoghurt. Some days I have toast and eggs. Then I have coffee! Ideal breakfast? robably some combination of the above. Fruit, yoghurt, toast with eggs and maybe bacon...and good coffee.

  • 7th Feb 2015 01:32pm

I don't really have breakfast everyday but my ideal breakfast would be waffles with lemon curd

  • 3rd Feb 2015 11:47am

Absolutely fit breakfast in every day. Can't say that I ever sit down to eat it, but there is definitely food in my belly before 8am. It's usually toast or hot cross buns if I'm running late and need to eat on the way, or porridge or cereal if I have time to eat between getting ready, packing dishes or ironing uniforms.
When I have loads of time in the mornings my ideal breaky would be scrambled eggs and chipolatas on buttered sourdough. YUM!

  • 19th Jan 2015 02:26pm

I always have time to prepare breakfast daily - either having cereals, toastie or a rice meal. I just wake up earlier if I want to prepare something that takes longer to prepare.

  • 17th Jan 2015 09:59am

most of the time ,muffins and soy flat white from a cafe.
sometime a big breakfast-fried eggs,mushrooms .

combat barbie
  • 15th Jan 2015 12:08pm

I always have breakfast (during my work week) it is always the same, small bowl of cereal, 1 piece toast and a cup of tea. On weekends I treat myself to eggs.
You need to make time for breakfast, I get up at 5:45am and always make time. Couldn't manage a day without it!

  • 15th Jan 2015 11:45am

I usually baked a cake or sweet breads on the weekend to cover for the whole weekdays. Will have them just by itself with a glass of coffee as this is the fastest way for breakfast.

Ideally i would prefer a poached eggs with smoked salmon on toast. This is only achievable during the weekends.

  • 8th Jan 2015 11:26am

I have always prioritised breakfast in my day. It's almost always cereal such as museli, maybe toast with Ozemite, or on a weekend pancakes or bacon and eggs. If I am running late in the morning, I will eat it at my desk, but breakfast is always a part of my day and I have raised my kids the same way. It is where our body "breaks" the "fast" of the long night and it needs the fuel to function properly in the day. Always an important meal to make time for. I would rather skip lunch. As I've had a good breakfast I don't have to eat lunch.

  • 6th Jan 2015 06:24pm

I rarely have a full breakfast except when I'm on holiday. I usually just have coffee and a cigarette. The ideal breakfast would be light, maybe a Spanish omelete, orange juice, mineral water, toast with marmalade jam and a cappucinno

  • 5th Jan 2015 03:28pm

I have brekkie every morning. It is a quick and simple cereal, coffee and toast. Occassionally to break the monotony I have an egg also. This only take 10 minutes to eat and prepare so granted it is not leisurely. I find if I don't spare these 10 minutes I am prone to naughty snacking

  • 28th Dec 2014 10:09pm

I have breakfast daily and try to vary it. I have either cereal, porridge or home made bread. I occasionally have as a treat some french toast or pancakes. I like to have a coffee too to start my day.

  • 27th Dec 2014 10:14pm

I very rarely have breakfast in the mornings on weekends, as I just don't get hungry. During the week at work I find that I need to have something to eat most mornings, or I will get grumpy by the end of the day.
My ideal breakfast would be pancakes with bananas, strawberries, ice cream, and golden syrup.

  • 18th Dec 2014 11:39am

When younger I would grab a coffee on my way to work. Later I managed some toast with good old Vegemite and a glass of milk or a cup of tea. These days, being a little longer in the tooth I will generally have a cereal, toast and marmalade and a cup of tea. Sometimes the tea is a green tea these days. I do however always have something at breakfast.

  • 13th Dec 2014 07:26pm

I have always eaten breakfast of some kind, even if I'm in a hurry. I discovered quite young that I tend to have low blood sugar and if I do anything physical without eating soon after getting up - even just a piece of toast and Marmite - I'm inclined to faint. You don't have to do that too many times to get the message. Since I started working from home I've had the time and leisure to have a cooked breakfast every day. It's a simple pleasure that I really appreciate. My favourite breakfast is a poached egg on toast, though I vary that with fruit smotthies, and fruity porridge in the winter. If I'm going out for the day I make myself a big vege-filled frittata, so I can go longer before I have to eat again. Breakfast has always been non-negotiable.

  • 12th Dec 2014 04:14pm

I cannot leave the house without breakfast EVERY day! I have a bowl of cereal, at the moment it is Special K, and a cup of tea. If I am able I love breaky at McDonalds - bacon and egg mcmuffin, hash brown and OJ. That's if I am alone, with family I also have hotcakes and a latte!

  • 7th Dec 2014 09:31pm

Poached eggs on wholegrain toast with a smattering of Milawa mustard. I get up early to have a peaceful breakfast on my own. For a special treat I eat out.

  • 29th Nov 2014 03:50pm

A couple of cups of coffee is the rule and then you may talk to me and if I am talking before then, know I am only faking it. Then cereal, with seeds and cinnamon. Porridge or Weet Bix. While I don't mind coco pops or anything with sugar in them, I find I am hungry early than I would be with porridge.

It helps with concentration. I find most people who don't eat breakfast have a distant stare in their eyes. Like they are physically present but their mind is still not out of bed

  • 22nd Oct 2014 12:06pm

Breaking your fast every day is really important and a great way to get the metablosium going for the rest of the day. I have warm lemon drink first, while I am making (in a real tea pot) a pot of gunpowder green tea with fresh ginger mashed to release the flavour and at least one piece of toast usually with avocado. If that is not available I enjoy butter & jam now and then.

  • 22nd Oct 2014 09:20am

I make time for breakfast every day. I think the "excuse" of being too busy is just plain laziness...a little planning goes a long way. I am up at 5 in the morning to train and then still have to walk 6km to work, etc. The evenings I run back home and some days do some more training or have uni etc so I guess I am a prime example of someone who "doesn't have time" yet I do.
I plan, in the evenings when i am sorting dinner out I also prepare breakfast and pack that along with snacks and lunch ready for the day ahead. I either have overnight oats with chopped up fruit and coconut yoghurt, gluten free pancakes, home made muesli and fruit, or an omlette. All of these options are easy to prepare in the morning - either open your container, add almond milk and fruit and eat or just heat if you need to.

  • 29th Aug 2014 12:40pm

I try to have breakfast every day even if its tomato & cheese toast
but my favourite is Poached eggs on Toast...My husband gets very upset if I
don't make him one when I have them...
How do I fit it in ...not quite sure a lot of running around

  • 29th Aug 2014 12:39pm

I try to have breakfast every day even if its tomato & cheese toast
but my favourite is Poached eggs on Toast...My husband gets very upset if I
don't make him one when I have them...
How do I fit it in ...not quite sure a lot of running around

  • 27th Aug 2014 07:21pm

i most of the time manage to have breakfast on time and my ideal breakfast is twi slice of bread with nutella spread along with skimmed milk tea .

  • 22nd Aug 2014 10:26am

I always find time to have breakfast. Im in a good routine where I get up at 630am every morning, get dressed, have a bowl of muesli, milk, and some honey and as im walking out the door, have a piece of fruit as well

  • 25th Jul 2014 08:15pm

I used to routinely skip breakfast in the mornings, but my job didn't involve as much physical activity in those years as it does now, nor was there the stress to try to keep my job back then as there is now. I don't agree it was laziness, as there was a lot I got done in the time it otherwise took to prepare & eat breakfast. These days I make time to eat at least a whole Green Drinking Coconut each morning, which keeps me well until "morning tea" (we can't call it "Morning Smoke-o" any more now-a-days!).

As for my ideal breakfast, I'd love to have the time & money to eat out everyday at a favourite new cafe I've recently discovered.

Sil sil
  • 25th Jul 2014 08:03am

I agree breakfast is getting hard, but if I'm running late, I make a toasted cheese and tomato sandwich which ends up being morning tea, then I have snack then dinner, but usually a coffee only. I find fruit is easy, even while going to work or dropping off kids, banana apple...

  • 20th Jul 2014 04:44pm

i have breakfast most mornings. i must admit it is not always healthy as i would like it to be. most mornings i would have toast at least sometimes with boiled egg other times toast with ham and cheese on weekends i would tend to cook full breakfast sausage eggs bacon beans and toast on barbecue. if we go out for breakfast i would try something different poached eggs with some spinach and smoked salmon. I am not a huge tea / coffee drinker but would have tea with cooked breakfast

  • 17th Jul 2014 12:31pm

We have breakfast every day, always have had. Sometimes in the early days was a rush and no one spoke to me until I had coffees. But after 4 kids learnt that i had to be awake and alert at breakfast time.
Now retired, my husband and I enjoy the pleasure of a quiet breakfast, porridge with fruit and milk for him and just fruit and toast and coffee for me. But we enjoy the time together, read the newspaper and get the day off to a good start.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it is great to be able to spend time now. After bringing up 4 kids think we deserve it!

  • 3rd Jul 2014 09:36pm

I eat breakfast almost everyday and I make sure that I wake up early so that I can fit it in. My ideal breakfast is toast, bacon, eggs, saugages, tomato and a cup of coffee

  • 3rd Jul 2014 03:27pm

I do not leave the house without it. It is my rule I have cereal and a banana, or strawberries or scrambled eggs and toast with a cooked tomato and mushroom.

  • 30th Jun 2014 09:43am

i try not to spend much time on breakfast making. So any thing quick and easy is preferred. Normally i have uncle toby mix with chobani yogurt, or raisin toast, cereal byte chocolate flavour for my kids. jam, peanut butter or vegemite on toast with some fruits and milk. on saturday or sunday i do some cook for breakfast like bacon and egg muffin, some naughty pancakes with icream and fruits.

  • 16th Jun 2014 10:33pm

I usually do fit breakfast in the mornings on most days, not all but most.
im usually rushed for time so i make oats from uncle tobys but my ideal breakfast is bacon and egg ssandwiches

  • 16th Jun 2014 04:10pm

I have Breakfast as much as possible but because of when I wake and when I go to school, I can't really fit Breakfast in.

  • 15th Jun 2014 05:20pm

I don't eat breakfast everyday, probably fit it in 3-4 times a week. Mostly because I don't feel hungry in the morning, if I do feel hungry or I believe that I need breakfast (e.g. I'm going to need the energy for the day) then I simply get up that little bit earlier to prepare breakfast.
I would say that the perfect breakfast would be eggs on toast (with perhaps avocado, smoked salmon, tomato and a hollandaise sauce) and a small fruit salad with yogurt to finish. I only wish I could afford such a breakfast everyday, life would be perfect ! Haha

  • 15th Jun 2014 04:13pm

Nigeria has over 250 different ethnic groups,[10] with a corresponding variety of cuisines. For the Hausa of northern Nigeria, a typical breakfast consists of kosai (cakes made from ground beans which are then fried) or funkaso (wheat flour soaked for a day then fried and served with sugar). Both of these cakes can be served with porridge and sugar known as koko. For the south western Yoruba people (Ilé Yorùbá) one of the most common breakfasts is Ògì— a porridge made from corn, usually served with evaporated milk. Ògì is eaten with Acarajé (akara) or Moi moi.[11] Both are made from ground bean paste; akara is fried in oil, and moi moi is wrapped in leaves or foil and then steamed. Ògì can also be steamed in leaves to harden it and eaten with akara or moi moi for breakfast. English tea or malta is served as a breakfast drink. Another popular option in southwest Nigeria is Gari, which is eaten like a cereal. Gari, known in Brazil as farofa, is made from the root of cassava. For breakfast, it is soaked in water and sweetened with sugar.

  • 14th Jun 2014 04:22am

I try to always make sure my children have breakfast but sadly most days i never seem to get around to it & often go all day without eating at all. If i did slow down long enough & find the time to make myself breakfast it would be eggs benedict with ham & salmon or an omelette or bacon & eggs or crepes/pancakes with maple syrup & whipped cream.. Im started to dribble just thinking about it….yummmm

  • 11th Jun 2014 07:52pm

the only reason myself and my partner eat breakfast is because i have to make it for the kids. so i make ours while i make theirs

  • 10th Jun 2014 05:05pm

I always have breakfast. Mostly cereal, I like the healthy ones. I am a huge fan of Weetbix, as it fills you up.

If I have more time I will make scrambled eggs and add finely chopped vegetables in.

Having breakfast everyday is a must for me and not a should, so I make a habit out of it and add it to my daily rituals list.

  • 10th Jun 2014 10:37pm
I always have breakfast. Mostly cereal, I like the healthy ones. I am a huge fan of Weetbix, as it fills you up.

If I have more time I will make scrambled eggs and add finely chopped...

I agree with you Luobikis. Breakfast is a must for me as well. I have an omelette each day or porridge for a change.

If you can't find time to eat breakfast get up 5 mins earlier.

  • 8th Jun 2014 03:43pm

Normal I just have a cup of coffee then head straight to work

  • 5th Jun 2014 06:25pm

time is the thing to gauge and if you are a morning person then there is no problem organise yourself and you will find a benefit to your energy level and no snacking I even have eggs most days cereal others

  • 3rd Jun 2014 12:54pm

I always try to have something, even if I just grab a muesli bar as I go to uni. If I have time in the morning I will make myself a proper meal but it all depends. Its different for everyone.

lizzie r
  • 24th May 2014 01:30pm

I'm terrible with not having breakfast. I maybe have twice a week or manage to have half way though the day

  • 23rd May 2014 10:25pm

Well like they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It a method I used with my family. Getting breakfast ready the night before wen mornning comes you have less time running around.

  • 23rd May 2014 10:21pm

Well like they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It a method I used with my family. Getting breakfast ready the night before wen mornning comes you have less time running around.

  • 23rd May 2014 09:27am

I love breakfast! I cycle through different foods. One week it's yoghurt and muesli, the next might be toast with just butter, the next it could be chia pudding. Life is like that - you want different things- you respond to what your body feels like (in moderation) . I can preplan dinners easily but always had trouble with breakfast so I make chia pudding (like the pods you can buy in the supermarket) on Sunday as a fall back plan in case I : a) don't have time to cook or b) can't decide what to have. I probably eat breakfast at work twice a week - not ideal but I think it's important to eat something to fuel your body each morning and if I run out if time, it's. A better option than skipping a meal. :)

  • 20th May 2014 02:50pm

Just toast and marmalade at. Present. But a friend gave me a bag go grapefruit so will start with half a grapefruit till they run out.

  • 20th May 2014 07:34am

I always have breakfast. I used to have smoothies every morning but lately I make veggie scrambled eggs with spinach, mushroom, avo, onion and tomato. It's the best. I think it's super important to get a good meal to start the day. I wouldn't miss it. Maybe you'll have to wake up a bit earlier but it's worth it for sure.

  • 19th May 2014 08:10pm

I set my alarm for 4:15 am to allow myself to have an unhurried breakfast of 6 weetbix and 3 bananas. Weetbix for energy and bananas (that i really don't like) for the potassium that my body doesn't retain but at least the weetbix makes them taste better so it's all good.

  • 19th May 2014 05:17pm

I eat it everyday, but having the same thing every day kind of gets boring and makes me not want to eat it. So I change the routine around, I reckon to find breakfast foods which will get you excited to eat it, that way you will make some time for it.

  • 17th May 2014 05:59pm

Ideally, a big breakfast would be so good. Bacon, eggs, toast, vegetables, chipolatas... yum!
Unfortunately, I only have time for the smallest bowl of cereal (as in half a cup) and I don't usually have time to eat on the spot, so I take it with me and eat and drive! :/

angry mum
  • 16th May 2014 07:56pm

breakfast, yes I do after drop off kids at school, who has time before that

  • 5th Jun 2018 11:40pm
breakfast, yes I do after drop off kids at school, who has time before that

I had 3 kids, I used to get up early go for a run with my husband. We had to drive where he wanted to run, Come home walk up kids, Cooked breakfast for all 5. Then make their sandwiches which included salad & good things.So good I recently found out they sold them at school. Had people waiting for them. One swapped hers a couple of times for mashed potato between 2 slices of bread. Never had it, good worth the try. Another occasionally fed it to the horse. My son could never eat enough, never gained weight until he married. Gave up all sport though?

  • 13th May 2014 01:33pm

I make time for breakfast every morning and it differs depending on how much time I do have. I have more time on weekends and like a cooked breakfast bacon eggs sausage toast. through the week when I work it's cereal toast and a cup of tea.

  • 12th May 2014 07:01pm

I have breakfast every day. Most of the time my husband makes it for me. I usually only have a piece of toast and a cup of tea. I find it really hard to eat much more. I would like to be able to have a high protein meal as it would sustain me for much longer. Only having a small breakfast im starving by 11 am.

  • 12th May 2014 04:44pm

I wish I had time for breakfast in the morning. I usually struggle to get my 5 year old dressed and ready for school as well as feeding 2 babies to make sure that we leave on time for school.

  • 10th May 2014 04:09pm

I want to hav breakfast everyday, but I only manage about every second day. Not hard to fit it in, just hard to remember and actually make it. My ideal breakfast would be smashed avocado with feta cheese and chilli on sour dough toast with a strong cup of coffee.

  • 9th May 2014 12:38pm

I am sad to say that i am one of these people that rarely eat breakfast i work late most nights as a waitress and find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning to manage to have breakfast. but when i have breakfast my ideal one would be toast with raspberry jam and a extra strong coffee.

  • 1st May 2014 11:34pm


  • 30th Apr 2014 11:17pm

I am not a morning person and I have some difficulties with my diet that I need to overcome, so I have had to make it as simple as possible.

I start with lemon juice with warm water, magnesium and vitamin c, raw unprocessed natural honey.

15 minutes or so later, I also usually have juiced beetroot, carrot, celery, kale, and pineapple that I have frozen two weeks ahead. I have my vitamin supplements that I take with this, and later a naturopath tonic measured out too. Then I have fresh brewed coffee with oat milk and stevia.

I try to have my cereal measured out into a screw top container which I do on the weekend, for the week. so I only have to measure in the oat milk and add fruit - usually a banana and sometimes blueberries. I will often eat the cereal when I get to work.

I used to go without breakfast and often skip lunch too. I would wonder why I had a massive headache at 5 in the afternoon and realize I had not had any water either. No tea, coffee - basically nothing.

I think one of the things that put me off breakfast was years of being forced to eat wheat bix and milk. I used to reflux it many days. My mother didn't believe me and insisted I eat it. Now, many years later, we now know I have an allergy to wheat and dairy milk. I am also intolerant to corn, cashews, and allergic to eggs and have to be careful with yeast and ginger. Makes breakfast challenging but not impossible. Carmens makes a nice cereal that I can have so I don't mind having it most days, which is saying something, as I usually like variety.

On the weekend, I will sometimes make the quick oats for something different. I do have to be careful which varieties I select.

I do agree, eating breakfast does help my moods to be better and for me to handle stress better; as well as get me through the day energy wise.

I also found when I didn't eat breakfast and lunch, I would put on weight - despite eating a healthy and portion controlled dinner. Yes, it will slow down the metabolism in some of us. It won't always catch up with you straight away but it will eventually.

Ideally, some bacon or meat to sustain me and my iron levels is a good idea and some spelt bread. Juice that has been squeezed, not on a supermarket shelf. Luckily we have a juice man at the markets that does it on the spot. We don't have this all the time but as a treat when on holidays mostly. A hash brown with it as a sandwich with some bush chutney is yummy. Have to be careful of the varieties I have. I buy the spelt bread from Wray Organics, as it is the only one I have found to be of regular bread consistency only better.

Really love a fruit platter as well, but usually don't have the time to make it. some coconut yoghurt with it is nice.

Sounds like a lot of bother but a little organization on the weekends makes it much easier and I definitely notice the difference if I miss any of the steps. It keeps me going and my health has improved because of it.

For those who don't have breakfast, please reconsider it. You will be doing yourself a huge favour that you might not even know or notice yet, and preventing many problems later. I didn't believe it. I do now.

  • 29th Apr 2014 10:40am

I always make time for breakfast. It refuels my body for the day ahead. I always plan a filling and healthy breakfast made up of protein, carbs and either fruit or vegetables.
My ideal breakfast is porridge with skim milk and blueberries

  • 26th Apr 2014 11:35pm

To have something like cereal that's going to get your brain to start working for the morning

  • 26th Apr 2014 10:04pm

Every since my daughter started school I have made her healthy scrambled eggs in the microwave for breakfast. I mix in a little milk, some red capsicum, baby spinach and a few bacon pieces and it takes just a few short minutes in the microwave. Then it dawned on my one day that if I just used one more egg I could have it too. So now we both have healthy scrambled egg on toast every morning. I also have a glass of skim milk mixed with Yakult and 2 tsp of Benefibre and I take a multivitamin! Having breakfast really only takes an extra 10 minutes. I save time by making the egg mix the night before when I make the lunches. I take morning tea to work but never eat it now because that breakfast keeps me going until lunch time without feeling hungry.

  • 26th Apr 2014 04:13pm

I have breakfast every day so that i have enough energy to get through the day. my job is physical and i have no energy without breaky. maybe 1 in 20 days i dont have anything, if it is my day off and i just wait until lunch to eat.
ideal breakfast is museli with pepitas, sunflower seeds, soaked almonds, yoghurt, and acai or some sort of fruit all added.

  • 24th Apr 2014 03:07pm

I often have my breakfast and most of the time it contain coffee and bread or biscuit but sometimes according to my mood I make sandwich or some kind of stuff.

  • 24th Apr 2014 02:03pm

I don't always manage breakfast. Maybe only 2-3 days a week.
However, when I have a weekend free my ideal breakfast consists of:
Peppered Avocados
French Toast
Hash Browns

  • 23rd Apr 2014 05:49pm

It all depends on the season and what I am going to do that morning. Oat porridge is good in the cooler months. Fruit if I'm not doing much and the weather is hotter. Or sometimes I have scrambled eggs and toast. It varies with what I feel like having or if I'm out having breakfast. Sometimes I have brunch instead of breakfast.

  • 23rd Apr 2014 04:31pm

Iafter m awake i need to eat something so breakfast is must for me... will try nd getup early instead of skipping my 1st meal. My ideal BF wuld be 1 fruit 1 bowl of ceral and milk.

  • 23rd Apr 2014 12:44pm

Being a student in the middle of exams, i have to have a shower and get change. once that is done i grab some fruit to eat. breakfast is vital for me as i am studding at the moment. If i don't have breakfast i lose concentration and it makes it hard to study, fruit is the best alternative for me as it's healthy - fast - filling.

hoot hoot
  • 22nd Apr 2014 03:14pm

I don't manage to eat breakfast everyday its all rush rush but on the weekends its mainly bacon eggs sauceages

  • 19th Apr 2014 12:00pm

I do have breakfast everyday. It might not be at the same time but I have my cereal. I do not have a preferred breakfast, however, on the weekend I enjoy a croissant or brioche. On holidays I enjoy either eggs Benedict or an omelette.

  • 15th Apr 2014 05:01pm

I eat an Apple on my way to work every morning. It is known that eating fruit in the morning is a lot better for your body instead of the afternoon or night. Its great because your still eating something and not missing breakfast which is really important. Plus you skip all the carbs from the bread and sugar/fat from the toppings on your toast. Just eat a piece of easy fruit (apple, pear, banana, strawberries, mango, apricots, peach, etc) to last you til morning tea or lunch time.

For the weekend thats when you have brunch. After you have your sleep in your make a healthy but yummy breakfast. Grain toast with Avocado (instead of butter), sliced cooked onion & mushroom, couple shortcut Bacon Pieces, and a pouched egg. When cooking the onion, mushroom and bacon try using a really good non stick pan and use no oil or butter. If in need spray a little cooking spray.
This breakfast will make it taste so much better since you have been eating fruit all week.

The only time i dont eat breakfast is if i run out of fruit and forgot to buy more.
But on the weekends there should be no excuse. Your body needs breakfast to kick your body into gear and give you that energy you need to get through the day.

My ideal breakfast would be my weekend breakfast but will a sausage, tomato and a cappucino!

  • 15th Apr 2014 05:00pm

I eat an Apple on my way to work every morning. It is known that eating fruit in the morning is a lot better for your body instead of the afternoon or night. Its great because your still eating something and not missing breakfast which is really important. Plus you skip all the carbs from the bread and sugar/fat from the toppings on your toast. Just eat a piece of easy fruit (apple, pear, banana, strawberries, mango, apricots, peach, etc) to last you til morning tea or lunch time.

For the weekend thats when you have brunch. After you have your sleep in your make a healthy but yummy breakfast. Grain toast with Avocado (instead of butter), sliced cooked onion & mushroom, couple shortcut Bacon Pieces, and a pouched egg. When cooking the onion, mushroom and bacon try using a really good non stick pan and use no oil or butter. If in need spray a little cooking spray.
This breakfast will make it taste so much better since you have been eating fruit all week.

The only time i dont eat breakfast is if i run out of fruit and forgot to buy more.
But on the weekends there should be no excuse. Your body needs breakfast to kick your body into gear and give you that energy you need to get through the day.

My ideal breakfast would be my weekend breakfast but will a sausage, tomato and a cappucino!

  • 14th Apr 2014 03:24pm

I only find time for breakfast because of my toddler. I feed myself while I feed him. Its mainly marmite on toast or marmalade on toast with a cup of tea. but otherwise I maybe have breakfast twice a week.
Ideal breakfast. Salmon egg benedict or Steak, Eggs and chips

  • 14th Apr 2014 03:29am

i have cheerios with soy milk most days. if i feel up to it I make freshly squeezed orange juice. I'd love to have toast with blueberry jam.

  • 13th Apr 2014 10:19pm

I try to have breakfast everyday but somethimes cant. I normally have toast or cereal i aim to have breakfast 5 times a week Thanks Shakya.

  • 13th Apr 2014 04:14pm

I have breakfast everyday, and usually I just make it quick and easy like a simple toast or cereal.

  • 12th Apr 2014 11:53am

I have never had breakfast in all my adult life .Even as a child I remember having argumrents with my mother as I never wanted anything to eat before school.

  • 12th Apr 2014 10:45am

Always have had time for brekkie, I get up 2 hours before I need to be somewhere which gives me time to get ready, fed and bright eyed and bushy tailed. As a child I loved peanut butter and golden syrup on a couple of slices of toast, porridge or Shredded Wheat. Late teens it became Vegemite on toast every morning for many years with a cup of white tea no sugar; Sundays bacon, egg, tinned tomatoes mushroom, black pudding and Worcestershire sauce, orange juice and a cup of tea. This is still the case mostly now that I am in my 50s but at present like I do for a few weeks here and there just have a diet shake and the old faithful white tea, have to start the day with a cup of tea no matter what. A real treat which is not often is to have breakfast at a Cafe and that is usually a cafe latte with full cream milk and either a savoury cooked breakfast, Pastry, or something sweet. Oh and at McDonalds I always would have the same, cafe latte, sausage and bacon McMuffin and a hash brown yum:)

  • 9th Apr 2014 10:09pm

Medical Professionals will tell you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We burn energy even whilst sleeping and our blood sugar levels can drop more than safe to do. It is important to seat 3 meals a day. Some need small low carbohydrate snacks/meals in between our main meals Don't consume more sugar of any type than necessary. If you have to add sugar to any recipe, try using less than in the recipe and use raw or brown sugar instead My Mum used to make cake occasionally and only ever used 3/4 or less than listed in the recipe. If you use artificial sweetener do NOT use aspartane. i has been proved that it can cause Cancer of the kidneys. There is a lot in Diet Cola Drinks. I personally know a lady who had to have one kidney removed and a friend of hers, much younger than her suffered the same fate. He was diabetic and drank a lot more of it than she did. She drank a can or small bottle a day. The first thing her specialist as her was if she drank Diet Cola of any brand. He called it "black death". She has to have scans regularly.

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:07pm

I have breakfast everyday. As i am an early riser, i find time to make my ideal breakfast which is poached eggs on toast with a cup of coffee.

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:07pm

I have breakfast everyday. As i am an early riser, i find time to make my ideal breakfast which is poached eggs on toast with a cup of coffee.

  • 5th Apr 2014 03:07pm

I can't function without breakfast. Growing up I was always made to eat cereal, 2 pieces of toast, juice and a cup of tea. Nothing much has changed. I look forward to breaky...

  • 4th Apr 2014 12:16am

I have always managed to have breakfest since I was a kid its been the same ruteen every morning get up have a shower cofee make some toast & im out the door I usualy just eat my toast on the way & take my cofee & put it in th cup holder

  • 3rd Apr 2014 11:02pm

I rarely eat breakfast. only on weekends usually. I try to make it a big one when i do eat breakfast because i love breakfast foods. Pancakes, bacon, eggs and maple syrup.

  • 1st Apr 2014 02:51pm

I have breakfast maybe once a week being a shift worker im really bad at eating three meals a day

  • 1st Apr 2014 12:46pm

hi everyone,

brekkie is very important- coffee is a must with a slice of toast with organic honey mmmmmm at least that kick starts my busy day.

  • 29th Mar 2014 12:47am

yes always time for breakfast

yogurt, cereal fruit ...go

  • 28th Mar 2014 04:34pm

Breakfast is my main meal of the day, as a fitness junkie eating my biggest meal first means that the calories will be burnt through out the day, I wake up each day an hour before I have to leave my house taking into account everything i need to do in the morning including breakfast. I like to mix up what I eat for example toast with eggs and spinach, muesli with milk/yogurt and fruit, smoothie or smoothie bowl, or simple wheetbix with honey

  • 26th Mar 2014 01:54pm

I am unemployed and i still don't have time for breakfast most days, either because i have slept in, forgot to eat or there wasn't anything in the cupboard i liked. Just estimating but i reckon i would have breakfast maybe 3 or 4 times a week... maybe less.
My ideal breakfast would be eggs Benedict with Hollondaise sauce! also with some bacon and a glass of orange juice! It's funny how much i love breakfast even though i don't get time for it

  • 26th Mar 2014 12:51pm

Always unless i am really hungover cereal or porridge depending on the season and toast.

  • 26th Mar 2014 08:48am

I have breakfast every morning which is either muesli and yoghurt or toast with honey.

  • 26th Mar 2014 08:46am

to me breakfast is really important so I'll put in the time and effort to make myself a nice on (toast and jams/ muesli or porridge) everyday. Yet my ideal breakfast is pancakes or waffles.

  • 25th Mar 2014 09:13pm

i have breakfast everyday- almost always cereal. After all breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I love that it can be hot or cold, you can basically have anything for breakfast! my favourite is bacon; anyway you want it

  • 25th Mar 2014 05:30pm

I always have breakfast cant function to long without Breakfast. On a weekday i go to work so in the morning I have 3 weet bix with 2 teaspoons of sugar and milk.
I do add a banana most days. On a week end on a Sunday I prepare bacon and eggs for myself and my wife and son. It gives me fuel breakfast and if i don't have breakfast I get dizzy and light headed after a couple of hours

  • 25th Mar 2014 02:17pm

Although I can make time for breakfast, I could never stomach anything within 2 hours of waking up. I usually have black coffee in the morning and wait till lunch. My partner who does eat breakfast however never wakes up early enough to sit down and eat. So I'd pack him something to go, like a sandwich or some breakfast smoothie.

On the weekends or holidays, I'd be more likely to have a late breakfast which also meant a light/late lunch. My ideal breakfast would be something warm, savoury and somewhat hearty. Like a fry up with poached eggs although sometimes I'd prefer the vege version.

  • 25th Mar 2014 12:51pm

The only day that I would possibly have time for breakfast would be a Sunday morning. I have 3 kids that need to be out the door early and unfortunately I am not a priority. I love a cup of tea if time permits but that would be about it.

Sunday morning would likely be toasted museli or if the hubby is in the mood a BBQ breakfast (rarely)

  • 25th Mar 2014 01:40am

As soon as I wake up the first thing I do is put the porridge in the stove to cook while I brush my teeth then I eat my breakfast. This is until I am sick of eating this or either boiled eggs, and sausages with milo or orange juice.

  • 23rd Mar 2014 08:16pm

Ideally for breakfast I would make time to prepare fresh juice (dairy-free) however, time constraints usually limit me to only being able to have a quick cup of coffee before dashing out of a morning.

  • 20th Mar 2014 11:55am

I ALWAYS have breakfast. I am always hungry on waking and it's the first thing I think about. Depending on time determines what I have. Quick bowl of cereal if I am in a hurry, warmed oats in winter or poached eggs at the weekend. Love a hot breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, hash browns etc. and I am particularly fond of McDonald's for breakfast - bacon and egg mcmuffin, hash brown, orange juice and then hotcakes!

  • 15th Mar 2014 08:45pm

I can't eat that early in the morning so i generally just grab a protein shake. On the weekends breakfast will be around 10 and normally an omelette or toast.

  • 15th Mar 2014 11:37am

i make time for breakfast every day. Can't start the day without it. Have to have my cereal with milk, fruit and honey and cup of tea. only takes max 5 mins so I just make time even if I'm eating as I run out the door. However, ideal scenario, relax and eat breakfast while reading the newspaper and doing the crossword.

  • 14th Mar 2014 11:53pm

I normally eat cereal or porridge in the morning. It's very easy to make and with enough milk, it's easy to finish within 10 minutes. This leaves plenty of time to get ready and leave on time!

My ideal breakfast would be something very big and heavy. Steak and veg, possibly some rice, pretty much a dinner type meal. Except this would take way too long to cook and eat.

  • 14th Mar 2014 12:52pm

I am always having breakfast. I need the time to wake up properly and be prepared for the day. What I am having for breakfast is not that important and varies. What matters is a hot drink either a cup of tea or a coffee.

  • 11th Mar 2014 05:13pm

My favourite breakfast is a "savoury" breakfast but these are weight-gaining (i.e. sausages, bacon, eggs etc). I then mostly go for sweeter types (i.e. raison toast, muesli with fruit and yogurt).

  • 10th Mar 2014 08:45pm

When a student I did eat large cooked breakfasts as they helped me have energy almost all day long. Now as I am older, I try to have lighter breakfasts with more fruit in season or sometimes steamed vegetables with eggs.

If I am away from home for work, I try to take my own healthy cereal so that I can have a bowl of that easily with milk if the options are limited or unhealthy.
I make my own from three different cereals which I combine and add my own dried fruit such as dried cranberries or sultanas.

  • 10th Mar 2014 09:43am

I try and eat breakfast everyday I work in a kitchen and have early morning starts so I find if I miss breakfast I don't function every morning it's a piece of sunflower rye toast buttered with a poached eggs depending how hungry I am I'll add sliced fresh tomato or avocado salt and cracked pepper

  • 10th Mar 2014 08:26am

I used to be more regular having weat bix with cold milk no sugar or muesli lately it's just a piece of toast with crunchy peanut butter and more later than on time my ideal treat breakfast is either crunchy muesli with yogurt and fresh fruit or french toast with cinnamon and cream WITH COFFEE

  • 10th Mar 2014 08:24am

I usedtobe more regular having weat bix sith cold milk no sugaror muesli lately igs justa piece of oast with crunchy peanut butter and more later thzn on time my ideal treat breakfast is either crunchy muesli with yogurt and fresh fruit or french toast with cinnamon and cream

  • 10th Mar 2014 08:22am

I usedtobe more regular having weat bix sith cold milk no sugaror muesli lately igs justa piece of oast with crunchy peanut butter and more later thzn on time my ideal treat breakfast is either crunchy muesli with yogurt and fresh fruit or french toast with cinnamon and cream

  • 9th Mar 2014 08:52pm

vegemite on toast with a cup of milk

  • 8th Mar 2014 02:54pm

I always have breakfast otherwise I feel shaky and can't concentrate. Every morning I have oats with a drop of honey and a cup of tea, and this with take me through to lunchtime. I can understand why kids don't do very well at school if they go without breakfast. Having breakfast takes me about ten minutes as I do my oats in the microwave. Having something is better than nothing.

  • 7th Mar 2014 01:40pm

im a chef by trade and have the worst eating habits, long hours and such i often to forget to eat during the day, but always make a point of breakfast on my days off with my partner.., usually our go to is home made eggs benedict with super fresh muffins, sauteed spinach and mushrooms.

  • 7th Mar 2014 05:48am

I have breakfast at 6.30 everyday. I eat oats with milk, bananas and blueberries. You have to make time for breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day.

  • 6th Mar 2014 02:24pm

I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so even if i have to get up a bit earlier - i always try to fit it in. If i have to get out the door in a hurry i have Vegemite on toast. On the weekends if i have time, i sometimes have a cooked breakfast. However, if i have a really earlier start - i might skip breakfast, and have something on the go.

  • 8th Mar 2014 02:57pm
breakfast, yes I do after drop off kids at school, who has time before that

I totally agree with Claire. Even if you are short of time there are so many different options in the supermarkets these days to have breakfast on the go.

  • 4th Mar 2014 10:23pm

I don't eat breakfast but if I did I could manage it as I do afternoon/night shift and would have it after I give my daughter her breakfast or at same time

  • 4th Mar 2014 11:18am

I am someone who used to regularly skip breakfast and other meals in the hopes of losing a bit of weight and let me tell you, IT DOESN'T WORK! I now make breakfast a priority in the morning and make sure i eat it everyday. I find that i have much more energy throughout the day, snack less and have a more stable mood.
It terms of fitting breakfast in, maybe get up 10 minutes earlier than normal, thats all you need to be able to have a good breakfast.
My ideal breakfast is eggs florentine or even just a good fruit salad and a coffee!

  • 1st Mar 2014 12:48pm

2 options every day no problems
1. smoothie with frozen fruit, almond milk, protein powder, superfoods, coconut
2. omelette with 2 eggs, veggies on hand (usually tomato capsicum mushroom spinach)

  • 28th Feb 2014 12:56pm

Most days I have no trouble as I am retired buy, when I was working I still made time for breakfast but may not have time most days for lunch

  • 26th Feb 2014 11:59am


  • 26th Feb 2014 11:58am

I manage to have breakfast most mornings. I usually have cereal. Sometimes a bowl of fruit or crumpets with vegemite

  • 25th Feb 2014 03:23pm

I have Wakame soup, green tea and either eggs or tomoatos on toast .Not hard to do, the eggs and toast are done while the kettle boils. Only problem is the distraction of reading the papers!

barney rubble
  • 25th Feb 2014 10:36am

I have breakfast everyday. I try to vary what I have. My favourite is one poached egg and vegemite on a English muffin. Other days no name porridge, special K, plain yogurt and fruit smoothie If I am in a hurry Special K is the easiest. I have coffee or tea.

  • 24th Feb 2014 10:15am

Four people in our house all of whom have breakfast every day - all of whom select a different cereal on weekdays - Weetbix (plain + Grain) Muesli Vanilla Clusters & Porridge. On the weekends breakfast is scrambled eggs, bacon, mushrooms advacado/smoked salmon with multi grain toast, fruit smoothee

  • 20th Feb 2014 11:08pm

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gets your metabolism moving. it is very important to have a healthy breakfast. I eat breakfast everyday and it is just a matter of getting up 20-30 mins earlier. I have 2 children at primary school that I need to help get ready so I like to have my breakfast straight after I take a shower. Breakfast gives me energy to cope with my busy morning and it prevents me from bingeing on naughty sweet treats throughout the morning.

  • 19th Feb 2014 12:31pm

I always manage to have my cereal in the morning with some added oats and chia seeds, quick and easy. My ideal breakfast is smorgasborg with a choice of hot food, fruit, cereals and juices from restaurant and I am so full when I leave that I probably only eat a piece of fruit for dinner. This is only done a rare occasions as not good for me or my pocket

  • 16th Feb 2014 04:52pm

I buy GoldenVale tropical cereal have a half bowl each morning with 3 spoonfulls of yoghurt and some milk its yummy full of fruit and plenty of calcium, am in my 69th year have no bone/joint problems and have no health problems

  • 16th Feb 2014 02:21pm

I have breakfast every day as if I don't I feel sick. I get up early so that I have time to have breakfast and am always in time for work. My ideal breakfast is cereal, a piece of toast and a coffee :)

  • 16th Feb 2014 09:20am

I would not be able to survive the morning without breakfast and it is supposed to be the most important meal of the day. Maybe if you treat it as an imperative and try to make the time for it it will become easier to fit in to the hectic morning time. I would say anything healthy consumed for breakfast is acceptable and better than nothing but I prefer oats, fruit and yoghurt.

  • 15th Feb 2014 07:44pm

Every morning i make my kids there breakfast and make mine while im there and we all have breakfast together we always have breaky before we go out. For breakfast we either have weet-bix, coco pops, toast, pancakes or bacon and eggs along with glass of cordial or orange juice. I cant not eat breakfast when i have kids.

  • 15th Feb 2014 04:22pm

Breakfast was compulsory as a child, then when I moved out and worked shifts, it became optional. Nowadays I still work shifts and get up earlier thn needed to make sure I eat breakfast.
Depending on my mood and time I either have toast made from a very heavily seeded loaf with some sort of spread; marmalade, jam and cheese, vegemite, peanut butter with jam banana and cheese, or I have a muesli containing oats nuts seeds dried fruit shredded coconut and puffed grains, or I may have eggs and baked beans or porridge. Sometimes I'll make pancakes or omelettes

  • 14th Feb 2014 04:25pm

Breakfast is the most important meal - we all need to start off with some good food. If up late and in a hurry, I just have a bowl of cereal - plus 3 slices of toast with say salmon or sardines on it. if have time do a meal of Fried Eggs, Bacon and hash Browns or Scrambled Eggs with Bacon and Hash Browns. We all should get a healthy start!

  • 13th Feb 2014 01:32pm

My ideal breakfast is avocade and ham on toast with lemon salt and pepper. Avocado is great for breakfast with all the great fats you need to start your day. its super easy to make, also very filling. The lemon really adds a great touch and because its so quick and easy to make i am able to make this atleast everyday before i start my day!

  • 13th Feb 2014 12:11pm

I grew up very poop and breakfast wasn't always an option so even now I barely eat breakfast because it is what I am a custom to.

  • 12th Feb 2014 01:15pm

Have breakfast as soon as I get out off bed

  • 12th Feb 2014 10:51am

Always make time for breakfast most important meal of the day (otherwise dependent on what time you go to bed and when you eat your first meal of hte day youve starved your body for 12 hours lol) - used to be Quick oats with hot water from the jug in 5 mintues now I have a Decent Bullet Blender I simply throw some raw oats, yoghurt, peice of fruit and a peice of Veg (carrot or cucumber etc) almonds and water in the Bullet and Breakfast in 2 to 3 minutes max! - Clean and high nutrient value low GI kickoff for the day.

  • 12th Feb 2014 09:21am

i never use to eat breakfast i was always too rushed in the morning to take the time to sit and have breakfast. My husband always tells me to have breakfast as its the main course of meal of the day however i choose to ignore it. For the last 3 months I havent missed breakfast i find it energising from the morning and gets me through the day and start my day fresh. If i forget to have breakfast i always carry a fruit in my bag or bar to have before I start work. Words of advise only takes 5-10 minutes to eat something in the morning and if you want to feel good every morning breakfast is the key to a healthy diet :)

  • 10th Feb 2014 03:36pm

me and my partner manage to have breakfast every day...get up like 10 minutes it that hard really...ha-ha...well when we go to work we have cereal...easy and quick...but otherwise we'll make toast...that's our favourite...

  • 10th Feb 2014 10:29am

definteily have to have brekkie each day

sundays is our tradition in our family to have eggs and bacon!

  • 2nd Feb 2014 03:39pm

I rarely eat breakfast. I constantly hear how it is a must have but i never have time or I'm to tired and on weekends ill just sleep through it. Although i started two days ago and have begun eating boiled egg whites because it's something i don't have to constantly stand in the kitchen and keep my eye on, and its quick and easy to eat.

  • 1st Feb 2014 11:25pm

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. I actually look forward to it when I wake up (true!), and I'm always a little disappointed when my bowl's empty. I have natural oats mixed with seeds, nuts, chia, quinoa, milk and natural yoghurt. Mmmmm-mmm!

  • 1st Feb 2014 06:22pm

I cannot survive without breakfast each day. I wake up at 6:20 and I need breakfast within the first hour otherwise I will have stomach pains for a long time (usually 2 hours or so).

I eat breakfast before I catch a bus to school and my ideal breakfast is Plus Cereal with the antioxidant berries and milk

  • 1st Feb 2014 09:12am

I never really did try to have breakfast in the morning as I never had time before school but now that it is my last year of high school I have been trying my best to have breakfast before school even though that means waking up just that little bit earlier.

  • 1st Feb 2014 03:18am

I always manage to have breakfast every day. Breakfast is much important than any other meal during a day. I always have my coffee first and then either have two scrambled eggs, or two pieces of rice cakes with two slice of Avocado and some goat cheese or some rice puff or corn puff with skim milk

  • 31st Jan 2014 10:11pm

i have it before i go to work and i usally have about 4 slices of toast.

  • 31st Jan 2014 04:18pm

On my days off, I make sure that I have eggs,toast,and bacon.And coffee of course.When im working though I make sure I get up that little bit earlier and have cereal and toast

  • 31st Jan 2014 12:07pm

I never manage to have breakfast and when I do its only a piece of toast because that's all I have time to make

  • 31st Jan 2014 10:59am

Well as I have two kids in primary school, as I'm preparing their breakfast I manage to eat at the same time. Always healthy like eggs or cereal is ideal and fruit. Sometimes naughty like Nutella on toast but I like to add some fruit as well like a banana.

  • 29th Jan 2014 11:07am

I am starving when I wake up so breakfast is a must for me. I am happiest with a piece of toast, butter ( not marg) and marmalade, with a white coffee. Ahh, alls well with the world. In winter it's porridge, microwaved, so no sticky saucepan to deal with, with a little brown sugar and milk. If I'm feeling reckless, I add salt before cooking and a little pat of butter after. Y, u, m.

  • 29th Jan 2014 02:23am

I usually have either a bowl of cereal, or a Vegemite and Cheese Toastie and a cup of tea sometimes I just have a Monster :)

  • 28th Jan 2014 06:45pm

i often don't have breakfast if i wake up late or if i'm not feeling like eating which i often don't in the morning. however if i need to do something (uni, work, seeing people all day) then i make an effort to eat i order to give me the energy i need. i would say i eat breakfast 3-4 times a week on average. my favourite breakfast is a bacon and egg sandwich but for health reasons i try to aim towards cereal, generall weet-bix

  • 28th Jan 2014 01:14pm

In my opinion Breakfast is very essential to me as an athletic person. I try to eat anything that i can manage and cereal is the most easiest thing for breakfast to me.

  • 28th Jan 2014 12:15pm

I have breakfast every morning if i don't have it i am eat all day as i can't seam to be as full or day. I get up walk the dog come home and have shower and then sit down and have breakfast it strat my hole day if I don't eat breaky it like I am missing something!!!

  • 28th Jan 2014 12:20am

I am really into eating healthy, especially at breakfast time. I am a shift worker, so my day often begins at 3am and I will almost always pack a breakfast. I find overnight oats are great because I make them the night before and they basically develop overnight. Otherwise a smoothie is always a great option!

  • 28th Jan 2014 12:19am

I am really into eating healthy, especially at breakfast time. I am a shift worker, so my day often begins at 3am and I will almost always pack a breakfast. I find overnight oats are great because I make them the night before and they basically develop overnight. Otherwise a smoothie is always a great option!

  • 26th Jan 2014 08:45pm

Uncle Tobys Plus Cereal antioxicidents the flavour is delicious and healthy at the same time.

  • 26th Jan 2014 08:45pm

Uncle Tobys Plus Cereal antioxicidents the flavour is delicious and healthy at the same time.

  • 26th Jan 2014 08:36pm

I only have breakfast 3-4 times a week, varies depending on how I'm feeling.. Normally a strong coffee and a scrambled egg with toast. Some morning I just don't feel hungry...maybe from too much to eat the night before.

  • 27th Jan 2014 05:06pm
breakfast, yes I do after drop off kids at school, who has time before that

I know I should eat breakfast, but often get distracted by other things, including work, now that I work from home.

It was easier when I worked elsewhere, as I usually feel nauseous at the thought of eating something as soon as I get up, so I have a cup of tea first thing, then usual morning activities, and bring something I can make at work (like toast, microwave porridge, etc) and had that before i started work

  • 25th Jan 2014 10:44pm

i do not eat breakfast. I wait for a big lunch

  • 26th Jan 2014 04:42pm
breakfast, yes I do after drop off kids at school, who has time before that

I don't eat breakfast either cause I'm a night shift worker I wake up around 10.30 am but if I was to wake up I would have a milo and a bowl of cereal and a bowl of fruit

  • 25th Jan 2014 10:44pm

i do not eat breakfast. I wait for a big lunch

  • 24th Jan 2014 01:32am

everyday because i go to school i love to have coffee with nuttella on toast ummmmmmm yum!!!!

  • 23rd Jan 2014 04:05pm

My ideal breakfast includes a small helping of fruit, an oat-based cereal and something cooked. I used to cook breakfast for our whole family for years but when I had a breakdown at work and had to be retired I stopped doing it. I should bet back t o it but I'm rarely hungry in the morning.

  • 9th Jan 2014 03:49pm

I always have breakfast. I find it keeps me from feeling hungry and eating the wrong stuff later in the day. I either have muesli with extra nuts and seeds and yoghurt, porridge and cinnamon (instead of sugar) in winter or toast with vegemite and cheese or baked beansor scrambled eggs, or toast and marmalade or toast, peanut butter, jam banana and cheese ( very filling). The toast is Cape seed and full of seeds especially sesame and chia.
If out I love to have eggs benedict
Even when I have to leave the house at 5.30 am I make sure I have something before I go

  • 7th Jan 2014 12:16am

Breakfast is a must and i wouldn't have it any other way,I find being a Dad that nothing is better than a Bagel and Coffee on the run.

  • 24th Dec 2013 02:09pm

I eat breakfast very day and have raw oates and fruit with natural yoghurt

  • 24th Dec 2013 02:08pm

Raw oates and fruit with natural yoghurt

  • 18th Dec 2013 05:20pm

I've always managed to make time for breakfast. It used to be weetbix but is now porridge with fruit and greek yoghurt and the occasional bacon, eggs and mushroom. It's a matter of being organised and making time. However, if in a rush these days there are always options to get a good breakfast on the way or to take something like some fruit and yoghurt as a starter.
Having pancakes is a special one for me but that is not often.

  • 16th Dec 2013 08:28pm

I have a gluten free cereal but sadly, my local supermarket has just discontinued it. It is the only one I can eat without paying about $45 kg for it :( I really don't know what I am going to do when I run out of what I have. I have allergies and intolerances so it isn't so easy. Ham and hash browns and a side of fruit would be ideal I guess but who has time to make that every day??? I am out 7 mornings a week. In winter I like oats with brown sugar or maple syrup

  • 4th Dec 2013 07:04pm

always skip breakfast!

  • 4th Dec 2013 02:20am

I always make sure breakfast is eaten before anyone walks out the door, I don't care what it is as long as they eat. I have a range of cereals start from healthy oats, muesli, weetbix to the less healthy cocoa pops. There is also bread they can toast or get some fruit loaf out of the freezer to toast, weekends they might cook up eggs but if they have to cook bacon I prefer them to do that on the BBQ. My kids can also have just a banana if they are in a rush since it's something healthy they can eat on the way to school.
Personally I always eat some cereal along with my 1 coffee for the day, does not matter what time I get up I always have it as it forms a pattern for the rest of the household to follow. If I don't keep a routine in the house for meals they would skip it if they had the chance.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, if you look at the word & seperate it into the 2 words Break & Fast you will understand why. It is the first meal of the day to break the fasting of food while you have slept hopefully 8 hours. It is the only meal that has a long time gap since the last one you ate so it is the kick start for the day & needs to get you through to your lunch break. That is why I have the rule that we all eat breakfast before going out.

  • 25th Nov 2013 10:04am

daily - ,make the time -= its an important meal - so I just slot the time in for it... also - we take turns making breakfast - so some days I make it other days hubby makes it and some days even my children make it... ideal... roasted muslie and fruit - and a fresh juice.

  • 14th Jun 2013 05:54pm

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is a priority to sleeping in. That is how one fits in breakfast. If I skip breakfast, it is most likely before a bloodtest, where you need to fast, but I make up for it afterwards. Idealy kellogs calcium plus is the go or some fruit, particularly in summer. Porridge in winter, bacon and eggs when i have a lot of time and feel like cooking it.

  • 14th Jun 2013 05:50pm

breakfast as they say is the most important meal in a day.but because of tight schedules,for me breakfast will be just like my,cereal and bread is what i always have.i think that's very common nowadays,since almost every morning we're in a hurry.

  • 14th Jun 2013 03:07pm

i have also manage break fast everyday because we sleep in night minimum for 7-8 hours it means nothing we have in our stumuc so in morning its neccesury for batter health.
if i dont have everyday than we can manage it by early lunch or something healthy food which we can have with our work.
and i prefer in breakfast light food like cornflax, bread,buiscuits,cofee

  • 14th Jun 2013 12:21pm

Breakfast on the go! You can cut up the ingredients for a smoothie the night before, then blitz it in the blender while getting ready. Tip it into a to-go cup and have it on the walk to the office.

  • 14th Jun 2013 12:04pm


  • 14th Jun 2013 09:46am

I manage to fit breakfast in, normally when i dont accidently sleep in. when i was younger i use to have a bowl of weetbix or porridge with milk then a hot or cold milo depending on whether it was a cold morning or hot morning

  • 13th Jun 2013 09:08pm

I need breakfast, I get up with enough time to have a brewed black coffee (I cannot drink milk) and toast with jam every work morning. This is important - wake up and give the body essential fuel for the next 3 to 4 hours.

  • 13th Jun 2013 09:06pm

I make breakfast for my kids everyday but never make time to make some for myself, as I am often too busy getting them ready. The only day I eat breakfast is on a Saturday when I start work at 6.30am and am able to get it at work, I have a bacon and egg sandwich and it's great, but don't have the time to cook it for myself during the week or the money to go and buy it every morning.
My ideal breakfast would be a bacon and egg roll or muffin and an apple juice :)

  • 13th Jun 2013 03:27pm

I rarely eat breakfast. I have the time to but i just don't make it. I spend my mornings getting my son organised for the day, by the time he is fed and dressed I am not hungry and am usually too stressed to be bnothered to sit down to eat. my days are usually GO GO GO, so i just dont even think about breakfast for myself. I might have breakfast once a fortnight, if that.

  • 13th Jun 2013 01:11pm


I never miss my breakfast, usually around 7am. It can be anything from cerial to full meal of rice and curry. It is my regular routine that I have allocated time for the breakfast, most of the days I prepare it just before the breakfast time but on a busy day or hangover from previous night, gulp whatever left in the fridge.

  • 13th Jun 2013 06:48am

I try to eat breakfast everyday and its usually 1 English muffin with banana and fruit juice or twice a week I have an English muffin with bacon, cheese, omelette and tomato sauce and a coffee. Occasionally I'll go on a break from coffee and have a hot milo. I'm usually awake fairly early because I can't seem to eat as soon as I wake. After an hour though, I've worked up an appetite after cleaning the house!

  • 12th Jun 2013 07:28pm

I found moving house and changing lifestyle my body needed the extra meal. I cant function without breakfast now. I wake up at 6.30 am to ensure I can fit in breakfast.
I love cornflakes and on weekends spend that little extra time to make bacon and eggs

  • 12th Jun 2013 06:09pm

I manage breakfast everyday, with the odd exception of having it late depending on my shift.

Ideal breakfast as follows:
Coffee (flat white)
Eggs Benedict ,Rye toast, salmon & wilted spinach
Fresh juice.

  • 12th Jun 2013 02:14pm

I try to manage time for my breakfast everyday. Sometimes, If I don't have time, I'll carry it in my train or have it on the station while travelling to Uni.

  • 12th Jun 2013 12:52pm

Making breakfast really only takes 10 minutes. A pot of coffee, egg and bacon or cheese on toast or simply greek yoghurt with fresh fruit. I believe it kick starts your metabolism and wakes your brain up. It's just a case of being organised.

  • 12th Jun 2013 06:42am

  • 12th Jun 2013 06:41am

I usually have porridge with cinnamon, sultanas, chia seeds & honey most days while getting my grandaughters ready for school.
When I was a young adult I wouldn't eat until about 11am as I just didn't have time or even like breaky, then it would be a toasted ham and tomato sandwich from the tuck shop.
My ideal breaky would be bacon , eggs & grilled tomato everyday but I just don't have the time.

  • 12th Jun 2013 06:35am

I usually have porridge with cinnamon, sultanas, chia seeds ^honey most days while getting my grandaughters ready for school

  • 11th Jun 2013 04:00pm

I always manage to have my breakfast. it's because I need to take my breastfeed supplement with my meal. But before I was pregnant and having baby, I always manage to have one.

For me having breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And sometime, I feel like my day would be more easy. I believe if my tummy is full then I can work with clear mind.

My breakfast is always start by drinking a glass of water, then I prepared a glass of hot chocolate and a bowl of cereal every day. This is what I always did for my weekday. For the weekend it has to be something special, so I often go to cafe in my area just for having a simple yet great breakfast.

My ideal breakfast is bowl of POP cereal from Kellogs and Sourdough bread with smoked salmon and scramble egg with chili

  • 11th Jun 2013 10:16am

not everyday i know ive passed on good eating habits to my children, but i think im just lazy if someone made it for me id proberly eat . I seem to go for quick foods like friut and then run out the door.sometimes i dont eat till about 11 oclock because in the morning my stomach just cant eat it i tend to have a coffee instead.
my ideal breakfast would be eggs benedit. yumm.

elaine burnett
  • 11th Jun 2013 09:38am

Hello we manage to have breakfast most mornings I am in the country and have a 60km drive into town on days I need to go to the office then I make a protein shake plus berries to drink on the way. (Not sure how healthy this is but it always makes me feel that way).

On days off we try to make the effort to poach up some of our fresh eggs and sit on the verandah and take in the silence of out here.

  • 11th Jun 2013 12:24am

well actually i never have breakfast!!

  • 10th Jun 2013 09:58am

Breakfast is a hard one but we have to try and fit it in. We have an 18mth old boy. He eats alot. 1 egg 2 big mushrooms baked beans and a slice of toast so when we are making his we just make a little more. He has 2 slices of toast every second day. If he doesn't get his breaky he's cranky.
Organisation is the key. My husband a stay at home dad and he's now organised himself otherwise it's a nightmare.
Getting things ready of a night is a good idea. We do that. There's is never enough hours in the day so you make time for the important ones like a good diet.

  • 10th Jun 2013 09:33am

I have up and go, yogurt, toast or weekbix if im short of time I'll have nothing... which i pay for feeling crap for the whole day

  • 9th Jun 2013 07:26pm

um don't eat breakfast cause I cook it for ppl I would have breakfast maybe once a week and ideally I`d love a buffet breakfast in bed

  • 9th Jun 2013 07:23pm

ok I don't eat breakfast because I cook it for ppl I would proberbly have breakky on my day or days off maybe once a week
my ideal breakky would be a buffet in bed

  • 6th Jun 2013 01:30pm

I get mine in every day most time i will have home made smoothies made up with all the nutritional benefits i need to get me going throughout to lunch.
My favorite:
* 1 Cup oast
* 2 Cups water / plus half cup skim milk
* 1 teaspoon LSA seed mix
* 1 teaspoon Glucosamine
* 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
* 1 Banana
* Half cup mix berry's ( I use frozen )
* 1 teaspoon honey
* 1 egg + 3 egg whites ( you choice on how many eggs to use )
Blend it all together until smooth it is really good and keep you full for hours.

I pre make up in sandwich bags ready to go all of the Oats, LSA mix, Glucosamine, Cinnamon and what ever other extras you like to add so i can just get up put it into the blender add the rest and its ready in under 5 mins perfect for those who are trying to loose those extra kilos

  • 6th Jun 2013 09:13am

Every day. Always a good cup of coffee. Every second day 2 eggs (scrambled, boiled or poached) with or without bacon - more often with. On the alternate days home-made muesli/cereal often with natural (unsweetened yoghurt).
From about 17 to 25 years of age I ate breakfast irregularly.
I like to get up a little earlier and be able to eat my breakfast in peace or relaxed mode.
I love eggs benedict with smoked salmon or home smoked ham but do realize it is a bit of a heart attack on a plate..

  • 5th Jun 2013 02:38pm

Hi I try to have breakfast every day , when I get up I put the kettle on for a coffee and either put some bread in the toaster or porridge in the microwave then I go to the bathroom, by the the time I'm ready so is my breakfast Jan P

  • 21st May 2013 09:07pm

Nearly always make time for breakfast even if it is just a piece of toast. Lately started having porridge which takes about 2 minutes. Find if I don't I get really flat by late afternoon and get the sugar cravings.

  • 21st May 2013 05:45pm

I wake up at 5 every morning for school, as I'm Australian and lived far out from school. Unfortunately sometimes I'm so stressed I forget to eat breakfast; one of my problems is the pure fact that I'm NEVER hungry in the morning. I normally have it most days a week. My ideal breakfast.... ooh let me think....
I really like hot foods like bacon and BBQ sauce, hash browns, tomatoes and sausages but NOT baked beans or mushroom. I also like pancakes, crepes and even cereal. I also enjoy some types of toast, and for a very special treat I get nutella :) (chocolate spread). I'm also addicted to the American cereal cinnamon toast crunch, but I barely ever get it because they don't sell it in Australia :( breakfast is a realy important meal in the day, and actually helps you lose weight, so I try to have it as much as possible.

  • 19th May 2013 11:31am

Porridge, at least 4 times per week. Weetbix is a close second.
I eat breackfast every day, could not make it to work without it.

  • 16th May 2013 12:22pm

sorry for replying so much thought it didnt update

  • 16th May 2013 12:21pm

i find it very hard to have breakfast in the morning with school runs if im lucky i will get in a coffee, on average ill have brekky once or 3 times a week!

  • 16th May 2013 12:20pm

i often have brekky but not till late mroning as school runs dont give me time for myself in the morning, im lucky to get in a coffee.

  • 16th May 2013 12:19pm

i often have brekky but not till late mroning as school runs dont give me time for myself in the morning, im lucky to get in a coffee.

  • 14th May 2013 05:02pm

In winter I generally have Rolled oats with added dried fruit and nuts, summertime - weetbix with milk [prefer to have it as a smoothie done in the blender with a banana and a dessertspoon of drinking chocolate - rather like a home made get-up and go, and at the weekends we have eggs [either poached on crumpet or muffin, or scrambled - favourite flavours are with keens mustard added for flavour, or coriander and sweet chili sauce.

  • 14th May 2013 04:34pm

Always have breakfast, can't face the day without it. Week days/work days -Wheatbix & milk; weekends - a cooked breakfast made by my husband. My ideal breakfast would be scrambled eggs, with diced fresh tomatoes and parsley on top.

  • 13th May 2013 06:45pm

Breakfast is the one meal I will never miss. I sometime miss lunches & dinners but never breakfast. I usually have cereal of some kind (depending on the season) & coffee but on Sunday I do love to sometimes have good old bacon & eggs.

  • 11th May 2013 12:09am

When I was working 5 days a week for 37 years with one company, I had two children, got into a routine, now that I am retired it does not matter what time I have breakfast, I call it brunch because I go to bed at 3am and get up at 10 or later. Glass of juice, cup of coffee, two toast with cheese or pariser or radishes, which I love and would die for, or next morning two scrambled eggs, bacon, tomatoe, radishes, coffee, juice no toast, porridge next morning and cereal the next, I try to have a different breakfast every day, they retired me nearly 2 years ago and have no routine to follow now, who cares what time I get up, I am disabled, use a walker, am a lot slower in movements, it takes me at least one hour to make breakfast just for myself, years ago it took about 10 minutes.

  • 9th May 2013 02:45pm

i dont manage to fit in breakfast at home but i take an up and go with me to work each day, my ideal breakfast is scrambled eggs with toast

  • 8th May 2013 08:44pm

I have breakfast almost everyday, usually its food leftover from dinner the night before or toast. Breakfast is my first priority but if I don't have time I make sure I eat soon afterwards.

  • 4th May 2013 02:16pm

depends on what time i get the moment it's probably 3 times a wk i have breaky.


  • 3rd May 2013 12:31pm

Breakfast is a must for me otherwise I am under the table by 9:30. A good muesli with some stewed fruit, or fresh and plain yogurt sets me up for the day even if I don't get to anything later. I often throw it into a plastic box and eat on the way to work or once I've got there. Sometimes I even get it together to eat it at home while I do my make up.

  • 1st May 2013 12:04pm

Porridge is my favourite winter breakfast. It only takes a few minutes to make and it keeps me going all morning. You can vary it up by adding bananas, honey, nuts or dried fruits. I love it with saltanas!
I eat breakfast everyday. If I am really short of time, I just grab a banana or tub of yoghurt.

  • 1st May 2013 11:31am

I am an un-orthodox eater at the present time.
I cook a cup of white rice for mid-morning lunch.Maybe with a poached egg or 1 white toast with margarnie and peanut butter.Coffee and water afterwards or a orange juice.Vegetables added to the rice.
I try to include my portion of fruit after this meal.
I wake up early and start cooking about 7am. This food usually keeps me going until mid afternoon.
This is my staple food most days of the week

  • 1st May 2013 10:17am

Have had more or less the same brekkie all my life. Juice, cereal with tin fruit,coffee. Then I take my vitamins. If you take vitamins you have to have after food so makes brekkie to me compulsory.

  • 30th Apr 2013 07:02pm

  • 30th Apr 2013 07:02pm

Its depend upon individuals. I like to eat salad and cup of juice. Its really very helthy brekfast...

  • 30th Apr 2013 06:47pm

I proberly eat breakfast only on weekends. As i am too busy during weekdays before I go to work

  • 30th Apr 2013 05:19pm

Sadly with the rush of everyday life I don't always find time to eat before I go to work.
I do find when I make some time to eat I feel much better all day long. Why don't I do this everyday I do not know. I know many people are this way.
Also when rushed everyday to get places I find I end up eating worse food which probably costs more as well rather then taking 15 minutes to make food at home.

  • 30th Apr 2013 02:38pm

I make breakfast for my two boys and husband and always eat with them. We both work for ourselves, so start about 9am, so have plenty of time. Whether it is toast, cereal or cake and always a coffee. Breakfast the most important meal of the day.

  • 30th Apr 2013 01:08pm

Don't always have breakfast, maybe 4 out of 7 days but I always start the day with a chai tea or coffee...
The ideal breakfast is sitting in a cafe, paper in front of me and the old faithful... juice, 2 eggs (poached), bacon, tomato, mushrooms, sourdough toast maybe a hash brown & well made latte'.... At home a bowl of muesli with yoghurt and a coffee or chai.....

  • 30th Apr 2013 08:24am

I try to have breakfast every day but most days do not find the time to eat until 10:00am and then that throws me out for the rest of the day. I have had a stomach sleeve operation to help me stop eating but it means that I can't eat and drink at the same time. I need my coffee first in the morning so that is more important to me. I think that this is what is causing me to regain weight.
Does any one else have similar problems

  • 30th Apr 2013 07:02am

I eat breakfast every single day. It is something that's important and everyone should make time for. If I miss it I feel very unwell until I've eaten. It is the most important meal of the day because you havn't eaten for many hours and your body needs the fuel to get through the day. I eat cereal and toast but of course I would prefer eggs and bacon but that is too time consuming. Please make time for Brekky.

  • 29th Apr 2013 12:59am

I usually can't eat first time in the morning, so depending on my routine, I often wait until morning time for something like a sandwich. If I'm home for the day, I usually have cereal when I get back from dropping my daughter off at school.

  • 28th Apr 2013 07:19pm

I always manage to make time for breakfast. I get up in plenty of time to both have breakfast and make my lunch. Ceral and toast it helps on the cycle to work and to get through the day.

  • 28th Apr 2013 07:15pm

here is a government funded program called MEND designed for children who are over weight or obese. The course is designed for families so the children are not on their own doing it, but teaching the whole family about diet exercise, lifestyle change, reading product labels, learning about food and so much more. I only found out about the program by chance. More information about these programs is needed at schools, doctors offices, community centres, centrelink, family assistant, childrens sports.

  • 28th Apr 2013 03:47pm

I make a point of having breakfast every morning> I never leave the house without having something to eat. Its become a part of my routine in the mornings like having a shower etc. I have never thought that its too much to make myself breakfast - in fact I quite enjoy brekkie. My most favourite is Porridge which I have in winter and Uncle tobys Cereals in Summer.

  • 27th Apr 2013 05:28pm


  • 26th Apr 2013 04:12pm

start by one coffee,+ then either cereal OR bacon & eggs it depends on if I have enough time!

  • 26th Apr 2013 09:47am

I am an early riser, and no matter how early my shift is in the morning I make sure I wake up an hour earlier to fit breakfast of cereal and coffee in. Ideal breakfast of course would be bacon and eggs. But realistically for health and convenience I stick to cereal and leave the warm breakfast for special occasions.

  • 25th Apr 2013 08:14pm

I always have breakfast at home.
I dont like having breakfast at school because the price is very expensive and the food doesnt look good!
I try to wake up early and have some sandwiches with milk! Its very nice

  • 25th Apr 2013 05:09pm

I love pancakes for breakfast but most times i have a slice of toast.

  • 25th Apr 2013 02:56pm

I have muesli with protein powder and stewed fruit and milk and a cuppa. I just have it in my routine for the morning so manage to fit it in okay

  • 25th Apr 2013 02:30pm

I have to eat breakfast everyday. It is the first thing I do when i wake up in the morning, i go to the kitchen and make myself food. in summer its always muesli and yogurt and winter it's porridge. There is always a quick cereal or a piece of fruit handy if I slept in.

  • 25th Apr 2013 09:58am

I have breakfast every day. When I wa younger I used to skip it quite a bit because I wasn't hungry, but as I have gotten older I have noticed that if I don't have breakfast in the morning, I binge eat in the afternoon when I get home before I eat dinner... horrible!
My favourite meal of the day has now become breakfast.. I love eggs on wholemeal toast with avocado, and I love to go out for breakfast or brunch with friends - it is so nice when you can try different things for breakfast!

Big Brother
  • 23rd Apr 2013 01:09pm

I think breakfast is critical to our health and everyday's work. I never skip breakfast. To allow some time for breakfast, I get up early. This is just about forming a habit. Once you get used to this routine, everything will work out for themself. A cup of milk and some fruit and bread are the typicaol breakfast for myself.

  • 22nd Apr 2013 04:27pm

I make the time in the morning, everyday before leaving the house, to toast two slices of wholegrain bread (usually) with margarine and jam, along with a mug of tea. Breakfast happens every morning if I'm going out, however on the weekends I like to get my chores out of the way first thing, so end up having a late brunch with indulgent meals like pancakes, eggs and bacon, french toast or just having lunch.

My ideal breakfast : french toast with bacon, maple syrup and lots of fresh fruit with a pot of English Breakfast.

R.J's King
  • 22nd Apr 2013 02:42pm

I have breakfast every day I couldn't be without it. I normally have cereal or tost or sometimes both. I've never gone a day without breakfast. I have never had trouble with finding time for it there have been close calls where I over slept a little but then I just eat quickly ten minutes is usually enough time to eat a bowl of corn flaks

  • 22nd Apr 2013 12:59pm

I hardly ever eat breakfast which is the worst thing a person can do as it does kick start your metabolism for the day but due to a lot of stress lately I have lost my appetite !!!

  • 21st Apr 2013 11:42pm

I never get time to eat breakfast always feel sick afterword. I envy those who have the time

Captain Slog
  • 28th Apr 2013 02:01pm
breakfast, yes I do after drop off kids at school, who has time before that

Hi Freya, Everyone,
We had a Freya in our McDonald's Regent Crew in Brisbane in 1982. You aren't her, are you? She found $10. while cleaning under a table and, being Honest, handed it in to the Manager (not one of our best Managers) and he pocketed it. Poor Girl!
Anyway, Brekkie!
You can ALWAYS have time for a Good Breakfast. Even a very simple one.
I always get up around 5 40 am and have a Cuppa Tea and some Toast with Marmalade while I watch the BREAKFAST Program.
At 8 am, I then have a lovely serve of Porridge, which is done so simply, it virtually cooks itself while I'm feeding my cat or getting washed. Try it!
Put the Jug on.
In a decent sized bowl, put 1/2 a cup of Rolled Oats and a Pinch of salt (Add more if the taste isn't right), a Dessert spoon of Raw Sugar. Mix together and then add a small knob of Butter.
As soon as the Jug has boiled, add enough water to cover the oats completely. e.g., if using a Noodle Bowl, fill till 1 Inch from the top. cover with a plate and do your thing while it cooks.
After a few minutes, after you've freshened up, etc., it will be ready. All you have to do is add the milk and get stuck in.
Please, Freya, and others, try not to skip Brekkie! Its the most important Meal of the day. It wakes you up! It makes you feel good, it gives you a boost.
IF you really want to "SKIP" Brekkie, have some. . . SKIPPY'S with Banana. That's how I "SKIP" Breakfast. Too cold now, though. Its Winter.
Take Good Care!
Best Wishes.

  • 21st Apr 2013 11:27pm

I manage to have breakfast every single morning and it's my favourite meal of the day! I make it part of my daily routine so as soon as I am changed and about to leave, I quickly have a bowl of my favourite cereal and then I am good to go. I have Just Right cereal every morning, boring but I like it.

When I sleep elsewhere for the night, I still manage to eat something before I start my day. If not cereal, I will go out with my friends for brunch - usually some museli and yoghurt or fruit toast.

I feel that breakfast is essential to starting a day and when I don't have it, I don't feel as refreshed and energised, but that's just my experience.

  • 21st Apr 2013 09:16pm

yes I do have breakfast daily.
My partner has the same thing daily.
Toast and Coffee.
and I vary between cereals.
Weetbix or oats.
I am happy with these option Mon to Fri and an occasional eggs and bacon treat on weekends is always good.

  • 21st Apr 2013 02:20pm

I am not a morning person! My body can't physically handle food until about 10am and I am already up and on the go By 7.30am In my busy schedule I only manage maybe a piece of fruit or a sandwich if i am lucky for a late breakfast! I am sure If I changed my routine I could get in the habit of eating breakfast.. But i am not too fussed.

  • 19th Apr 2013 11:18pm

I love having breakfast! I wouldn't miss it for anything. I have it everyday. it's not a matter of fitting it in. it's part of my regular routine. I'm currently enjoying making some breakfast recipes inspired by Michelle Bridges! :) this morning was a boiled egg with Vegemite on toast and an orange, and tomorrow is apple muesli! Delicious!! :) my ideal breakfast is a smoothie, a banana smoothie!! :)

  • 19th Apr 2013 03:43pm

i always take my breakfast at 9am in the morning ....n i'm always interested in making Indian dishes...

  • 19th Apr 2013 02:28pm

It really depends on each individuals. I personally just buys liquid breakfast and have it on the way to school, it saves a great deal of time and effort, but exchanged with money. If you never find the time to have breakfast, i suggest you do the same, breakfast is actually really important to your health according to researches.

  • 19th Apr 2013 07:22am

I always have breakfast in the mornings, I have learnt how to make easy pancakes. That is why I always make them. I also drink coffe with milk every day

  • 18th Apr 2013 05:32pm

I personally manage to fit breakfast in every morning, but that is most likely because I am currently a Uni student and not working. All of my lectures are at night so I have plenty of time to wake up in the morning, work out (or not!) and make some toast or oatmeal.

My ideal breakfast would be something filling, balanced and light. Perhaps some yoghurt w/fruit and two slices of whole-grain toast with butter and jelly, PB, or vegemite.

  • 18th Apr 2013 08:13am

it really depends on your situation. if you have time to eat breakfast thats great but some people cant afford it or just dont have time until later, but i guess its called brunch then.

  • 18th Apr 2013 07:01am

Most frustrating trying to do!!! For the kids, I prepare their cereal before I go to bed along with cups ready to go for their hot chocolates. Purchase an Aldi coffee machine and you have their drinks prepared in two minutes. Your coffee is ready at the same time. With my breakfast, whilst their eating I organize mine. Toast with avocado and tomato. Quick and easy. It's hard to fit in, but I do it the best way I can. Good luck hope it helps

  • 17th Apr 2013 09:51pm

I usualy manage to have some toast on ocasions i will cook eggs hash browns but manly toast due to having no time

  • 17th Apr 2013 04:34pm

Not everyday depends on time and to manage time have to get up early.
My ideal breakfast is fried egg with a cup of tea but mostly it is with any spread and coffea on my way to work.

  • 17th Apr 2013 04:26pm

Not everyday depends on time and to manage time have to get up early.
My ideal breakfast is fried egg with a cup of tea but mostly it is with any spread and coffea on my way to work.

  • 17th Apr 2013 03:47pm

I have cereal and fruit with juice everyday, My work is very flexible and I am currently a new stay at home mum.. I used to not be a breakfast person but now I love it and always make time for it.

  • 25th Mar 2014 06:40pm
I have cereal and fruit with juice everyday, My work is very flexible and I am currently a new stay at home mum.. I used to not be a breakfast person but now I love it and always make time for it.

I always make time for breakfast. I want to set a good example for my kids but I also couldn't last til lunchtime without it and would probably snack to compensate. I used to have two pieces of toast with vegemite but I am trying to lose weight so I have swapped to Special K with berries (pretty much the only cereal I like). Plus my cup of tea! I am a stay at home mum now so if I am running late to take my eldest child to school I can come home afterwards with my other two and have a late breakfast (on some days at least!). I eat with the children at night (5:30 ish) so I find I am generally pretty hungry the next morning.

  • 16th Apr 2013 07:58pm

i try and have my breakfast every morning but sometimes its just not possible with my busy life and my ideal breakfast is 2 slice toast bread with nutella and a cup of coffee

  • 16th Apr 2013 02:47pm

I often don't feel hungry at breakfast and just used prepackaged protein shakes to get me through to lunch.

  • 16th Apr 2013 11:59am

I manage to make breakfast everyday, even after a gym work out in the morning.
I wake up at 5:30am make sure I'm at the gy from 6-7am and have breakfast as soon as I get home, then we usually try leave for work from 8-8:30am.

Usually I have porridge with fruit in winter along with a coffee. I try mix it up with a fruit smoothie, eggs on toast or cereal with fruit.

  • 14th Apr 2013 11:43am

I always make time for breakfast too. I cant function without it, and often feel sick if I don't have it. I have a very physical job, and need to be able to really focus on what im doing. I wouldn't be able to do it if I didn't have some fuel on board.Its just a matter of making it part of your routine.
When I have the time, on the weekend or on holidays, my favourite breakfast would be Eggs Benedict with some smoked salmon, yum !!

  • 18th May 2014 06:52pm
I have cereal and fruit with juice everyday, My work is very flexible and I am currently a new stay at home mum.. I used to not be a breakfast person but now I love it and always make time for it.

I always try and do brekky now even if just toast

  • 10th May 2014 06:25am
I have cereal and fruit with juice everyday, My work is very flexible and I am currently a new stay at home mum.. I used to not be a breakfast person but now I love it and always make time for it.

Always have to have breakfast!! I just have a couple slices of toast and a cup of tea. Even when I was working this breakfast enabled me to do eat and do other things at the same time and it sustained me until lunch. Fav breakfast when I can get it bacon and eggs. OHYES PLEASE

  • 10th May 2014 06:22am
I have cereal and fruit with juice everyday, My work is very flexible and I am currently a new stay at home mum.. I used to not be a breakfast person but now I love it and always make time for it.

Always have to have breakfast!! I just have a couple slices of toast and a cup of tea. Even when I was working this breakfast enabled me to do eat and do other things at the same time and it sustained me until lunch. Fav breakfast when I can get it bacon and eggs. OHYES PLEASE

  • 6th Jun 2013 04:35pm
Schuby that is my favourite breakfast too - yum!! Reading that has made me really want that for brekky but unfortunately I am stuck with a boring bowl of cereal today.

Usually just cereal HOWEVER on weekends I'll have bacon/sausages and eggs with toast-butter
during winter every morning I have uncle toby's oats-with a little suger!

  • 21st May 2013 05:48pm
Schuby that is my favourite breakfast too - yum!! Reading that has made me really want that for brekky but unfortunately I am stuck with a boring bowl of cereal today.

this will sound funny but I wish I was like you! I'm NEVER hungry in the morning and breakfast is always a chore I have to remember because my body doesn't tell me I need it.

  • 17th Apr 2013 09:10am
Schuby that is my favourite breakfast too - yum!! Reading that has made me really want that for brekky but unfortunately I am stuck with a boring bowl of cereal today.

Schuby that is my favourite breakfast too - yum!! Reading that has made me really want that for brekky but unfortunately I am stuck with a boring bowl of cereal today.

  • 12th Apr 2013 07:50pm

I am definitely not an early bird. But I always allow about half an hour to have my breakfast and wouldn't want to start the day without it.

  • 12th Apr 2013 03:43pm

well to be honest am an early bird, so the first meal of the day is essential for me , inorder to maintain day routine, am a tea and milk person.

  • 21st May 2013 05:46pm
owl-hollow says: I am definitely not an early bird. But I always allow about half an hour to have my breakfast and wouldn't want to start the day without it.

I guess some people don't have an hour sometimes. But I get your point; breakfast is important! But everybody is different.

  • 12th Apr 2013 07:51pm
owl-hollow says: I am definitely not an early bird. But I always allow about half an hour to have my breakfast and wouldn't want to start the day without it.

owl-hollow says: I am definitely not an early bird. But I always allow about half an hour to have my breakfast and wouldn't want to start the day without it.

  • 12th Apr 2013 01:12pm

I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to eating one crumpet toasted and spread with butter and vegemite - which I have eaten for years, with a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. In recent years I have switched to drinking white coffee by itself and I still enjoy my crumpet, though over the last 3 months, I have been cooking and eating bacon and tomatoes each day for breakfast with herbal tea, as I am getting rid of my sugar addiction. But I am going back to my one crumpet for breakfast, as it only contains dextrose, and not harmful sucrose/fructose. I find it only takes about 15 to 20 mins to cook and eat breakfast (bacon & tomato) and less for a crumpet. So I don't know why anyone would have to go without breakfast, unless you were really running late and short of time.

  • 16th Jul 2017 02:54pm
I love the new microwave porridge - better than the GLUG of my childhood.

Heaps more expensive though...

  • 16th Jul 2017 03:17am
I only eat breakfast if I am hungry

Whilst I understand the reason to eat breakfast following a prolonged time of not eating when asleep, I just don't feel hungry and cannot face eating. Very occasionally I may just take a slice of mild cheese or a small piece of fruit. I don't understand the hysteria about eating at certain times, I only eat when I am hungry.

  • 27th Sep 2016 09:37pm
I love the new microwave porridge - better than the GLUG of my childhood.

I am the complete opposite I tried those quick oats, once and went back to the Uncle Tobys traditional , even forgetting about it and let it boil over like Dad.

  • 8th Jul 2016 10:16pm
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

I find I am usually all ways short on time, even while I was at school and working on my gap year and now at uni, I do struggle to wake up before 7:30 and when your class starts at 8 its a bit of a rush

  • 28th Apr 2016 02:52pm
well some people are just unorganized and unwilling to do it . everyone is different ............I prefer porridge more natural

archer says I have always made time for breakfast weather it be two weetbix and milk or porridge when I was young to nutri grain and milk no sugar,or toast with marmalade or peanut butter now

  • 25th Mar 2016 04:43pm
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

where did my post go?

  • 25th Mar 2016 04:42pm
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

  • 25th Mar 2016 04:38pm
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

I never miss breakfast, even if I have to get up really early.
Breakfast for me can be 2 sachets of hot oatmeal, one is not enough, I love brown sugar and cinnamon flavour... It could be a boiled egg on toast and a banana...and in summer I especially love toast with tomatoes sliced, sprinkle some sunflower seeds on top, salt and drizzle olive oil....yum

  • 5th Mar 2016 01:24am
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

My make my daily fruit and vegetable smoothy everyday it is good and healty and very fast done

  • 12th Jan 2016 01:35am
I only eat breakfast if I am hungry

you should eat breakfast keith its the most important meal of the day dont you do enough in your life your burn enough killa gulles to have breakfast keitheven if you have 1 weetbix or some thing small is better than no break fast at all

  • 12th Jan 2016 01:33am
I love the new microwave porridge - better than the GLUG of my childhood.

please to here it pegaus

  • 11th Jan 2016 04:26pm
have you got amicro wave you can buy those porriges that you put in the micro wave for 1minute that way you are getting some good fibre as well because porridge gives you energy as well

I only eat breakfast if I am hungry

  • 11th Jan 2016 04:26pm
have you got amicro wave you can buy those porriges that you put in the micro wave for 1minute that way you are getting some good fibre as well because porridge gives you energy as well

well some people are just unorganized and unwilling to do it . everyone is different ............I prefer porridge more natural

Burnt Out Digger
  • 1st Oct 2015 10:00am
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

I try to have a big breakfast everyday on the basis that it sets up a good foundation for the rest of the day

  • 1st Sep 2015 07:20pm
have you got amicro wave you can buy those porriges that you put in the micro wave for 1minute that way you are getting some good fibre as well because porridge gives you energy as well

I love the new microwave porridge - better than the GLUG of my childhood.

  • 1st Sep 2015 07:16pm
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or hot milk, depending on the season. And a cup of coffee with milk and Milo added. Then I switched to...

You put MILO in your coffee? That's weird.

  • 2nd Jul 2015 01:09am
I have always managed to have breakfast. When younger it was a few wheatbix with cold or