School Holidays! What are you planning for the kids?
Posted by: CafestudyAdmin
28th Mar 2013 02:48pm
I need inspiration!
Any ideas on where to go to look for activities/movies/events to do or go to with the kids? Do you plan stuff in advance? How do you decide which are the most appropriate things to do for your kids? Any ideas/advice welcome!
Any ideas on where to go to look for activities/movies/events to do or go to with the kids? Do you plan stuff in advance? How do you decide which are the most appropriate things to do for your kids? Any ideas/advice welcome!
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Comments 61
going to beach or movie....
we r planning for hollidays at sydney ya we book tickets and hotels ..i seen in broweser many plces in sydney for kids also like aquarium and fairy and all hope we enjoyed a lot
Not sure where everyone lives but we are in SA and our budget is mega tight. What I do first is I look at what the local community centres offer, then what surrounding local councils will offer and then what the local libraries offer (all usually free). Then there are parks, beaches, playgrounds and even catching public transport to the local airport to spend half a day at the terminal watching planes etc.
osch its great
Spontaneous adventures like exploring a new city or visiting the petting zoo or a food festival are the best because it opens kids to alternative interests and they'll probably get exciting new treats/experiences (e.g. petting an large animal or tasting different foods) that most other kids will not have enjoyed because they were too busy lining up for hours in theme parks.
We go to the beach, the night market, visit family and friends and if we have the money or passes we go to theme parks as we live right near the Gold Coast :)
my son is only 2 so not school holidays its playgroup holidays lol, we go to the shops every day maybe the park during the week but defernitly on sunday, look at local activities they had a fate last weekend, out to eat, hire some vidoes\dvd's ,seeing friends, joining me for coffee with my friends and neighbours we do a lot of art and craft also try to keep it as low cost as possible so he can have a big day out on the weekend and we don't have to worry about how much it will cost
the winter festival! its in sydney
Go on a holiday with my Children.
I look at what my children are into at the time (currently - video games) and play with them. Because I work, I do not get time to play with her, so holidays is a time to play and get to know your children. It is amazing how much they open up when they are having fun with you. I also try and do something new with her at least once a year, at the moment I am thinking about buying her and I some roller blades and trying that out. Wish me luck that I do not break a leg :)
It depends on what kinds like..
hoot hoot
school holidays no cant keep calm it costs me a fortune kids never want to stay home and my go they rive me batty I find because shoping good and letting them visit friends because there old enough
used to look forward to the school holidays as the morning routine of getting the kids ready for school was relaxed with no rush.I used to take the kids to the park or into town on the train or just go visiting grandparents.My four children have all finished school now and its the end of an era as far as schooling goes.
Allow your kids to learn a new skill. Look for workshops in horse-riding, pottery, art, rock climbing and drama.
In my view, I would like to take the kids to the reserver and the zoo for a look. We can also take them to go shopping and visit their grandparents at the weekend! Good experience!
digital free days just like it use to be kids need to get out and run around laugh and just have fun not sit in front of a computer and kill things
yes u do plan stuff in advance. depending on how old the kids r will depend on what u can do. Also do things that wont cost too much
Hi if you live in Hamiton New Zealand thea is always Inflateable world on Duke Street children can have endless fun bouncing around in theInflatedable word
Yes. You can try Just register it, they will send you how to spend school holidays, family fun places. etc.
Your local libraries run free activities on school holidays. Bookings are sometimes essential.
We need better structure for the younger generation, cause we tell them what its like but really they need a taste of what its like to be an adult atleast then they will learn slowly before adult hood
I've found with my 2 and 3 year old girls that they love playing with goop and if u have a kid who hates getting there hands dirty if u explain to them that the goop is just soap they will play with it. U could go for a walk around the block and take the dog if u have one, or take them fishing or camping. Even cooking cakes or cup cakes that is also fun. Or even get them to help wash the car, kids just love to get involved in everything even if u r sweeping the floor or dusting give them a cloth and get then to wipe the table. My girls love helping there grandmother do the cloth washing, the list is endless u night be saprised.
i am a mum of five 1,7,11,13,16 an for holidays i normaly plane things the day before i take my kids mausium sinence center south bank theam parks beach ectan i find that a mum knows best so u will know if its age apprpret
Plan a couple days in advance what you are going to do so you are organised and do not feel stressed about taking the kids out.
Some fun things you can get up to these holidays could be visiting theme parks, taking the kids to the zoo to see the animals, just relaxing in a park with a picnic or even taking them to the pools for a swim.
Try and plan activities that would interest you children, for example if your kid is creative maybe get them involved in some art activities over the break or visit museums.
The movie 'Frozen' is a great one on at the moment. If your kids are sporty then maybe sports days/camps that often run in the holidays.
Other than that I'd suggest taking advantage of any natural surrounds your area has to offer. Here we have a wonderful river and lovely grassy banks that are great for fishing, picnics and relaxing.
zoo is a great place to take the kids i have three an they love the zoo an its summer the pool another great place the kids will have a ball
honestly a childs dream is gaming no matter what age they are take them to a time zone,play time or even Galatic Circuis its in the city it has soo much to offer parents, children etc.
Take children to go to library, church & sunday school for their creativities & activities.
Teach them about Bible and other spiritual resources for their spiritual growth.
Take them to chill out & picnic to park, beach & children playground for them to have fun.
Watching education television channel with time to explain about it to them.
Teach them music, singing, dancing & other instrument musics, reading books, cooking, baking, etc to improve their talent.
Groceries shopping & other necessary shopping for their needs.
I have the smurf dance party cd and my niece loves dancing to that. she loves the smurfs and gets exercise as well. We also do some sort of craft project together and we do some cooking as well. We pick a treat to bake together and she has that for her snacks.
Plan in advance for school Holidays otherwise kids just end up eating whole day long and playing video games, so give them lots of sports activity and teach them how to cook ( irrespective of Gender) ,give them small shopping budget to encourage wise spending and saving at the same time. They also join many craft or hobby centre running at different places.
I try to have craft products on hand in case the day is horrible and we can't go out. Our favourite thing to do is to go to a park and have a picnic and play on the play equipment there. It doesn't cost much and we all have a good time
It depends on the ages of your childrens. Mine play computer games on the raining days. Have had a PJ day and movies are a good thing to do.
My youngest he plays board games as well as a bit of our door games. again depends on the weather
my kids sleep all day, teenagers, but when they awake, we go to parks, friends,movies.
Go interstate
well i haven't decided yet bt as i don't have money so i won't go any where far just go with my little one to a small park near my house
Uncle Rob
Just relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! ! give them options & space to do their own thing
Firstly I ask the kids what they want to do or see. Then we work it out as a family and discuss what is best and affordable! We tend to go to the beach, cost effective and fun for the whole family. We search online for great accommodation deals and go from there. Hope this has helped.
for this holiday, I might go to this event that been held in ACMI in Melbourne city. They're having a holywood costumes until 18th August 2013. Or there's Yarra Valley Chocolate company in Yarra Valley.
So it's quite an entertaint for the children to go have a look. specially if we can drive an hour to Yarra Valley, and enjoy the chocolate after looking around.
There's also EPIC movie just released in the cinema, that we can take our kids to watch it.
I usually plan everything in advance, specially if we want to go other cities or even overseas. But if we decided to just spend holiday here, then I might starting to browse for the upcoming events. I usually start to do the browse 1 month before the holiday start.
actually activities depends on the weather.If its sunny you can go and have picnic,playground and swimming.Kids love playing sports because they want to be intertained all the time so they wont get bored.
Winter in Melbourne us not always fun but a day in the train to the city and the State Library is fun. We hope to do some cooking from the 4 ingredients Kids bookand maybe bake and freeze treats for lunches like muffins. The kids love to plan our shopping list and help out!
We live in a beautiful area of the Sunshine Coast. I live near the Lake and it has great parks and bush trails for the kids to burn off energy.
I try to organise to meet with other parents too so we can do a joint activity like a BBQ or picnic. That way they have social interaction, every one gets out of the house. And the parents can support eachother to get through the holidays.
It takes a village. It's also inexpensive and they connect with nature.
Gabba j
For the holidays we are going for a trip down to my home town for my children to meet their grandparents.
That's very good, I wish I could have a great day like that with my family.
Local Community Newspapers and local parenting magazines usually have great editions coming up to the holidays with info about everything that is going on in your area.
School hoildays are a great time to spend with your children, you could take the kids to park or the beach/pools and pack lunch and something to eat from home if you are looking for something thats dont cost much money... However if you would like to spend abit more money there are things like the movies, science centre for some education and learning while still having fun with the kids, play places like "zoom" so you can relax with maybe some of your friends that have children and watch your children all play together while having a coffee.
It depends were you live
you can always take the kids to adventure world or any theme parks that are near you. You could drive to the valleys or go camping. You could go for a drive and stay at a near by b&b. Depends also what age your children are you could go to a near by park. Hope your kids have fun this hoildays
try to keep the child some where safe and fun
You should go to the pool or the beach with your kids! I guess you can have fun and play with water! Its so great!
The beach is a great idea my kids love it and they also. enjoy arts and craft and bush walking its great exercise and it Tuckers them out fora good night sleep.
Take the kids to the beach or lake. Make sand castles and throw a ball around. Take a walk. Go somewhere new. Take them to see a family member they've never met before. Go to the movies, the pools, national park. Get a puzzle, DVDs, board game.
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well if you going to take the kids out on the holidays plan things in advance to make sure that you are financially able to go out to activities.
the best place to take the kids.
- take them to the zoo
- to the movies
- find out whether carnivals are going on and take them
but again make sure you are financially able to.
now if you and your spouse are thinking of going out maybe it would be nice and relaxing with out the children around, what about.
- going out to dinner
- or to the movies just you and your spouse.
yours sincerely
Finding a good balance between pj days, dagging around the house with a few meaningful projects, free time and structured time. Allowing the family to re energise and saving some of the treats and activities to the latter part of the holiday as motivation some things done around the house and recharge.
Take them iceskating, to the movies, shopping, to the park.
Sometimes activities at home can be good too. Things like playdough, craft, making musical instruments, water play etc are great fun and if done well can keep the kids occupied for hours.
A trip to the park and kick a ball around or play games is good too.
It might be good to ask your kids what they would like to do and maybe make a list that you can work through.
School holidays I like to take my kids to see there cousins in Newcastle, then me and my sister plan what we are going to do for our little one there ages are 1,2,3,5 . But I think for older kids maybe a theam park where they can have fun nd where them selfs out but also somewhere parents can relax
Anything that keeps them active and gets them out of bed in the morning is a bonus. We usually do an intensive school holiday swim programme which runs every morning at our local pool. It's a great way to start the day and really improves their swim skills by a mile.
You have to look after kids save them and do everything for kids. If you think you not sure about having kids cheak your money is they enough to have kids becouse kids they need money and they not going to let you buy something for you so work hard and save money before decide to have a kid. Second you must take care of them I knew some people they don't care about their children the parents doesn't give them love you have to show them your love DO NOT KEEP IT INSIDE YOU IF YOU REALLY LOVE THEM PLEASE SHOW THEM they really need to see it or they going to search for another person to give them love becouse parents doesn't give their children love ask me i went throw this it's very hard for me I knew my parents love me but they don't show me so I searched for someone love and thanks God I found a really good love. So please parents show your kids your love they really need it don't lose your kinds love them this is more and much important from money love is everything.
Local shopping centers and community centers have activities which are free and kids enjoy. Also local libraries have different activities over the school holiday.
Check the websites or Google it.
How about getting a train and go to a new town.
Take pack lunch with you and go and find a park, just sit and listen to the birds and sounds all around you. Or go and see the novelty shops and talk to your children about its history.
We look at local things to do. Activities at the library, day at the beach, picnics, play dates.
If at home, we only look at 1 paid big thing each week. Such as the movies or travel to the city. But that day we will eat out at restaurants and really make a day of it.