Media, Entertainment & Music

How are magazines coping in today's world?

Media, Entertainment & Music

Posted by: looklively

5th Feb 2013 02:51pm

In a world with so many different types of media, how do magazines and their websites fit in to your world? When, where and how do you read yours? Is it sitting on a train, plane, sofa? Is it reading the print version, a downloaded version, or just browsing their websites? Do the online and offline versions have suitably different offerings? Do you feel they are missing a trick? What more would you want from your magazine?

Comments 182

  • 1st Oct 2016 10:32am

Hardly Any

angry mum
  • 3rd Mar 2016 02:22pm

Don't read any magazines unless I am waiting to see a doctor. They are too expensive and full of ads.

  • 4th Aug 2015 08:38am

I read my magazines as soon as they come out, as I prefer indie magazines with random articles about random stuff and geeky magazines which focus on movies. It's a bit of a strange mix, but for my personality its a good one. The indie magazine has very little advertising and where it does it's relevant to the article next to it, and is something I'm generally interested in purchasing. As the movie magazine is essentially a big advertisement, It can get hard to focus on what the actual content is. I read them anywhere and everywhere. Especially at work on breaks. I ignore the online versions most of the time, except for when it has exclusive content. Then I'm all ears.

  • 14th Apr 2015 09:20pm

I usually read at home on the couch. Sometimes i will read it on the internet as well when the shops don't have it. Sometime the online versions can have extra parts to it. Like links or videos which obviously a proper magazine doesn't have.

  • 22nd Aug 2014 10:42am

well, i dont like reading a magazine from a website or from a device. Im old school and have to have it physically in my hands and be able to turn the page. Its been a while since ive read a magazine. Last time was probably whilst I was waiting for a haircut. lol.

  • 16th Jul 2014 10:28am

magazines are out dated, I think they are struggling with other printed media. The internet has made everything easily accessible and on hand, it's far cheaper than reading it second hand in a magazine that it full of advertisements and generally a waste of money. I tend to check out news websites, and they too are full of gossip and hearsay from the net. Word spreads very quickly when it gets out.

  • 18th Jun 2014 09:03pm

Coming from someone in the younger age group (I am newly 18) I don't often read magazines and definitely do not go out of my way to buy any. I find most of my recipes/news/celebrity gossip online.
I think they are slowly more and more becoming less relevant in society especially with the new generation due to the internet. I am yet to find a magazines website that I really enjoy.

  • 11th Jun 2014 05:24pm

I could probably get paper on line but , i find computer has really cut personal interaction, why i am at this stage paying normal price and wander up to the corner store. Everybody probably used to go to the post office or post a cheque to pay for things, now the post office is feeling the effects.

  • 11th Jun 2014 01:43pm

i worked in a magazine distribution company at the airport , we always had plenty of stock turnover and end of month returns was in some mag topics quite high, i think there's still a demand for various publications but yes it does make one wonder are the days numbered with the digital age

  • 28th May 2014 08:09pm

I don't have much to do with magazine anymore, since all the information you need is provided over the internet or television.

  • 10th May 2014 01:16am

I don't ever read or use magazines in recent years since the prices have inflated, and it's quite hard to find the time to sit down and have a good read of all the gossip. Well, of course depending on whatever magazine one buys. It's all a bit too much of a hassle for me. I prefer to check on free news websites that integrate what magazines are most commonly known for, and gather what I need from THEM as opposed to the magazine itself. The only time you'll catch me reading a proper published and gloss-covered mag is if it's free with a pile of other pre-bought magazines. Or if I've somehow seen something interesting on the front cover in a shop, and decided it's worth spending some of my hard earned money on. This whole situation however, is very unlikely. If it was ultimately a free resource I can't imagine I'd refrain from using them daily, however we all know everything costs something these days. So I just stick to the internet to catch up on today's media, I can't say I don't miss holding a real magazine in my hands however... There was always something so refined about flicking through the pages with my legs crossed, in a public area or even just at home!

  • 1st May 2014 04:08pm

I hardly ever buy magazines as they are either full of gossip or adds

  • 26th Apr 2014 09:59am

I think technology is taking over magazines, although you always need that magazine in your toilet! I don't believe online prints of magazines will offer much, more an app with subtitle links to articles! Allows you to choose what you want to read.

  • 23rd Apr 2014 01:46pm

I purchase at least one magazine per fortnight with no intention of even peaking at it until i have a quiet moment alone to sit and read it from cover to cover over at least 2 cups of coffee. I dont mind the ads either. I like finding out about new products. I only look at store catalogues online, never magazines as I find that doing this would never provide me with the same peaceful therapy of flicking back and forth through the glossy pages of a real magazine. If they were only available online i wouldnt bother. I like to read interesting stories about outstanding or brave people and less about hollywoods A list.

  • 9th Apr 2014 09:17pm

I hardly ever read magazines anymore. The only time I will read Australian magazines is when there is an online copy that I can browse for specials in. Regular magazines which are not online are rarely used by people in this generation.

  • 6th Apr 2014 12:15pm

i don't really find magazines fit for me i don't read them. i am more of a social media person and if do have to find important things out i will google it. however my do constantly buy my 3 yr old children's magazines she loves the pictures and even tho she cant read she will make her own story from that, so we have to buy her hard copys but at least with a hard copy she has it until she ruins it.

  • 6th Apr 2014 10:59am

I still like to read favourite magazines in hard copy. I do read others online. Most mag reading is either in work breaks or in the weekend when wanting a quiet moment. I do like Flipboard on my Galaxy Note, the pictures are better quality than hardcopy, and it is great for short copy pieces. Not all reading situations I would use an electronic device and not all reading situations I would want a hard copy book. Travelling is definitely an electronic affair when it comes to reading!

  • 1st Apr 2014 09:20am

I enjoy the couple of magazines I subscribe to and just flick over the pages of ads. I find a lot of good and varied reading, though a short story or two would not go astray. It takes a good week for me to get through the whole issue and finish all the puzzles. I would be lost without them.

  • 22nd Mar 2014 01:02pm

To be honest, I reckon magazines aren't doing any influence in my life, as they are annoying to read and buy, I would rather read articles online.

I would read them when I want to kill time, usually on ipad or iphone due to the conveniceny of it.

Online printable magazines and such lack a sense of customer communication, and could do better if there were more interactive experience with the reader, attracting them to come back for more.

  • 18th Mar 2014 12:25am

Magazines are too expensive! And we don't have time to read them in this fast paced society that we live in today!

  • 26th Feb 2014 11:13pm

I haven't read a magazine in years, the sheer amount of crap that they are spreading in an already crap filled world is ridiculous. propaganda and distractions are all i see in magazines today.

  • 26th Jan 2014 11:57pm

generally don't read them. Most are trashy at best. Sometimes a line might get me in for one or two articles and then they are usually not what they imply anyway. I don't like online versions except maybe to catch up on a news article but you can't replace the real thing if you do need to read something. Always get concerned that the online version will be condensed. As for the news articles, I do like the online to a point so I can read other people's replies.

  • 25th Jan 2014 06:14pm

I only read magazines at work or at the Drs surgery

  • 9th Dec 2013 06:12pm

I'm finding that advertising is slowly but surely overtaking the magazines I read regularly. Once a story would be 1-2 pages long but now I find I gat 1 side of story line then 1 side of advertising that is repeated to some degree throughout the mag. It's getting to the stage that I'm leaving the gossip mags for the real life magazines that have large puzzle sections so I have the chance to get something in return for my money plus they don't cost as much.

  • 9th Jul 2013 05:36pm

The only time i will buy a magazine is on a long trip in a car or plane, I find magazines will fill-in with huge print adds to make up for the lack of interesting articles. I watch shows on television like TMZ and entertainment tonight for my celebrity juice fix :)

  • 4th Jul 2013 05:20pm

I prefer the paper magazine as I love the feel of it in my hands - it's not the same for me on a tablet.

I love magazines and consider them a small luxury. I love reading Marie Claire, Vogue, Bazaar and Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair in particular has really in depth articles on not just stars (not my favourite) but really interesting people. I also like Mindfood and Psychologies (UK version) However, there are lots and lots of all, but that is what they need to keep the magazine going so I just flip past the ones that don't interest me.

I think Mindfood and Vanity Fair have a lot of substance and get the balance right that is missing from other "women's" magazines.

I read my magazines while out, taking a break from shopping for eg and having a cup of coffee. Or at home in bed on a chilly night, on the beach, on public transport...

I love the fashion spreads and human interest stories - what I can't stand is that in EVERY issue of magazines such as Marie Claire, there are "articles" on looking after skin, makeup etc (yeah, yeah we know - cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise etc etc), which is really ads for products.

I do also read Woman's Day and New Idea....

I give away my old magazines to a beauty therapist friend and doctor driend who use them in their waiting rooms.

Secret Squirrel
  • 1st Jul 2013 08:48am

Totally agree with Ziah. I would also like to see more relevant up to date content and less advertising.

  • 18th Jun 2013 08:51pm

I am happy with the media presentation I get from my iPad

  • 17th Jun 2013 01:13pm

I enjoy reading before I sleep, I also find many adverts, skip through them.
Magazines should be A5 size easy to pop into my hand bag and under my pillow before I switch the light off.

  • 16th Jun 2013 04:29am

I dont think magazines are coping well in today' s age of technology, in saying that I believe they will mostly make the transition to digital download versions.
There is too much information freely available on the internet with blogs and entertainment websites for magazines to be of much value!

  • 15th Jun 2013 05:32pm

I buy magazines as a treat! Every now and then it's nice to sit on teh couch with a glossy magazine and go through them. I actually enjoy the ads as well , a lot of them are beautifully shot.

  • 15th Jun 2013 04:16pm

it is good affect

  • 13th Jun 2013 12:39pm

I used to love getting my weekly magazines but now i'm a Disabled Pensioner i can no longer afford to get them. Any online mags mean download & i need to allow for my "download" amount monthly as i'm limited by costs - yet again. Miss the printed mags so much more now.

  • 10th Jun 2013 06:20pm

I think that media, entertainment and music is an amazing thing in todays world. Although it has also ruined a lot of things. I used to always read magazines and newspapers. The reason i dont and a lot of other people dont read them anymore is because of technology. To read a news paper or magazine, it requires walking down to the nearest shop and buying it. Not that much effort. But why do that when we can just simply not leave the house and read everything online. Thanks Guys :)

  • 9th Jun 2013 01:14pm

do know how this works

pete repete
  • 2nd Jun 2013 10:12am

there are so many magazines over priced and containing the same stories and the same pictures that you think that one person does all of them and that they are so poorly written why would you bother wasting time and money on them.they certainly target young people who don.t know any better which has them believing everything that is written by them is total true whilst any clear thinking person knows this not the case (don't let the truth get in the way of a good story) especially for money thru sales

pete repete
  • 2nd Jun 2013 10:11am

there are so many magazines over priced and containing the same stories and the same pictures that you think that one person does all of them and that they are so poorly written why would you bother wasting time and money on them.they certainly target young people who don.t know any better which has them believing everything that is written by them is total true whilst any clear thinking person knows this not the case (don't let the truth get in the way of a good story) especially for money thru sales

  • 5th May 2013 04:14pm

Gossip magazines both virtual or actual are a boring waste of time however Frankie magazine is one of a few great printed publications with intelligent content along with beautiful layout and subtle, sometimes tactile artwork and colours which cannot be emulated electronically. I prefer to read it at home in printed form as I am a hands-on person and always creating and evolving my home and garden and this printed publication provides great inspiration. I don't believe it has an online version. Online magazines annoy me with all those popup advertisements whereas with printed matter the popups aren't in your face thus impeding enjoyment of magazine. Who needs flashing highlights and glitter to enjoy an intelligent magazine? Many magazines these days lack intelligent content, are dumbed down and crammed full of glib opinion. They're basically feeding people misinformation which can be dangerous when it comes to health and matters of social conscience.

  • 5th May 2013 04:09pm

Gossip magazines both virtual or actual are a boring waste of time however Frankie magazine is one of a few great printed publications with intelligent content along with beautiful layout and subtle, sometimes tactile artwork and colours which cannot be emulated electronically. I prefer to read it at home in printed form as I am a hands-on person and always creating and evolving my home and garden and this printed publication provides great inspiration. I don't believe it has an online version. Online magazines annoy me with all those popup advertisements whereas with printed matter the popups aren't in your face thus impeding enjoyment of magazine. Who needs flashing highlights and glitter to enjoy an intelligent magazine? Many magazines these days lack intelligent content, are dumbed down and crammed full of glib opinion. They're basically feeding people misinformation which can be dangerous when it comes to health and matters of social conscience.

  • 5th May 2013 03:41pm

Frankie magazine Australia is a creative and inspiring printed publication. With diverse interests in art, craft, travel, fashion, design and music it's the perfect magazine for me when I am enjoying my creative moments. I am a hands-on person who likes to design and create and my home and garden are in a constant state of evolution, therefore I always have the physical copy on hand at home. I don't think it has an online version but if it did I would still buy the printed copy as I enjoy the layout, artwork and colour which cannot be properly emulated electronically. This printed magazine has everything I want without those annoying popups that come with any online production. Gossip magazines are a boring waste of time and have no place in my virtual or actual world.

  • 4th May 2013 07:16pm


  • 30th Apr 2013 06:17pm

Interesting I do believe in what people have said.

  • 11th Apr 2013 12:21pm

I haven't bought a magazine since I got my internet connection. There's so much to see and read on the internet. I only read a magazine in a Medical Centre/ Dental Clinic/ Hospital while I am in the waiting room. I think it is a waste of money to buy one if you can browse what you need through the internet. Sometimes I am tempted to buy Better Homes and Garden magazine but I stop and think first if I really need it. Not really, because of the internet.

  • 26th Mar 2013 02:53am

I used to read International & national magazines everyday. I am a student working hard for my study i used to appear several competitive exams and these magazines helps me to upgrade my knowledge about my surroundings. To know What is going on these days and what are the actions taken by people or Government for the same it is a good way to go through a magazine all times a day when ever i got leisure period from my studies. it's never disturb me from my study but strengthen my knowledge and persona outdoor. I order different magazines to read but sometime when i went for any trip i used to surf from my i pad/laptop. It also relaxed my mind after a tight schedule as it is also inform us about the young mass, new trends, sports, scandls, entertainments and lots more. Each article may not be so interesting but we can skip it and go through the next one. I used to choose magazines looking after the writing style so that it could keep me hold with it till a long time. Cover pages are sufficient to know about the good topics behind the page.

  • 20th Mar 2013 01:49pm

Hincey says: I totally agree with Hincey i found same

  • 17th Mar 2013 02:56pm

I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use cosmetics. I'm not interested in hair colour, or styling tools, or six inch heels, or being a clothes horse for every season's new fashion. And that was just the first ten pages! It takes more than a dozen pages to get to the first article, and there are precious few actual articles anymore. I don't care what Nicole Kidman does to look younger, I don't care what the Kardashians do all day, I don't care about the gossip from Hollywood! I recently had cause to buy a woman's magazine in the US - and I was so pleasantly surprised that content outweighed advertising by three pages to one! Even special interest magazines, like beading, scrapbooking, quilting, weight loss etc - in Australian magazines advertising outstrips the content, and I begrudge paying so much for so much advertising. I feel magazines - at least for me - have lost all relevance, especially when I can go online and either buy the content I want (minus the advertising) or read a blog with the same content for free.

  • 16th Mar 2013 03:47pm

I have heard that newspapers will be completed and avaliable online verysoon. I think this is such a shame. Im a very tradutional person and really value the good old paper style news pares and books.

  • 4th Mar 2013 01:43am

I do like magazines, I read them on the commuter train sometimes, but the free metro newspaper is just as entertaining so I buy magazines less and less. Also, magazine prices are a complete rip off in Australia, e.g. $5 for a TV magazine. The equivalent in the UK costs about 75 cents. I don't often look at magazines online, as there's not much there.

  • 15th Feb 2013 11:29pm

I usually buy Take 5, That's Life on a Wednesday. TV Week on a Monday for the TV guide and puzzles.

Never visited the website of TV week but do visit Take5 & That's Life.

All 3 are normally done at home unless travelling or going to an appointment so i can take them with me to do some puzzles while waiting.

  • 12th Feb 2013 09:50pm

Well personally I find magazines to be a very important part of peoples lives.
I'm not too familiar with online magazines. But the other secular and sporting magazines which I mainly read at home in peace and quite sitting in my favourite couch with Nina my bengal kitten by my side, are very informitive. I don't know if their missing a trick!
And it really depends on what type of a trick are we refering at? But I certainly am very happy with the World sporting magazines World Soccer, Australian Tennis, FAMOUS, and with the National Geographic magazine.
What more would I want from my favorite mags is some Christian messages of Love :). This would be an absolute special Bonus and a Great Lifesaving contribution to the magazines readers...

Miss G
  • 12th Feb 2013 11:42am

I LOVE magazines, especially womens, home, and cooking. with the cost of living continually rising and only on one income I simply cant afford to buy thm. If money was no object i would buy at least 6 a week! I tend to buy from op shops and am also am addicted to Pinterest, which has so many links to many interesting articles.

Miss G
  • 12th Feb 2013 11:39am

I LOVE magazines, but with the continuing cost of living going up and on only one income, I simply cant afford to buy them. If money was no object i would buy at least 5 a week!
Instead i tend to go to op shops and get them 2nd hand. I am also addicted to Pinterest which has so many links to everything interesting.

  • 11th Feb 2013 01:16pm

Magazines are more like the ad for big companies!

  • 11th Feb 2013 11:38am

Hi, I occasionally buy a magazine like New Idea because something on the cover grabs my interest when at the Supermarket checkout, but so often the article inside bears little resemblance to what's implied on the cover... I confess to buying the puzzle and prizes mags., like Take5 and That's Life regularly, because I do enjoy all types of puzzles especially when a prize might result but I seldom read all the articles... The cooking section is a plus though because the recipes are often excellent. When I am in my Dr's waiting room, I regularly read the English Woman's Weekly and it seems refreshingly different to lots of these celebrity driven mags., we get nowadays. Also Reader's Digest has excellent and informative articles and information plus jokes and puzzles etc.

  • 10th Feb 2013 02:17pm


I have never been much of a magazine reader anyway. but since i have started work in professional services, i have started subscribing to a couple of magazines relevant to my field of work which have actually helped me a lot in my professional development.
i prefer the physical magazine itself, rather than the online version.

  • 10th Feb 2013 04:52am

I love sitting in the sun flicking through a glossy mag, on my lunch break, looking at and finding out what "the beautiful people" are up to...unfortunately due to the internet, iphones, tablets etc etc the magazines days are numbered...why buy what you can google for free?

  • 10th Feb 2013 12:39am

Printed magazines have really lost their relevance for me. I stopped buying and reading magazines years ago as the internet took over. I can get the latest news and gossip from sites such as Twitter and pictures from all around the world that are much more timely. I find that most magazines are too light and too superficial to hold any interest to me these days. Vanity Fair from the United States is the one exception.

  • 9th Feb 2013 09:00pm

In the waiting rooms of doctors, Dentists, or in the waiting aria at wins. The English Womens weekly has fiction stories, and other interest not just Adds and pritty pictures , Gaelene

  • 9th Feb 2013 03:42pm

Don't read them any more unless waiting in a surgery, as they are full of ads, and not worth the money.

  • 9th Feb 2013 11:02am

I also prefer to buy the puzzle/crossword magazines, probably about 1 a month.
Have tried the online type, but prefer to have one that I can take on the train or relax with late at night.

  • 9th Feb 2013 11:01am

After working full time and being a Dad to 3 young children I don't really have the opportunity to read magazines unless they work related. The only magazines I read are finance based and I mainly flick through these when I'm sitting at my desk and they arrive in the post. I don't bother reading online magazines.

  • 9th Feb 2013 10:49am

sometimes very hard to choose which one to use sometimes I will stick the old favourites like Empire, where I can just relax without to much intense reading

  • 9th Feb 2013 07:57am

I don't read Social magazines and if I do buy one, it's more about design for the Home or Jewellery, and in saying that, I haven't read one of those for about 3 or 4 years. I find the social magazines a bit trashy, I don't care much for the gossip or fake headlines just to get sales so the advertising is looked at. I most certainly would not pay for such a thing. As for if I would read it online, I do prefer to have a magazine to read and then re-read, the designer mags that I used to read I would have for inspiration (e.g designing my engagement/wedding rings or my bedroom) so having it online restricts me in how and when i would read it. I prefer paper as to electronic screen (mobile/notebook). I don't buy the mags for discounts or specials, but for professional advice

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:43pm

I like to read printed magazines at home under good light with suitably sized print. Do not like to read online.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:25pm

I don't buy Australian magazines either since I am not interested who did what to whom or with whom. However I do buy 'That's Life" for the puzzles and the stories of real ordinary people.

  • 8th Feb 2013 09:19pm

Never buy now. Too expensive and my wife will not pay around$10 a week for Woman's Day and New Idea anymore. I used to do the crosswords etc but now do the 5-10 year old ones at the docs and specialists I visit frequently. Amazing how many crosswords are unfinished and/or wrong after all that time. You would think the medico's would supply reasonably update copies but none do ...perhaps they cannot afford them on $500,000pa! I also fail to see the intellect of the populace who seem mesmerised by celebrity!...they must lead boring lives. I used to buy the odd fishing or golf mag but like others I can't find too many articles only 70% ads for about $8 each these days.

  • 8th Feb 2013 09:03pm

getting to expensive getting smaller more advertising then ever

  • 8th Feb 2013 08:57pm

Magazines are doing the best they can in today's increasingly digital world.

Being a sports nut, I still often reading sporting-based magazines, particularly when travelling on public transport.

I don't yet own a tablet or smartphone, so I can't really use internet on the go. So therefore books and magazines are still a big part of my reading and down time.

Magazines I feel still offer good content. It still irks me a bit how much advertising is in a lot of them, I'd rather simply more feature articles. The flipside to that, however, is that if they had more articles and less advertising the price of purchase would go through the roof. So you take the good with the bad.

Having said that, prices of magazines, which can be $6 or $7 or more nowadays, just aren't competitive in a digital era where you can read most of the content online for nothing or next-to-nothing if you have a magazine app on a tablet or smartphone.

I still feel the difference between online magazines and their print counterparts are significant. You usually get a lot more content in the print versions, but there's no doubt in my mind the readership circulation figures would be dropping massively, despite the fact you get more when you buy a print version.

I can see the day print magazines no longer exist, and it's all online. It might still be a good 20 years off yet, but I can still see it happening. The cover price of a magazine is simply getting too much now when people can go online and get the same sort of stuff for nothing or almost nothing.

  • 8th Feb 2013 07:09pm

Chantal Welcome !

Judging from your photo, you are a wonderful person.
(we artists, - -
do know of such things ! )

I agree with most of the comments.
The flood of advertisements are a near intolerable scourge.
Not only in Newspapers and magazines, but EVERYWHERE;
even where you can not escape them, like on TV with their constant annoying banners of promoting upcoming programs during a show.
And probably the worst is now on the various websites with their irritating blinking and flashing ads.

  • 8th Feb 2013 06:30pm

I read some magazines online and others in a doctor's surgery or in bed when I can't sleep.

  • 8th Feb 2013 04:32pm

  • 8th Feb 2013 04:30pm

  • 8th Feb 2013 04:29pm

I prefer to read the actual magazine, I'm not really that comfortable looking at them online just yet. When I first started buying magazines there weren't the amount of ads in them as there are now, though the variety of mags has increased. I enjoy sitting with a cuppa and having time to myself when I read them, and also like testing the brain with some of the puzzles they have. I do think that they could cut down on the ads cause they do take up a lot of space and usually I don't look at them anyway, even though they need the money from the advertisers. Whether they are value for money or not I think depends on each person...I buy them when I can afford them, and get some entertainment from them.

  • 8th Feb 2013 04:28pm

They are no longing coping. They are caught between the old world and new world

  • 8th Feb 2013 04:24pm

looklively says:" Hi Rowdy,
Thanks for your response. Do you ever visit any magazine websites? If so, what information are you trying to find out from the websites?"
Thanks for your reply, I visit one or two sites, haven't really found any that spike my interest to be honest at the moment. Perhaps I may find some to my tastes in the future, it's possible. :)

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:55pm

I normally read a magazine during the adds on TV or relaxing over coffee. I have noticed how the prices of subscritions have been dropping dramatically, some by over 60% on normal retail prices and delivered to your door. It pays to subscribe to the one or 2 that you read on a regular basis. I do agree with other comments over the increase in advertising, but this eems to be the way that they get their revenue to keep the presses roling. Whilst I do surf the net, I don't usually stop to read magazine articles, but perhapse just a quicky on a current newspaper article that catches my attention.

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:38pm

Sitting on the bed soon I get it each week. it's my way of winding down after work and grocery shopping!

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:37pm

Sitting on the bed soon I get it each week. it's my way of winding down after work and grocery shopping!

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:15pm

I read and do the puzzles in That's Life and Take 5 magazines while babysitting my grandchildren after school in their home. I have subscriptions to Australian Healthy Food and Australian Tech Life. I read these at home after dinner while sitting in the lounge. I use the recipes in Australian Healthy Food in a cooking class that I teach. I read Femail online and enter their competitions. I sometimes flick through the glossy magazines in my doctors waiting room, I do not purchase them. I enter competitions on glossy magazine websites, but do not buy their magazines. I simply can't stand all the gossip, food that is bad for your health, the latest new on the "Stars" (not many of them are good role models) and the advertising.

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:09pm

I do not read mags, I always take a book to read, do not need to know how the other half live.
Very happy in my world .

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:09pm

I do not read mags, I always take a book to read, do not need to know how the other half live.
Very happy in my world .

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:08pm

I do not read mags, I always take a book to read, do not need to know how the other half live.
Very happy in my world .

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:03pm

I love magazines. I usually refer to their websites for competitions or further information. I read them on the bus, waiting for the bus at home, when travelling and sometimes in bed good way to unwind. I only use the hardcopy magazines easy to carry around as I dont have an ipad. The cost of some magazines are quite expensive so i try to subsribeif there is a really good deall ie who weekly had a deal for 25 weeks for only $2.50 a copy so it was worth it

  • 8th Feb 2013 02:27pm

I only read paper magazines & those that are relevant to my interests or activities. I am not interested in online magazines at present until I acquire a tablet. Then my reading habits may change.

  • 8th Feb 2013 01:56pm

I agree with what Ziah says. Also the cost of magazines seems too much for the amount of content in them...too many ads.

  • 8th Feb 2013 01:42pm

I don't read so many magazines as I used too but there is nothing like browsing with a cup of coffee to help one relax.

I still buy specialist mags like Equestrian and Gardening as a quick revue online is ok but for more in-depth reading I like the hard copy.

  • 8th Feb 2013 01:32pm

it's been a long time since I read a magazine, however, if they are on line
they should be all right

  • 8th Feb 2013 01:28pm

Need to use technology to enjoy life fully. Despite all the negativity relaz every minute of our strength to live and enjoy life must remove all excited to stay and enjoy the smart phone to have to get that too, but we can kurduklarımızla or bilateral relations.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:58pm

I haven't bought a magazine in ages. I used to subscribe to Net...something or other (I've forgotten the name). Was a small mag with info about great websites, using the internet and computer more effectively, but it ceased. I think the last mag I ever bought was a recipe one from a checkout a few years ago, but realised I bought them and never used them, so now look online when I need a recipe.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:42pm

Dont read them there is nothing of interest in them for me I dont care whos with who and what their done or doing and themn the amount of advertising is beyound belief so no I dont waste my time or money.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:38pm

They are doing ok, I still subscribe to one or two, they do have an online addition that comes with the subscription, mine stays on my desk until I have some spare time.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:35pm

Yesterday I turned 70. I publish a quarterly magazine in hard copy and email versions for one hobby group and I run a web site for another, so I have a real interest in this discussion.
I buy and subscribe to a few magazines that are focused on my hobby interests. I read them at home and sometimes when I'm travelling. Their quality has improved out of sight in recent times as production technology has progressed and in recent times they have begun to acknowledge the need for some form of online version. The results differ widely, from taking 110% advantage of everything the web and social media offer to just dabbling with a few articles on the web site. To date I'm just watching with interest and I feel no desire to abandon the hard copy, but I acknowledge that I have to find physical space for these magazines - they contain lots of reference material and aren't just weekly throw-away drivel. The advertisements are important, as they identify products and services that I need, so I want to see them on the web sites, but perhaps structured so that they don't interfere with "real" content and can be found easily.

Would I visit these sites with my iPad? Yes. Mobile? No.

For me, having online access to past issues of these magazines, together with a good search engine to facilitate browsing would be a big plus.

  • 9th Feb 2013 09:09am
Hi Lastcardlouis (like your name by the way), thank you for your thoughtful response. Do you think having access to past issues would be useful for mass magazines as well as specialist. Do you...

Back issues of all publications provide excellent research material for anyone who cares to take the time. So if you wanted to keep an eye over time on the wardrobe/weight/marital status/whatever of some "celebrity" the pulp mags would be a happy hunting ground! How they would make it financially viable to store and provide online access to all that stuff is another matter. Now here's a thought: some of those rags are so bad that you wouldn't want anyone to see you reading them, right? How about "spectacles" to which you can download the baddies (or are bluetoothed to your phone) and which somehow display them on the lens for your private consumption? I have a feeling something along these lines is already out there. OK for when you're not moving around, maybe not so good for driving or walking...

  • 8th Feb 2013 02:40pm
Yesterday I turned 70. I publish a quarterly magazine in hard copy and email versions for one hobby group and I run a web site for another, so I have a real interest in this discussion.
I buy...

Hi Lastcardlouis (like your name by the way), thank you for your thoughtful response. Do you think having access to past issues would be useful for mass magazines as well as specialist. Do you think Publishers are missing any other online tricks?

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:16pm

I like to sit in my easychair with a coffee to browse my magazine.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:15pm

Living in the country, I don't see newspapers unless I go to town or have them delivered. I enjoy reading a magazine in the mornings while I have my breakfast. I can take my time and underline sections that interest me. I would rather do this than have an online magazine anytime.

jules 1
  • 8th Feb 2013 12:08pm

I find magazines so over priced for what is inside the magazine. I just can't be bothered to pay to look at adverts etc. I think it's time the publishers started to look at the 'whole picture'!!! ... yes, they are missing a trick!
No, I don't go online to view magazines either, have better things to do.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:00pm

Magazines today are all about advertising, one page article brings five pages of the latest in skincare or hair removal. I have started reading magazines on my android phone, purchased through their online store. I miss the feel of a magazine but being able to read it anytime anywhere without having to cart it around is a bonus. Its a little bit different on a mobile, but easy to read and has the same articles as print version. I want more special features for mobile versions, give me an incentive to keep going digital.

  • 8th Feb 2013 02:37pm
Magazines today are all about advertising, one page article brings five pages of the latest in skincare or hair removal. I have started reading magazines on my android phone, purchased through...

Thanks alexusd. Which magazines do you read? And when you say you would like more special features, do you have anything in mind?

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:58am

in the modern world of reading magazines daily we are suppoted to see a drastic change we will be using the likes of ebooks or mini computers upgradable from news stands at the local newsagents over the internet and other local paper magazine providers
and th old argument of what to do with the magazines and newspapers will be aboloshed completely solved
what do we do with the used compiuters and ebooks
the reccclers dont use all the parts as has been shown

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:48am

When magazines got to the point where advertising finally gave way to magazine content around page 10 I progresively deleted all of my subscriptions with only National/Australian Geographic and Australian Golf Digest remaining. Google search has taken over and sometimes magazine online articles do come up but that is about the only time I bother with online magazines. The AFL Football Record was good but then it dropped the free Hungry Jacks voucher so that was the end of that one.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:42am

I must admit I don't buy as many magazines as I used to mainly due to the price of them. Having said that I do enjoy reading them when I'm having a quiet moment with a cuppa.
Many mags are filled with way too much advertising & not enough substance. I prefer the print mag to the online one as I like to keep them for reference (for some mags) after I have read them or I will pass them on to friends. I also prefer the layout of the print issues & I will usually read the mag front to back whereas the online one I only flick through it & read what grabs my attention.
I want magazines to offer value for money as let's face it they are becoming a luxury to buy.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:29am

Magazines have got to dear for me, plus all the ads, not everyone is young and sprightly, we do not need to see 10 pages of ads before you get to the main issue.A dear friend of mine gives me her mags when she is finished with them. I would not like to read them off the web either. It is something I like to do to unwind, after a shower and relax in bed. The world is not just here for the young and computer skilled !!!!

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:27am

Years ago I stopped buying magazines because I was sick of spending money on advertisements and reading about celebrities who didn't know how to dress or who was sleeping with who - like I care. Then I discovered Take 5 & That's Life - real stories about real people :) and lots and lots of competitions :)
These 2 magazines are cheaper than alot of magazines on the page and are about real people in the community. I buy them every Wednesday and read them at leisure on the weekend, completing the puzzles when I have a spare 5 minutes. These 2 magazines are alot better than the other magazines that are FULL of advertising and people that I cannot relate to.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:59am
Years ago I stopped buying magazines because I was sick of spending money on advertisements and reading about celebrities who didn't know how to dress or who was sleeping with who - like I care....

I was a weekly buyer of Take 5 & That's Life but over time the prices are increasing on a regular basis (they are very discreet when it comes to price rises). The stories are real life but the prizes for the competitions have gone downhill over the years. In the New Year there was another price increase.I only buy these mags on the odd occasion now.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:25am

I use to buy alot of Mags but I don't any more as they are to dear and full of ads. Now when I go to the news agent they have so few of them so I figure others feel the same way.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:25am

hi peter here i get readers digest delivered and read most articles, mostly read in toilet

  • 8th Feb 2013 02:34pm
hi peter here i get readers digest delivered and read most articles, mostly read in toilet

Thanks will. Does Readers Digest provide anything online that you are aware of? If so do you visit their site?

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:19am

I read my magazines every morning , being an early riser I have to have something to do until the newspapers are delivered and I enjoy reading and doing the puzzles. I have a ipad but choose to read the magazine and pass it on to someone elsde when I have finished with it


  • 8th Feb 2013 11:16am

I still read a paper copy while enjoying a cup of tea at the table but feel there isn't so much interesting topics anymore

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:44am

Tony: I find it so much easier to get my magazines online. A lot are free, I can just skip over the ads and read the content. If there is an ad I want to know more about I am already online. Any magazine that is not online is no longer ready by me

  • 8th Feb 2013 03:12pm
Hi Tony,
many thanks. Do you visit their websites as well as the download version. If so what do the websites offer you that the actual magazine doesn't?

A lot less paper waste and I can still store articles or whole mags if I ever find the need. I would probable by a hard copy of the mag if I wanted to keep it.
The web site for the mags always allow me to get the latest edition without worrying if it will be sold out before I get to the shop.
Not being a city dweller it is a little harder to get to the shops. I only go into town once a week.
For the bush the internet is wonderful.
No public transport where I live just very expensive fuel, we don't complain, as we don't have price cycles on fuel. We would just like to be able to buy fuel as cheap as the city at the top of its cycle.
So online is just the best thing since sliced bread.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:01am
Tony: I find it so much easier to get my magazines online. A lot are free, I can just skip over the ads and read the content. If there is an ad I want to know more about I am already online. Any...

Hi Tony,
many thanks. Do you visit their websites as well as the download version. If so what do the websites offer you that the actual magazine doesn't?

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:32am

I still have 2 subscriptions, i still find it good to flick through the pages. I can't be bothered to download them especially when it's not that much cheaper. I still prefer that paper smell and the glossiness

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:00am
I still have 2 subscriptions, i still find it good to flick through the pages. I can't be bothered to download them especially when it's not that much cheaper. I still prefer that paper smell and...

Hi joburkey,
Do your magazines have websites? if so, do you ever visit them, and what would you be looking for?

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:18am

I don't read magazines any more to many ads and way over my budget in price. When your on an extremely tight budget they have to be the first to go. I miss them most of time but right now I can't justify to myself waisting $6+ on a load of ads and not many good stories any more instead of buying bread, milk or butter

  • 8th Feb 2013 09:41am

I'm another old school person who still likes the print version over an electronic version. Mostly The Economist and Scientific American but do get others in a range of interest areas. Glad they are still with us for now.

  • 8th Feb 2013 09:18am

I do not READ the "women's" magazines such as New Idea and Woman's Day because of the outright lies they print about celebrities etc. plus I am not that interested in "gossip". I do glance at the recipes and if something interests me there I occasionally buy it.

  • 8th Feb 2013 09:16am

I subscribe to a couple of magazines (Mindfood and Cosmos) and read them (in hardcopy) at night before going to sleep. Don't read magazines online, though I know Cosmos has an online version - don't know if its different from the print version, but there is an email from Cosmos each week which has new content each time.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:40am
Hi butcher1, thanks for this.
Do you read the email they send you. Do you ever click through to any of the links. If so, what types of topic/information usually catches your eye?

Yes I click through to some of the stuff. I have an abiding interest in natural history, environmental issues etc and Cosmos has a lot of this, and very up-to-date stuff too. I forgot to say before that I have had subscriptions to many other mags over the years, including National Geographic and various food mags, but let them lapse as I found I wasn't enjoying them after a while - they just got a cursory read and were put away on a shelf and forgotten.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:59am
I subscribe to a couple of magazines (Mindfood and Cosmos) and read them (in hardcopy) at night before going to sleep. Don't read magazines online, though I know Cosmos has an online version -...

Hi butcher1, thanks for this.
Do you read the email they send you. Do you ever click through to any of the links. If so, what types of topic/information usually catches your eye?

  • 8th Feb 2013 08:51am

I generally read mags in the doctors surgery these days. Nasty, well handled copies with germs all over them lol.

I prefer to read WHO (still has some good articles), National Geo and Australian gardening or Organic mags. I will read Womens Day etc in the surgery but would not think of paying good money for the drivel and advertising these types of mags generally contain.

My daughter bought me a subscription to Organic Gardening and it is nice to pick it up for a quiet read on the couch. If the mag is related to a specific topic then I find the advertising quite enlightening.

Fashion mags are a total waste of paper - all that glossy advertising that you are expected to pay for.

  • 8th Feb 2013 08:51am

I feel print media has its place but the onset of electronic tablets are the beginning of the end. Tablets are so portable, convenient and easy to use that i think as more people purchase them there will be less need for the printed version. Subscriptions are more reliable, some times even free, this enables people to get more out of the media stream as they feel they can skim through what they dont want to read and just concentrate ion what their interests are. With free subscriptions, well, they are easy to obtain, easy to access and conveniently on your tablet all the time. While working you can have all the experience of flicking through a magazine at your fingertips without the bulky paper version, as long as the battery lasts that is.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:57am
I feel print media has its place but the onset of electronic tablets are the beginning of the end. Tablets are so portable, convenient and easy to use that i think as more people purchase them...

Hi Rob,
Many thanks. Do you download any magazines, or visit any magazine websites?

  • 8th Feb 2013 08:45am

I think magazines are over priced so I don't but them very often. I do look at them online sometimes. I think they are making good money because of the price but if they were cheaper they might sell more and be just as profitable or better. I know a few older people who don't have access to computers (and don't know how to use them anyway) and they use to buy them all the time but have stopped, except for a odd one, because of the price. I know a lot of people love sitting back with the actual paper copy in their hand.

  • 7th Feb 2013 11:26pm

They are good to spend some free time.

  • 7th Feb 2013 10:15pm

Magazine and all printed words help in a lot more ways than a lot of people will realize.After a brain injury from a accident 20 years ago.Total loss of memory can have some memories helped by seeing printed copies.It is more difficult to watch a screen.Though if you have printed copies of things you always have facts.

  • 7th Feb 2013 10:14pm

I find I have become more selective in the magazines I read, I often borrow from the library because of the sheer volume of magazines I can read and I tend to buy fewer now because of increasing costs of purchase despite they're seeming to be absolutely riddled with advertising. Have the magazine publishers heard of the law of diminishing returns? The more they charge the less people will buy? Seems a shame that a lot of good magazines will fail because of the greed of a few paper barons. The charges for electronic versions are ridiculous! It costs virtually nothing to make infinite electronic copies yet the quality of stories seems to be degrading over time. Perhaps the demise of a lot of the rubbish publications will make way for better editions but I'm afraid that won't happen.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:38am
I find I have become more selective in the magazines I read, I often borrow from the library because of the sheer volume of magazines I can read and I tend to buy fewer now because of increasing...

Hi Rowdy,
Thanks for your response. Do you ever visit any magazine websites? If so, what information are you trying to find out from the websites?

  • 7th Feb 2013 09:35pm

I purchase Better Homes & Gardens magazine every month but I think that will soon come to an end as there are too many advertisements an not enough of the inf that you normally look for inthis type of magazine. It used to be worth buying but the price has gone up and the content gone down.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:37am
I purchase Better Homes & Gardens magazine every month but I think that will soon come to an end as there are too many advertisements an not enough of the inf that you normally look for inthis type...

Hi Ray,
Do you ever visit Better Homes & Gardens website? If so what information are you looking for there that you don't find within the magazine?

  • 7th Feb 2013 09:18pm

The only time I read magazines is at the Doctors or while my husband is having his chemotherapy which is usually 4 hours plus. I refuse to pay $4 and upwards for a magazine when there is nothing but rubbish in it. I think they make up half the stories that they print. I usually only do the puzzles read my stars if it's a recent mag and skim over the rest. You usually find that they all run the same story at the same time anyway.
I never visit magazine web sites, as you only usually get snippets of whats in the mag anyway.
You used to get a fiction story to read, but not anymore, i don't mind reading the problem page or stars or psychic columns, mere male, kids world etc.
Overall I think Magazines have got boring.

  • 7th Feb 2013 09:17pm

I did, only once ever buy a subscription for a paper mag. Vogue did a deal where you would get a Black Label Vogue Special Edition Barbie only avaliable to subscribers. I went for it!

  • 7th Feb 2013 09:14pm

I *used* to buy Vogue and HB religiously. Every month. But now I look at them and think... why? They're a pile of, yes, beautiful magazines with wonderful pictures, but it was only very rarely that they talked about a real issue with real sense. I remember one article which said something like: "You'd never see Courtney Love with a Hermes bag." Umm, yeah she has one. She did a cute animated film about her love for it. They just seemed to be nothing but wank about how Fashion was too 'high' for anyone who didn't want to pay over $10,000 for a leather handbag just like every other handbag out there. I felt they stopped meeting my needs. I'm going to sell them online, I guess to collectors, but I can't be bothered anymore.

Now I look online for my obsessions over beautiful images. I have a Pinterest account, and find following a few key figures (including Ms Love) gets me some amazing eye candy, but without the rubbish. For informaiton, I look at actual journalism - and you get much better stuff online now than you ever got in a glossy paper. I will, however, NEVER pay for an online magazine. The advertising is the revenue; the product costs itself should be negated by the online format.

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:55pm

i read a few mags from work and the womens mags are full of ads and the kardashans i wish they would all drop dead on the same day!! who frickin cares.
mens mags not much better as far as ads are concerned but have good content. i like to read when at home and on my breaks at work, sometimes i go online but mostly to look up something i may have missed in the news

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:55am
i read a few mags from work and the womens mags are full of ads and the kardashans i wish they would all drop dead on the same day!! who frickin cares.
mens mags not much better as far as ads...

Hi wrighty,
thanks for that? Do you ever visit the magazines websites? If so what information are you searching for?

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:49pm

I will occasiionaly buy mags. In fact last year I ordered four subscriptions for Christmas presents. I still enjoy the print version, probably because so much of our time these days is spent on computers etc. its actually nice to pick up and read the traditional version. Not really interested in ready on mobile or ipad etc. doesnt really do it for me.

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:41pm

I can only find time to read Time and Australian Financial Review magazines. I can't read any other because of lack of any interest in those subjects to which the magzine relates. Besides nearly 70% of any magazine you pick up is full of useless and boring advertisements!

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:54am
I can only find time to read Time and Australian Financial Review magazines. I can't read any other because of lack of any interest in those subjects to which the magzine relates. Besides nearly...

Hi khushi,
many thanks. Are you downloading the magazine, or reading the print version or just visiting their websites?

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:53am
I can only find time to read Time and Australian Financial Review magazines. I can't read any other because of lack of any interest in those subjects to which the magzine relates. Besides nearly...

Hi khushi,
many thanks. Are you downloading the magazine, or reading the print version or just visiting their websites?

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:29pm

I think there are too many magazines and they all are seventy percent advertising. But they do not appeal to all as not all styles whether fasion or food suit all. I being male find many just boring with little content. Film stars do not interest me an what they are doing. As for using an app well never in a million years, the world is going app crazy.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:21am
I think there are too many magazines and they all are seventy percent advertising. But they do not appeal to all as not all styles whether fasion or food suit all. I being male find many just...

G'day, I agree re magazines and Apps, but I am safe from Apps as I do not have a mobile phone or similar machine!

  • 8th Feb 2013 08:12am
I couldn't agree more!!!!!

OMG! I should proof read before sending missed a few letters.

  • 8th Feb 2013 07:55am
I think there are too many magazines and they all are seventy percent advertising. But they do not appeal to all as not all styles whether fasion or food suit all. I being male find many just...

I couldn't agree more!!!!!

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:24pm

I don't tend to read magazines much any more, I may pick one up briefly whilst shopping and read a few pages. I really do not miss them that much at all

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:22pm

i subscribe to computer magazines to keep up with technology changes.Getting a dvd with software to try out makes computer magazines a better option for me than other magazines. I tend to read the magazines at home and do check up online pages when out.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:51am
i subscribe to computer magazines to keep up with technology changes.Getting a dvd with software to try out makes computer magazines a better option for me than other magazines. I tend to read the...

Hi typhoon,
Thanks for your response. You mentioned that you check up online pages when you are out - are you referring to the download version or are you referring to the magazines website. if the website, can you tell me how the website differs to the magazine. Does it offer you something different to read or more information than the magazine?

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:11pm

I read two magazines: PCUpdate & Aust. Personal Computer.
This year PCUpdate had changed to be a .PDF by download.
I do find it easier for me to read that way. Several friends & aquaintences though really miss having a magazine you can hold in your hand & take with you.

APC magazine comes by mail & with a DVD attached. I enjoy reading that as usual, sometimes in my lounge with a cup of tea. Sometimes I'll spin the DVD but most often I wont bother unless it has something that interests me.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:04am
Hi dave7072,
thanks for your response. If PCUpdate was still a print version, would you have stuck with that? Also do you ever go to your magazines websites? If so what do they provide that the...

It is the same content in PCUpdate but it is much cheaper to produce, making a .PDF i/o printing the Magazine each month.
PCUpdate is the computer magazine of the Melbourne PC User Group.
Melbpc is a not for profit club. I have been a mamber for many years and the cost of producing a color monthly magazine became too expensive. I don't miss the printed mag. I have a 27" LED screen on my main pc & I have no drama reading the mag that way. :)
BTW. I provide tech assistance to Melbpc members so I do use the website often. but for APC, I rarely ever visit their website. Mainly coz I don't have the time or need.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:49am
I read two magazines: PCUpdate & Aust. Personal Computer.
This year PCUpdate had changed to be a .PDF by download.
I do find it easier for me to read that way. Several friends &...

Hi dave7072,
thanks for your response. If PCUpdate was still a print version, would you have stuck with that? Also do you ever go to your magazines websites? If so what do they provide that the magazine doesn't? Or are they the same content?

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:08pm

I have been both buying and subscribing to a number of magazines for YEARS...however when this last lot of subscriptions run out - that's it, no more...I am sick of the magazines I do subscribe to turning up later than they go on sale in the shops. The reason I subscribed was to get them before they went on sale or at least the same day, not days later...and the discount is only 4% so it is hardly worth subscribing at all. As others have said, the amount of ads in magazines today is ridiculous. If I tore out every page with an ad on it - there would be 5 or 6 pages left out of a 50 page magazine. Another peeve is that the stories (except for readers true stories) have been done to death!! I mean how many times do you have to read about how to get the Perfect Beach Body, or Does size really matter? I think magazines are dying a slow but sure death.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:27pm
Hi Blondie72, thanks for your input. Would you consider downloading your favourite magazines instead of the print version. Or is that not your preferred method? Do your magazines have websites? Do...

Hi looklively - I wouldn't consider downloading my favourite magazines because I like to enjoy reading my magazines at the beach, by the pool, in the bath tub...and outdoors while having a BBQ lunch....having to download them would just kill the whole enjoyment of it for me, so thats a definite NO! Yes, a couple of my favourite magazines have websites which I am a member of and check them out occasionally, particularly when I want to watch a video or a "how to" or to look something up...but it's not the same for the reasons I stated above.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:47am
I have been both buying and subscribing to a number of magazines for YEARS...however when this last lot of subscriptions run out - that's it, no more...I am sick of the magazines I do subscribe to...

Hi Blondie72, thanks for your input. Would you consider downloading your favourite magazines instead of the print version. Or is that not your preferred method? Do your magazines have websites? Do you ever visit them?

  • 7th Feb 2013 08:04pm

I find that many of them are gossip orientated and contain little that will contribute to a better world. These merit a glance whilst in the Loo and a crack at the puzzle competitions that keeps the brain active. There are some like National Geographic and Time that have some serious reading in them and don't need to rely on puzzles for a readership.

  • 7th Feb 2013 07:55pm

I am a regular magazine buyer .. I buy 4 mags a week.. they are my way of relaxing
doing the puzzles.. entering the comps and finding all the goss...

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:58am
Many thanks Lattwater. Do any of your magazines have a website that you are aware of? If so do you visit them?

All the magazines that I buy have a website and I am a member of all the websites.. do I visit then not really,.. probably once or twice every couple of months.. usually something has caught my eye in the magazine and I go to the site.. to see what is happening...

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:44am
I am a regular magazine buyer .. I buy 4 mags a week.. they are my way of relaxing
doing the puzzles.. entering the comps and finding all the goss...

Many thanks Lattwater. Do any of your magazines have a website that you are aware of? If so do you visit them?

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:43am
I am a regular magazine buyer .. I buy 4 mags a week.. they are my way of relaxing
doing the puzzles.. entering the comps and finding all the goss...

Many thanks Lattwater. Do any of your magazines have a website that you are aware of? If so do you visit them?

  • 7th Feb 2013 10:39pm
I am a regular magazine buyer .. I buy 4 mags a week.. they are my way of relaxing
doing the puzzles.. entering the comps and finding all the goss...

I love buying my regular magazines every week. I don't have all these fandangled new phones, I-pads that you can do everything on there. I love holding a magazine in my hand, I usually read at night in bed and then take it with me to appointments. If I have to catch a plane, there I am at the newsagent buying a magazine to keep me company on my journey.

Just like lattater I can do puzzles and enter competitions. Plus I am reading print not looking at a computer screen.

  • 7th Feb 2013 07:53pm

I find most magazines overpriced, and fifty per cent of their content is devoted to advertising
I may seem a bit of a scrooge, but I leave my magazine reading, to visits to the dentist and doctor

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:31pm
I find most magazines overpriced, and fifty per cent of their content is devoted to advertising
I may seem a bit of a scrooge, but I leave my magazine reading, to visits to the dentist and...

I agree with Hincey that most magazines are overpriced and the magazines does not carry articles for the value of the money we are paying, and they focus on
advertising. In my opinion the magazines should concentrate in publishing
some interesting articles also so that the customers will make it a point to spare
few minutes in reading the magazines

  • 8th Feb 2013 06:41am
I find most magazines overpriced, and fifty per cent of their content is devoted to advertising
I may seem a bit of a scrooge, but I leave my magazine reading, to visits to the dentist and...

I agree 100%.

  • 7th Feb 2013 10:25pm
I find most magazines overpriced, and fifty per cent of their content is devoted to advertising
I may seem a bit of a scrooge, but I leave my magazine reading, to visits to the dentist and...

I agree with Hincey. The quality of articles in some of the local magazines are below standard. Most of them are dedicated to gossip with little value.
There are exceptions like National geography or reader's digest. I read them sometimeswhenn on train.

  • 7th Feb 2013 07:51pm

I would expect they are coping well, however I personally do not get drawn towards them. I feel as though their sales should be doing poorly, however they are most likely still doing quite well even though I have put them into the page of the past.

  • 7th Feb 2013 07:29pm

I usually read magazine in the library because I can relax and be able to read as much as I like. I can borrow them as well if I found something that interest me. I sometimes go online but I guess, online version has more updated topics and more interactive. I sometimes use my laptop to read those online magazine, but in general I like the relax atmosphere like in the library to read them.

  • 8th Feb 2013 11:07am
Thanks Gooner, do you find you get the same content online as with the magazine, or do they offer something different?

A bit different through online because they are more things to see, more interactive. Sometimes you can even join the discussion whereas the printed version, you can't do that.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:42am
I usually read magazine in the library because I can relax and be able to read as much as I like. I can borrow them as well if I found something that interest me. I sometimes go online but I guess,...

Thanks Gooner, do you find you get the same content online as with the magazine, or do they offer something different?

  • 7th Feb 2013 06:54pm

There are lots of media to use but I still like the paper in my hands, handy for reference and can go anywhere magazine. It doesn't require batteries, cell coverage, broadband or service. However my magazines are generally specific to projects or activities such as knitting or cycling magazines. The ads are then relevant and useful. I take the magazines along to places where the kids are busy, dance classes, sporting events, parks. Fills the gaps and easy to put down and pick up again. Cheers!

  • 8th Feb 2013 06:25pm
Thanks Debbi, do any of your specialist magazines have websites that you are aware of or use? If so do you visit them, and for what reason?

Yes, Sometimes to enter competitions, sometimes to order a product, sometimes for further information to a topic discussed in an article. I have also signed up fortheir weekly enewsletters which I find informative. Have to admit sometimes they are ads for things they are selling but it is easy to just click delete if I don't want to be bothered.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:41am
There are lots of media to use but I still like the paper in my hands, handy for reference and can go anywhere magazine. It doesn't require batteries, cell coverage, broadband or service. However...

Thanks Debbi, do any of your specialist magazines have websites that you are aware of or use? If so do you visit them, and for what reason?

  • 7th Feb 2013 06:39pm

I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use cosmetics. I'm not interested in hair colour, or styling tools, or six inch heels, or being a clothes horse for every season's new fashion. And that was just the first ten pages! It takes more than a dozen pages to get to the first article, and there are precious few actual articles anymore. I don't care what Nicole Kidman does to look younger, I don't care what the Kardashians do all day, I don't care about the gossip from Hollywood! I recently had cause to buy a woman's magazine in the US - and I was so pleasantly surprised that content outweighed advertising by three pages to one! Even special interest magazines, like beading, scrapbooking, quilting, weight loss etc - in Australian magazines advertising outstrips the content, and I begrudge paying so much for so much advertising. I feel magazines - at least for me - have lost all relevance, especially when I can go online and either buy the content I want (minus the advertising) or read a blog with the same content for free.

The boss
  • 8th Jun 2014 09:50pm
I agree with Ziah, I mainly read overseas magazines that deal with real issues and everyday people, hollywood couples are boring and live on another planet, I read for pleasure not t learn the...

I agree...they are either talking about what celebrities spent the most money on a nose or boob job instead of the real problems in the about they spend there money on people who really need help and to be the topic of discussion...

  • 29th Jun 2013 09:57am
I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use...

Hi Ziah, I am pretty much the same .If I do want to get a mag it will be for the purposes of cutting out there faces and making art out of them with mixed media.
Oh and how about this one I only get cheap ,out dated copies from op shops because there just as useful as the over priced new mags.
I dont buy anti-aging creams either because I simply refuse to believe tht Im aging at all. ,and my fashion sense is all about recycle even if it means wearing the same clothes 5 days in a row ,inside-out ,up-side down or round the wrong way.
There are no limits to the creative mind,the world is an amusement park.

  • 20th Mar 2013 10:21am
I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use...

There are only 2 magazines I buy now. Most magazines have gone up in price but are mainly filled with advertisements. The advertisements don't interest me. Even when I have a doctors' appointment, I don't read the magazines there, instead I take a novel from home to read. That way I don't get frustrated flicking through the magazines on the table just to look at pictures or adverts for things that don't interest me. The magazines I buy now are filled with stories and puzzles. If I want to know anything about certain subjects I just look them up on the internet now.

  • 19th Mar 2013 12:57pm
Thanks Ziah,
Do you ever visit a magazine website at all. If so, which one and what for?

I don't read magazine websites. i read printed style and i usally read it when I'm having my breakfast.T he thing I find is that it doesn't matter which one you get they all seem to to have the same thing in them. I like a good story and puzzles, keeping up with the latest trends . But you have ones with all adds and some fashion or entertanment that is the same.

  • 19th Mar 2013 12:57pm
Thanks Ziah,
Do you ever visit a magazine website at all. If so, which one and what for?

I don't read magazine websites. i read printed style and i usally read it when I'm having my breakfast.T he thing I find is that it doesn't matter which one you get they all seem to to have the same thing in them. I like a good story and puzzles, keeping up with the latest trends . But you have ones with all adds and some fashion or entertanment that is the same.

  • 9th Feb 2013 01:43pm
Thanks Ziah,
Do you ever visit a magazine website at all. If so, which one and what for?

Yes, I visit New Idea and Woman's day regularily, they have very interesting recipes, and items.

  • 9th Feb 2013 08:47am
I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use...

Hi Ziah! I totally agree and the cost magazines is mindblowing. I only read 'pass-a-longs' or those in waiting rooms of surgeries, hairdressers etc,

I dont 'download' them either, why waste good data space on rubbish. Most mags are alike and what one says about something in their mag is the same rubbish in another. Give me a good book any day, that is reading for pleasure!

  • 8th Feb 2013 09:37pm
I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use...

I agree with Ziah, I mainly read overseas magazines that deal with real issues and everyday people, hollywood couples are boring and live on another planet, I read for pleasure not t learn the latest scandal

  • 8th Feb 2013 02:37pm
I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use...

I'm with you on the issue of ads in any mags from anywhere. I also do not read the mag as I feel that in a small way I'm helping to save the planets' destruction of the tundra belt. Our society lives in bliss & ignorance of the damage we do all day,everyday in every way to destroy our planet & I must put up my hand also as one of those who destructs this amazing world.

  • 8th Feb 2013 12:20pm
Thanks Ziah,
Do you ever visit a magazine website at all. If so, which one and what for?

When I said I hadn't read a magazine at all, I meant in any format. I refuse to go to their websites either, since they're full of advertising (in amongst all the rubbish they print nowadays) as well. I know I run a good Ad Blocker and script blocker, but there is some advertising that gets through - and I hate it. When I am travelling long distances (like Perth to Los Angeles) I prefer to keep my mind active with word games and puzzles in between games on my iPad.

  • 8th Feb 2013 10:40am
I haven't read an Australian magazine in years due to the sheer volume of advertisements - advertisements that are completely irrelevant to me. I don't use anti-ageing creams, I don't use...

Thanks Ziah,
Do you ever visit a magazine website at all. If so, which one and what for?

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