Bathurst 1000
Posted by: Bigfoot
5th Oct 2012 11:41pm
I think that other makes of cars should not be allowed to race in the Bathurst 1000. It has been a Ford/Holden icon for most of it's life. I think there will be many Bathurst fans who would not like to see overseas cars involved, how about you???
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Comments 29
Actually its not. The Holden & 2 division car maker era ran from 1996 to 2012 inclusive. Before then, open to just about all makers. After, well its opened up to anyone gulible enough invest in V8$upercars
That will be the end then if other makes are not allowed as neither Ford or Holden are to be made in Australia so will end up with Yank tanks floating around the track.
It would not be the end if it returned to the original concept. That is, to compete the manufacturer had to have sold a minimum number of a particular model of road cars no matter where they were made. Col
I disagree. I am an avid follower of motorsport categories including V8 Supercars, Formula 1 and the World Endurance Championship. In my opinion, the introduction of additional brands and manufacturers into a category simply heightens the level of competition, and promotes better racing and technical innovation.
Quite frankly, I was growing tired of watching Holden beat Ford, and Ford beating Holden. Winning any race is a great achievement, but winning a race and beating four other manufacturers is surely a more impressive achievement (and worthy of greater bragging rights).
Also, many people forget that for a significant part of the great race's history, multiple manufacturers have contested the event. To suggest that Bathurst is a "Ford/Holden icon" is to ignore the event's history.
Further, the cars in V8 Supercars are so heavily modified and homogenised (particularly in light of the Car of the Future regulations) that they bear little resemblance to the road vehicle on which they are based. That is, they are barely Holdens or Fords at all.
I have no problem with any maker entering the 1000, as long as its:
1) Sold here in Australia (no twin cam Celicas, cheating Ford Sierras, etc.
2) Its RHD.
3) Must be a 4 seater.
As for the relationship with the town, do the complainers have any idea of the money we race goers bring in? Our camp spends $1000 per DAY in food & drink.
I absolutely agree, this iconic race didn't just start up a few years back it's being running since 2000. For people who get the change to be involved should and I'm sure appreciate and have been around supporting it for the past 14 years. It wouldn't be fair if we just let any man and his dog allowed to be involved, if they want to they can have the opportunity to watch from the crowed of course. We are not been narrow minded but if we invited everyone aboard the event wouldn't be as significant and special as it is now.
It started off as The Armstrong 500 at Philip Island in the mid 1960s.
I think the first over the line was Ford Customline.
There were various class division and competitors included Peugots, Cortinas etc..
Few years later it was moved, ending up at Bathhurst ... when you had Chargers, Mazda RX7s even Volvos running around.
Australian Taxi races :-) I am sure that in the early history there were other makes /classes in the race
Actually, the restriction to just Holden and Ford is only the last decade or so running under the V8 Supercar rules. Before that there is forty-odd years of history during which it was run under various touring car formulas (as opposed to the current stock car formula).
Frankly, I find the current effectively-one-make series extremely boring and defected to rally years ago.
Come on. Seriously are we going to go through this again. Bathurst was always open to all car makers. They had 5 different classes racing at once. That was the thrill as you knew you had to pick your time to get around the lower class cars before Pete or Dick were on your ass. Holden and Ford took over as they were the main V8 manufacturers and I do agree that when the Turbo 4's came out it did not do anything positive to the race as a spectators sport. But now if the other manufacturers are willing to build V8's then why not let them race with our blessing. I mean in a couple of years when Holden and Ford have closed down in Australia then what would you suggest ? We just end Bathurst all together. Ford will import the Mustang and Chevrolet will import the GTO (Manaro) so we stop them from racing too. I love my FORDS/ HOLDENS/VALIANTS or anything with a chrome bumper bar and I say if they have V8's then let them race
im not a fan of change. keep it real people
Look i agree with you but in the not to distant future holden and ford will not be manufactured in australia all of our big cars will be imported from like the US so should we stop raceing all together or should we grow this great race.
Put in on the would stage
You're right brashy, much as I don't want to see the Ford/Holden races change, if other makes are needed to keep it going, then bring it on and I hope I can get to Bathurst for the next few years.
Well they can if they want but they'll just get beaten.
Hi Warlord, I hope your comment comes true mate, but I guess it will run after the style of the F1's. The "foreigners" will spend a lot more money on their cars than we can over here, end result 1st and 2nd in a couple of years, Merc's and Nissan's.
Even though I reckon Nissan's are great cars, I don't want to see them in the Bathurst race.
i think your completely right. the bathurst 1000 should be the one race saved for the all original holden v ford race
The 1000 was never the all original Holden v Frod race. Many different makes competed from the first 500 mile race until 1996, when V8$upercars **** it up.
Thanks for you reply broken, but I do feel sorry for April having to put up with the hooligan element. I hope to be at Bathurst this year, and I guess I will enjoy it just as much even though the "Foreigners" will be in it.
I hope they realise how disruptive this race is to this town. They lost millions when they builit the big Motel and people invade the town and trash it, get drunk and it is quite scary - why put a race track in the middle of a lovely historical town? They shoudl make it into a cycle track and move the race track somewhere else..
Zombie thread revival. Have you any idea of how much money that racetrack brings into the town? Our camp spends thousands in town while we're there!
It looks as if the Bathurst racegoers will just have to put up with "Foreigners" going around the track. I think it is such a shame that the Ford/Holden era ends.
I hope you realise how much money this pumps into the town! We have a core group of 20 campers. That group pumps about a 1000 bucks A DAY for the 9 days we are there. Into the local economy.
And the race track IS NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN!. The race track also has over 70 years of history. You're not one of these people who move into a region then complain about the existing racetrack/ drag strip/ speedway/ airport/ect are you?
Who cares?They were a second divsion play at best. Now not even top five
I was wondering that myself.
But given that the current cars bare no relation beyond badging to production cars anyway, I see no reason Ford and Holden can't keep bolting whatever panels they can homoligate to the common control chassis and calling it whatever they like. It's what they do now.
Hey mate, I'm not tooo sure that Ford will be participating at the Bathurst for much longer, seeing they will stop building cars in Australia soon???? What then????
Hi Bigfoot,
Not mad at you at all, it is good people enjoy it - still I don't think ruining a lovely historical town because a few people like to watch that race, not to mention the lives lost to young men being stupid or trying to drive like and the apparent millions lost on the big motel is worth it.
There was talk of moving it to Orange or further out - pity they don't have a track closer to Sydney so it is easier for people to get to.
Anyway hope you enjoy the race this year! Have fun.
Hi April, Much as I agree with the fact that you should not have to put up with hoons and vomit etc, I just can't help it that I would hate to see the Bathurst track used for anything other than the Ford/Holden races, it is such an icon and has worlwide credibility. Like you I took my ex highway patrol car around the track and got caught out badly at the kink---I was doing 100k's when I came over the hump and found the kink just in fron of me, as I was almost airborne at the time it was a bit of a nervewracking experience. This was about 15 years ago and my wife has now got over the shock---I'm not too sure about me though. Anyway I feel for you and the townsfolk but I just love the racing there. SORRY April----Don't be mad at me.
Hi Bigfoot,
Thank you for your reply. Yes possible the Uni students are worse ha ha. I think the police are good but something like that is going to be disruptive to any small town. Possibly the town has grown out but the racetrack has not, so having a racetrack in the middle of a town - who would want that. I have had to walk over vomit and the most vile things after the race has been on - I thought the whole point was to go up their and get drunk for most people? I think most people in town dislike it - but it does bring in some money but only for a short period of time. Possibly they could use the track for something else like safe driver training or something - all that money spent of things like that when there is so much unemployment etc in rural areas.
I believe the influence it has on the young men may also not be good - I have literally seen boys driving on two wheels in the middle of town. As if there are not enough accidents with young people but an influence like this just makes it worse, however you I have to admit the skill it takes to drive around that track is amazing. I tried it once and didn't get over 80 k's it was very scary - those drivers are amazing to drive at those speeds around that track - serious skill involved I must admit!
Hi April, I have attended the Bathurst races many times and other than at the track have never witnessed any unruly behavior. Are the police patrolling the town sufficiently while the races are on?? I sympathise with you about the lovely town being disturbed by the rowdy/trashing element though and find that there will always be the hoons and drunks there unfortunately.