Food & Drink

Fast Food

Food & Drink

Posted by: david

25th Jan 2012 08:33pm

are all fast foods realy as bad as our dieticians etc say.i can understand the deep frried foods,but mcdonalds seem to have all supplements needed for our daily diet,bread meat moderation surely these food cannot be to bad.i believe the heart foundation has now removed there tick of approval on the healthy line at

Comments 38

  • 3rd Aug 2024 12:33pm

Personally, fast foods should be banned. I know that many people may enjoy them time to time but they are so harmful even if you eat them just once.

  • 10th Mar 2015 01:12am

nothing more better that the five food groups and have fast foods occasionally to much oil and fats arent good for you

  • 30th Jul 2014 12:51am

Yes processed food are very unhealthy especially if eaten regularly but eating all foods in moderation is the key importance. I cant believe Heart Foundation tick of approval had even "considered" McDonalds as part of their affiliation - terrible haha ;)

  • 26th Jul 2014 10:54am

Hearing about fast food outlets as being inherently bad for us reminds me of an old quote that seems to apply:

"Two men look through prison bars; one sees mud, the other, stars".

There are actually a great variety of really healthy "fast food" outlets around. More so now than ever before. It just takes time to search online before going out. The great thing is, once you've found one that you really like & has real food that does you a lot of good in many different ways, you tend to go back there time & time again.

I really dislike the big fast food chains. It's not just what they put in the stuff they give us, but a whole range of factors like how it's prepared, cleanliness, etc that all boil down to one common denominator: they care only about profits & refuse to pour their love into the food that is supposed to nourish us - at every level of the organization. I can recall a speech the owner of McDonalds made many decades ago saying how he owed his success not to burgers, but to Real Estate!

The Heart Foundation Tick is everywhere, on even the most unhealthy foods. Despite their protests, this symbol can be bought.

  • 30th Aug 2013 09:02pm

McDonald's has more additives etc than you can point a French fry at !
Are you aware they have 17 ingredients just in their french fries??????
No healthy diet needs man made chemicals to enhance flavour nor buckets of sugar. to create cravings or mild addictions.
Bullies like McDonald`s need to be boycotted....
They are far too rich and powerful....

  • 30th Aug 2013 08:58pm

McDonald's has more additives etc than you can point a French fry at !
Are you aware they have 17 ingredients just in their french fries??????
No healthy diet needs man made chemicals to enhance flavour nor buckets of sugar. to create cravings or mild addictions.
Bullies like McDonald`s need to be boycotted....
They are far too rich and powerful....

  • 8th Aug 2013 04:59pm

I agree fast foods are bad for you most of them any way

  • 23rd Jul 2013 10:20am

agree and disagree, If your on a 'diet' then it wouldn't be ideal unless your gona have it maybe once a month, by replacing the coke for a water and the fries for a salad would help but your still getting the processed meat, mayo and the bun. not really a healthy choice or like a said before, if your only eating it once a month or so.

  • 23rd Jul 2013 12:44am

i think everything in moderation is a good diet.

  • 21st Jul 2013 12:44pm

ive heard that the salads in Mcdonalds are even more unhealthy then anything else. but im not sure whether this is true. All fast foods have a wide amount of calories and added things like hormones etc... You couldnt possibly dsy that a fast food is a healthy choice.

  • 20th Jul 2013 12:22am

Fast food like McDonalds isn't healthy at all, if you want a health option subway is very healthy and is nice and quick

  • 8th Jul 2013 08:43pm

There are quite a few healthy Eating Places popping up all over the place, I was surprised when we were recently on holiday how many Raw Food Cafes were around.

  • 2nd Jul 2013 10:25pm

MY fiance works as a store manager at Mcdonalds. Mcdonalds are now trying new things and creating new burgers to accommodate for those of us that require low calorie and reduced fat foods. Things like grilled chicken burgers are a great alternative to eating fatty meat burgers. Also salads can now be chosen instead of purchasing fries with your meal.
The tick of approval was removed by the health foods company as the way meals are now chosen and every meal has an alternate option of drinks, fries and salads they cannot say a meal has a health tick in the case that a customer has swapped the salad in his/her meals for fries.

  • 22nd Feb 2013 08:39pm

I am sure all food is okay. but people eat too much and don't do exercise which is why they put on weight. Some people are fine picking up a burger for lunch and having meat for dinner with potato. Other people like spring rolls and then chicken and chips for dinner. It's all okay. You need to be fed. You just have to be aware that plain food is better for you. But I find most fast foods okay. I like Subway more the Mcdonalds, but everyone has their FAVE.

  • 28th Jan 2013 02:05pm

you can get healthy food at mcs you just have to look a bit harder. for example salads, fruit juices.

  • 9th Oct 2012 07:44am

Fast foods are processed foods are they are not good for you. Ask any dietician! While they can be an occasional treat, they should only be thought of as such.

  • 10th Apr 2012 02:47pm

I just think that most of Mc Donalds food have a lot of fat content. This is not healthy food to eat. I would say once in a while it is nice to eat, but not regularly. I know that the beef hamburgers is very fatty to eat. There is a lot of people that think it is healthy to eat, although there is meals like the fish burger that is more healthy and the chicken rap is more healthy to eat at Mc Donalds and the salad meal. I would also say that Subway take away foods is defnitetely more healthier to eat, overall.

  • 13th Mar 2012 01:24am

i have found that fast food is not so fast any more- I have found that it is easier, less stressful and occasionally faster to make your own food, or order a healthy meal a a restaurant. There is nothing healthy about McDonald's food. The bread is full of sugar and salt, the meat is highly processed and defrosted and reheated, and the salad is more than likely covered in all sorts of chemicals to keep it looking "nice". The cheaper the food, the lower the benefits! Healthy, benificial food, or a high quality, is more often than not a higher price.

  • 22nd Feb 2012 11:57pm

It's interesting to look at all the values of the major fast food chains we have in Australia/New Zealand. Of all the choices you have from KFC, Maccas, Hungry Jacks/Burger King, Dominoes/Pizza Hut, Oportos/Ogalos, and Red Rooster, there are really only 2 that stack up against the rest - Subway, Red Rooster and McDonalds (footnote: a lot of Subway's 6grams of fat or less is calculated without cheese and without the sauces just as an FYI).

As much as it pains me to say it, McDonalds has got their act together. I've watched Super Size Me (which is frightening) and I've seen the video of the experiment that Captain Slog and Possum are referring to - and I think this happened before the "salad days" of McDonalds started happening. I noticed the taste difference when this all swept through. McDonalds changed their buns, and changed the taste (and after taste) of all of their food.

The worst is Hungry Jacks/Burger King apparently. I enjoy their food from time to time and there is less wait to get the food. Now whether that's because of poor customer service or the food - I don't know. I have been told that the Ultimate Double Whopper is about the fattiest/most laden with calories burger you can get. And I always through the Triple Cheeseburger was the artery blocking champion!

I'm not advertising the site, but much of the information I found was on quite a few Australian web sites ( for instance). The information is out there, Google is your friend.

As for good fast food? Remember it takes about an hour of walking to burn off 1,000 - 1,250 kilojoules. At 5,000Kj for the Double Whopper - that's an awful lot of walking!

Captain Slog
  • 23rd Feb 2012 10:18am
It's interesting to look at all the values of the major fast food chains we have in Australia/New Zealand. Of all the choices you have from KFC, Maccas, Hungry Jacks/Burger King, Dominoes/Pizza...

Hi Matticooper,
Good to read your comments. All were very interesting, something I've said about most comments, so far.

I haven't seen "Supersize Me!" at all, but the thought of it sickens me, and that's only from what I've seen of the trailers. Its as if this guy's deliberately chosen McDonald's to ABUSE their food by buying and eating as much of it as he could for a month. NO-ONE in their right mind would actually DO that. Would they? But, Americans aren't in their right minds. They do things to seek attention, get noticed, pump up their egos, etc. My guess is he was only buying Quarter Pounders, Cheese Burgers, Shakes and Sundaes, and LOTS of them. What a Wally!

As you may have read in my comments, I am a BIG Fan of McDonald's, and at our McDonald's REGENT in Brisbane, I became known as The McFeasty Beasty, because of my love for the McFeast. I used to get big orders for my evening Meals. Usually, you guessed it, a McFeast and/or a Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, Large (Now Medium) Fries, Chocky Sundae and a Cuppa Coffee. Because I was there for the whole evening ( I HATED going back to The Palace every evening! Nothing to do), I used to stay there and read my paper, write letters (NO eMails in 1980-85), my matesknew where to find me and we used to meet there at MY table. Every now and then I'd get up and get another coffe or an Orange Juice.

Away from McDonald's I used to have all the usual varieties of meals you get in the Malls like The Winter Garden (Next door), Coles, Myers, David Jones and other centres during my days off work. I used to work at Golden Circle. I'd get my fair share of Beet Root, Bananas, Strawberries, and other delicious Fruits and Veges. But we could ONLY Eat them IF we were working with them.

You said here Hungry's has the ultimate fat laden burgers. THe Ultra Double Whopper and the Triple Cheese Burger. Geez, even I don't like too much cheese on my Burgers. That would be asking for trouble. I tried a Triple Beef and cheese at Burger King here a few years ago, and yes, it was rather sickly. I ONLY tried it, to see what the fuss was about.

One good thing about being in the City, or in a town like Taupo or Rotorua, etc. when you're out in the street you WALK from one place to another, and fi you've got all day to do what you like in town, you can walk for MIILES and not know it, and its all good exercise. I love it!

You don't have to be "guilty" of "advertising" sites like Giggle(THAT'S what I call it). I prefer YAHOO! Giggle is just a bit too smart for their pants from my experience. Besides, aren't they having a bit of trouble at the moment? I use YAHOO! for all of my Searches and I am very pleased with their results.

Any good advice from people who have something to offer I would welcome very much. Anyone spouting gossip or "airs of superiority" (SNOBS) and putting people down ( Like the snobs who poo-pooed "The Poor Man's Pizza" that was offered by a member yesterday) deserves to be given a hard time. These so called "Classy" types have NO "class" at all, they're JUST SNOBS!! DON'T take any crap from them! Poor Man's Pizza? Nothing wrong with it! Good Honest Tucker! Simple, Tasty, and anyone can make them.

  • 22nd Feb 2012 11:01am

sorry captain, you say you don't believe the dietitians and to eat whatever you like, but you sound just like them, and I have heard a lot of them talking.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Feb 2012 06:27pm
sorry captain, you say you don't believe the dietitians and to eat whatever you like, but you sound just like them, and I have heard a lot of them talking.

Hi Possum,
Its me again. To clarify, I don't believe that Burger Stunt. I've hear these stories before and to actually see the experiment on YOU TUBE, I was put off. Not McDonald's, the sight of all that good food going rotten just to prove the whole thing was a stunt.
About me eating whatever I like? Yes, that's true, to some extent, BUT, I eat whatever I like that is Healthy. Sure, I may have the odd treat at McDonald's when I go to Taupo (Half an hour north of here), and I enjoy it. But I ALWAYS get the Burgers with Salad on them. The McFeast (Now made on request), The Grand Angus, Big Mac (Which I haven't had for ages), but I always have a decent serve of Veges when I cook here at home. I am not a diabetic, but I do try to keep from having too much sugar. Its not good for your teeth for a starter, and you get fat.
I am not a dietician, and don't understand the language of calories, etc. I just know to eat right. They can say what they like on those labels, but, if there's more information than I can handle, I won't get the product. You should see the American food labels! They're FULL of chemicals! YUK!

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Feb 2012 09:25am

Hi Folks,
I'm new to this site. I've just signed up.
This discussion is very interesting, and I hope you don't mind if I join in.
Firstly, there is no such thing as "Fast Food", it only APPEARS to be "Fast." Whether you go to McDonald's (My Favourite), wendy's, Hungry Jack's/Burger King, Georgie Pie, Pizza Hut, Domino's, whatever, ALL of these Foods take time to make and prepare. The only reason it is called "Fast" is because there is so much of it made so that there is no waiting when Customers call in for a Meal. Sometimes, however, we are asked to excuse the crew for the wait for our order, because they have to make some more. I don't mind waiting. At least its HOT.
When I lived in Brisbane, I was in the City for a few years before moving out to a flat in Red Hill. While in the City, I stayed at the Palace Guesthouse, as it was known then, and it was a B&B. I had to get my own meals. I used to frequent the small Cafe in Edward Street (With all the fruit outside, for those who know the place), and get Toasted Sandwiches for Dinner, but over the weeks, it proved to be too expensive to eat there regularly.
On july 28,1980, McDONALD'S Regent opened in Queen Street, and McDonald's became my regualr haunt. I ate there every day for three years, and I enjoyed every meal. It was never the same thing. I always varied my meals to make sure I had plenty of salad with it. This became very obvious whwen my Favaourite, THE McFEAST joined the Menu. Every McFeast I had overflowed with salad. I had them with every meal, and became known there as The McFeasty Beasty.
ALL of the meals I ever had were Fresh and Hot, except, of course, Sundaes (Duhhh! Obviously! Ha!).
I agree, it is always good to do your own Cooking, but Burgers, my Favourites, are always very hard to make. I can't get the Patties right. They keep falling apart. Even when I buy the patties, they all go oval when they cook in the pan, and they shrink. I end up having to use TWO patties per burger, because they've shrunk so much. I did manage to find some rather nice ones that kept their shape and size, but they were too expensive.
I don't JUST cook Burgers, as much as I love them. THere's the good old "Spag Bol" FROM SCRATCH, Hot Dogs (Easy), Cottaage Pies, Curry, Soups, Scouse, Fried Rice, Stir Fries, etc. I am NOT a Professionald Cook, and I don't pretend to be, but I DO enjoy having a go at making a nice meal for myself. And Friends if they're interested.
I always make sure I've got plenty of Veges and especially Spuds, ONIONS and Garlic. They are the very Basics. Even a very simple meal can be done with just Onions and Spuds. That is, as long as you also have a good sized Block of Cheese (1 kg) in the fridge. You can have Cheese and Onion Toasties, and have a Spud (Agria)or ttwo in the Toaster Oven, too. You DON'T have to be a flash cook to know how to cook. I'm not!
Sorry this is rather long. I'll go now and let someone else have a go.
Before I go, though, I DON'T take any notice of all these "dieticians" and other wowsers who try to tell us our foods are "bad" for us. JUst eat what ever you like, but make sure there is very little fat, Plenty of Veges, and plenty of variety. Don't over cook your veges. Season well. And TASTE it to make sure it IS just right.
GOod Cooking, Everyone!

  • 19th Feb 2012 02:17pm

how much sugar goes into 1 big mac roll.....i hope you haven't got a franchise with maccas

Captain Slog
  • 29th Feb 2012 01:42pm
how much sugar goes into 1 big mac roll.....i hope you haven't got a franchise with maccas

No Al! I don't have any Franchise with anything. Or Shares for that matter. I just enjoy good food, and if I discover that a certain food is not up to sctratch, or their's something iffy about it, I won't have it again.
I refeuse to listen to anyone who has a bad thing to say about it, unless they have something CONRETE to back it up. This is no dig at you, by the way.
We ALL have our own opinions, and expressing them is the whole point of being here in CAFE CHAT, but, we MUST be careful NOT to take any notice of any malicious gossip that is being spread about by activitst and vegans and other really wierd people, or just straight out trouble makers.
Getting back to McDonald's just for a little,
Did you know that YOU (EVERYONE) CAN tell McDonald's if there is anything wrong with their food? I don't just mean that you don't like Pickles in your Burgers (Simply TELL them when you order!), or your Large Fries is only half filled. I mean IF there is anything at all about their Food, you don't like, you can tell them, and they WILL Listen!! They have a reputation to maintain, and if your local management doesn't listen, you CAN go straight to the top and tell them. They ARE Approachable.
Not every restaurant, no matter if they're Mac's, BK's Hungry's, KFC or whatever, has Pride in their franchise. There is ALWAYS ONE that will let the side down.
My sister got a job at KFC in Taupo, and she told me the place was an absolute PIG HOLE!! The place was run by a lazy crew who never cleaned up much. The floors were greasy, and she slipped on them. She never noticed before as she was only there a few days. They have since cleaned up their act (I hope!), because I think they are under new Management and new Crew.I don't go there anyway. As I said, I'm a McDonald's Fan. I'd be a WENDY'S (Old Fashioned Burgers) Fan, too, but there's no WENDY'S in Taupo. . . YET! The closest is in ROTORUA. I've been told their Food is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! I can't wait to try it!

  • 18th Feb 2012 12:26pm

it is certainly telling us something but what.perhaps not fit for human consumptiom

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Feb 2012 06:08pm
I will have to disagree with the captain, maccas are the main offenders, they have a LOT of sugar and preservatives in their food and the burger test was correct, too many people saw it happen,...

Hello Possum,
Thank you for your response. It was very interesting.
To clarify things, McDonald's is my favourite because it is all I know. Even when I was in Brisbane, I preferred McDonald's. I went to hungry Jack's a few times, which was also nice, but not much variety. What really put me off them was, they use MICROWAVES. Or, they did when I was there. It seems whenever burgers go past their Time Limit, they go into a Chiller for "nuking" to save making fresh ones. Its IS a great pity to waste food, but it is even just as bad a waste when it is TOTALLY destroyed at the molecular level by Microwaving
I also enjoyed Pizza Hut, but they were just a Special Treat for me, because they were expensive. I stick with Mac's.
You say here that you are Diabetic (dietetic? Your spelling). I am so sorry to hear that. There may be alot of sugar in McDonald's foods, so they say, but I'm not sure where it all is apart from the Slushies and Smoothies. I tried one of their new Smoothies when I was in Taupo at Xmas time, and I agree with you there. They ARE very sweet! The key word there is TRIED. I try something, and IF I don't like it, I don't have it again.
As for the Burgers, could the sugar perhaps be in any of the dressings they use? Which burgers are they? I only have a few real favourites, and they don't have any sugar in them as far as I know. To be Honest with you, that is the best I can say. IF I detect anything sweet and it shouldn't be, I'll make a note of it and get back to you with an Honest result. Feedback like yours helps me to keep an eye on things, and if my favourite McDonald's has some serious faults showing, I'll have a word with them. They have a good reputation and they WILL listen to their customers.
Hungry Jack's? We had a cheeky saying at our McDonald's REGENT in Brissie. "Nobody Eats At Hungry's!" Of course, it was just friendly rivalry. Even some of Hungry's Crew came to our place.
I agree about the grease. Here in Turangi, where I live now, we have BURGER KING (Same thing) and their Burgers ARE very greasy. They, too, are also very expensive. And they are very stingy with their Fries for the price. And their Sundaes are very small. Half the size of a McDonald's Medium fries in width, and that's their "Large."
By the way, IF you're thinking of actually drinking Oil out of the can, PLEASE be sure its Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Its better for you. Of course, you were only joking.
Take good care, Possum.

  • 22nd Feb 2012 10:30am
it is certainly telling us something but what.perhaps not fit for human consumptiom

I will have to disagree with the captain, maccas are the main offenders, they have a LOT of sugar and preservatives in their food and the burger test was correct, too many people saw it happen, besides I am a dietetic and eating one burger from there sends mine sugar through the roof. Hungry Jacks are not worth eating, so much grease and oil in them, you are better of drink oil out a of a can, at least it is clean.

  • 18th Feb 2012 11:10am

let me tell you a true story, a dietitian I know, bought 3 hamburgers, 1 from macs, 1 from another chain take away and 1 from the local shop, put them on plates and left them on the shelf for 3 months, the local was gone, mice etc had a good feed, the other was partly eaten and dried out and macs , well it looked and felt exactly the same as it did when put on the shelf and nothing touched it. tell you anything?

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Feb 2012 09:45am
let me tell you a true story, a dietitian I know, bought 3 hamburgers, 1 from macs, 1 from another chain take away and 1 from the local shop, put them on plates and left them on the shelf for 3...

Hello Possum! ( I thought only Dame Edna said that!)
Pleased to "meet" you.
I am very ssorry to say, but I think that "Dietician's" stunt with the burgers was just that. A Stunt! And a load of old burgers, as well as a waste of good food.
I saw something like that on YOU TUBE that someone did to see if it was true, and ALL the burgers went rotten.
Why does everyone seem to pick on McDonald's? Because its EASY!! They are always used as the scape goat whenever anyone has a gripe about Take Away (Te Kawe if you're Maori) food. No one picks on Hngry's or Burger King.
I think they call yarms like that Urban Myths. Sorry, but I'm not going to waste valuable food to see if its true.

  • 17th Feb 2012 08:00pm

Fast food is the fastest way to health problems which will occur mostly after the age of 45 when most peoples bodies start to wear down. Occasional fast food won't harm you as your body will excrete all the bad stuff if your immune system is working well enough. Most fast foods are what I call 'dead' everything is frozen,unfresh and all nutrients are cooked out of them. If you need a quick snack go to a juice bar,a vegie or fruit juice can sustain you for hours. Even so called healthy fast food can be dubious. I personally can't eat much food out of the home,but if I have to I will go for a Indian Curry at least the chilli will kill all the germs!

  • 18th Feb 2012 12:23pm
Fast food is the fastest way to health problems which will occur mostly after the age of 45 when most peoples bodies start to wear down. Occasional fast food won't harm you as your body will...

good reply musicmum,exercise is also important,and we must remember with has the same amount of sugar as coke has,overeating of fruit can also be fattening.i agree with what you say,but exercise is also important and you can start exercising at any stage in life.a lot of our older people exercise everyday and are very fit for there age.

  • 16th Feb 2012 07:16pm

i to am a subway person.i think kids prefer burgers/hot dogs /pies etc.a treat a couple of times a year should not be a problem.we should also remember that eating most fast food causes obesity and problems later in life.if children overeat on rubbish food and start to fatten up.chances are high they will grow into obese adults

  • 16th Feb 2012 08:38am

My children tell me nearly all food is fast food if its classified as being made/cooked /taken away as the deli at the supermarket counts the bakery etc etc Its a discussion that is ongoing.

I not a big fan of mac ds or kfc but are not against the quick ness of these places, easy when getting the grandkids a treat ,my teenager a snack on the go before going out endless times these places are convienant.
I myself prefer subway as I like salad but try getting your 10yr old to eat it.
Every thing in moderation has and always will be the best advice to anyone.

  • 14th Feb 2012 10:10am

Best fast foods are those you cook yourself. An egg can be cooked in no time! Plenty of good healthy fruit and veges don't need cooking - think outside the sqaure - fast food can be good for you - but give it a bit of thought! Eat well - live well.

Captain Slog
  • 22nd Feb 2012 09:34am
Best fast foods are those you cook yourself. An egg can be cooked in no time! Plenty of good healthy fruit and veges don't need cooking - think outside the sqaure - fast food can be good for you -...

Hi Joydy,
If you read my first message, I was trying to remember who you were to quote you and what you said about "Fast Food." Yes, you're right! REALLY FAST FOOD is food you can get for yourself IMMEDIATELY! Such as a Banana, Apple, etc.It does, however slow down a bit when you have top prepare a meal for yourself. Such as a quick Omelete.
You sound like someone who also really appreciates Good Honest Tucker. Home Made Meals, Fresh Fruit, etc. But even McDonald's can be good, too. As I mentioned, my Favourite is The McFeast. and my next favourite, very similar, is the Grand McAngus with all the Lettuce on it and Tomato. Its a bit like a Grand McFeast.
Thank You for your Wishes, for all of us readers. You Eat Well, and Live Well, too. Good on ya!

  • 16th Feb 2012 07:10pm
Best fast foods are those you cook yourself. An egg can be cooked in no time! Plenty of good healthy fruit and veges don't need cooking - think outside the sqaure - fast food can be good for you -...

of course you are right joydy and i agree with you.but if you are out on the town,your choices are limited.

  • 14th Feb 2012 11:15am
Best fast foods are those you cook yourself. An egg can be cooked in no time! Plenty of good healthy fruit and veges don't need cooking - think outside the sqaure - fast food can be good for you -...

joydy well said,but it is a bit difficult cooking when you are out on the town,

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