Oh the things kids say!
Posted by: CAT17
5th Nov 2011 03:09pm
I am a retired Teacher (early childhood/ Special Education) and over the years and have heard many wonderful things said by small children. I often think about some of them but I guess the one that sticks in my mind is when I was preparing to retire and in the last week of teaching my class and just before Christmas break I wanted to prepare them for the fact that I would not be coming back to school after the holidays. I sat the class down on the carpet and began my explaination. I started by saying how much I had enjoyed teaching them and wished them all a great holiday and Christmas. I then said that I was not coming back to school after the holidays because I was going to retire. I explained what retire meant by saying that I would not be at school and would be home and doing other things instead. They all listened to me very quietly and then just as I was about to send them off one little boy said "so you are going to quit" I just had to laugh and yes I agreed with him I was "just going to quit"!
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Comments 11
My goodness, children dont have a filter. I have been told quite a few things that, if said by anyone else wouldve been quite a dig into my self esteem. But somehow when children say it its just a funny little thing. O f course you have to pretend it hurt your feelings so they learn not to just go around picking on people, but i love the new world perspective i get from working with kids.
Years ago my step son said he wouldn't get wet in the pouring rain because he would "run in between the rain drops"
Thanks for your reply Hilary. What a cute thing to say! Little ones do say the cutest things. I met up with a friend the other day and we got to talking about our grandkids. She told me her daughter brought home the newest addition to their family, a baby girl and after a few days of baby being home 3 year old big brother said "you can take her back now"!! His mummy just laughed and apparently he didn't think it was funny at all. Not always easy sharing with a new addition! I remember when I brought home baby sister, my 3 year old made sure I looked after the new baby by getting me to come see every time baby made a noise!
my boy is 3 next week and hes started to use the bad words that all us parents hope our children don't learn. I cant help but laugh when he says these words though because he says them with the cutest smile on hs face and than he starts laughing. Im not sure if he even knows what hes saying he just says it because he hears other children say it..It just shows how much little children and even toddlers can understand and say to adults that makes them wonder "do they really soak everything up like a sponge"
Hi julie, thanks for replying. Little ones certainly mimic our words and actions. We really have to be careful what we say and do in front of them. As a teacher of preschool children I was often told about things that happened at their homes that their parents would just die if they knew! "News time" certainly could be very entertaining at times. One little girl told me all about Mummy's "friend" who daddy didn't know and they meet at the shops and take a very long time to put the parcels away at our house!." The look of absolute innocence on her face as she told the story was priceless and even though I tried to stop her telling the whole class she was very happy to share her news! God bless the little ones!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful stories about what your children have said. I think it is a fun topic and should keep going for awhile, so have thought of this ...
I remember my sister telling me about her son when (aged 4) came home from Sunday school so upset and sobbing "I don't want God to take away my bones, I will be a blob"! My sister could not make sense of what he was "going on" about until "big sister" explained that the story they had listened to that morning was about God taking away our burdens!! God bless the children and their innocence
Had to laugh at Miss 6...her dad is asian and occasionally has problems with english......so she was explaining something to him in great detail and he did not quite get what she was on about (I sometimes have the same problem) and asked her exactly what she meant.....so miss6 puts hands on hips tosses her head and says in an exasperated voice "well, do you want me to say it in french!")....ps......she doesn't speak french!
My daughter taught me an early lesson about being careful what you say and do in front of your children. She was attending a day care and one of the teachers there was my sister who informed me of a conversation that my daughter had with one of the other staff. It was shortly after I met my present partner (not her father) and she told the teacher that mum had a new boyfriend and that they do adult things. Of course the teacher had to enquire further to assertain what adult things my daughter might be aware of. So she asked "What kind of adult things do mummy and her new boyfriend do?" The answer: They drink a glass of wine together.!
My boy is nearly 5 and recently we had a little stray dog come into our yard who only had 3 legs and also was a boy (we've only ever owned females) after my son had been playing with him for a while he came to ask if we could keep him, I replied no and he said "but if we keep him his leg might grow back !" and then the dog sat down and he said "look mummy there's his other leg in the middle!" I couldn't do much but laugh !
His owner finally came to get him a week later but he was great fun to have around our dog and kids loved him and it was amazing that missing 1 leg did not slow him down at all.
Thanks for your reply cheebs. Cute story and yes there really isn't much more you could do but laugh! Did you keep the dog?