Have you eaten canned or pre-packaged soup in the last week?
Posted by: flyingace
22nd Oct 2011 12:53pm
Have you eaten canned or pre-packaged soup in the last week?
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Comments 115
I can see there are a lot more better - quality products in this category now than there were many years ago. The certified organic ones - many of them now - are much better tasting than before. I still prefer to make all my food from fresh, certified organic local produce. I'm interested to know the reason for this topic. It makes me wonder if there was a recall in this category or something of late?
Sil sil
Yes, one if the new sachet soups by La Zuppa with all natural ingredients . This was because I hadn't made my ow but I remedied that the next day by making a carrot, sweet potato and orange soup in bulk so we could put some in he fridge and some in the freezer. We love our home made soup!
Yes! I'm a uni student and it's great! Better than McDonald's or other fast food places
Yes! I'm a uni student and it's great! Better than McDonald's or other fast food places
I really like the Heinz varieties that are thick and are "heat and eat". Beef or chicken are delicious. They are a quick easy snack on the run.
Also saying that I make a lot of homemade soups in winter. So nutrious and moreish. Pea n Ham, or Pumpkin, or Chicken/Vege are my usual.
yes on a weekly basis
Canned food is more convieniance most soups are terrible,i really have to shop around for a yummy canned soup however i do find golden circle and spc 2 of the best canned products
lizzie r
No. I generally don't.
I love both canned and pre-packaged soups but I think the pre-packaged ones are better :)
yes I had some pre-packaged Pea & Ham soup for lunch.
Yes, we had Heinz Tomato Soup with milk added to reduce acid content as tomato is acidic. Our littlie will not eat raw tomato yet will eat tomato soup or sauce.
I make my own soup - I do a large batch then freeze it in portions. The last soup I made was tomato and red bean. I also make a lot of pumpkin soup and lentil soup. I don't eat packet or tinned soups as they contain too much salt an sugar and colourings and other additives. I don't use salt at all in my cooking, I prefer to use herbs and spices for flavour. I often add a dollop of low fat natural yoghurt to my soups as it tastes great.
Number 7
why would you when its so easy to make healthy delicious soups
Yes cambells chunky peppered steak
yes campbells spicy tomato
Yes, campbells spicy tomato soap .
Yes. They all taste the same
Yes. They all taste the same
Yes. They all taste the same
Yes, tried the new Heinz soup of the day - actually quite nice
Yes, Campbells soup.
no, my partner's fresh home made soups are the best, once you taste his you can never go back to canned soup
yes punkium soup
big red tomato
Yep, pumpkin soup :) always seems to warm the belly up! It's a lovely canned soup we found at Aldi supermarket an purchase it all the time! Really nice!
Yes defiantly I love Heinz tomato soup and also love Heinz pumpkin and corn
yes, who has time for a plated meal
I always purchase "Campbell's" soups,I'm not too keen with tomato soup,thou I use it in Spaghetti ,Bol, all their soups are quite tasty,"Chicken and Corn",is a favourite of mine,I use them a lot in cooking meals,and their Cream of Mushroom,makes a beautiful 'Beef Stroganoff."
Yes, it was mushroom soup and was quite underwhelming.
No, I tend to eat it a lot all at once and get sick of it and don't eat it again for a while, then eat too often, repeat.
Yes. Heinz Big Red tomato soup.
do not eat canned soup. Usually check if it has MSG or flavour enhancer. I go for the Pitango organic or Macro organic in plastic. Usually check for the sodium content before I buy. It would have been good if I can do my own but due to time
constraint...this is what I have been doing for soup wise. I usually will add my own fresh meat, & vege as well.
thanks jenny I had mushroom soap its good
no i havnt it takes less then 5 minutes to prep up some veg etc for soup, just add stock and let simmer away guaranteed to get more then one tins worth and usually preservitive free, and you can freeze it in batches also.
Canned soup! No I havnt but have several cans of tomato soup in the pantry just in case. Ive actually had the urge this week to open a can and heat it up with milk and water, then add lots of tasty cheese because I love how it melts and gets strinngy! Think I'll have a bowl for lunch today.
i recently had a can of pumpkin soup from aldi and it was surprisingly very nice
yes . i agree with the above
yes, fully loaded campbells can
No, its simple to make new and fresh one! Why not? It won't be packed with all the preservatives!!
Yes I love Cambells pea and ham soup, and I cook with Heinz tomato soup.
No, I'm allergic to a lot of pre-fab foods. It takes 15minutes to make from scratch, and you can freeze some for another time!
sure have that chicken and corn one in safe way (GOLD)
Nope! Might have some tomorrow for lunch though.
Yes, tomato soup is great for everything!
Yes pumpkin soup is my favorite :)
yes im had tamato soup
mmm i'd never pass up a hot chicken and corn soup
mmm i'd never pass up a hot chicken and corn soup
mmm i'd never pass up a hot chicken and corn soup
Yes, I have had spicy tomato cup of soup, quite yummy-thick and flavoursome
no but bring on winter
Yes, i have eaten noodles for the last week.
Nope - I do like some canned soups, but am much more likely to eat it in the middle of winter when the weather's cold.
No, not this week, but in the Winter I love Heinz Chicken Soup, or Watties Tomato Soup
yes Heinz very special pumpkin soup is my favourite
No. Not in the last week.
yes i have... i love them.. real time saver..
No. The only canned soup I ever use is Rosella Tomato, but only in the winter time, and only once or twice a year. If I could duplicate this soup from scratch, I would never buy canned soup at all. There are too many nasties in them all - from preservatives to wheat-based thickeners (and don't bother to tell us for allergen advice), to genetically modified food that has NOT been proven safe for human consumption, right down to the packaging leaching into the soup - and it does. But sometimes I crave this soup so badly I have to give in...everything else I make from scratch so I know exactly what's in it and how healthy it really is - and it's better tasting when made fresh, too. I just need a creamy tomato soup recipe that tastes right - and I've tried so many it's not funny...
Captain Slog
Hi Ace, Jen Jen, and Everyone,
As I said in my entry, I just LOVE Wattie's Toamato Soup, and all the other brands of Tomato Soup, as well as a few others. Nothing wrong with them! They're ALL Fresh and can be changed to suit your tastes, someone suggested. Sprinboarding is what that's called. Getting a basic recipe and adding to it.
One of you mentioned that you prefer to make your soups from scratch, using your own ingredients. I agree, too, as long as you know how to make a good soup. for those who are not good at cooking, or would just like something new to try, perhaps you already know this one, here is My Soup Recipe. Pretty basic and easy, and NEVER the same whenever I do it. You may have your own ideas. If so, PLEASE tell me? I'd like a few more hints on how I may improve this.
MY SOUP. . . or yours!
Using a pan of your choice, place it on the hotplate and pour into it some Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This is just for Taste. don't put the heat on yet.
Have a look at your Vege's and take one of everything you have.
Onion, Garlic (More if you like), Carrot, Tomato, Potato, Swede, Parsnip, Cup of Peas and Corn, Capsicum. Chilli, Cabbage Leaf, Kumara, Danelion, Celery, Brocolli, Silver Beet, 1/4 cup of Rice, 1/4 Cup of Barley, 1/4 cup of split Peas or Lentals, Some Alphabet Noodles, Ground Pepper, OXO Cube or a packet of MAGGI OX Tail Soup.
Cover with water so the water just comes through the top of the Chopped Veges. Be Sure that the the amount of each vege is appropriate. e.g. You wouldn't use a WHOLE swede, just a piece. The Cabbage Leaf would be roughly enogh to cover half of your Keyboard in size and you just shred it.
Put the heat on LOW and bring to the boil. Give it a bit of a stir every now and then, GENTLY! As soon as its turning over, turn the heat OFF and wait till the boiling has quieted down, then cover with a lid and FORGET ABOUT IT!!! The HEAT will do the rest. This way, you're saving Power or Gas. When its nearly time to eat it, bring it slowly back to the heat on LOW. This might be a good time to taste it.
Its amazing all the tastes of the different veges you can taste, but, there's always something missing. That's why I add a Soup as a Stock, or an OXO Cube.
Waddayareckon, aye? Nice? Be Honest!
Food Snobs? SHUT UP! I don't want to hear your crap, the way you gave it to Shaydee! damned Smegheads!
No as I much prefer home made
jen jen
jen jen
i have had country label poato and leek soup..nice by its self..or add to chicken dishes..like casseroles..leftovers..all sorts of diiferent things..can soup is good for alot of different ideas :)
jen jen
Captain Slog
Hi Jen Jen and Everyone,
Getting back to "Marty Soup," What I like to do is get a can of WATTIE'S, OAK, Campbell's, ROSELLA, Tomato Soup,empty it into a pan, and with the cold tap only just running, wash the can's lid and inside until all the soup is cleaned off and inside the tin, then add what little water and soup there is to the pan. There should be no more than less than a 1/4 of a tin of liquid to add.
The more concentrated the soup is, the better I like it, which is why I only add a little water. Nothing like dippingyour Bread into a bowl of nice HOT Thick Tomato Soup. Or any other soup for that matter.
Anyone else enjoy their Soups in different ways?
Captain Slog
Hi Folks,
With Winter about to raise it's ugly head, I'll have to start stocking up with my favourite soups.
My Favourite soup of all is WATTIE'S Tomato Soup, as well as Heinz BIG RED, and any other Tomato soup.
Other Soups I enjoy are Mushroom, Chicken and Mushroom and, one we don't get here in NZ now, Heinz Beef and Vegetable Broth with Barley. I just LOVE that one! It comes out of the can in one thick solid lump, the way OAK Vege soup used to be when I was a kid, and it tastes the same, with the bonus of having Beef in it too.
To really enjoy this one, I add some Olive Oil to the pan, add the soup and break it up, then rinse the can clean with a LITTLE water. About 1/4 of a canful at the MOST. I like my Soup THICK. Not too thick, though. You know what I mean? Just right! The Olive Oil is just for Taste.
I'm not all that keen on packet soups. The ONLY one I like, though, is MUSHROOM. That's all.
There is one other, an exeption. MAGGI Ox Tail Soup. I use that to add to Stews or other meals as a Stock. Lovely!
yes,also love it,especially the new can that you add no water to,a meal on its own
Hi there,
My fav is Roast chicken soup in a cup from continental.
Hi there,
My fav is Roast chicken soup in a cup from continental.
Yes had watties pumpkin soup
yeah campbells chicken soup.
No I haven't but use tinned cream of chicken soup in one of my potato bakes, tinned mushroom soup in one of my tuna bakes.
thanks CPN maybe its too hot due to the weather
I use tomato soup in the mince when i make bog it makes it taste really nice
Yes I have Tomato soup the best. Cooked it last night for my two girls. my mum used to make it and add mashed potatoes, it was interesting. love
J J 55
no, not in the last week, but i love pumpkin soup with toast yum!
thanks neenee I love mushroom soap
No flyingace, always cook my own with fresh meat, vegetables and herbs. it keeps for days in the fridge and is great for lunch or a snack with a hunk of bread or a bun. I used to work out bush in the Top End of the Territory a lot and at the end of a fortnightly stint with no fridge some grocery items didn't look to good any-more so they all went in the pot together in the morning in the hot coals, slow cooking all day, with a bit of curry for good taste and the cooking was done for a couple of days. That is unless one had the good luck to catch a Barramundi of course.
Sorry flying ace, you didn't ask that question, did you?
Hi paradox, Its ok I liked to know ann I love Barramundi.
Hi whosthekat, thanks for replying to topic and I haven't eaten any canned or packaged soup.
Yes I just had a Watties packaged lasagne for lunch and surprisingly it was delicious. Good on ya Watties
Hi Schelle, I have heard there products watties are not nice have they improve the food.
Yes I just had a Watties packaged lasagne for lunch and surprisingly it was delicious. Good on ya Watties
I love Potato and Leek soup from Campbells
i don't like it that much
Hi Susan,thanks for answering my topic and I also like potato and leek soup.
yes i just love heinz tomato soup
i agree, nothing tastes better than home made soup
no because it is not fresh and Ilike to make it my self
i like it to
Hi Kim1976 thanks for answering my topic I love chickena and corn heinz soup it great. I am not fond of tomato soup.