Which is your favourite flower?
Posted by: flyingace
29th Aug 2011 04:15pm
My favourite flower's are , Rose's, Tulip's and Singapore Orchid's they are the best looking flowers to have in your garden.
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Comments 33
Orange Gerberas, and sunflowers.
mine are just orchids,big small so many colours and varieties.they are hardier than most people think
Roses, definitely. And for fragrance it would have to be night scented jasmine
I love red roses and pink orchids are amazing too
Tulips are my absolute favourite but all flowers are beautiful in one way or another. Love having roses in the garden though - the colour and fragrance is so lovely to come home to
Tulips are my absolute favourite but all flowers are beautiful in one way or another. Love having roses in the garden though - the colour and fragrance is so lovely to come home to
my favourite flowers are sunflower and rose~~~~
I love the Galasias Flowers! A group of scientists from Adelaide developed luminescent flowers, flowers that can glow in the dark. Abit like one of them fantasy flowers from Avatar (movie) :D
Would be awesome in the garden too <3
Here's the link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/03/glow-in-the-dark-flowers_n_1252814.html
My favourite wildflower is the flannel flower but never seem to see them growing in people's front yards in Sydney!!!
Also never see them at Bunnings in the Garden section so how do we grow them if we cannot purchase the plant in a pot.?
Anybody seen Flannel flower seeds?
Irises, but I'm not in an area where they would grow well and I've not got a green thumb. I like tulips too.
My favourite flowers are snow drops (very small white flowers come out annually grown from bulbs). My favourite flowers are also tulips went to the tulip festival in Canberra when I was very young. About 6 years ago we went to the tulip festival in Victoria.
My favourite flower? The humble wild iris, dietes, of which there are six species and countless cultivars. The South African and Japanese dietes are a joy to behold. Best of all, you can't kill 'em... they're virtually tenant-proof!~
love roses, i love all flowers, if they smell sweet i will try to but it when i can.
Nothing surpasses a sunflower. How can anyone walk past a sunflower without smiling! I had them as my wedding bouquet. And my kids think they're amazing,they tower over them.
Roses in every color are just beautiful. It's to hard to pick one, the blossom tree's in spring, Ohh & the wattle tree's, Magnolia's, Lilac's Lillie's and, and, and I'd better stop. Louvre Flower's.
Favourite is Gardenias, great hedge plus beautiful perfume
I love geraniums, you cant kill them, they grow anywhere, are frost and drought tollerant, pest resistant, flower all year round, come in many colours, and scents including citronella for insect repelling, and I have never known one to have any disease. Now you tell me what better flowerer is there?
I love roses of all colours and fragrances,frangipanis and hydrangers.
I love roses too. They would have to be my favourite, I also love lilly of the valley. They are so small and dainty, but I haven't found them easy to grow.
hi my favourite flower is rose n sunflower
My favourite flowers are Fushia's & Freesias. When we moved I'd dug up & dried over a $1,000 worth of spring bulbs & 4 years later they are flourishing.
Many of my favourites do not grow well in our climate...sub tropics, violets/iris/bulbs eg daffodils etc, but I have many orchids,bromeliads,gingers, geraniums, hippeastrums and lots of others which are really lovely
my favourite flowers are geraniums,carnations and tulips. i have geraniums in my garden because they are easy to grow.
Hi neleker, I love germaniums and all different colours are so wonderful.
i love red, white roses koz they are very pretty..
Hi oceanrain, thanks for replying and I also love the red and white roses they are beautiful.
Hi CrystalFell, thanks for answering my topic and I do love roses and which one is your favourite.
My favourite flower is the one lying next to me and making lewd suggestions. Not. My most favoured one is the cherry blossom as it reminds me of the best times of my life which includes the one at my side.
Can't stand it when my favourite flower lies to me!
Hi paradox, I love when all the blossom comes out the white and red but my favourite colour is the red.
I love all bulbs... They are perfect in every way. I'm in love with my hippeastrum but for the last two years the flower bud has been eaten out by snails. I've had an incredible display from my california poppies this year. They're bright orange and you can see them all the way down the street. I love poppies but every time i scatter seeds I forget and when I'm weeding I pull them out because the plants just look like weeds.
Hi lisa170, thanks for replying to my topic I also like poppies and I always leave my bulbs in the ground and i never dig them up and every year they come up and flower they are beautiful.