Do you buy ebooks or only download free titles?
Posted by: ladybird66
27th Aug 2011 07:57pm
I am interested to know if purchasing ebooks is something that appeals to people and would like to know if you have to buy a book do you want it only in hardcopy?
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Comments 33
I have recently begun only downloading free books unless there is one for purchase that is recommended highly by my friends. I have more important things to spend my money on, however if there is a book that many people are recommending i may make the purchase. Although i believe free books are a great way to share literature, similar to a library and i can save money while still enjoying a story.
I do buy ebooks, download free books that appeal to me or read a hardcopy and mostly I have two or three books on the go of all types, but I don't buy hardcopy books as the library is just as good for the authors I like.
Hi there,
Personally I prefer to buy a hard copy book. I seem to understand it better when I read a hard copy than an e-book, personal preference. Hope it helps!
I much prefer to read hard copies of books - nothing beats the feel and smell of a "real" book! In the past I used to buy them new, but now I'm on a low income, so I buy them from op-shops and second-hand bookstores. I've always got the radar going for book sales! I do have a Kindle, and download mostly free e-books - the lightness of the kindle is very appealing, as is the fact that you can fit so many e-books onto it.
Most articles can be downloaded free from the net.
Most articles can be downloaded free from the net.
hardcopy defo.
even though im in my backpacking i used to bring a small book along with me.
but i dont deny the convenience brought by the ebooks.
it all depends personal peference.
hardcopy defo.
even though im in my backpacking i used to bring a small book along with me.
but i dont deny the convenience brought by the ebooks.
it all depends personal peference.
I prefer reading hardcopy books. It limits the amount of time you stare at a screen and I feel that you can really engage with the novel so much more
I have a kindle and I don't read from it as much as hard covers because it seems to strain my eyes. I don't know why it happens, but after about 10 minutes my eyes start feeling dry.
I dislike reading books electronically because I read when I want to get away from technology. I borrow books from libraries, family members and friends. I only buy hardcopies of children's classics i.e. books the whole family can read and can be passed on to the next generation.
Neither, I love hardcover books and when I tried ebooks it just did not feel right
I so wish to read e books but I like paper or a book in general- I reckon I could download most of the ebooks in torrentz
I rather books hardcopy. I love seeing my books on a shelf and readily able to find what I want. There's something about opening a book turning its pages and get lost in the content. Not sure why but I find ebooks dont give me the same satisfaction.
Hi ladybird66, I buy ebooks & also get free ebooks & enjoy them thoroughly BUT I do so luv the feel of the pages between my fingers - just sensing that is good. I find my fingers twitch a bit after I've read a paperback & switched to my kindle but i just find the weight of the kindle so much easier for my arthritic hands. My beautiful daughter saw fit to give me this gift for my 60th birthday 18mths ago & it has been a blessing. Specially when I have a chance to travel as I can pack many books [say 15 or so on my kindle & they weigh only what the kindle does] It just gives me more chances to enjoy my pleasures whilst I'm away from home.
Everyone should have the chance to experience anything they wish & I was denied that chance when married in a mentally & physically abusive marriage so now I'm free I read whenever I get the chance - see do what makes you happy. Any book is good !!!
I buy and download from the Library audio books.
I don't buy ebooks but I will buy real books from op shops and other places where they are going cheap as I sometimes will sell them after I have finished with them.
I have an Ebook type and I must say that I now prefer to reading it rather than any other type of book
yes i do buy books of ebay but if you wont a good site go to betterworldofbooks they are not to dear and they have thousands of tittles types of books also a lot of bargains and most time no postage.
i am a active reader and love ebooks over paper one! its just a habit>>
I'm an avid reader in my 20s but I stick to buying books (or getting them from the library), reading them on a tablet isn't as enjoyable.
ebooks are so new to me and Im waiting to meet someone else who purchases ebooks before I make up my mind. Im yet to meet someone who cn give me their opinion
Thank you to everyone who has replied so far. It is interesting all the different opinions. I appreciate your time to reply. Ladybird66
Give me hard copy books any day. They are tactile, versatile and easier on the eye. Spend too much time looking at screens as it is. A home is not a home without bookshelves stuffed full of beautiful books,
I totally agree with Truska and Margot. I also swap books with my older Aunties, who don't use any computer type equipment.
I do also read much in bed at night. The storyline is enough to keep me from sleeping sometimes. I do not need to add more radiation or migraines by more interaction with an electronic screen.
I could not agree more. My family, who are all into ebooks, wanted to give me an iPad for my birthday. I was hard work persuading them that I do not want to curl up in bed or on the couch with an aluminium block, however slim it might be.
i buy my e-books
I have bought tutorial ebooks in the past. For the most part I download free ebooks, there is a wealth of electronic knowledge for me which is free to download.
I've bought ebooks as they are cheaper, and they take up less room in my small house than the physical books would. I prefer the physical book, but my Kindle is quite pleasant to read from.
that's right but we need to really develop a new habit of reading ebooks which is quite difficult.
I mainly read hardcopies, and thought that I wouldn't mind ebooks, as running out of bookshelves and stuff to cram the hardcopies into.
Hi ladybird66, I have read some ebooks, but find that they give me headaces, so yes I only buy hardcovers, I feel more immersed in the story line and can read for longer
thats right even today I feel same.. I like hardcopy