Will natural disasters change the way we travel?
Posted by: kayteejay46
25th Jun 2011 12:33pm
Over the last few weeks there has been a lot of media coverage about how people have been badly affected by the cloud from the Chilean volcano when they were travelling by air. Also, when a destination like Christchurch or parts of Japan are devestated by earthquakes, does this affect our desire to visit these places. I am travelling by plane in two weeks to visit my family in Christchurch. We have recently had floods here in NSW, and at the same time travellers were delayed by volcanic ash clouds and my hometown of Christchurch was experiencing more aftershocks. Once upon a time I just travelled, things worked out, sometimes flights were delayed or luggage lost. Minor inconveniences. But now I would like to know if others are delaying travel planes by air or are you just going ahead.
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Comments 7
Recently I watched a TV show on a budget airline where it was not natural disasters which delayed traveler's plans but things like overbooking, late arrivals and even disabled aircraft. I suppose even fifty years ago, people did not travel as often and as far as we do now. Even the roads are far busier because so many more of the population have cars and we seem to need them for everything from dropping kids to school, work, shopping and even popping down the road to visit a friend.
But, back to flying - I now book for my flight to be a bit earlier than the arrival time as delays can be so frustrating and you can even end up missing the event you are flying to. I would prefer to hang around the airport with a couple of hours up my sleeve than to rush sweating and heaving luggage from one flight to another. What do others think>
Nope. I'll still fly, I'll just try to adjust my times/dates around it.
Definitely ! Its a risk people are willing take just to travel from A to Z not knowing what will happen if they choose to travel when these disasters hit . I would never travel by air but that is just my opinion . Anything could go wrong , its just not knowing when it will happen :) .
Will have to look out for 'Portent' Julie, sounds like a travel 'offputter'. I guess holdiays and trips overseas have to be viewed hopefully as not putting too much strain on the infrastructure of vulnerable countries. My trip to Christchurch was to deal with family medical issues, as well as catch up with other members of my family. Christchurch is encouraging tourism as so many businesses are now out of action that they rely heavily on the tourist dollar. I like the idea of ethical, carbon footprint minimised travel, but that is still only a burgeoning industry possibility for some countries. Just unpacking my suitcase and glad to be home.
I won't be travelling to places where the utilities are under pressure for just the locals - so Christchurch and Japan are definitely off my travel plans.
yes it does as we are having more and more every day if you wont to read a bit of fiction that describes what is happening to day read this PORTENT by JAMES HERBERT an see how close he cames to whats happening today he did this back in 1993 enjoy
I am replying to my own post with a tale about being stuck at Sydney airport as my plane to Christchurch was delayed by snow in Queenstown, bit of a hassle but I got here, to my old hometown which is hugely different to what it used to look like, but I admire the 'can do' attitude of the rebuild. Just woke up to the bed swaying from a jolt. Gave me a fright. But yes, back to having to rethink travel due to happenings on the earth. I even had one flight here delayed due to boring old fog. Back home tomorrow after a great holiday catching up with family and friends. Looking forward to a straightforward, peaceful trip home.