Society & Culture

Cost of living

Society & Culture

Posted by: jules4758

7th May 2024 04:20pm

With inflation soaring, how is everyone adjusting their household budgets? We've had to cut luxuries and stick to essentials.

What costs have increased the most for you and what affordable swaps or strategies are you using to cope with these prices? I'm eager to hear how others are managing these skyrocketing costs.

Comments 82

  • 15th Aug 2024 02:20pm

At this point in time is hard life. I always make a grocery list, and I have almost nothing left with my pay. having a share household that helps me to same something. I have share with rent with someone.

  • 4th Jul 2024 05:02am

Loan interest rates have increased the most for me. I've had to get cheaper insurances, shop at op shops and change to Aldi for my main shop. Grow what I can at home. Stop non essential shopping. Dive into my savings.

  • 21st Jun 2024 01:10pm

I'm trying to save where I can. I look for specials when shopping and try to only buy what I need to, when I need to.

  • 20th Jun 2024 04:36pm

e have cut going out and stay home

  • 20th Jun 2024 12:59pm

I've been on a frugal path for over 10 years for various reasons. It's getting a lot more to cope with soaring prices. So my suggestions are work out what your discretionary (optional) and non discretionary spending is. Pay particular attention to the largest outgoings and decide if you can do anything to reduce your spending. We don't have a mortgage (TG) but our biggest spending is on insurance, running our cars and food. I regularly review our insurance but competitive insurance is getting more difficult to find. The car running cost to some degree can be reduced by reducing non work trips, combining tasks and watching fuel prices (can't speak about EVs). Food is where I have a bit more control over where I shop and what I buy. Clothing I'm happy to buy from the op shop but I only buy new shoes. My husband and I don't eat out and hardly spend on social activities. We enjoy a day out at the beach with our dogs and spending time in nature. Libraries are wonder for books, free access to DVDS or there is Kanopy for access to online movies. We don't pay for streaming. That's a snapshot of what we do and while the idiot box is on at night, I'm busy doing surveys so I get a few vouchers which helps to stretch the budget.

  • 18th Jun 2024 10:41am

Saving wherever possible...not buying lunches or hot chocolates, less outings (except free ones like going to a park), reducing use of electricity and gas, and more hone cooking and baking

  • 16th Jun 2024 09:36pm

Always checking discounts through health insurance, racq, my bank. There is always a discount somewhere to save some $$$.

  • 13th Jun 2024 06:19pm

Preparing more home cooked meals and less take aways.
Using less of products purchased trying to make them last.
Ie detergent bottles, by adding a little water to the bottom of bottle adds another use or two especially when there is still some remaining just hard to get out of bottle.

Also buying bigger products when often it works out cheaper for eg500 GM frozen corn or $6 for 1 kg means saving a dollar in the long term all adds up.

  • 11th Jun 2024 08:42pm

Working more shifts to earn more money
Cutting out hairdressers
Cutting major holidays
Cutting charities
Holding back on house maintenance
Looking closer at cheaper insurances and utility costs

  • 11th Jun 2024 02:01am

Only buying necessities as needed. Checking catalogs. Buy more on special items. Bulk cooking and freezing

  • 11th Jun 2024 01:59am

No takeaway lattes everyday. Less driving. No social life at my favourite locals.

  • 11th Jun 2024 01:58am

Growing produce for the first time. Making poverty recipes from other cultures

  • 7th Jun 2024 11:36am

While we are fortunate to own our home my husband, 68, (me 70) was going to retire. We would be self funded retirees and the Superannuation payment each month would not be enough to allow us to live given the cost of every day basic necessities so he is still working fulltime. We will re-evaluate life in 12 months and look at our options then. We live in an over 50's village so do not own the land. Our weekly levies increase every year more than CPI. We very rarely eat out and do not outlay for anything other than every day needs.
I cannot imagine how the younger generation are affording life, mortgages or rent, children and their growing needs plus living in general.

  • 6th Jun 2024 04:34pm

It’s hard for so many, everything makes it harder these days whether it’s groceries , fuel, utilities, rent or mortgage repayments.
This is the time to stick to a strict budget and luxuries do have to be sidelined so try sitting down and working out a budget based on your current income and see if you can find ways to bring down your current costs.
I think the government needs to look at the big supermarkets closely, they price everything so high and yet they take most of the profits and don’t give back to the farmers etc.
It’s a little scary with all services costing more, a lot of us have to budget and do without luxuries.
Many generations have been through this before and the worry is that the prices never seem to go back down.
I think the big two supermarket chains didn’t think they had to lower grocery prices after covid because they were shown that no matter what the price was . . as we all have to eat.
So hopefully an inquest into pricing is favourable for consumers and farmers because it’s getting out of control.

  • 5th Jun 2024 12:37pm

On top of increased costs have also been made redundant so cutting costs where possible. Insurance has nearly doubled with some providers, important to shop around and look at increasing excess to reduce policy cost. I will be dropping out of private health and no longer see my GP as he does not bulk bill.
Groceries we buy the bare essentials, rarely eat out and have one coffee a week at a cafe instead of every day.
And they expect people to buy expensive EV's ha ha ha ha, looks like my current diesel 4X4 will be with me for many, many, many years to come.

  • 2nd Jun 2024 10:52pm

Food ,petrol ...electricity ..insurances

  • 2nd Jun 2024 03:39pm

I check supermarket catalogues weekly and go to wherever is the cheapest for items that are on my shopping list ... the major supermarkets are near each other where I live so it's convenient and it saves money for sure. Home brands instead of branded are bought the most ... I used to work at in a food manufacturing packaging department and the same product would use different packaging, with the packaging itself sometimes costing more than the actual product! Going out to eat or getting take away has been cut right back, holidays are non existent and I use public transport as much as possible. Every year or so, I check online to see if I can get a better deal with energy, internet, mobile and health/home insurance - I only have extras insurance, mainly due to major dental issues in the past - I was paying nearly double per fortnight using a main provider so switched and have the same level of coverage. Also, I've opened a savings account with a round up feature so every time I purchase something, it rounds it up to the dollar (basically a piggy bank) which earns higher interest and it is amazing how much I've been able to put away for emergencies.

  • 31st May 2024 05:04pm

We are retired these days and just during the last year, prices have gone through the roof. We haven't had a holiday since 2017. We did have a very short trip to Sydney for our son's wedding but that was just 3 days if that. Just did groceries today and for just the two of us, it cost us $300 and it's unbelievable. That will last us about 10 days. We have cut down on going out somewhere nice to eat now, cut down on my cosmetics and he has cut down on his alcohol. It's just so crazy out there. Hasn't helped when our washing machine decided to kark it so had to go out and get a new one which was hard as home/contents Insurance due. All you can do is suck it up and just grin.

  • 31st May 2024 04:26pm

We have stopped going on holidays but still live our normal day to day life as much as we can and not had to cut anything yet. We are more conservative with going out for dinner and grocery shopping.

  • 31st May 2024 01:06pm

Only essential

  • 31st May 2024 11:06am

We are definitely struggling and it makes everyday hard. We finished building our new home right before interest rates started rising, we moved in and they then rose 8 months in a row. I now shop around for bargains and discounts, base my meal planning around what grocery items are on special for the week and buy in bulk when I can. I do surveys to help get vouchers to help with groceries and we don’t go out anymore for treat breakfasts or dinners. It’s tough but we are getting through currently, just hoping it doesn’t get worse.

  • 30th May 2024 04:38pm

In the past 27 years, I worked for 3 and have been retired for 5. For 3 years, I got the dole. For the other 16, nothing - I was living on savings, so minimising expenditure was essential. I became used to buying anything cheap in bulk and avoiding the "big brands" with their price-premium,

Now I'm retired and saving money on my superannuation income (no government pension, naturally) I'm still continuing the habit.

So - why has fish & chips gone from $10 to $20 in the last 4 years? Why has the 75c soft drink gone to over $2 - with the usual noisy experts wanting to add an extra tax on it? Bread gone from 99c to over $2 - and a big supermarket selling one variety "on special" at over $6.

Having saved and invested throughout my life, I own my house, car and furnishings and have no mortage or rent to pay. I observe that the taxes that I still pay appear to go to subsidise those who don't want to work, prefer to holiday overseas and have the latest 4WD in the driveway of their rented oversized house. Then they drive the 4WD 200 yds down the road to the "big supermarket" to get their groceries and then wonder why there's too much week left at the end of the money.

  • 30th May 2024 01:04pm

Due to a medical problem I am now a vegan and did not realise how expensive it is, but once you have your basic stores I only need to shop for fruit and veg, and occasionally other foods which I have to go to Coles as other stores do not stock Vegan foods in a great range for a reasonable price try and make most myself. But everything has gone up so I live very frugally and stay within my budget

  • 29th May 2024 07:05pm

Becoming a major concern for all households, the one thing that has become more obvious than ever before is just how much Coles and Woolworths are price gouging and price fixing to take advantage of the consumer post Covid lockdowns. We don't have an Aldi close by but we've tried them recently and have changed our shopping routine by going to ALDI once a month and stocking up and only using the Big 2 for weekly items and specials. Overall on our monthly spend by using ALDI we're saving about $50 a week, ridiculous, we couldn't believe it, Coles and Woollies should be ashamed at their treatment of the Australian public and Australian farmers.

  • 29th May 2024 05:02pm

Cost of rent going up is scary, only a matter of time before I can't afford it anymore

  • 29th May 2024 10:44am

It's a battle every week trying to keep up with rising prices. I shop around for groceries, fruit, veg and meat - Aldi is often cheaper as well as independent greengrocers - and also look out for half price specials and reduced items. I haven't bought any clothes or shoes for about 2 years now.

  • 29th May 2024 09:26am

Nowadays, the Cost of living has affected us to a great extent. All daily necessaries prices are going up by leaps and bounds. We, the people, the middle class people are hard hit by that. It's a serious issue. The Government should measure and undertake some serious steps to do this.

  • 29th May 2024 12:13am

I am lucky that I have not had to cut down on items although have found that the meals at my local clubs have increased a lot. Getting vouchers for surveys helps. I buy quite a bit from Aldi as they are a lot cheaper than Coles and Woolworths.

  • 28th May 2024 10:16pm

I find the cost of health, house and car insurance has increased significantly this year, do the insurance companies need to make such huge profits? I have also reduced the amount of grocery shopping I do and tend to avoid Coles and go to the local supermarkets as they are much cheaper. Gas and Electricity prices have also increased this year and being on a pension my husband and I make sure we switch of lights and power points when leaving a room (this has decreased our electricity bill). We both now think before shopping do we "want" something or do we "need" something this has also decreased unnecessary spending.

  • 28th May 2024 08:39pm

I usually shop at Coles, but now I compare prices with Woolworths, as I do amass a fair amount of Fly Buy and Rewards points.
I will do a price comparison with Aldis on certain items if they are a fair bit cheaper than both the major supermarkets.
There are times, being pensioners and not wanting to leave a lot of "stuff" for my daughters to sort out if and when I die(lol)I ask myself do I want or do I need? I would rather save my money and go to a nice restaurant on special occasions such as birthdays, Mother's Day etc.

  • 28th May 2024 06:51pm

Trying to find ways of doing meals cheaper looking for sale items in supermarket when nearly out of date

  • 28th May 2024 06:49pm

Online survey reward gift cards are the only way I can afford food, after rent, petrol, bills, the pension is gone, I’m lucky I found the surveys that give Coles and Woolworths vouchers, I wish I could get Aldi ones, that way I could buy more food.

  • 28th May 2024 06:22pm

Inflation soaring ? No! In reality inflation at around 4% - 5% is on par with what any healthy economy should be enjoying.
The big problem we in Australia, and the rest of the western world has, is the (artificially) high cost of the energy, especially gas and electricity, both of which has risen substantially without any valid reason given to us by the so called" experts" via all forms of media.

Australia is blessed to have more than enough energy readily available for many centuries to come.

The imput costs of both rising gas and electricity prices for many businesses means that many businesses have had to pass on their much higher energy costs to their customers otherwise many businesses wouldn't be able to survive. Has anybody bought a piece of fish from their favourite local Fish and Chips shop lately ?
As an example, as recently as one year or so ago, a piece of fish might have cost around $5.50 -$ nearly $10 for a slightly smaller piece of fish !!
If you have a look at your recent gas and electricity bills' " service " fees and compare these " service " fees to last year's, you'll find just how much these " service " fees have sneaked up along with the gas and electricity prices themselves. And we can't do anything about these excessive ' serv1ce " fees ! We don't have these " service " fees when buying petrol, do we ?

  • 28th May 2024 05:36pm

Actually these are the supermarkets who are ripping off the consumers by their ridiculous markups? In fact the smaller shops,sometimes right in front of the supermarket, sell the same item sell the same items at much reduced prices. It pays to shop around instead of relying completely on large super markets.

  • 28th May 2024 05:30pm

The sad thing about the cost of living issue is that it's the people on the low end of the income that bear all the hardship while those on the top not only don't suffer but also make even more money blaming other things for their price increases

  • 28th May 2024 03:09pm

It is very hard at the moment especially with mortgage rises. I buy most of my clothes from the Salvos where I work as a volunteer. I go to the supermarkets when they reduce the stock usually about 5oclock and we eat what I can buy on special. We never have take away but we do go to a cafe for coffee a few days a week donut king is good you get 4 donuts free with a coffee for seniors and with our loyalty card we get a free coffee every now and then,

  • 28th May 2024 02:17pm

I don't have luxuries, I raely buy clothes. to the extent If I was to go out I don't have a going out outfit. Then i would borrow something. I reuse, remake and recycle what I can. I don't invite people over as I can't afford to feed them, We sit in our house 24/7 and never have take aways. I don't accept wedding or birthday invitations as I can't afford a present or clothes or transport. I have become a recluse.
For groceries, I shop to planned meals for a week and only buy exactly what I need. I don't go down most aisles to avoid temptation. I have a bill account and when the pension comes in I transfer most of it to bills. Whats left I ration out to food, petrol, medicines. My only treat is if I win a competition or get a voucher for doing surveys, this gives me the chance to buy extra food.

  • 28th May 2024 01:20pm

I compare prices on everything and shop where what i want is the cheapest. If something isn't urgent i put it on a list and wait until it comes on sale. I've changed electricity companies to get better electricity prices and will keep shopping around and changing where I can save money.

  • 28th May 2024 07:48am

just trying to do a weekly shopping only and if I need anything else wait till the following week to purchase it and always take a shopping list and stick to it

  • 28th May 2024 04:53am

Mortgage repayments have increased the most but everything has gone up and is still rising. I have had to change where I shop and the products I buy. Shop less, eat out less, no takeaways, buy more home brands and shop at Op Shops. Get free bread and groceries when available. Seek out better petrol prices. Cut out travels and holidays. TV entertainment only. Try to use less electricity. Have my own hens and grow fruits and herbs. Try and repair and maintain our house ourselves. Look for cheaper cuts of meat, cheaper groceries. Stick to a strict budget.

  • 27th May 2024 10:09pm

I am on carers pension, it is really hard. Being a frugal person I have had to become even more frugal. Very rarely can I buy clothes, have to wait until I am desperate and buy on sale. I still try to buy things that will last because in the long run you end up paying out more when you buy cheap and nasty. I will not compromise my health so always buy organic produce, I don't eat meat or seafood and buy in season. I buy all my grains, nuts and dried fruit in bulk to save money. I also grow some veggies and herbs which saves a bit. We never go out, hardly drive my car these days, in fact have to make a special trip just to charge up the battery. It is getting ridiculous the prices of everything and we are in a recession thanks Albo. They are allowing more immigrants in so hide the fact of a recession, more people the better the GDP looks. I am just hoping my rent does not go up next lease, always very anxious at renewal time.

  • 27th May 2024 07:07pm

I am finding that I buy only what I really love, knowing that it will get eaten. My weekly shopping has stayed the same in price, but the trolley is only half to three quarters full.

  • 27th May 2024 05:25pm

I wish I had some magical insights to offer, but I don’t. Like most of other people in the discussion I’ve just cut back on ‘nice to have’ and that’s allowed for the ‘must have.’ In my case, I’ve reined-in almost everything that gets me out of my home, no day trips, no cinema, as for the barista coffees…I went back to instant coffee during Covid lockdowns and have never looked back. Cutting back on the things that don’t matter facilitate paying my bills and affording the things that do matter i.e. lunch with friends and nights out to the theatre.
I know this is going to sound insane, but I keep a detailed budget on an excel workbook. When I originally started it (many, many years ago), it was intended as a means of tracking income and expenses for tax purposes. Today, it’s mutated into a quite detailed account of income from all sources, against expenses by category. The banks started to offer the feature some years back by categorising the flow of money in your accounts… but I was way ahead of them, and mine is more detailed. It helps identify where the money is ‘flowing out’ against the money ‘trickling in.’ 😂

The worksheet has some conditional formatting so that when I’ve overspent in any month, it shows red, and black when I’m under. In essence, it shows me if I’m living beyond my means. The black totals each month represent what’s saved. I could go into detail about how I use it, but it would bore you. You might think that its time consuming, but it takes very little time to keep and I’ve been doing this for so long, it’s like breathing.

Of course, you don’t need to enter my insanity…you can just review your monthly bank statements… same, same.

jules 1
  • 27th May 2024 04:28pm

I feel everything in a Supermarket have gone up, and is very 'frightening" I'm finding it all very 'daunting' I just can't keep it going being on a pension, ($370.00 a week is not easy) I'm so worried and concerned by it all.! Fuel is getting to cost more and more also. Also, batteling with bad health isn't easy along with the cost of living.!

  • 27th May 2024 10:11pm
I feel everything in a Supermarket have gone up, and is very 'frightening" I'm finding it all very 'daunting' I just can't keep it going being on a pension, ($370.00 a week is not easy) I'm so...

Sorry to hear you are struggling and your health is not good.We just have to learn to be more frugal and go without less and less, which is horrible for a rich country like ours. Reach out to St Vinnies and Salvation Army they can help you a lot. All the best.

  • 27th May 2024 01:43pm

All i am doing is looking for the cheapest prices possible. Petrol, Foods, Entertainment which i rarely get to.

  • 27th May 2024 11:31am

Like most others I've noticed the increase in costs of food, fuel, and utilities.

But having always lived modestly and within my means I have been able to continue pretty much as I always have. A little less is going to the savings and investments than once was the case, but having made provisions in the good times these less good times are not unexpected and not a big drama.

  • 27th May 2024 10:59am

In response to cost-of-living pressures, nowadays I try to save money by cutting back on non essential expenses like dining out, entertainment and travel. I'm also buying more supermarket branded products and also increasing my Insurance 'excess' in order to pay more affordable lower premiums costs.
Partaking in my tried and true selected online surveys that pay well and often are good for me to receive egiftcard vouchers to redeem for fuel and supermarket products.
It's crucial for me to make cost saving measures and these have worked out to be a somewhat effective way in managing my budget this year so far.

  • 27th May 2024 10:12pm
In response to cost-of-living pressures, nowadays I try to save money by cutting back on non essential expenses like dining out, entertainment and travel. I'm also buying more supermarket...

I also do surveys and some research jobs pay well too. Other than that I keep trying to sell things on ebay and Gumtree.

  • 27th May 2024 10:46am

On an Age Pension and Lactose intolerant finding the cost of Lactose Free products very expensive.

  • 27th May 2024 10:42am

pretty much purse string tightening on everything.No heaters grab a blanket.Look for sales or half price items.use members rewards if doesn`t change shopping a movie at home.eagle eye out for cheap petrol use apps like 711 if don`t need but can use later.Instead of buying books borrow from library or use street libraries.Cook at home and prepare food also.Random treat of takeaway very now and then.Even on clearance only buy if really need it and not just buy because on clearance.Go to shops with list and budget.Go without kids to shops.Re access premiums when they come in a pain i know but worth it.Loyalty is not rewarded anymore.

  • 27th May 2024 10:29am

From a very early age I was told to save for a 'rainy day'.
From the moment I started earning, I divided my cash into spending, savings and charity donations.
I was also taught about the importance of buying essentials over treats, how to buy in bulk when you see good deals and general tips like not wasting food.
I am now 58, so have had longer to save than some people. My older age does impact the amount of savings I was able to build. Whilst I have a lot more medical bills now than when I was younger, I
still have the benefit of age at my side.
With costs around us rising, my savings are now coming into play.
I have been able to maintain my current stand of living and still buy the things I have always bought.

- I don't buy cheap clothes, because they just wear out faster. That just costs extra money in the long run (and is bad for the environment). Buy quality and make sure to maintain them well.

- Buy only when you need something. Don't go window-shopping or browsing online because you are bored. Don't let the clever marketers tempt you to buy clothes (and other stuff) you really don't need.

- I have probably reduced the amount of fresh meat that I buy a tiny bit, but that has more to do with trying to eat healthier, than because I think it is too dear.

- I do one large supermarket grocery shop a month and buy as much in bulk as possible. The weeks inbetween, I shop at small stores like the butcher and fruit/veg shop. This means that I am in stores less often and can't be tempted to buy extra stuff whilst I am in there.
Less time in shops = less temptations.

- Look after your belongings and make them last.

- If you must drive your car and need to use up expensive petrol supplies, then if possible make sure to get a few tasks done whilst you are out to save having to do extra trips.

*I am pretty tired of seeing some people complain about the cost of utilities and medical bills, then watching them go have their nails done in a salon and buy expensive coffee in cafes. Think about what you NEED over what you want. Pay for the important stuff first.
It especially irks me when I see some customers on the news with a trolley full of shopping which is 50% treats like biscuits, soft drink, chips...and they stand there and complain about costs of food. That stuff isn't food.
There are genuine people struggling out there who are really feeling the cost of price rises. I feel for them. They must feel even sadder when they see idiots like that on the news.
It makes a mockery of people who can't afford essential food types when the people buying junkfood have the nerve to complain.

So at this present time, I have simply continued with smart spending and the saving habits that I have been doing my whole life.
I have never owned a credit card, never taken out a loan except for my mortgage, never bought above my means.

I was lucky enough to find a job after I left school and even though it paid a very low wage, it was steady and regular. Some people aren't that lucky. I get that.
I saved what I could, it was little and slow but saved me lots of money in the long run. I paid for my car with savings.
Some people aren't that lucky. I get that.

Wishing all those who are genuinely struggling all the best. I hope you find things easier soon. My thoughts are with you.

  • 27th May 2024 09:38am

Dear dear, we have all been in the midst of a cost of living crisis for a while now. Groceries are more expensive. Petrol is more expensive. Rent is more expensive. We're all in the same boat and that is so sad. I wake up every day thinking what surprises will it bring. We stopped going on holidays, even on day trips on the weekends, we stock up goodies when they are 1/2 price at the supermarkets, cook everything at home, dont go out anymore, dont invite friends over. Sad life, sad reality. How long can we continue like that? 🥹

  • 27th May 2024 09:37am

Been on a pension we really have to watch every bit of money we spend and when shopping for food we buy what on special and milk is marked we buy and freeze I do all my own cooking as well as growing my own veggies and fruit and making my own sauce s

  • 27th May 2024 10:13pm
Been on a pension we really have to watch every bit of money we spend and when shopping for food we buy what on special and milk is marked we buy and freeze I do all my own cooking as well as...

I am growing a few veggies and herbs too, they taste better and are more healthier fresh from the garden.

  • 25th May 2024 11:54am

We mostly cook from scratch, which means we can choose food that is cheaper on a weekly basis. So, if broccoli is cheap or on special and green beans are prohibitively expensive, guess what is on the menu. I use a spreadsheet to put money aside fortnightly for bills, which mounts up at times and allows flexibility; I was able to pay my health insurance a year in advance to get a lower rate (then I pay myself back). I hunt around for better deals: I realised my house insurance included flood insurance, which I don't need. They had no option to opt out, so I changed insurance companies and saved a motsa!

  • 24th May 2024 03:42pm

Hubby has just retired because of ill health so the cost of living is pretty scary for us right now, as we don't have huge super accounts, and the rental market is getting soooo expensive. Our son has moved home from overseas and living with us so that helps with the rent etc. But it's the unknown that is to come that is doing my head in. We would love to buy a house together but that just keeps getting further and further away from our grasp. And the food bill and pharmacy bills just keep on climbing too. And it's apparently 3 months or so before we get any pension money in. Pollies have no idea how the ordinary people live day to day. Don't even get me started on power bills!

  • 24th May 2024 11:59am

It's pretty hard in this day and age to afford a decent way of life and be able to go out, holiday, etc. I've been using my egift cards I get from doing surveys online, to afford my meat, which I get from Woolworths, at least that gives me decent food to put on the table each day.

  • 24th May 2024 11:39am

The main cost to me is the cost of insurances on my car and on the house being retired these are of concern, the second is price of fuel and groceries.

  • 24th May 2024 11:35am


  • 24th May 2024 10:58am

The cost of living is getting worse, Food is the biggest cost also utilities and fuel.
I have really thought about ways to cut back on expenses.
I make my own cleaning products, which saves a lot of money and also good for the enviroment so win win.
I have joined woolworths everyday extra when it was 1/2 price joining fee I think it was only $35 for the year which gives me 10% off one shop a month and double points.
So now I do 1 big shop a month and bulk buy on specials and cook up meals to freeze like stews , soups etc, I can't believe how much Im saving.
I shop around every year for my car and house insurance and find these days there isn't a lot of loyalty discounts these days, like there used to be, so I go for the company that suits my needs and the cheapest.
On saturdays we go to the local fruit and veg market for our fruit and veg because it is much cheaper , fresher, and we support our local farmers.
I have also joined a lot of survey sites which reward your time with gift cards, and I use them to pay for food shopping.
We also can get rewarded Hoyts vouchers, so we have a day out to the cinema once a month to see the latest movies :)
When we go out for the day like to the beach or out for a hike in nature we always used to go to bakery or cafe, now we take a picnic lunch and themos.
On these cold nights when we put the heater on we only set it for 20 degrees, which keeps the cost of our gas bill down a bit.
Also as we are seniors, we much the most of free public transport and use buses and trains instead of the car, when going into the city.
A big saver on food is to cook at home and enjoy spending time with the family, it ends up being so expensive to go out for tea these days. I can't think of anything better than a home cooked meal and having the whole family around to spend time together.

I also don't spend money on gym fees, I love to be out in nature so I walk around in our parks we have every morning, I think it's better to be out in the sunshine, so much enjoyable, but always wear hat and sunscreen. :)

  • 24th May 2024 09:34am

Largest expenses are food, insurance and utilities and they’ve significantly risen. I’m in the process of comparing insurance but it’s all pretty bad. I pick up some of my food from the food bank and that really helps our budget plus it also saves some food from going to landfill. We shop specials, look for markdowns and buy from cheaper alternatives to supermarkets where possible.

  • 24th May 2024 09:28am

Life is getting harder and harder as each day goes by. With a family of 5, shop smarter not harder has become my motto.

I shop extremely smartly to allow those luxuries my family can't afford from a normal supermarket. I utilize the great discount shops I have at my disposal like Golden Circle, Silly Solly's and Fresh n Save. I use catalogues and half prices specials also in the major supermarkets.

You would be amazed at the great food specials that Silly Solly's have, they have big freezers with great specials, for example this week I got Four n Twenty Angus Beef and Pepper Pies for $5 a packet. That's a massive difference to the supermarkets. I can also get a 1.2kg Meatballs and Fettuccini for $5 here, great on can't be bothered nights, large portions and great to keep in freezer. Don't overlook this shop.

Golden Circle have great weekly specials and you can sometimes get some really great specials, I always get chips, biscuits, drinks and frozen items for significantly less than the normal supermarket price. I did $50 shopping their 2 weeks ago, came home and added up the price of normal supermarket prices for the items I purchased, it came to $141.50, that's huge to our home.

I'm very lucky to have a Fresh n Save which does $1 and $2 weeks which you can really save money. They also have cheaper meat, vegetables, cheese and bread products than the regular supermarkets.

I'm down to just getting a handful of items from Aldi, Woolworths and Coles.

We also suffer from increased mortgage costs, increased insurance costs, increased registrations, increased rates, electricity and water charges. Fuel costs are just killing us as I have 2 special needs children and I do a far few kilometers in the trusty Territory. I guess I use survey rewards a bit more to help with fuel these days.

  • 24th May 2024 09:19am

Just Shocked At How When I Shop Certain Items Have Risen Without Warning, And Products Are Shrinking In Size !
I Shop Only For Specials, Stock Up On When They Are On Special!
I Tend To Hold Off Until Items Are On Special, I Rarely Pay Full Price, I Have Become So Price Aware & Savvy, Only Way To Survive !

Sil sil
  • 24th May 2024 07:41am

After having children luxuries stopped, I wash my own car, clean my own house, walk my own pets etc but I've noticed groceries prices are crazy. I don't buy a take away coffee or $15 smoothie, definitely not. Cook at home and with Netflix just make a fresh pot of popcorn and its movie night!

  • 23rd May 2024 02:38pm

The price of groceries has certainly increased. With 2 growing toddlers, we keep an eye out for specials and make the most out of the loyalty apps, collecting points that can be converted into cash for later shops. We also shop at cheaper places when we can get there, e.g. Sam Coco's.

With the cost of petrol increasing, my husband takes public transport to work more often, even though it is much slower.

We also participate in the circular economy and buy secondhand as far as possible. Places like Circonomy offer brand-new items at a fraction of the price, too!

  • 23rd May 2024 02:02pm

Shop at the SPUD shed or other independent grocers, heaps cheaper than Woolworths or Coles

  • 27th May 2024 10:15pm
Shop at the SPUD shed or other independent grocers, heaps cheaper than Woolworths or Coles

Its great to support the smaller shops, keep it local as possible and stop feeding the mean machine the big supermarkets. I try.

  • 23rd May 2024 01:43pm

Rent increases every year. N food.

  • 21st May 2024 10:01am

For me the insurance premium was high so i increased my excess level and tried to reduce the premiums

  • 16th May 2024 01:22am

Try to buy own brand products from supermarkets with more affordable prices and buy seasonal fruits and vegetables that are produced, always the most accessible for your recipes and make homemade sweets and preserves, save electricity by unplugging household appliances from the socket that are not in use. always turn off the lights in places you are not try to iron all the clothes you have at once, add more clothes to be washed too, when you go shopping, make a list and a budget of what you are going to spend so as not to buy products superfluities without need and take more walks avoiding cars, as it is healthier and a significant saving per month on your bills
I hope I helped with my suggestions

  • 15th May 2024 07:58am

Very hard on a fixed budget. For me the key is not to feel deprived. So I try to allow myself rewards, which often come in the form of red wine! I could be anything though, such as a new item of clothing or a hair do. These are important for me because otherwise life becomes frugal in every way. I would like to start donating again, but giving is definitely problematic. I hope some will feel the taxation relief of the Federal Budget for 2024, however unfortunately pensioners are not going to get any benefit. I am disappointed about Jobseeker not being addressed. It’s very hard for young people who can’t find work.

  • 14th May 2024 01:51pm

The mortgage is definitely the biggest increase for us. Since the cost of living has gotten so high I am buying more in bulk and separating/freezing etc. I am buying more second hand items instead of new, and I have started to make much more from scratch in large amounts and freezing in portions.

  • 13th May 2024 12:37pm

We have had to cut back on entertainment quite significantly, less eating out and going for coffee, buying groceries on special, using simple low cost recipes, completing surveys to earn some extra money!

  • 14th May 2024 01:54pm
We have had to cut back on entertainment quite significantly, less eating out and going for coffee, buying groceries on special, using simple low cost recipes, completing surveys to earn some extra...

I agree! Lifestyle choices can make a huge impact on spending. For example, cancelling a few streaming subscriptions, and if able to, making recipes at home instead of getting Uber Eats/takeaway and if able to, walking/riding places instead of using the car can save households money.

  • 13th May 2024 12:08pm

price going up all food gas engery

  • 13th May 2024 12:07pm

just about paying the bills

  • 13th May 2024 12:06pm

just getting the rihgt pricde iam looking all around for work

  • 9th May 2024 12:54pm

Had to cut down on eating out, streaming subscriptions, entertainment, fitness memberships. Instead we cook more at home, prepare pack-lunch more often when going out, choose free outdoor entertainment or organise more house gathering instead of going out.

  • 9th May 2024 11:05am

Our mortgage is killing us slowly with the high interest rates. Like others, we've had to cut down on eating out and things like that. I have also done a lot of shopping around to try and get the best deals on insurances and utilities, plus cutting out TV subscriptions and sticking to Netflix only. I do shop at Aldi but I don't find everything I need there. It's great for coffee and things like washing powder, dishwasher powder etc - less than half the price of other supermarkets. You have to be careful not to get distracted by the middle aisle and spend more than you're intending!

  • 9th May 2024 10:54am

Supermarket food prices are crazy. Even buying a few items for a couple of meals seems to be $50+. I am just gonna stick to Aldi and cut down on Cafe visits and coffee as best I can. Not easy for me to do but every bit counts.

  • 7th May 2024 04:30pm

I've found myself cooking at home much more often as opposed to eating out at pubs/restaurants. Something i've found handy is using apps such as FuelCheck and WiseList which let me compare fuel/grocery prices.

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