Eco compost bags for food waste
Posted by: havalaugh
6th Dec 2024 08:29am
They are trying to force a new green waste (no compost bags) policy down our throats. The green waste which holds food/garden waste when l shifted here was very attractive to vermin as it only is emptied every fortnight and stank to high heaven in the hot summer months. It attracted cockroaches, rats, mice, and a rancid Odour. I researched the compost brand of bags that were suitable for breaking down in the compost. And due to the company that administers breakdown of the compost not wanting us to use the compost bags. The councils are giving in to their demands. And now they want us to just throw food back into the bin without hygienic means and go back to the disgusting living conditions that most are currently unhappy about. As they don’t have to live with garbage dissolving in the heat and setting off gases in two weeks. Stinking out our neighbourhoods.
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Comments 2
This is a valid point. I like your passion, and as already said, should be expressed in a forum that can make actual change. I’ve resorted to composting certain items straight into the garden bed, I tend to avoid the green waste bin.
Personally, I would talk to your local councillor and get the issue onto the council meeting. Then attend the meeting and say your piece. It would be good to provide photos of the problem and written statements from people in your neighbourhood of how it affects their quality of life, even start a petition so the council has to address the issue and come up with a better solution.
One of your questions at the council meeting could be why they don't support the compost bags? Is there a conflict of interest where the Mayor or a councillor is friends or has a relationship with a company who opposes them?
What are the council policies going forward for being more sustainable and environmental around garbage disposal by householders?