Bin diving for 10c containers
Posted by: Scott 31231694
6th Nov 2024 10:47am
What are your thoughts on public bin diving or going through the neighbourhood on bin night.
I personally go to local parks, after weekends at night times and go through the bins, with gloves on, getting 10c containers. Making a good hundred dollars a week.
I personally go to local parks, after weekends at night times and go through the bins, with gloves on, getting 10c containers. Making a good hundred dollars a week.
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Comments 2
It isn't something I would personally do. I would never intrude on my neighbours and look in their bins.
My family don't create any 10c container rubbish in our house. We live a minimalist lifestyle where we are thoughtful about what be buy and consume. It would be great if more people thought more about what they consume. Going through a recycle bin in the neighbourhood or park isn't helping as they are already going to recycling, however if you are going through the general waste bin and getting these 10c containers out, then that does reduce landfill.
Scott 31231694
I placed this topic under environment as taking containers away from landfill does help the environment.