
Nuclear power


Posted by: khushi

3rd Jul 2024 05:07pm

In future, we are relying solely on nature to provide us with renewable energy by solar panels and wind turbines only? However, the nature is quite fickle and with the changing climate, sometime it is days when there is no sun or wind. What shall we be doing then since there won't be any backup power from coal or gas? We export uranium to the rest of the world. Shouldn't we be considering using some of it ourselves?

Comments 2

  • 12th Jul 2024 12:46pm

I say keep the Uranium in the ground and view nuclear energy as negative. I believe green hydrogen needs to be considered as an option and further developed. There are also sources such as hydro, biomass, geothermal, wave along with wind and solar that you mentioned. I am sure scientists will find a viable and safe solution in the near future without Australia going down the nuclear energy path.

  • 11th Jul 2024 07:31pm

there is a lot of hype and mistrust about nuclear reactors because of problems with overseas reactors because of ill management and lack of proper control. while the dangers of mismanagement can be severe, they also provide a reliable source of power which many countries are now using. solar and wind might be cheaper to set-up, but maintenance and replacement costs, including batteries, make it an unreliable option. ok for residential and some small businesses, but not viable for nation wide energy production, especially if the country goes all electric vehicles .

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