Do dogs know days of the week?
Posted by: Taj
30th Jul 2024 09:21am
The reason I ask is that our Beagle seems to know when it's the weekend. Every morning, I get up and make my coffee, following the same routine seven days a week. However, on weekends, our Beagle gets up and follows me around because it's my turn to take him for a walk, and I like to do it first thing in the morning.
How does he know it's the weekend? I'm usually the first one awake every day, and my morning routine of making coffee and watching the news is consistent.
Interesting to hear people's thoughts.
How does he know it's the weekend? I'm usually the first one awake every day, and my morning routine of making coffee and watching the news is consistent.
Interesting to hear people's thoughts.
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Comments 4
My cleaner comes once a fortnight on a Monday. Somehow my two dogs know exactly which day she is coming. Maybe it is my routine for preparing for her which alerts them such as gathering their toys up and putting the baskets out on the patio. The excited barking begins as if they are asking if they have the right day. Maybe it is my moving some furniture. But around half an hour before her arrival they become very excited because they know they get a special treat when she arrives - a twisted collagen stick each to eat outside while she cleans inside. Even if I move their toys out or shift furniture on other days, they do not get excited. Boris and Sheba definitely know the cleaner's day.
They know routine and get used to it. They know when to expect someone home from work because it's probably to do with how bored and lonely they are at home alone. They do look forward to having their leader and pack come home.
Doggies can pick up on any slight change in the routine. It could be that you don't have a shower or you put your shoes on at a slight different time, or way. You may give little dog a little longer pat, but you don't realise it.... They are 'looking' out for notification that it is about to become all about them! We rarely pick up on their body language, but they know and understand ours.
I don’t have an answer for you, but growing up our dogs knew the weekdays. When we were at school my mum would walk our dogs to the bus stop in the afternoon to pick us up. And at 3:15 they would go and wait at the door ready. You would think it was because we weren’t home but on days we were sick or it was a student free days the dogs would still go to the front door and wait, but didn’t bother on weekends