Sports & recreation

Olympics hosting .. is it worth the large financial cost?

Sports & recreation

Posted by: Caperteewaratah

25th Jul 2024 07:10am

Discussion presently is around the costs associated with hosting Olympics. Many countries are not offering their locations due to high financial outlay for buildings .. security, transport, maintenance of venue post event and other costs.
Some have also cited the financial outcome has left them in debt.
Maybe the Olympics has run out of favour.
We are seeing other problems such as drugs, violence and post event crippling debts.
Is it just a celebration for the wealthy and elite athletes, or does it encourage young people to participate in sport for good health outcomes?

Comments 2

  • 18th Aug 2024 05:19pm

I feel Paris has reaped benefits and rewards from the Olympic Games just held. It was a wonderful marketing tool for them to showcase their culture.

I agree, some countries could not afford to host the games and would no reap the benefits afforded to such a large and desirable location like France and Paris.

I do see the games as having a positive influence on the community and promoting sports participation. I am sure there are quite a few children who have discovered a sport and now are keen to participate and even aspire to be a future Olympian. Good luck to them.

  • 8th Aug 2024 05:07pm

It's a bloated money pit. The ill advised Brisbane 2032 bid became Palaszczuk's obsession, and she paid the price for it. It's good only for budget blowouts, massive disruption before, especially during and afterwards.
At least the insane 'gabba rebuild has been stopped.
Has anyone else noticed how quiet the media has been on the Brisbane games of late? It's like the IOC have realized just how much on the nose the wretched spectacle is.

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