Arts & Humanities

LGBTIQA+ in Asian Countries

Arts & Humanities

Posted by: Taumoor Ababakar

18th Jul 2024 10:18am

What do u guys think do all the Asain countries must except the LGBTIQA+ community and provide their freedom of rights mostly islamic countries. because they believe that it against of nature.

Comments 2

  • 4th Sep 2024 12:27pm

Why are you isolating Islamic faith from it, look at Russia look at Poland, look at hard core Catholics how they will never accept it, hard core orthodox will never accept it so why only point one religion over other and yes, there was only man and woman and they produce babies when mix together, woman and woman can never produce babies without man, keep your love for yourself why are you forcing it constantly over and over, do what you want lice who you want but stop this agenda forcing upon us.

Le Dieu
  • 26th Jul 2024 01:42pm

People should accept it because it’s only love? And not a love that’s harmful or wrong, and if we truly are using the argument “ against nature “ then people need to have a hard look around them and see how most things around us, most man made are against nature, and a lot are actually actively harming nature.

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