Social Media under 16 ban in Australia
Posted by: Beej
30th Nov 2024 09:21am
The Australian government recently passed a bill to ban the use of social media for under 16 year olds.
Without much research is this a good or bad idea?
Without much research is this a good or bad idea?
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Comments 2
It is better to ban it. Social media has been doing damage for around 15 years to young people. My own daughter was anxious, bullied and suicidal due to social media. She had a sport related teacher try to groom her on social media. The content is not appropriate for younger children. It doesn't work telling them to stop using it. I was annoyed and upset that social media had such a negative effect on my child growing up and feel that regulations and restrictions should have been brought in years ago, as no one protected my child. The changes only came about then Tanya Plibersek's own daughter had issues and problems related to social media and its harm and influence on young people. I'd suggest governments make the rules before allowing anything new. Vapes are another example.
I think that no action is worst than action in this case. The kids are far more techy techy and can run rings around the rest of us. There will always be those that break the rules. But I hope this will save a few young lives.