Technology & Online

How have your video streaming purchasing habits changed?

Technology & Online

Posted by: ozziekhoo

23rd May 2024 02:27pm

With the arguable general decline in the quality of content, the scattering of content across different services as well as non-stop price increases and introduction of advertisements, have you maintained your video streaming subscriptions or are you cutting down (or increasing?!)?

Comments 55

  • 26th Aug 2024 10:49am

We use to have a few different streaming services including Paramount, Disney, Stan, Amazon & Netflix. Now because of the price of everything we only have Amazon and a free Netflix that we got through AGL. It has ads but only one or two each show. So not particularly a big thing. You can have two people using at the same time as well. So a win for everyone. I definitely didn’t want to pay $18.99 per month ad free. I also like Amazon as it cost about $10 a month which I feel is okay. With this you can also get free delivery for goods through Prime and free music. So are happy with this. Every little bit we can save the better for us in the long run.

  • 23rd Aug 2024 03:15pm

one word. Stremio

  • 21st Aug 2024 02:48am

Increasing as i love sport and cant get everything on regular tv.

  • 20th Aug 2024 05:11pm

I can't find enough to be bothered with on 'normal' TV.

  • 20th Aug 2024 03:12pm

Cant' see the sense in it. The only stream I know has water in it!!

  • 19th Aug 2024 02:30pm

I don't stream.

  • 19th Aug 2024 10:38am

No, my habits have not changed. I am connected to NBN FTTN, and therefore the speed does not permit this function to operate in a timely manner and mobile devices do not work in my area unless you are prepared to stand in the street for good reception.

  • 18th Aug 2024 10:05am

My husband pays a yearly subscription of one for my birthday every year, pays another, and I receive another through my mobile account.
We stream all three through the loungeroom and parents bedroom televisions, as well as personal devices- mobiles, tablets, laptop and PC, at home and on the go, and with twin 7 year olds, both doing different sports, it gives one some down time while the other is playing sport, particularly through winter. (Also a blessing if one has an appointment, and the other waits with me outside).
By the way, my kids and I are also avid readers...

Hubby and I are on different sleep schedules, so I get relief from his snoring by putting my headphones in and watching something, usually a TV series, as this gives me something to continuously watch, and not have to look for something.

Content wise... You can't blame the providers for what is being produced these days.
In a world that seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, unfortunately some of the content is following.

If you don't like action movies, don't watch them. They will, by definition of the genre, contain big, over blown scenes where yes, people may die, race, gender, physical stature all disregarded.
Always try to remember that in fiction, these movies or episodes are designed to entertain. If you aren't being entertained, chose something else...
Romance too romantic for real life?
It's not real life!
Drama too dramatic to be real?
It's not real!
Don't like it?
Don't watch it!

The problem with an over sensitive, over politically correct world that we are moving into, is that people will complain, and be offended by anything and everything, especially if they can get on their soapbox about it.

Yes, the cost is rising, (it ain't going down anytime soon, either) but as many here have said - they simply cut their subscriptions.
Don't like the content? Do the same.

We struggle- very often hubby says that it'll be what has to go next, but he has yet to pull the plug.

He is in sales, so a big part of his job is commission based, he upped his game to ensure that he could do his very best to always hit target, to maintain his income.
I have two jobs, a business I am a sole trader in, (currently unable to work in due to injury), and another job in disability services. As soon as I was injured, I was lucky enough to increase my hours with them, which subsidised my lack of other income.
We put in the effort to maintain our lifestyle, but you can bet your bottom dollar, that if I ever got to a financial situation again, like I was in before I got my second job, (hubby insists that our finances except our combined debt, eg mortgage are kept separate. He pays for his things, I pay for mine and most of the kids), subscriptions, eating out, are certainly sacrifices I'd make before the (very) occassional, costly activity eg movies or ten-pin... Heck... We only go on one holiday a year, and that's usually the kids and I with my Mum, in country, through her holiday club points. Hubby rarely takes time away because he would miss out on commission.

We all make sacrifices for what we want in life. If that means I pay so my kids can watch what they want on (monitered) subscription services so I can sleep in a little on the weekend, so be it.

(And I loathe ads, which is another reason I pay... Add ads? I leave immediately, just as I did with Austar all those years ago)!

  • 17th Aug 2024 05:16pm

We have never had a paid video streaming service as we wouldn't use it, and it would be a waste of money. We watch live TV, public free streaming from our local TV networks and we record shows to watch at a later date. I therefore don't know how they may have declined or about their price increases. I do however know there are too many of them around which of course equates to the scattering of content you mentioned. They introduced ads so people pay more to not see them. The ads and people paying to avoid them make them the revenue they need to keep being able to operate.

  • 16th Aug 2024 11:36am

I just heard this morning that Disney is arguing that a streaming t and c means that that clients sign away their suing rights for problems caused in Disney Parks.

This seems wrong, mean, and in bad faith.

  • 16th Aug 2024 11:30am

I tend to keep my favourite, and cycle through the others. So l generally am paying for 2, with one of them often discounted.

I set them both to cancel at the end of the month pretty much as soon as I pay for the month. So, over 12 months, I've not paid for about a fortnight.

Still trying to nickel and dime this, while still indulging a little.

  • 15th Aug 2024 02:07pm

Mine havent i have one and get all i need from that so thats way i go . Can watch most movies i like and show and is enough for me .

  • 15th Aug 2024 11:11am

I have limited myself to just one service

  • 15th Aug 2024 07:09am

The decline in content, increase in price and increased rules I have cut back on streaming services. Netflix wouldn't even work if I was in the other end of my appartment. I have kept spotify but it is on the boarder of not being worth it. Serives such as disney plus, prime and crunchyroll I share with my family and contribute 1/4 of the bill to make it more affordable, my family would not use these services if they had the household rule that Netflix is impossing. Overall this had led to less TV in general, I find myself reaching for a book or heading outside.

  • 14th Aug 2024 03:24pm

I don’t have a streaming service, not that I wouldn’t like or use it, just that it is another expense I can do without. So it is just free to air for me.

  • 13th Aug 2024 07:45pm

We have had Foxtel for years and I only watch one thing on there now but have to wait for the next season next year. The show used to be on Netflix so why it went to Foxtel, no idea. Hubby watches his sport and a few shows. I prefer Netflix as I watch so many series on that and then movies. My list is so long and I just don't have a lot of time to watch them as I do have my shows on Free to Air to watch. Usually get back on to the Netflix on the weekend. We have had Prime or Stan sometimes as a trial but nothing on there to actually interest us.

  • 13th Aug 2024 02:58pm

I do agree that there has been a definite general decline in the quality of content. I have been a subscriber of Netflix (and only Netflix) for several years and it used to be so much better. There used to be so many new releases and now I find myself having a hard time finding anything to watch. I am still with Netflix at the moment but I'm contemplating cancelling my subscription because of the constant price increases and lack of variety and low quality of the content being brought out. I have to be more mindful of how I am spending my money due to the rise in costs of just about everything.

  • 12th Aug 2024 04:53pm

I've never used them, I find enough to watch on free to air.

  • 12th Aug 2024 04:32pm

I don't have a streaming subscription. Free to Air all the way!!

  • 12th Aug 2024 03:54pm

Thinking seriously of cutting down the ones I don't use regularly.
I do like to have them there just in case, however they are getting too expensive.

  • 12th Aug 2024 03:51pm

We use to have a few different streaming services including Paramount, Disney, Stan, Amazon & Netflix. Now because of the price of everything we only have Amazon and a free Netflix that we got through AGL. It has ads but only one or two each show. So not particularly a big thing. You can have two people using at the same time as well. So a win for everyone. I definitely didn’t want to pay $18.99 per month ad free. I also like Amazon as it cost about $10 a month which I feel is okay. With this you can also get free delivery for goods through Prime and free music. So are happy with this. Every little bit we can save the better for us in the long run.

  • 10th Aug 2024 07:46pm

I have Foxtel but now that it is being sold the price will most likely go up so I will have to rethink if I really need it.

  • 9th Aug 2024 08:16pm

As I am on a disability pension, I can't afford any subscription services. I make use of my local library and borrow dvds. It may be old fashioned but it certainly saves me a lot of money.

  • 9th Aug 2024 04:42pm

I only have two video streaming subscriptions, one of which is underutilised, as Jbag has quite correctly, witnessed among friends and acquaintances.

I should seriously consider dumping the one I don’t use much.

I don’t know of anyone who is increasing their subscriptions, the only thing that might compel me to take on additional subscription would be if I had children, I would be looking to add a service that screened predominantly, child friendly shows; would that be Disney??? Anyway, I would have to justify the additional cost…otherwise you might add a subscription to mirror what your friends are watching… for the inevitable debrief. 😊

  • 9th Aug 2024 03:17pm

I don't and I won't subscribe to any streaming services. I don't even plug in the TV! There is a cost of living crisis in Australia brought on by the ridiculous energy policies of the current and previous Australian governments. A streaming service subscription is the first thing to go for many people. From what I can see at the homes of friends and relatives who do subscribe, streaming service subscriptions are an expensive waste of time and money.

  • 9th Aug 2024 11:21am

Having subscriptions are definitely a privilege, I put my money into them purely for the ad free viewing, if they introduce adverts I'm out. I do like that they allow you to schedule your own programming. Free to air is getting better at this and catch up channels are almost as good, bar the adverts. I used to have 3 subs; Netflix/Binge/Disney. However, I dropped Netflix when the content started to dwindle and prices went up. Disney is kept only because the subscription payment is shared between the two of us and used frequently. And Binge was a quick subscription to watch one series of interest. I think the biggest problem people have with the services when complaining about cost is that they just leave the subscription running automatically even when not using it, instead of saving money by manually subbing when they are actually wanting to use it. I know multiple people who have subscriptions and don't use them year round, or at least very infrequently over the warmer months.

  • 8th Aug 2024 11:57pm

I have reduced my viewing habits of things and just waiting for them to be available to download. I am not in a rush to watch something right there and then. Its beginning to become expensive so cuts here and there are needed to ensure that you still live the life you want to without having to spend that extra more on things that you could live without.

  • 8th Aug 2024 09:29pm

I don't have any subscriptions for video streaming. Thereis enough to watch on FREE TV channels.

  • 8th Aug 2024 02:23pm

I must admit to being an avid binge watcher and at 74 that's no mean feat for me. I am becoming more selective and love my freebie ABC iView and SBS on Demand, but have favourite shows which are only available through Prime and Acorn TV and I can't do without my Britbox. I have had Disney+ in the past and Foxtel but had to be a bit selective due to my limited entertainment budget and must admit I binge watched myself out on those. I only pay $24 for my best 3 and that gives me a whole month of watching pleasure.

  • 8th Aug 2024 02:00pm

I am definitely having to cut down on subscriptions as prices increase. It just isnt feasible to keep paying for upwards of five streaming services when the companies that run them decide to double their prices, bjut reduce content. It's upsetting because it means I'm missing out on some of the shows I used to watch regularly!

  • 7th Aug 2024 10:07pm

I have never had a paid subscription to any of these but I do have the free Fetch from Telstra , although I must say, I hardly use it.

  • 7th Aug 2024 04:55pm

Never had a subscription. Too busy with family, friends and strangers outside. Too busy to stay indoors clued to ????

  • 6th Aug 2024 07:14pm

I have maintained my subscriptions but am about to look at them seriously with a view to cancelling memberships. I think the quality has declined since I excitedly joined up. So many shows are the same now, just set in a different country. Too many are gratuitously violent and often feature so many despicable people that I wonder if there are ordinary decent people left in the world. So many people seem to be out to make money without genuine work and kill people who disagree with them without a thought to the reality of death. They are so casual in the way they cut off a life. Some of the streaming platforms raise their prices without warning or notification. I thought Netflix was going to offer me a cheaper alternative if I accepted ads. They may well be going to do tjhis but it appears that as I did n't respond I am now actually paying more than I signed up for, for the same service. Never saw that coming.

  • 6th Aug 2024 06:40pm

I only have two streaming services on the go as it is too expensive and I find there is enough to watch on just one. If Netflix keeps going up, will get rid of that and get a cheaper one

  • 6th Aug 2024 03:15pm

So pleased that I don't subscribe to any of these. There is enough "choice" on free to air TV along with those I have recorded to watch later.

  • 6th Aug 2024 02:48pm

yes maintaining my netfliz account

  • 6th Aug 2024 02:47pm


  • 6th Aug 2024 02:47pm


  • 6th Aug 2024 12:40pm

I now only subscribe to KAYO to get live coverage of Formula 1 and Australian Supercars.

  • 6th Aug 2024 12:14pm

The prices are going up and the content increasing in volume and getting less in quality. The vast majority produced follows preset formats based on prejudices to give the impression of how the world is which is false. Always negative and full of people who have issues and are victims. The one character who is not victim and gets things done ,they are evil.
I may add the old fashioned show where the heroes out, fights adversity and triumphs still gets the ratings not the previously described woke agenda.
Go woke go broke.

  • 5th Aug 2024 10:29pm

Can' afford it money wise and time wise, got better things to do.

  • 5th Aug 2024 09:07pm

I used to always have Netflix then would alternate other providers. But now I've gotten rid of Netflix, and I just Alternate to who's got the best deal

  • 5th Aug 2024 09:07pm

I used to always have Netflix then would alternate other providers. But now I've gotten rid of Netflix, and I just Alternate to who's got the best deal

  • 5th Aug 2024 12:10pm

No change I don't stream as there is so much on free to air for my entertainment.

  • 4th Aug 2024 08:03pm

I have cut down! And now even with a smaller selection I’m struggling to find things I want to watch in the little time I have.

the rack
  • 4th Aug 2024 07:58pm

I have cut back and only resubscribe when I am offered a special deal for the promotional time period specified. If there is a new season of a favourite show that comes out, I will wait until all episodes have dropped before I resubscribe and then binge the season and anythinhg else I've been waiting to see in the promotional time period then unsubscribe again. So basically I'm happy to watch free catch up TV while waiting for new streamed material before pouncing.

  • 4th Aug 2024 04:17pm

Dont have any now that cost of living is problematic. Had Foxtel didnt use it much, too many ads and I can see all I want on free to air TV

  • 4th Aug 2024 02:57pm

at the moment still have my streaming services but considering of either reducing the size of the package or cancelling

  • 3rd Aug 2024 06:50pm

I can not believe, the strap that Netflix is trying to fill their platform with. So I’ll be cancelling ASAP. Also, I love Foxtel, but seriously, $30 for a new release? Imagine how many streams they would get if it was $7. But thirty dollars. What a joke. And you don’t even own it! You only can watch it within twenty four or forty eight hours.

  • 4th Aug 2024 02:58pm
I can not believe, the strap that Netflix is trying to fill their platform with. So I’ll be cancelling ASAP. Also, I love Foxtel, but seriously, $30 for a new release? Imagine how many streams they...

you can go to the movies for less than $30 would be much better option

Riorita 1
  • 3rd Aug 2024 06:22pm

I use my sons Netflix but we are thinking of getting another and sharing both

  • 2nd Aug 2024 04:54am

I am not sure if this situation is what you were looking for but I have a not-for-profit project which I have run for some 15 years. It had its own Facebook page for me to keep in touch with sponsors and to inform people how we were spending their donations on a village volunteer school and kindergarten in Bali to help impoverished children. However, when Covid hit we had to close them and the landowner took possession of all our buildings which is legal in Bali. We have been unable to get them back and so could not continue. META still pesters me despite my requesting the page is removed from its listing as a 'business' and there was no response when i asked for all the rubbish, scams and efforts to catfish appearing daily, to be removed. I was also receiving demands from META that I owed for advertising - something I had never requested. I now just refuse to even open that page as at 60 years of age and four major surgeries in the past year, I am struggling on a pension and cannot even afford to return to Bali after my last effort a year ago to get our school operating again. The small amount of money left in our bank account was allocated to individual families.

  • 1st Aug 2024 03:16pm

Initially I was very excited as there was many hours of entertainment by subscribing to a streaming service enjoying great 4K content and series that I would not have been made if not for the streaming services.
But nowadays with all the video streaming services price rises and along with the ever increasing cost of living, my streaming novelty is starting to wear off lately...especially with the unwanted inclusive advertising of late.
Streaming was great around five years ago when the price was reasonable and services like Netflix had the majority of the content that was worth watching without having to sign up to half a dozen different streaming services.
I think that most of the streaming services are not quite worth the price of late, I understand that all businesses need to make a profit but it really seems that a lot of them might be turning a lot of customers away.
At the end of the day the convenience of streaming may not be worth the price for a lot of consumers and I wouldn't be at all surprised if a lot of them start returning to donning the eyepatch and sailing the high seas (torrenting).
But having said that, it looks like streaming services are here to stay . . I can’t see any logical way that demand for streaming services will decline. I expect there will be some industry consolidation but the convenience factor is just way too high for most people who can afford.
They were very cheap at the start, and quality of delivery has improved (4K, UHD,HDR etc), however I don't fancy the idea being subjected to a streaming service with ads.

  • 31st Jul 2024 05:36pm

I am very upset when I pay a monthly fee & have to wait every week to view shows. I want to watch when I want
I’m thinking of getting rid of a couple of my steaming services a lot of money for inferior content.

  • 14th Jul 2024 11:56am

I only have two subscriptions and free to air TV. And of the two I really use one (90%) more than the other so I guess I could easily drop one. At the moment it's tolerable, but if they keeping hiking their price, they could easily find themselves kicked to the kerb.

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