Christmas and New Year's Eve parties
Posted by: site77
22nd Nov 2024 08:12am
Have you started planning or shopping for Christmas and end-of-year parties?
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Comments 3
We have several friend groups that don't overlap so we got to planning dates back in August. December weekends are fully booked out now. We usually don't have parties really, just a nice lunch (pot luck or cafe) or a picnic.
Only the children (oldest is 4) get gifts, except for one group that always wants to do that awful 'stealing santa' kris kringle game. I hate that one, always have people who don't put any effort in. So shopping for all the presents has been done, but I am usually asked to bring a salad - we try and buy fresh. It's pretty rough doing grocery shopping the few days before christmas, but I try to stick to non-traditional salads so I don't have to fight people over the popular produce!
I have all non-perishable items of food. It is very minimal as we don't over consume. I only bought them last week mainly from Aldi. This is for Christmas day lunch.
We don't do end of year parties. Generally, Christmas is wasteful and needless spending and people need to realise they aren't in competition with other people and be a lot more thoughtful.
No to shopping, yes to planning or at least thinking about it.