Global Warming
Posted by: Trina32082520
1st Jun 2021 08:31pm
How do you feel about global warming?
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Comments 5
Climate warming or climate change is caused by the earth heating and cooling only a small amount by mankind
We need in Australia to use our minerals and coal for export we need this to keep our country with a strong growth to build infrastructure and keep jobs we also new to use nuclear power generation
The global activist need to understand that Australia is not a polluter like China and India
I think it’s super important for us to put the climate crisis above all else, cause without that, there will be no Earth for us to do everything else on.
I know global warming is real and it makes sense if you think about it. for every shady tree that is cut down we replace it with either pastures that require chemical to control 24/7 or roads, all of which create heat and changes in our atmosphere. People won't get smart enough to stop these practices until it is too late :(
I am extremely worried about global warming the environment is all we have we all should be looking after it I believe chemicals and pesticides are a major factor I never use them
Scott 31231694
I am truly shit scared about global warming. We were told in the 1960s and 60 years later we are still in denial. I hope automation and BEV cars will slow down the impact. Aswell the rise of the backyard gardener will help ease the food problem we have. There is so much to talk about!