The latest news from Cafestudy

What annoys you the most about advertising?

The latest news from Cafestudy

Posted by: Caféstudy

31st May 2013 03:44pm

There are many ways in which advertising can annoy you. Too loud, too long, too repetitive, too confusing and unclear, too in your face, too much of it......the list goes on.
So out of all these possible irritants - what is THE most annoying thing about advertising? We asked some of you what you thought, and the contenders for the title are as follows:

1. Adverts that are trying too hard – overcomplicated adverts leaving you confused as to what exactly is being advertised and what the whole point of the ad is.
2. Patronising adverts – also annoying is the other extreme; adverts that seem to treat you as if you are only able to understand basic simple messages and humour.

3. Intrusion – door knockers, telephone calls, ‘pushy’ people in shopping centres trying to sell you something. And ads popping up when you are trying to read something online or access a website.

4. Dishonest and insincere adverts – something for free? Yeah, right.....

But the clear winner is......

5. Repetition!The same annoying messages, tunes and images over and over and over again. Even if you liked them to start with, the sheer frequency of hearing or seeing them eventually drives you mad. But do you remember these ads? Oh yes - of course! And isn’t that the whole point of advertising?

  • 5th Jul 2013 10:49am

Thats why I LOVE the show called the checkout on the abc !
